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Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4)

Page 3

by Jillian Neal

  * * *

  Ultimately, it was up to Governor Haydenshire, as the new Crown, to determine how long Clarence could be held as a minor. The charges weren’t substantial enough to warrant a trial, and Tilly hadn’t wanted to appear before the Governing Board, for fear that they would ask her under oath if she was seeing a Mentor at Venton.

  The fact that Clarence had sexually harassed Tilly did not sit well with a man like Governor Haydenshire. He, just like all of his sons, was fiercely protective of women.

  The Governor ordered him to spend a week in the low security cells at Felsink, and he informed Vindico that he was sorry, but if anything like that happened again, Clarence would have to be suspended from the Academy. Though he didn’t want to agree, Vindico really had no other choice.

  While Clarence was locked up, Logan and Rainer threw themselves into finding evidence to link the crimes Pendergrath had committed back to him. The work was rather tedious.

  At ten o’clock Friday morning, Rainer was pouring over several confessions from murderers who had no recollection of actually committing the crimes they’d confessed to. One man had killed his own wife and children under Wretchkinsides’ mind-cast. He’d owed Pendergrath a great deal of money. Normally, a man couldn’t be casted to do such a heinous thing, but the man had been using and drinking excessively, and his mind had been easy for Wretchkinsides to manipulate.

  Rainer felt sick as he shook his head and moved onto the next document on his desk. His cell phone rang. He looked at the screen, and his heart halted and then flew. It was Garrett, and a million horrifying thoughts ran through Rainer’s mind as he answered the call.


  I’ll Be There

  “What’s wrong? Is Emily hurt?” he demanded.

  “Damn,” Garrett huffed, “Calm down. She’s not hurt.”

  Rainer allowed himself to breathe as he waited to hear the reason for Garrett’s call.

  “Listen, though, you may have been right. This may not have been a great year for Em to come down here. She’s having a rough time.”

  Rainer felt his heart fracture as he listened to Garrett, and tried to think of some way to help Emily.

  “I can come get her,” fell from his mouth in a desperate plea.

  “No, you can’t. Not if you want her contract renewed to challenge for the Angels next year,” Garrett eased. “Just listen for a minute.”

  Rainer tried to draw a steadying breath, but found it difficult. His lungs seemed to seize and tighten of their own accord.

  “I took Chloe out last night. We stayed in a hotel. Spent a little time reconnecting.”

  Rainer rolled his eyes. He couldn’t care less what Garrett and Chloe had done the night before. He needed to know that Emily was all right.

  “Dana and Carys and a couple of the other girls were teasing Em about you. You know, shit like telling her that she should screw a few other guys before she decides that you’re the one, or whatever.” Garrett chuckled though Rainer felt every muscle in his body clench tightly as he ground his teeth.

  “They’re just jealous. They didn’t mean to hurt her feelings. She’s just been really sensitive lately, and I don’t think she’s sleeping all that well. She also isn’t eating, Rainer. She’s lost weight. She keeps giving all of her food to the kids. I don’t think she’s had a full meal all week. Fi tried to talk to her, and she even casted her, but Emily wouldn’t really let her in.”

  “I tried to get her to draw from me this morning, but she couldn’t. She’s really weak. I think it’s gonna have to be you, man. I guess I didn’t realize how much shit she’d been through before she got out here. Being with the kids here, and listening to their stories, it’s rough. She’s just not dealing.”

  “How is it going to be me? You just told me I couldn’t come get her!”

  “All right, calm down. Geez, you two really can’t make it without each other, can you? Just listen.”

  Rainer assumed that his fury must be evident even over the phone.

  “You can’t come get her, and you sure as hell can’t show up here at the orphanage, but I can get her out of here for a night, just like I did Chloe last night,” he stated the first thing that made Rainer feel any hope at all.

  “The catch is going to be getting you out of the country unnoticed,” Garrett explained. “If any of the owners find out you came down here to see her, she could get fired, and you’re Rainer Lawson. Do you think you can manage to get to Rio without a media circus?”

  “If Emily needs me, then I’ll move hell and high water,” Rainer vowed.

  Garrett chuckled, “Yeah, I had a feeling. All right, get a private flight to Rio. I’d try for late tonight. Seems like that might get you out with a little less notice. Book a suite at the Copacabana Palace. Obviously, don’t use your name. It’s downtown. Nice place, I swear.”

  “I’ll get her to you tomorrow afternoon. It might be late, depending on what they’re supposed to be doing with the orphans tomorrow. Just do whatever it is you do that makes my little sister’s world right, because she’s coming unglued. I’m worried about her.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Rainer’s heart raced as his mind reeled. Everything about the next few days was going to be entirely different than what he’d thought it would be just moments before. He was going to get to see Emily. He let the realization flood through him in a mixture of elation and deep concern.

  If Garrett was calling and arranging to get Emily out of the orphanage, then Emily was worse than Rainer had realized. He wondered what Emily had done that finally made Garrett call in reinforcements.

  The fact that she hadn’t even drawn from her brother’s substantial shielding energy made Rainer’s stomach churn uncomfortably.

  Dana and Carys’s teasing was certainly part of it. The ability to feel deeply, and the energy needed to have the level of empathy that Receivers were known for, generally meant that they didn’t pick on people because they could feel what their words or actions did to the recipient of the chastising. They could feel their energy falter. However, it also often made Receivers the target of teasing and harassment.

  There was a very basic and genetically encoded reason why marriages between Auxiliary Predilects and Ioses Predilects were so common and generally lasted.

  Auxiliary Predilects were kind and caring and needed to be protected, and Ioses Predilects had a deep and permeating need to protect. They also often needed to be softened up a little. They needed to be forced to see the world through a kinder lens, one that an Auxiliary Predilect could provide.

  “What was that all about?” Logan’s voice brought Rainer back to the matter at hand. He motioned for Logan to move closer and rolled his chair around until he was right beside Rainer. They pretended to be going over a document on Pendergrath.

  “Em’s not handling all of this very well. I think everything that happened before, and then the orphans, and just being there, it’s getting to her. Garrett wants me to come down there. See if I can’t help a little. She’s not eating. She’s giving Aida and the kids all of her food. He wants me to give her a break, you know?”

  Logan nodded. He looked extremely concerned.

  “But I have to get to Rio without anyone knowing. If the Angels’ owners find out, Em could get fired.”

  “Do you have a plan?” Logan whispered. He nonchalantly flipped the document to make it appear that he was showing Rainer something he’d missed.

  “Yeah, sort of. I need to make a few phone calls.” He contemplated the best way to make the arrangements without being overheard.

  “Samantha’s memorial service is Sunday afternoon. You have to be back for that. All of Iodex is attending, and your absence would definitely be noticed,” Logan reminded Rainer.

  Rainer felt the familiar, sickening guilt that washed through him whenever he thought of Samantha Peterson settle on him once again.

  “I’ll be there.” If he flew out of Ri
o Sunday morning, after Garrett got Emily back to the orphanage, then he’d be back in plenty of time.

  Logan checked his watch. “All right, why don’t we take an early lunch? You could make all the arrangements then.”

  “Yeah, but we’ll have to eat in my car. No one can overhear me.” He wasn’t certain Logan would want to eat in the Mustang while he was on the phone the entire time. But just as their friendship had always worked, Logan was perfectly willing to do whatever Rainer needed.

  Rainer threw himself back into his work. He didn’t want to shirk his responsibilities in any way. He tried desperately to focus on Pendergrath and all of the heinous crimes he was associated with, but his mind was much more interested in thinking about spending the night with Emily in Rio de Janeiro.

  He could make her feel better. He could reassure her and soothe her. He could ease all of her pain. His heart sped, and his mouth went dry. Worry fought for dominance over the hunger that played in his rhythms.

  He tried to decide that he wasn’t going to make the night about sex. She needed much more than that. It was going to be about her. Whatever she needed from him, he was going to provide, but that didn’t stop the dizzying fantasies.

  Garrett had warned that the girls weren’t able to shower often, and that Brazil had a tropical climate. The warning had Rainer rolling his eyes at the time, but he knew that Emily would definitely want a shower. He didn’t give a damn what she looked like, or even smelled like. He just wanted to see her, feel her, and let her know that he’d be there whenever she needed him.

  * * *

  A little while later, he and Logan were sitting in the Mustang, inhaling burgers and fries, while Rainer began his phone calls. He scrolled down his contact list, and prayed that this wasn’t going to be too much of a favor to ask as he touched Pete Namphis’s name.

  “Captain Namphis, it’s Rainer Lawson.” He was extremely thankful that Pete had answered. Rainer explained what he needed, and apologized profusely for the short notice. He offered to heavily compensate Pete for his services if he could get Rainer to Rio late Friday night and back home Sunday morning.

  Pete assured Rainer that he’d be only too happy to help out with the flight to Brazil, but he wouldn’t be able to bring him home Sunday. He suggested that perhaps Rainer could fly home on a Gifted, commercial flight if Pete could help Rainer blend in.

  He agreed, as long as he was home with ample time to get to the service for Samantha. Pete assured him that he’d make the arrangements.

  After turning the sleeve of French fries over his mouth, in order to finish them off, Rainer Googled the number for the Copacabana Palace in Rio and booked a suite using an alias.

  Logan phoned Adeline to tell her what Rainer was planning, and that Rainer might need a little help packing.

  One of Garrett’s other warnings had been that Emily wouldn’t be able to pack anything. He planned on telling the nuns running the orphanage that he and Emily would be going to a nearby town for supplies. Garrett would make it appear Sunday that Emily had been there all night. Rainer shuddered slightly as he considered the fact that they would be lying to nuns that ran an orphanage.

  Adeline immediately began making a list of things Rainer should take with him for Emily.

  “I really appreciate all this.”

  Logan scoffed, “Hey, she’s my baby sister, and you’re my best friend. This is what we do.”

  As soon as they’d finished eating, they returned to their desks. They hadn’t taken their full hour; they wanted to get as much work done as they could before they left for the weekend.

  Rainer worked well past five, but needed to get home to get his things packed before he headed to the airport to meet Pete. A volatile cocktail of excitement and nerves swirled in the pit of Rainer’s stomach.

  The flight to Rio with only Pete and one of his pilot friends, who had agreed to cool the engines of Pete’s personal Cessna, would be much longer than the Gifted flight home. Rainer hoped to be in Rio by lunch the next day. He wanted a chance to get in the suite, and get it ready for Emily before Garrett dropped her off that evening.

  Everyone knew how much Emily loved surprises, and Garrett had promised her a doozy the next night if she’d focus on the kids and let Dana and Carys’s continued teasing roll off her back.

  Emily and Fionna had spent the day with Aida and a few of her friends. She helped them with their schoolwork, and then played paper dolls that the Angels had carried with them, which seemed to soothe her.

  Rainer thanked Adeline profusely for her help with packing Emily a few comforts from home. Emily had packed all of Rainer’s Ioses shirts, so Adeline pointed out one of the navy blue t-shirts, with the Senate crest on the front pocket and Iodex scrawled across the back, for Rainer to pack for Emily to sleep in.

  Iodex officers typically used them for working out. It wasn’t something Rainer would’ve picked, but Adeline assured him that it was the way to go.

  She packed Emily a new toothbrush, and a small bottle of Emily’s favorite shampoo and conditioner. She added a hairbrush and hair dryer to Rainer’s suitcase, along with deodorant and a few other things she thought Emily would like to have.

  As he would only really be in Rio one evening, Rainer just threw in the clothing he planned to fly home in and a few extra pairs of boxers, and t-shirts.

  “You want to take the Accord?” Logan offered as Rainer grabbed a pair of dark sunglasses, a Virginia Tech baseball cap, and a black, hooded sweatshirt.

  “Nah,” Rainer shook his head, “I’m gonna park a good ways off. I don’t think anyone will see the ‘Stang.”

  “Tell Emily we miss her, and we’re thinking of her,” Adeline urged.

  Rainer promised he would as he waved to Logan and Adeline, threw his bag in the back of the Mustang, and headed back to D.C.

  Adrenaline and speed pumped through his veins. He reveled in the sensations he always felt when he was driving his Mustang. With a quick glance at his watch, he grimaced. He was running late, and didn’t want to be any more of a burden on Capt. Namphis. Adding pressure to the gas, he flew down the interstate.

  He pulled the Mustang into one of the farthest lots from Ronald Reagan. Its distance meant that very few other cars were in the derelict lot, only those whose owners were vastly more conscious of their wallets than of their comfort.

  He paid the minimal fee to the attendant, who had barely noticed that he even had a customer. Rainer grabbed the bag and began a calculated sprint towards the airport; it was almost a mile away. He left off the glasses after he decided that wearing sunglasses at eleven thirty at night might draw more attention than not.

  He pulled the hood of the sweatshirt over the hat, and kept his head down as he moved stealthily through the cold night air. His breath came in smooth, visible, steady huffs. He slipped carefully into Ronald Reagan airport.



  Keeping the fact that he’d be seeing Emily and holding her in his arms planted firmly in his mind, he eased along the darkened corridors of the airport. Only a few of the gates were even operational at the late hour.

  He nodded to Captain Namphis as he rushed towards the last gate. Pete smiled but moved quickly. He gestured for Rainer to follow him out an exit door and onto the tarmac.

  “We’ll make introductions once we’re airborne, but right now let’s not draw the attention of ground control,” Pete urged.

  Soon, they were in Pete’s Cessna. Rainer cringed as he recalled the flight he and Emily had made in the same plane just a few weeks before. Pete had flown them back to reality from their beach house hideaway, after Rainer had killed his uncle to save Emily’s life.

  Leaded fuel and oil fumes hung in the air. It mixed with the aroma of leather seats and cheap carpeting. Rainer sighed as he fell into his seat. Pete handed him a headset so they could chat while they flew.

  “Miss Haydenshire ok, Rainer?” Pete asked with sincere concern.

  “I hope,” Rainer was
still worried about what state Emily might be in when he saw her. “It’s been a rough few weeks, and then, uh, an acquaintance of hers was killed the night before she left. I think the orphans and the living conditions have taken their toll,” he felt he owed Captain Namphis the entire reasoning behind the last-minute flight request.

  Pete gave Rainer a kind smile, and then spoke into the mic on the headset. He requested clearance to climb.

  After he was granted permission, the plane tilted back slightly, and Rainer watched the lights of D.C. disappear beneath him. Pete studied the instrumentation as Rainer felt the plane level off.

  “This is John Henderoy, Rainer. He’s a good friend of mine. We’ve been flying together for years. He was a co-pilot for me most of the times I flew with your dad.”

  Rainer greeted John and thanked him for his time.

  After Pete turned on the autopilot and summoned to boost the engine speed, John immediately followed suit to cool the engine. Pete turned back to Rainer, who was seated behind him.

  “When you called this afternoon, you reminded me so much of your old man,” he had a distant look in his eye.

  Intrigued, Rainer leaned forward to better hear. “You were just a baby,” Pete began the story with a wry smile, “Your father had gone to Prague to work on helping their Realm with a Constitution similar to the one he’d written here.

  In the middle of the night, your mother phoned. Seems you’d come down with the croup and were running a high fever. I’m not sure who was crying harder, you or your mom.

  “Lillian had gone over and had determined that you needed to go to the emergency room to be healed up. She and your mom tried to heal you, but you were an Ioses from the beginning. You kept shutting them out. Lillian was worried about the fever,” he explained.

  “Your father hated so much to be away from Maggie, and when she called crying, it just about did him in. So, he had us up at two in the morning. We were flying home with a full staff. Your mother needed him, and he was going to be there if he had to swim the Atlantic to get home.” Pete’s kind smile eased the lines in his face.


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