Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4)

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Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4) Page 17

by Jillian Neal

  “Yes, baby, yes,” he vowed, “exactly! You have never done anything wrong, Adeline. You never did anything to ever deserve being treated like that.”

  “I don’t want her to be my mother anymore, and I don’t want to be her daughter. She never wanted me, and you know what…?” she declared as renewed confidence and assurance that Logan had never seen before etched her beautiful face.

  With a broad, delighted grin though his tears, Logan gazed at her with rapt adoration.

  “What, baby?” He was absolutely overwhelmed by what he was finally witnessing from her.

  “She doesn’t deserve me!” her eyes were sparkling through her tears. She clenched her jaw in newly-formed defiance. Logan stood to full height again and squeezed her tightly to his chest. He chuckled in his own abject disbelief.

  “Yes, baby, exactly, and you have no idea how good it feels to hear you finally say that!”

  They both continued to wipe away their tears as Logan held her tightly. Still stunned from everything that had happened to her while he’d held her in a supply closet, he began to glance around as he blinked back the last of his tears.

  “Uh babe,” Logan chuckled, “what is all of this stuff?” He gestured around uncomfortably as he noticed a large box of pregnancy tests.

  Her laughter seemed to dry the rest of her tears as she beamed at him and released her grip on his shirt.

  “Well,” she giggled. “Those are lots of different kinds of speculums, and that’s lube for the ultrasound machines and examinations, and those are forceps, and those are uh…” she blushed violently as she pointed to a set of very oddly shaped, metal clamp-like tools suspended on a rubber rack. She bit her lip for a moment and then laughed again at his expression. “Those are penis clamps.”

  “Ugh-hhh-hhhh,” Logan shuddered. “Ok, can we please go home now?” His desperate begging made her laugh hysterically. She nodded and pulled him out of the closet.

  They returned to the waiting room, and Logan was momentarily shocked at what he found awaiting them. As he thought about it, he took in his entire family standing, waiting to make certain that Adeline knew where she belonged and who she was. He knew he shouldn’t have been shocked at all. His mother wrapped him up in her embrace, which Logan allowed.

  It was the soft, sweet embrace of a woman who’d not only given birth to him, but had loved him, even when he didn’t deserve it. The woman who’d fed him, not just physical meals, but her wisdom, and her love his entire life. She’d always been there, and he knew she always would be. He could never have earned her love. It had always simply been there. She had not only given him life but would, without a second thought, lay down her life for his, because she was a mother.

  Rainer and Governor Haydenshire rode back to the farmhouse with Emily and Garrett. That left Adeline and Logan, the whole ride home, to talk. It was quite a discussion.

  Before the Haydenshire family all dug into the delectable meal his mother and grandmother had prepared and casted, so that it was perfectly warm, Logan stood at the head of the table and commanded everyone’s attention.

  “Well,” Logan drew a steadying breath. “We decided that we don’t want to wait to get married, and we don’t really want a big, huge Senate thing anyway. Adeline wants to be a Haydenshire, and there is nothing I want more than that.” The adamancy in his voice was so strong that none of his brothers even smirked. “So, I guess I was wondering if you all thought we might could put together a small wedding by next Saturday.”

  “Yes,” Mrs. Haydenshire beamed. She wiped away tears of her own. Emily squealed and leapt up to throw her arms around Adeline. All of his brothers, their wives, and girlfriends immediately offered their assistance, and Logan was extremely proud of the family that he was going to share with Adeline.

  Rainer offered Logan his hand and a broad grin. “Well done, man,” he complimented.

  Logan jerked him forward and pulled him in for a hug. “Hey, you’ll be my best man, right?” He already knew the answer.

  “Nowhere else I’d ever be,” Rainer scoffed.

  He and Logan performed the secret handshake they’d made up when they were five. Everyone laughed and shook their heads.

  “I don’t know how we’ll ever have time to do this, but thank you all, so much,” Adeline blinked back renewed tears. Logan moved to her and brushed a kiss across her cheek.

  “Well, I do happen to have a little brother who is rather magical about the things he makes happen, so how about we celebrate how thankful we are that you’re going to be a Haydenshire in just over a week, and eat all of this food. He’ll be here in an hour or so. If you’d like his help, I think Taddy can probably make this all happen,” Mrs. Haydenshire offered sweetly. Her delighted smile warmed the room at large.

  Adeline nodded excitedly as she drew a steadying breath, but fear played just behind the excitement in her eyes. Logan saw it, even if no one else did.

  “What if I have to go to jail?” she whispered as she turned and hid herself away in his chest. “Baby,” Logan shook his head, but Governor Haydenshire stepped in.

  “Adeline, sweetheart, you have no idea how proud Lillian and I are of you, and how proud we are of you, Logan. I am extremely impressed that you didn’t let others’ opinions form your own,” Governor Haydenshire complimented.

  “And Miss Adeline,” he turned his adoring gaze back to her. “I knew that you were going to become my daughter from the first night Logan invited you over for dinner, and he spilled two full glasses of sweet tea and then dropped the butter dish, knife and all, in your lap when he thought you needed to butter your roll,” Governor Haydenshire teased.

  Everyone guffawed from the memory.

  “I was nervous,” Logan admitted sheepishly.

  “We noticed,” Rainer assured him.

  “I don’t think I ever got the butter out of that blouse,” Mrs. Haydenshire commented as she cut green beans into bite-sized pieces for the twins.

  “I thought it was really sweet that you were nervous,” Adeline admitted. Her cheeks colored as all of Logan’s brothers swooned mockingly and batted their eyelashes at Logan.

  “But the point is,” Governor Haydenshire quieted the table, “the Realm failed you, Adeline. We should have stepped in long before Logan did. I should have insisted that you come and live here years before you did.”

  Adeline shook her head. “I kept telling you no,” she reminded him sweetly.

  Governor Haydenshire nodded. “And I shouldn’t have taken ‘no’ for an answer. But the Realm will stand behind you now, Adeline. You’re not going to jail if I have to pardon you myself. We’re going to put all of this behind us and let you and Logan start your life together, looking ahead to the future and not letting the past be such a burden. I want to apologize on behalf of the entire Realm for what’s happened, sweetheart, and we are going to fix all of this.”

  The hope that Logan had seen earlier reappeared in Adeline’s beautiful, onyx eyes. She nodded her appreciation to the Crown Governor of the Gifted Realm, and then threw her arms around his neck in a fierce embrace.

  Governor Haydenshire chuckled as he cradled her to him. His strength and dignity were palpable to the entire table, in that moment, as he soothed his newest daughter.

  After saying grace, everyone dug in to the delicacies before them.



  ~Rainer Lawson~

  As pecan and pumpkin pie were being served and passed around, a knock sounded on the door.

  “Time to babysit,” Garrett chanted as he took in Logan and Rainer’s grimaces. He stood and answered the door. Everyone turned from the table to greet Vindico and Bridgette.

  To their surprise, Jack Stariff, the top lawyer in the Realm, asked if he could come in for a few minutes as well. Jack had gone to the Academy with the Haydenshires and Rainer’s parents. He’d immediately agreed to take on Adeline’s case against her mother as soon as Governor Haydenshire had phoned him months before.

>   Mrs. Haydenshire assured him that he was always welcome and began fixing more dessert plates and coffee.

  Vindico introduced Bridgette to the Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire, then moved around the table rattling off everyone’s name until he came to Sarah.

  “Uh,” he furrowed his brow.

  “This is my girlfriend, Sarah,” Levi offered Bridgette an uncomfortable smile. Sarah didn’t look any too thrilled with Bridgette’s arrival.

  Bridgette offered everyone hellos, though she looked furious about having to be there.

  “Jack, pecan, pumpkin, or are you like all of my boys who are having both?” Mrs. Haydenshire beamed at her sons, who were indeed devouring pieces of pie like they’d never tasted anything so delectable.

  Emily fixed Rainer a third piece of pecan pie, which was his favorite, and added Nana’s whiskey cream sauce. Rainer groaned his appreciation as he let the warm, gooey mixture fill his mouth.

  “See?” Mrs. Haydenshire laughed as she gestured to Rainer.

  Jack chuckled. “Well, he got Miss Emily Anne, and I just saw the new Porsche in the barn, so I’d say Lawson has good taste just like his old man. I’ll take a piece of that,” he pointed to the pie Rainer was consuming.

  Everyone laughed their agreement.

  “Dan, Bridgette, pumpkin, pecan, or both?” Mrs. Haydenshire asked as she pulled another of the ten pies, five of each kind, towards her to be cut.

  “No, thank you, Mrs. Haydenshire. I just came from Mom and Dad’s, and I need to be on my way,” Vindico bristled.

  Bridgette gave a haughty eye-roll. “Uh, sorry, but I have to watch my weight.” She gestured to Mrs. Haydenshire’s rather round stomach. Rainer clamped his hand down on Emily’s shoulder. She was vibrating in her fury.

  “She’s five months pregnant,” Emily informed her with a great deal of disdain. Mrs. Haydenshire gave a polite chuckle, and shot Emily a look that said for her to be polite. Uncomfortable silence filled the room momentarily.

  “This is phenomenal, Lillian,” Jack pointed to the pie with his fork, quickly puncturing the tension in the room.

  “Bridgette, dear, can I get you anything else to eat? After that, the girls can get you settled in your room,” Mrs. Haydenshire instructed.

  “I’m dancing tomorrow, so I don’t eat until after my shifts,” she informed Mrs. Haydenshire contemptuously.

  “But it’s Thanksgiving.” Emily’s brow furrowed. Rainer rubbed her thigh and, wondered where this rather bizarre Thanksgiving meal conversation might go next.

  “Right, so the guys tomorrow will be drunk off their asses, desperate to get away from their families, and I’ll get some sweet tips,” Bridgette glared hatefully at Emily.

  With a concerned nod, Mrs. Haydenshire didn’t comment further.

  Vindico carried Bridgette’s suitcase up to Levi and Patrick’s old room. He thanked the Haydenshires, and then bid everyone farewell without even so much as a ‘good-bye’ for Bridgette. He seemed single-minded in his purpose; he was focused on nothing but Pendergrath and Germany.

  “Well, I certainly didn’t mean to interrupt the Haydenshire Thanksgiving meal, but I need to apologize to you, Adeline,” Jack offered sincerely.

  “Oh, for what?” Adeline knitted her brow.

  “Well, I knew your mother’s lawyer was pushing for a trial yesterday. She kept insisting that she wanted nothing more than to spend Thanksgiving with you,” he tried hard not to roll his eyes.

  “Right,” Logan huffed indignantly.

  With a shake of his head, Stariff continued.

  “Anyway, I had no idea the judge would actually agree to it. He wanted to clear his docket. Apparently, his wife’s family is celebrating Thanksgiving in New Orleans. They have seats at the Superdome tomorrow, and he didn’t want to miss out. I suppose the fate of the people of Virginia could just be damned,” Stariff shot furiously. Everyone exchanged an uncomfortable glance.

  “Well, there was nothing you could have done. You don’t owe me an apology,” Adeline assured him sweetly.

  “I do, Adeline, and they’ve got this entire case so trumped we’ve certainly got our work cut out for us.”

  “Thank you for the pie, Lillian. Like I’ve been saying for years, if Stephen hadn’t snatched you up in school, I’d get down on my knee right now,” he teased. The Haydenshires both laughed heartily.

  “Watch it now, Jack,” the Governor goaded. “That’s my ring she’s wearing, and I’m responsible for that as well,” he gestured to Mrs. Haydenshire’s swollen midsection. “I may be too old to fight anymore, but that’s why I had so many boys.” Everyone cracked up.

  “Can we talk for a minute in your office, Stephen?” Jack asked after the laughter had died down.

  “Of course,” Governor Haydenshire stood and gestured to his home office, just off the dining room.

  After they left the table, Bridgette’s eyes narrowed in on Will, who was holding Lily Ana on his shoulder. He was kissing her fat little cheeks, and talking baby talk to his little girl as if no one else was there. His adoration was very evident.

  “Can I hold her again, Will?” Emily seemed to decide that she was going to enjoy her family, even with all of the events of the night.

  “Sure,” Will managed to retrieve a cloth diaper for Emily’s shoulder and hand off his daughter in a rather adept move.

  Henry was quite certain that he did not care for Lily Ana and all of the attention she’d been receiving. He demanded that Rainer hold him if Emily was going to hold Lily Ana.

  Everyone laughed as Rainer scooped Henry up. He proceeded to tell the baby bye-bye, repeatedly.

  Will draped his hand over Brooke’s shoulders and gazed at Lily Ana in Emily’s arms. He turned and shared a contented grin with his wife.

  “How old is she?” Bridgette quizzed.

  Brooke beamed at Will. “She’s jus’ over free weeks,” she stated proudly.

  Rainer was so enthralled with watching Emily tend to the newborn and trying to keep Henry from stealing the cloth diaper that he failed to notice Bridgette’s scowl.

  Bridgette narrowed her eyes at Brooke, and glanced up and down her body.

  “Yeah, I guess that’s the thing about kids. They completely ruin your body,” she spat as everyone’s mouths hung open in shock.

  Will looked thoroughly stunned and uncertain as to how to defend his wife to another woman.

  “Ugh, excuse me,” he stammered. “Trust me, she’s even more beautiful now than the day I married her,” he huffed viciously. Will was not an Ioses Predilect, but when it came to defending Brooke, he would stop at nothing. The table braced for impact.

  Rainer watched in horror as Bridgette sneered.

  “Yeah, that’s always what they say when they’re with their wives, but trust me, we get loads of new dads at the club during those first few months.”

  “You know, when you can’t keep ‘em happy because delivering the baby made you hurt there or whatever.” Her eyes lit in defiant victory that no one but she seemed to recognize.

  “We hear them talking about how fat their wives got, and that they’re always too tired. They tip well, so I guess they’re pretty hard up. I think that’s when they start cheating, too. I mean, they’re still all gorgeous,” she gestured to Will, “and you’re not anymore.”

  The entire table sat in stunned mortification as Will shook his head stupidly, and fire roared from Brooke’s eyes. She leapt up and shot her chair back across the hardwood floor into Mrs. Haydenshire’s vast china cabinet.

  Words in very heated Portuguese flew from Brooke’s mouth, and Rainer was absolutely certain that none of them were very family- friendly.

  Brooke’s Latin temper continued as she made an extremely rude gesture to Bridgette and then stomped out the front door. Will bolted after her as Emily glared at Bridgette and tried to soothe Lily Ana, who’d responded to her mother’s screeching voice by sobbing.

  Mrs. Haydenshire appeared shocked and furious. Rainer couldn’t recall a
nother time in his life when anyone had done anything that surprised the woman who had raised him. She drew a deep breath and stood.

  “Ok, Emily, you and Rainer take Lily Ana into the living room and walk with her. She likes that, and her pacifier is in her portable crib.

  Logan, you and Adeline please show Bridgette to her room. See if there’s anything she’ll need for the next few nights.

  Patrick, you and Lucy put the twins to bed for me.

  Everyone else can help with the dishes,” she ordered.

  As several rounds of ‘yes ma’ams’ rang from the table, everyone moved quickly. Rainer handed Henry to Patrick. They shared a dumbfounded glance before they proceeded to follow their orders.


  The Way It’s Supposed to Work

  Rainer quickly followed Emily into the living room, reached into the crib, and handed her the pacifier. She tried to walk with a very natural bounce to soothe Lily Ana.

  Rainer shuddered to think of how exactly they were all supposed to make it through the next two days. It seemed Emily was too furious to calm Lily Ana. Her moves and her energy were too quick and ragged.

  “Here, give her to me,” Rainer reached for the baby. She handed her to Rainer with a furious huff.

  He tried to remember everything he’d been told to do when the twins had been born. He softly shushed Lily Ana, much the way he did Emily when she cried. After a few minutes, the baby fell asleep on his shoulder.

  “Do you think that’s true?” Emily demanded hatefully.

  “Do I think what’s true?”

  “Do you think that you won’t like me after we have a baby? That I’ll be fat or whatever?” Imminent tears threatened her eyes. Not certain if he was more stunned over Bridgette’s statements or over Emily’s question, Rainer shook his head.

  “No, baby, I don’t.”

  “Are you going to cheat on me if my stomach looks like Brooke’s after I have a baby?” She became overwrought and quickly lost all sense of reason.


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