The Paradise Box Set

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The Paradise Box Set Page 43

by Pike, Leslie

  Steven’s the last to arrive. Bliss and Nicki were already sitting when we got here. Finn gives Esme the signal to bring Kizzy over. I see her walk back into the truck. In a few seconds, they’re making their way toward the table. Kizzy still hasn’t seen the party hat wearing revelers. She’s too busy talking to Esme, who is just waiting for her to look up. Finally Esme stops and points to us. Kizzy looks up at the happy scene and starts laughing.

  “Oh my God!” she says.

  Jack takes the lead, in the group sing-along.

  “Happy birthday to you…”

  The crowd joins in, and we serenade our friend in an off-key rendition of the birthday song. When it mercifully ends, Kizzy claps and holds her arms out in thanks.

  “I love you all! That was beautiful!”

  “You’re a liar, we sounded like shit. But we love you too, Kizzy girl,” Jack says.

  The rest of the lunch goes by much too quickly. We reminisce about the funny things that have happened over the course of filming. They’re stories we’ll be repeating for years to come. People are taking pictures with their cells, and by the time cake is served, we all have phone albums of memories to take back home with us. Finn leans over to me and whispers.

  “We need to go talk with the Prop Master. I’ll get Vinnie to stay near Esme. Come on.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I’ve decided to give Kizzy her birthday present later, when we’re alone. I didn’t want to be the only one bringing out a gift, and really it’s between her and me. I took care with the wrapping, and it does look beautiful. Bright yellow cellophane, tied with a wide satin purple bow. I can’t believe how long it took me to decide on those colors. It was as if I was wrapping a gift for the Queen. But Kizzy has done so much for me, and I want her to know her artistic nature rubbed off. Now it sits in the back of Finn’s car, waiting to be presented.

  There’s only one remaining scene to be filmed. We’re just about to begin. Thank God it’s almost a wrap, and at the same time how depressing. Both of those thoughts take up space in my mind today. I’m glad to be leaving Park City, if there’s a chance Kevin has found me. But I’m sad this experience is coming to an end. When I think of who I was eight weeks ago, I realize how much I’ve changed. I’m stronger in almost every way. St. Jude watched over me, and did more than that. I touch my medal and thank him for his mercies.

  The best news of the day was that Kizzy’s offered me a job on her next film. She’s going to be Wardrobe on the HBO series Bliss wrote. The fact that it’s a story of Finn’s parents’ lives is astounding. All the puzzle pieces of life seem to fit together. It doesn’t film for another five months, so I’m going to be staying with Kizzy in Los Angeles, until we go on location to San Francisco. That will give me time to figure out my next moves and file my divorce papers. After the series, I’ll be able to rent an apartment, if I can find a roommate.

  I know what I feel for Finn is real. It’s the most genuine emotion I’ve ever felt. But I need to see if he’s as sure about us as I am. And the only thing that will prove it is time. I can see how a movie set can alter a person’s perception of attraction and love. It’s romantic, and fun, and you’re thrown together in a false intimacy. Now will be the time for us to see if it carries beyond this charmed setting. I know it will for me. I pray it will for Finn. I want my first real love to be my last.

  As Kizzy and I were returning from lunch, I saw Finn and Paul talking with the Prop Master. He waved Jack over, and they were having a lengthy conversation. I wonder what that was about? Now, as I leave Wardrobe, after our final fitting, I see Finn and Paul coming my way.

  “Look what we got,” says Finn.

  He’s carrying two of the set radios, and Paul has a third.

  “What’s that for?” I say.

  “Just a precaution. I asked props to loan us these for our trip tomorrow. We can communicate with just a touch of the button.”

  “You’ll have to show me how they work.”

  “I will tonight. I’m done with my AA meetings here, so we’ll have plenty of time. It’s no big deal. Very simple.”

  “What did Jack have to do with things?”

  “He had to vouch for me. They had to have the Executive Producer give his ok. It was like I was asking for the keys to Fort Knox. They’re anal about accounting for every radio and prop gun.”

  Paul puts out his hands.

  “Here, give ’em to me. I’ll toss them in the car, so we don’t have to carry them all day.”

  He gathers the radios and takes off for the car.

  “I’m about to shoot my last scene. Want to come watch?” Finn says.

  “Yeah, I’m free until the shot’s done. Then we just have to collect all of the wardrobe, and we’re finished. I’m kind of sad about that, though.”

  Finn wraps me in his arms.

  “Don’t be sad. The next chapter of our story’s going to be just as beautiful. You’ll see.”

  * * *

  The last scene at the Rectory is one of the most moving of the film. Father Kolda is saying goodbye to Sister Letitia. They’ve been through hell together, and they’ve both survived the psychotic Father Adrian. Although deeply committed to their religious callings, there’s no denying the attraction they feel. Sister Letitia is back in her habit, her blonde hair now covered, and all signs of immodesty gone. Father Kolda’s collar is back, white and starched. But he won’t forget what it felt like to hold her. He’s moving on to his next assignment, in another state. She’s going back to her cloistered world. They’re not likely to ever see each other again.

  As they say goodbye, Father Kolda takes hold of her hand. It’s as intimate as a kiss. He holds on to it and just looks into her eyes. A single tear runs down her face, as she squeezes his hand. Then he slowly lets go, turns, and walks away. The camera holds on Sister Letitia’s eyes, as they follow him until he’s just a memory.

  “And CUT!” Steven says.

  All of us watching start clapping and yelling our approval. It was so powerful.

  “That’s picture, everyone. That’s a wrap. Thank you all,” says Steven.

  Finn and BB have so many people around them, I stand back. I’ll congratulate him later, in my own way. I see Jack turn his cell back on, and it reminds me to do mine. When it powers on, I see I’ve got a voice message. I listen. When I hear Kevin’s voice, it blocks everything else from my awareness.

  “I just want you to know, I don’t give a shit where you are anymore. I’ve wasted enough time, you whore. I heard that guy answer your phone. Didn’t think I’d find your number did you? So go fuck him. He’s probably some little mouse of a guy, with a little dick. Has he found out what a lousy lay you are? Me, I’m here in Vegas, baby. Spending your money. Yeah that’s right, I sold all your shit, and I’m spending the money on hookers. You’re paying for my blowjobs. Hey girls, say hello to my wife.”

  I hear two women giggling and laughing.

  “Hi, wifey!” they say.

  The phone passes back to Kevin.

  “I’m not paying for a divorce, either. You do it, bitch. And don’t think you’re going to come back and get any of my money. Don’t come looking to get anything from me.”

  He hangs up. Oh my God! This is the most wonderful news. I run over to Paul, who stands a few feet from Finn and the crowd around him.

  “Paul, listen,” I say.

  I hand the cell to Paul, and wait for his reaction. His eyebrows rise in surprise. He points to the phone and mouths the word “Kevin?” I nod. I can’t stop smiling. I want to cry and yell, and jump up and down. I’m free! I’m safe.

  “This sounds good, Esme. He was definitely in a big casino. I could hear all the slots.”

  “That’s what he likes to play. Oh, Paul, I’m so happy!”

  I wrap my arms around him and give him a big hug. He’s thrown off guard for a moment, but quickly responds by returning my affection. Finn’s watching, and I can tell he’s stumped. I wave him
over. I don’t care if I’m interrupting his big moment. This is bigger. He makes his way through the crowd, to my side.

  “Why are you two so happy?”

  I press the message and hold it to his ear. His eyes react to Kevin’s voice, and then to what’s being said. Slowly, a smile lifts the corners of his mouth. Then he takes me in his arms and twirls me around.

  “Yes!” he says.

  “I can finally breathe.”

  The next couple of hours go by like ten minutes. It’s so good not to be watched over by my guardians. I love them both for their kindnesses, but damn it, it’s good to be on my own. I’m sure they feel the same. Finn took off to get out of wardrobe, and Paul’s making the rounds saying his goodbyes. We’re each loving being off leash. Meanwhile, Kizzy and I account for every piece of missing wardrobe, every watch, pair of eyeglasses, and every visor. Amazingly, it all comes together. Now all we have to do is spend half a day tomorrow, packing and labeling the garment bags. Then we’ll load the transport truck and be ready to leave Park City by the next morning. Most of the cast and crew will be gone by tomorrow night, but we’ll be spending one extra night. Finn said he has a special evening planned for us. Does he know every night spent with him is special? Now that I don’t have to be looking over my shoulder, I wish we could stay another week. He and I could explore all the things we were too busy working to see, or too cautious to risk going to. Here, in our last minutes on set, it’s like a love fest. There are hugs and kisses, and exchanges of cell numbers. Finally, the crowd begins to thin, until there are just a few teamsters, and the crew dismantling the set. Paul takes off with BB on his arm. I guess things are back on, because they look very happy together.

  “Ready?” Finn says.

  He takes my hand, as we walk to the car.

  “How’d you like your first film set?”

  “I’m always going to be replaying these days in my mind. Remembering the start of my happiness.”

  * * *

  I open my eyes and stretch my leg from under the warm bedding. I feel Finn stirring. He reaches an arm around my waist and brings my backside close to him. His body against mine is a feeling that defies description. Warm flesh and hard cock, would just about sum it up though.

  “What time is it?” I say.

  “Nine thirty.”

  I sit up.

  “Really? I’m supposed to be at Kizzy’s at ten! Shit.”

  “Take the car. I’m going to hang out here.”

  I pop out of bed and start gathering my clothes.

  “Wait! We can get in a quickie,” Finn says.

  “Sorry. I don’t even have time for a shower. I’m not going to be late on my last day.”

  He looks dejected, but doesn’t argue the point. As I dress, I see his hand go under the covers. He starts to stroke.

  “At least go slower. A man needs a minute, you know darlin’.”

  * * *

  There’s not one empty space in front of the hotel. With no one working today, there are more guests here than usual. So I pull around to the side and quickly see two available spots. I wheel in next to a Ford Explorer. When I get out, I drop my purse, and of course it’s upside down. The contents spill onto the ground, and under the car. Wouldn’t you know it? Whenever you’re pressed for time, everything works to slow you down.

  Walking down the hallway of the hotel, toward the Production offices, I see lots of action. The doors are all open, and there are cast and crew members everywhere. I can hear Kizzy’s voice coming from the Wardrobe room. When I get to the door and look in, I’m surprised to see all the bags are already packed and labeled.

  “Hi,” I say.

  Kizzy turns to me with a big smile.

  “I got my second wind last night. Everything’s done. I’m just handing things off to the Teamsters now, to load on the truck.”

  “I would have come to help. I wish you would have called.”

  “No, no. You’ve done a great job, Esme. I couldn’t have asked for a better assistant. Now you and Finn have the whole day to get ready for the trip tomorrow. Just go play.”


  “Yep, I’ll see you in the morning at eight. We’ll get on the road early.”

  I’m not about to change plans with Kizzy this late in the game. She’s counting on me to spot her driving. Paul and Finn will just have to follow us as planned.

  “Ok, if you’re certain you don’t need me. I think I’ll get a manicure and pedicure. Maybe I’ll get my hair blown out. We’re going to dinner tonight. But if you talk to Finn don’t tell him I left early. I want to surprise him.”

  It dawns on me that I haven’t given her the birthday gift yet.

  “I have your birthday present in the car. Want me to get it now? Or I could bring it tomorrow,” I say, hoping she takes the second option.

  “Tomorrow. It’ll make my birthday last longer. Go. Get out of here.”

  This is a great development. I’m not going to call Finn and tell him the news. He’ll try to talk me into coming back now. He’s probably still in bed with a hard on. Instead, I’ll spend the morning getting ready for the night. I want to look beautiful for him. All the way to the car, I’m visualizing what I’ll have done to my nails, and how I’ll have the stylist do my hair. Finn likes me best in my braid, but that’s not happening. Tonight I want to look sexy and sophisticated. More like a woman, less like a girl.

  I squeeze my body between Finn’s car, and the van that’s now parked next to it. They could have moved over a foot or so, but no they had to take up their space, and part of mine. Behind my back, I hear the side door of the van slide open.

  “Got you,” Kevin says.

  I turn my head, just in time to feel the electric shock of the taser.

  * * *

  My eyes open slowly, and my focus sharpens gradually. It’s so dark in here. I can make out I’m in the back of a windowless moving van. I can’t see who’s driving. It feels as if it’s navigating a winding road. What happened? What’s on my mouth? It starts to come back to me. I see Kevin’s face, and remember his words. I instantly begin to hyperventilate. But there’s tape across my mouth. I can’t take a deep breath. Calm down! Breathe normally! Oh my God, please help me! I’m on my stomach, hands tied behind my back. And my legs are tied at the ankles. I can’t control the tears that have begun to fall. My whole body is still trembling with the effect of the taser. I feel wet between my legs. Did I urinate? Oh God.

  I try to roll over. I must be inside the van that was parked next to me at the hotel. I can make out a loaded backpack, and what looks like a sled or wide snowshoe. There are boxes of ammunition. It looks like different calibers of ammunition. I’m familiar with Kevin’s guns. Visibly familiar. I never wanted to have anything to do with them. He liked that I was fearful. He’s obviously brought some of his weapons. Why?

  Is he going to shoot me?

  Where is he taking me?

  How will I get away?

  I try to move my hands to my back pocket. If I could just get to my phone, maybe I could punch 911. Then they could pinpoint where I am. But my phone’s gone. He took it. Of course he did.

  The van takes a wide turn, and now we’re on a bumpy road. If it’s a road at all. He’s going slowly, maybe five miles an hour. But I have nothing to hold on to, to steady myself. My body’s taking hard hits, every time we go over a bump, or dip in a rut in the road. I try to raise my head, to avoid the hard surface of the floor, but I can’t get it high enough. My chin connects with it every time. Then he hits the brakes, and I slide headfirst, right into a metal toolbox. He shuts off the motor. I hear his door open and feel the weight of the van shift, as he gets out. He’s walking to the back doors. He’s coming for me! What am I going to do?

  The doors open, and I’m momentarily blinded by the bright sun, shooting through a canopy of tall trees. I can make out the silhouette of Kevin in the door. I try to roll away from him, to the furthest corner of the van.

  “Where yo
u think you’re going?” he says.

  He jumps inside, flips me on my back and grabs my bound legs. I start kicking and doing whatever I can to avoid his touch. But it’s futile. It only pisses him off. Then I connect with his face.

  “Fucking bitch!”

  He drags me by my feet, to the edge of the open doors. He gets out, then pulls me right to the ground, in one angry jerk. I feel the trailer hitch on the back of the van, as it collides with my head. And then it all fades away.

  * * *

  “Wake up, you stupid whore!”

  I can hear Kevin’s voice from far away. He’s calling my name. I think I’m slumped in a chair. I can’t quite put things together. My head hurts so much. I bring a hand up and feel the large bump. Oh, my hand’s untied. So are my legs. That’s right. He found me. The van. The trailer hitch. My mouth is so dry and my lips are burning. He must have ripped the tape off. I touch my mouth and feel the sticky remnants.

  Then I’m shocked by the bucket of water thrown in my face. It almost takes my breath away.

  “Oh! Oh!”

  I hear Kevin laugh.

  “Oh! Oh!” he mimics my surprise and fear.

  I can see I’m inside a house. No, a cabin. Why is this so familiar? Things are fuzzy, but they’re beginning to get a little clearer. I’m aware enough to be terrified.

  “Did you really think you’d get away with it?” he says.

  I’ve got to try to engage him. It’s my only chance. Maybe I can buy some time.

  “No, I really didn’t. I was going to call you.”

  His face clouds with anger. He slaps me right across the face. Hard.

  “Call me? You must think I’m stupid. You were having the time of your life. I’ve been watching for weeks, you know. I saw you getting excited after you listened to that message.”


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