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The Paradise Box Set

Page 51

by Pike, Leslie

  “Baby, let’s get it on,” I say staying in character.

  He looks up and his mouth curves into a smile. With his left hand he grabs the blunt lying in the ashtray and puts it in his mouth. With the same hand he reaches for the lighter and fires it up. All the while his right hand has ahold of his dick, and he’s stroking the impressive length of it. He’s such an excellent multitasker. He knows I like that. Inhaling deeply, he holds the smoke in for a few moments. Then a thick vapor trails out from his mouth as he exhales. He pops his jaw to form a perfect smoke ring and then another.

  Without skipping a beat he loses the roach, hooks his hands under my knees, and pulls me to the edge of the table. My legs open in anticipation of what’s coming. A little chill runs up my spine. He teases the tip in, then the head. Here it comes. I steel myself.

  The music’s the perfect tempo for our lovemaking, for his rhythm. We’re banging to the beat, and the loose edge of the table’s hitting the wall in sync. Boom, boom, boom. Then a sudden loud knock on the door.

  “Miss BB, ten minutes to camera!”

  The cock-blocker outside the motorhome breaks our mood but not our will.

  “Keep going! Don’t you dare stop!” I command. But I don’t think he even heard the A.D. bark her order. He’s in the zone.

  Twenty minutes. I’m sure that was the fastest lovemaking session we’ve ever had. Damn career. If I could I’d reverse the daily schedule. We’d be fucking for ten hours and filming for two. My pussy throbs just thinking of the possibility. I’d soon be dead, impaled by the big one. We’re gluttons for each other, that’s a fact.

  “Toss me my pants,” Paul says. “They’re on the floor there.”

  He points to the puddle of fabric by the refrigerator. I do as asked and grab my bellbottoms hanging on the door. As I step into them I catch my reflection in the mirror. I look like a stoned wild woman. My hair is out-of-control curly, and my eyes bloodshot. Good thing I’m not wearing makeup in this next shot, because it would have been smeared across my face. We’re not the gentle, careful sex partners you see in the movies. We’re more the slam against the wall, take no prisoners pair.

  “Crap! My eyes look like hell.” I look at him. “Yours too.” My purse sits on the counter and I grab it and rummage through. “There’s Visine in here somewhere. The director’s going to have a shit fit if I show up like this.”

  I uncover the drops and make sure I squeeze in a few extra for good measure then toss the bottle to Paul.

  “Actually, being stoned would be in character. They were probably all stoned most of the time, right?” he says.

  I straighten the collar on his shirt, and he makes my fringe lie right.

  “I’m not sure Albie would see it that way, but you’ve got a point. Ready?”

  He gives me a little kiss, and he looks so delicious I can’t help but fall a little more in love in this moment.

  “Promise me something,” I say.


  “Let’s never change. Things are perfect in our world.” I run my hand through his thick dark hair.

  “Honey, that’s the one thing I can’t promise. Life’s made of change. But I can promise this. I’ll change with you. And wherever you go, I’ll go too.”

  “I should have phrased it differently. What I meant was don’t you ever change. I like you just the way you are. And I like myself just as I am too.”

  “Let’s not overanalyze. I love you and you love me. What else matters?”

  He opens the door of the motorhome and lets me pass. Gentleman. As we walk out, I see a woman with long wavy gray hair waiting a few yards away. She wears a colorful Indian tunic over her leggings, with Birkenstock sandals completing her look. Her personal style was found long ago and she stuck to it. As she stares at Paul and me, her whole face lights up, so I think she’s been waiting for us to exit. As soon as my feet touch the bottom step, she’s by my side.

  “If the motorhome is rockin’ don’t come a knockin’.”She laughs, and we can’t help but join her. “Hi, I’m Amelia.”

  I can see she knows the name will mean something to me. And as the lightbulb goes off in my head, she’s nodding I’m right.

  “Amelia! My Amelia? Finn’s aunt? Come here, honey, I want a hug!” I say.

  This request makes her happy, and she takes me at my word. I’m wrapped in a warm hug, and Amelia starts jumping up and down with me locked in her embrace. I go with the flow. We’re both laughing at the absurdity of the moment. Paul’s getting a big kick out of this. As we twirl around I see we’ve got company.

  “Put her down, Amelia!” says Carl slightly annoyed.

  She does as asked. Finn stands next to his father, grinning.

  “Have you met my aunt?” he asks.

  “You mean my inspiration?” I say.

  Amelia lets loose with a scream, an excited release of her emotions. “Fuck! Me an inspiration? Love you already, BB.”

  This broad is hysterical. In this moment I add to my choices of how I’m going to play Carl’s sister. My portrayal will be a little richer for having met the real deal.

  “This is Paul, Amelia,” I say gesturing to my amused lover.

  She throws her arms around Paul, who doesn’t know exactly what to do. He’s got a plastered smile on his face. Then she backs away and runs a hand over his biceps. “I remember you when you were a kid. Weren’t you a priest? Son of a bitch, man, you’re a sexy package now, aren’t you?”

  His face is red with embarrassment. “Nice to see you again.”

  Finn’s getting a kick out of his misbehaving aunt, but Carl’s not. “Amelia, behave yourself. You’re embarrassing Paul.”

  She waves her brother’s comment off as if it’s a fly on her shoulder. “He can take it I’m betting, can’t you sugar?”

  Amelia reminds me of myself. She’s most certainly not intimidated by anyone.

  “I may have found my new best friend.” Muttering to no one in particular.

  Amelia loves this comment and points a finger at her sibling.

  “See, no one’s embarrassed here except you brother.”

  “You better get to the set BB. I heard them callin’ for you on the radio,” Finn says, coming to his father’s rescue.

  “Okay, I’m off. See you later, Amelia. We’ll talk. The rest of you can kiss my ass if I find out you’re giving this woman any grief.”

  As I walk away, I hear her ask Paul, “So tell me, do you have any more of that weed I smell?”

  I practically run to the set. The dirt road leading to the house seems longer than it really is. But it’s helping to clear my mind. I can hear the A.D. over someone’s radio yelling for me.

  “I’m coming!” I shout, not sure anyone can hear.

  The fringe on my vest is slapping my bare torso, and my tits are bouncing. Such as it is. I’ve got itty bitty titties, but my prominent nipples are rubbing against the suede fabric. Shit! They’re at attention. I know I’m more than a little late, as evidenced by Albie’s expression as I approach. In fact all accusatory eyes are on me.

  Karen McDonnell is playing Mary, and her ability to morph into her characters is legendary. I’m in good company. Mary’s sweet nature is a good balance to Amelia’s wild ways. I’m looking forward to our scenes. We met at the table readings and she gives me a little wave. I don’t want to break her concentration, so I end our greeting there.

  For the first time I see Alec Harris, who’s playing Carl. He looks shorter in person. No big surprise, almost all male stars do. He wears his forty-five years well, still handsome, and cheeky according to other actress’s reports. He’s charmed many women over the years. His eyes are locked on me, and there’s a naughty smirk on his face. Don’t you even try it mister. Your reputation proceeds you. But I’m sure mine does too, so he may be under the wrong impression. I guess I’ve had more than my share of fun in the past, and most of it’s been reported, filmed or taped.

  “Sorry, I had a wardrobe problem.” I lie.
  Albie’s not in the forgiving mood. He just walks away to take his place behind camera. “Places, everybody.” His serious expression tells me to quit fucking around.

  Alec leans toward me and whispers in my ear. “That was a great entrance you made. I always enjoy watching a woman running. Especially a beautiful woman with her headlights on.”

  This strikes me funny, and I burst out with a hearty laugh. I avoid looking at my Director. Alec’s happy I’m taking him the right way. He extends his hand.

  “I’m Alec. Nice to meet the infamous BB, at last.” He leers.

  We shake. “You too, Alec.”

  “Please people! We’ve wasted too much time already. How did we get behind on day one? Picture!” shouts our Director.

  So I take my place and center myself, ready to roll. We’re filming the scene where Carl, Mary and Amelia find this property. They’re seeing their future home for the first time, and they’re mesmerized by the perfection of the spot. Alec takes my hand, as he becomes Carl. He gives it a little squeeze. His other hand reaches for Mary.

  “Quiet please! ...rolling camera…and action,” says Albie.

  It goes well. No one has seemed to notice I’m still a little stoned. Albie is satisfied with just a few takes. Alec and I seem to work well together. He slipped effortlessly into the character of Carl, and his chemistry with Mary was palpable. That was an important step. If they can’t portray a couple whose connection is unique in its strength, the story will fall apart. Everything is based on their love. It carried them through the heights and depths of a fifty-year marriage. And it was unique enough to make for a compelling series. To make it believable is all our jobs. I’m pretty sure it’s going to work. So we all breathe a sigh of relief to have the first shot in the can, and to see our ability to work together is strong.

  When we break, so the next shot can be set up, I see Paul watching from the sidelines. He gives me a thumbs up and a nod of his head. I mouth my thank you. Karen walks off, and I turn to Alec. “Come with me, I want to introduce you to my boyfriend, Paul.”

  Alec makes an exaggerated frown and a forced smile. “Boyfriend? Is it serious, or do I have a chance?”

  “No chance at all,” I say, not breaking eye contact. I want him to know I’m serious.

  “What? Come on, I could be a pleasant distraction.”

  “I don’t need to be distracted.” I start walking, and he follows me to where Paul stands.

  Alec gives him a quick once-over, looking at his competition. “Hi. I’m, Alec.”

  Paul extends his hand, and the men shake. They hold on for a nanosecond too long. I can tell they’re sizing up each other’s grip.

  “This is Paul,” I say

  “Are you an actor?” Alec asks with a fake smile.

  “God no. One in the family’s enough,” Paul teases.

  Alec puts on a phony confused look. “Family? You two married?” He turns to me. “I thought you said he was just your boyfriend?”

  Oh, I can see Paul’s getting pissed. His smile has faded. He doesn’t like him already. I feel his arm go around my waist. But that was the wrong move because now Alec knows he has the ability to bother him. Okay, it’s official. It’s a pissing contest. So I take control.

  “Paul’s definitely my family. Boyfriend or husband makes no difference to either one of us. Is that all right with you, Alec? Have I explained our relationship to your satisfaction?” I say it very calmly. I don’t want him to think he’s getting to either one of us. Happily, Paul lets me defend myself.

  Alec throws his hands up in surrender. “Just asking. I’m happy for you both. Let’s not fight, darling, I want to be your friend.”

  Paul’s staring at the man he wants to punch. But I’ve got a better idea. I spot Amelia standing behind one of the cameras. She’s trapped one of the cameramen in conversation. His body language tells me he’s trying to get away. Oh yeah, this will teach little Mr. Harris to mess with BB. I begin to wave wildly across the set, trying to get Amelia’s attention.

  “Amelia! Over here!”

  She spots me, and her face lights up. She abandons the cameraman and makes a beeline for where we stand. Paul understands what I’m up to and grunts a little sound of satisfaction. She walks up and stands close to her newest interest.

  “Hi! Oh my God, are you fucking kidding me? Alec Harris? I love you!”

  She grabs him and plants a good one right on his lips. Before he knows what hit him, I start talking.

  “Alec, meet Amelia. She’s one of your biggest fans. Maybe she’d like to accompany you to lunch? Would you, Amelia?” I say innocently.

  She starts jumping up and down with Alec in her clutches. Just like she did with me. But I don’t think he’s enjoying it half as much as I did.

  Chapter Four


  I’m glad I reconsidered the timing of the big reveal. Last night wouldn’t have been the right time to tell Jack he’s going to be a father. After our visit to John and Carol’s home, I still had questions. Why was I just hearing about these people who are such a big part of his life? So over dinner he talked in more depth about the family, and answered any question I posed. He said it wasn’t intentional that he took so long to introduce us. It was more about the fact that we had gone from movie set to movie set since we married. I reminded him we’ve been off all summer, but he brushed that fact away and said I was making too much out of his timing. So I dropped it. At least that’s what he thought I did. In reality, it was still floating around in my head when we went to bed.

  Things looked better when I woke up this morning. I came to the conclusion that I need to accept the fact that my husband has lived an entire lifetime before we met. He was in his fifties, and had been through experiences and relationships I know nothing about. He’s twenty plus years ahead of me on that score. That alone explains a lot. We married quickly, and so it’s going to take time to catch up to each other’s past and the people who occupied it. Maybe that will never happen completely.

  What matters is our love story now, and how forthright we are with each other in this moment of time. Gladly, I have no complaints. He’s about the most transparent man I’ve known. He puts it all on the table, good and bad. And so I stop rehashing in my mind the past I’ve no control over. ‘There are better things to focus on. It’s almost time now.

  Looking beautiful for Jack tonight is really important to me. He’ll be home soon. I’ve bathed and perfumed my body with his favorite scents, and my hair is shiny and loose as he likes it. A fresh white gardenia is tucked behind my ear. I want him to remember this as the start of the best time in our lives. He’ll have a picture of this day in his mind forever, and I want to look good in it. ‘There’ll never be another day that he learns he’s going to be a father for the first time. It’s big.

  Everything’s got to be perfect, and I’ve worked all day to make sure things go smoothly. My stomach turns over at the thought of how many things can go wrong. Not the dinner or my choice of alluring lingerie. That’s not what I’m worried about. It’s the news itself. What if he’s not excited? I cried with joy when I found out. He may just cry.

  That thought gets shoved to the back of my brain. I’ll concentrate on my makeup. If the baby’s a girl I wonder if she’ll be someone who enjoys things like makeup and fashion? Or maybe they won’t mean a thing to her, and she’ll find them frivolous. It won’t matter. Girly girl or not, I’m going to make sure she’s interested in the right things. Things like thinking for herself and having the ability to make her own money.

  The first should be easy, with the foundation of a good education. The second will be more of a challenge because she’ll be surrounded by wealth her whole life. She’ll be raised in this rarefied world, and she’ll inherit a fortune. But even now, I’m mindful we need to teach her self-reliance. I want her to shape her own destiny.

  But what if she’s a he? The thought of a little boy running around the house or playing on the beach makes me sm
ile. I can see Jack carrying him on his shoulders, or teaching him how to jump the waves. Tears sting my eyes, it’s such a moving picture to me. But they’ll be plenty of time to daydream, now I’ve got to concentrate on tonight.

  I run through my list as I finish with my makeup.

  Dinner, check. It’s in the oven.

  Music, check. Both loaded on the Bose and ready to play. I’ll play the baby songs while we’re enjoying our after-dinner wine.

  Opened cherry cola in the refrigerator this morning, check. When it goes flat it will look just like a glass of wine. If I refuse my nightly vino, Jack will know something’s up.

  Lingerie, check. It’s ready for me to put under my velvet white kimono, his favorite. I never wear undergarments with it and Jack’s come to expect that. So the panties and bra will have to wait till after dinner.

  Satin bow, check. That’s hanging on the hook behind my bathroom door. He’d never go there, so hiding it is unnecessary.

  I turn at the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Good thing my closet and dressing area is at the furthest corner of our bedroom. That buys me time to hide the card I bought him.

  “Is that you, Jack?” I call.

  “It’s me. Are you naked in there?”

  He asks me that question every time he approaches my closet. I always give him the same reply. “What will you give me if I am?”

  He peeks his head in, and finds me still wrapped in my bath towel.

  “Sweet woman, I’ll give you anything you want. Want me?”

  He starts taking his clothes off.

  “Wait!” I holler. I need to put this on hold. I’ve got big plans for later in this department.


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