Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4)

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Rock Bottom (The Gifted Realm #4) Page 18

by Jillian Neal

  “Emily Anne Haydenshire,” Rainer tried not to wake Lily Ana in his offense. He shook his head in disbelief. After he moved to the crib and laid Lily Ana down, he gently covered her with a blanket. “Come here to me,” he took Emily’s hand and pulled her onto the couch.

  “First of all, how could you ever think something like that of me? Secondly, right now, Brooke looks like she just had a baby. It was my understanding that that’s what’s supposed to happen. She gave Will a beautiful, healthy little girl,” he gestured to Lily Ana sleeping peacefully in her crib. “But you know what? Will doesn’t see that she has a little weight to lose. He sees his wife, the love of his life, the reason he gets up in the morning, and his little girl.

  “What he told Bridgette was true. She is more beautiful to him now.” He cupped his hand under Emily’s chin and refused to let her drop his gaze. “And I’m sure there are a lot of assholes out there, Em. Guys who would go somewhere like The Tantra after their wife gave birth to their baby.” He felt sick at the very thought. “But I’m not like that and neither are any of your brothers.”

  “I heard Will tell Garrett that he misses her, and I know he meant sex.” She sounded truly frightened.

  “Of course he does,” Rainer adamantly defended Will. “He loves her. He wants to be with her. He knows he can’t for a few more days.

  He misses that part of their relationship, but he’s not going to try to fill that with some cheap, tawdry thrill. He wants her, Emily. He wants his wife, not just a lap dance from some girl he doesn’t know.”

  Rainer grinned as he recalled a conversation he’d overheard that morning at the soup kitchen. “He was teasing Levi and Garrett this morning, while we were cooking. He kept telling them how good breast milk tastes, and I’m not thinking Brooke poured it into a glass for him. I think your brother and sister-in-law are just fine.”

  Emily giggled as she tucked her head onto Rainer’s shoulder. He then attempted to kiss her into a better mood.

  “You know…” he gave her what he hoped was a sexy grin as he angled his head and brushed her lips again. “When I think about you…” he let his breath mingle with hers, “…having my baby…” he dipped his tongue into her mouth before devouring it, “…it drives me wild.” He pulled away long enough to watch a slow, sultry grin spread across Emily’s face.

  “Really?” she started to pant slightly.

  “Oh yeah.” After a few more slow, sensuous kisses, Lily Ana began to fuss again. Emily scooped her up and brought her back to the couch. She laid Lily Ana in her lap.

  Rainer and Emily gazed at the baby as Emily talked to her sweetly. She moved to change her diaper and then returned to the couch. She placed the pacifier between Lily Ana’s rosebud lips and patted her back tenderly.

  “Why did she say that? Brooke is still out there. I’m sure she’s crying.” Emily couldn’t keep her mind off of the conversation over dessert.

  Governor Haydenshire and Jack Stariff were still in his office and Nana and Paps had gone home.

  “Because she’s very jealous, sweetheart,” Mrs. Haydenshire answered as she eased in from the kitchen and sank into her chair, with a mug of tea.

  Logan and Adeline returned to the living room. They looked like they might’ve made a stop off in Logan’s room to celebrate the fact that they were getting married in a week, after showing Bridgette to her room.

  Everyone began bidding their good-byes, with promises to be back early the next day to watch football games and see Tad and Nathan. Football Friday was a long-standing Haydenshire tradition.

  “Garrett, are Will and Brooke still outside?” Mrs. Haydenshire quizzed concernedly.

  Patrick stepped in. “Uh yeah, they’re on the side porch. He’s swinging with her. It’s gonna take some pretty tall talk to undo that,” he gestured up the stairs, indicating Bridgette.

  “Will’s never let her down, and he won’t now,” Garrett proclaimed. Fury was etched on every tensed muscle inside Garrett Haydenshire’s well-formed physique.

  Mrs. Haydenshire nodded her agreement with both sentiments. She looked rather worn.

  “I still can’t believe she said that. What a bitch!” Emily spat, though she was still holding Lily Ana tenderly.

  “Emily Anne,” her mother raised her eyebrow in the look she’d perfected many years before; the one that let her children know they were most definitely in trouble.

  “Well, she is,” Emily huffed.

  Rainer tried not to laugh.


  Your Father

  As everyone began to trickle out the door, Mrs. Haydenshire turned her attention to Adeline and Logan.

  “Did you get Bridgette settled?”

  “Uh, I don’t really know or care,” Logan stated truthfully. Mrs. Haydenshire’s brow knitted. “She said she doesn’t like Levi and Patrick’s room. She says she needs something with an attached bathroom. She didn’t seem to like the hall bath,” he offered somewhat confusedly.

  Emily and Adeline rolled their eyes. “Well, I suppose she could stay in your room, and you and Rainer could stay in Levi and Patrick’s, but I’m fairly certain that Katie might not want Connor sharing a bathroom with her. What is she doing now?”

  “Her nails,” Logan informed his mother.

  Before anyone could comment, the Governor and Jack Stariff emerged from the office. They both looked morose. The Governor walked Jack to the door.

  “Thanks, Jack. I’ll take it from here,” Governor Haydenshire bid him farewell.

  “Let me know if you need my help in any way, Stephen.”

  “Will do.”

  With a heavy sigh, Governor Haydenshire took his seat next to Mrs. Haydenshire.

  “Where are Will and Brooke?” he quizzed as he noted Emily cradling Lily Ana sweetly. Both of them were wrapped up under Rainer’s arm.

  “I’ll tell you later, dear. What did Jack have to say?” Mrs. Haydenshire inquired.

  The Governor turned to Logan and Adeline, and swallowed harshly. “Well, Adeline, I don’t know of any other way to do this. Unfortunately, sweetheart, I don’t know you well enough to know if I should tell Logan this kind of thing first and have him tell you, the way we do with Rainer and Emily.”

  Rainer chuckled as Emily rolled her eyes.

  “So, I’m going to shoot straight with you,” Governor Haydenshire began. “There are several obvious problems with your case, as well as your mother’s. She’s got the jury eating out of her hands with tales of why she used, and that she was in her current line of work because of the cost of raising a child.” He shook his head at the absurdity of that. “We know that Paulo, your mother’s…” Governor Haydenshire hesitated.

  “Employer,” Mrs. Haydenshire offered. The Governor gazed at her appreciatively.

  “Employer,” he repeated. “Is actually working with the Interfeci. Vindico and Jack seem to think he might be one of Wretchkinsides’ top drug suppliers, so we would very much like to see Paulo spend time in prison, along with your mother,” he grimaced, uncertain of whether or not this was too much for Adeline.

  She nodded as Logan wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in to him.

  Pain etched the Governor’s face as he continued.

  “Sweetheart, the real problem is that, if things continue on the way they’ve been going, your mother may just convince another jury that you are, in fact, a drug user and that prostitution was the only option she thought she had.”

  He halted as tears began to pour down Adeline’s face. Logan cradled her tenderly and whispered in her ear. Everyone looked away, to try to allow him to soothe her without an audience.

  “Now, like I said, I would never allow you to serve time,” Governor Haydenshire vowed, “so, that isn’t the problem. The real problem is that, if we don’t do something drastic, Georgetown won’t allow a Medio with a drug charge to be employed, even one that’s so obviously trumped up.” The Governor’s eyes closed as Adeline began to sob in earnest. “There may be something we can do
,” he offered quickly.

  “What?” Logan demanded. “I’ll do anything.”

  “I know, son, but this may be a near impossible task.” Governor Haydenshire drew another deep breath. “Adeline, dear, Jack thinks he may have found your father.” Governor Haydenshire studied Adeline closely as everyone else in the room gasped.

  “What?” Adeline shuddered as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Governor Haydenshire offered her a hesitant smile.

  “And as it turns out, he could potentially be a way to make this all go away, to put your mother’s dealer in prison, and for you to go on and be the outstanding Medio that you are.”

  “Well, who is he?” Logan urged.

  “Is he in England, or is he here?” Adeline sounded extremely nervous. The only thing she knew about her father was that her mother always told her that he was English.

  “Well,” Governor Haydenshire hemmed. “Neither, really.”

  “Well, where is he, and who is he, and how can he help?” Mrs. Haydenshire urged.

  “He’s, uh, he’s one of the Caliph of Australia’s sons.”

  “What?” Logan gasped.

  “Yes, well, the Australian Realm’s ruling monarchy refers to him as Caliph; he would be like the Crown Governor to our Realm. He has four sons, all fairly close in age. Jack had a vial of Adeline’s blood tested and searched the Realms all over the world. It’s definitely one of his sons.”

  “But my mom always said my dad was British,” Adeline looked like she simply couldn’t believe her ears.

  Governor Haydenshire offered her an uncomfortable smile.

  “Well I was thinking that perhaps she misread his accent in the limited time that she spent with him.”

  Adeline appeared to be awash in utter disbelief.

  “So, my grandfather is the Crown Governor of Australia?”

  Governor Haydenshire chuckled. “Well, yes, for all intents and purposes, that’s precisely what he is.”

  “How can he help?” Logan was still focused on Adeline’s trial.

  “Well, Jack did a little more digging and found out that when Adeline was born, there were drugs in her system,” the Governor explained as fury lit his face.

  Logan shook his head and cocked his jaw to the side. “Unbelievable,” he huffed.

  “Adeline is obviously a Valeduto Predilect. So, once she was out of her mother’s womb, her body healed itself. There were no ill effects from the drugs.”

  “Clearly, Candy Parker was using when she was pregnant, and Jack believes that if we could somehow convince Adeline’s father to testify that Candy was in business when you were conceived, and that he never knew of your existence, that it would most certainly blow her case of abandonment and lack of money right out of the water. All he has to do is create doubt, Adeline, and your name is free and clear.

  “So, I have a proposal for you,” the Governor hedged. “For the four of you, actually,” he gestured to Rainer and Emily as well. “Let’s have a wedding and get you married to my son. Let’s make you officially Mrs. Logan Haydenshire.”

  Logan and Adeline beamed.

  Rainer chuckled discreetly. He’d never seen Logan so excited. The Governor gave them a wry smile and continued. “Emily’s last inner-league challenge is next Sunday afternoon, so how about Monday morning I send the four of you to Sydney? You can see the sights, honeymoon a little, and have a real vacation. I think you’ve all had a pretty rough year. I’d like all of you to get away and relax a little. Get away from Wretchkinsides,” he explained with a slight shudder.

  “While you’re there, I’ll arrange for you to have dinner with the ruling monarchy, as my children representing the American Realm. If you can figure out who your father is, perhaps you could approach him and see how far you get, but this really is our last hope,” Governor Haydenshire sounded desperate as he made everyone understand the situation.

  “Aside from the obvious annoyance of having my best friend and my kid sister on our honeymoon, what do you think?” Logan urged hopefully, as Rainer and Emily laughed.

  “I haven’t decided if I’m sending Vindico, as well. Like I said, this involves Paulo, who is in league with Wretchkinsides, so it may be your boss, your best friend, and your little sister,” Governor Haydenshire goaded.

  “We get our own rooms, right?” Logan quizzed.

  “I’ll see to it,” Governor Haydenshire laughed.

  “But,” Adeline glanced nervously from Logan to his father. “What if he doesn’t want me, or what if he does know about me? No one wants their illegitimate child to just show up.”

  “What if he’s married and has his own kids? His wife won’t want me around,” her heartbreak was evident in her tone.

  Governor Haydenshire looked sorrowful, but he shook his head.

  “Only two of the Caliph’s sons are married; the two eldest. His oldest son has never traveled outside of the Australian Realm. It’s just the way they do things. At my inaugural ball, the Caliph and his two middle sons attended.”

  Logan gasped, “Oh, my gosh! That’s why I thought I knew him. I’ve shaken your dad’s hand.”

  “What?” Adeline’s eyes goggled.

  “Remember?” Logan demanded of Rainer. “I asked you if we knew that guy, and Em said maybe I knew someone he was related to.”

  “Yeah, but are your sure that’s him? I mean, her uncle would have a similar energy reading to hers,” Rainer reminded him.

  “His two middle sons, Lachlan and Ethan, are both Valeduto Predilects. So, it might be one of them, or it could be his youngest son, Lucas,” Governor Haydenshire elaborated.

  By this point, Will and Brooke had come back in the room. Will had walked Brooke and Lily Ana up to Emily’s room for her to nurse. He’d poured Brooke a glass of water and grabbed a few throw pillows off of the couch on his way. After making sure that she was taken care of, and that she knew of his undying devotion to her, Will had returned and listened to everything his father was telling Adeline.

  “Adeline, if I had a child from my past, even if it wasn’t Brooke’s, I would want to know,” Will joined in.

  Logan, Rainer, and the Governor all nodded their agreement.

  “My mom always said she didn’t know his name,” Adeline admitted as blood pooled violently in her cheeks. Logan visibly ached for her.

  “Well, why don’t you go find out, sweetheart?” Mrs. Haydenshire urged. “I have a good feeling about this, and your father deserves to know what a wonderful daughter he has, even if he doesn’t get to know you until now.”

  Logan drew a deep breath. “Look at me, Ad,” he soothed. She turned her tear-filled eyes to his. “All we have to do is have dinner and go on a honeymoon. If we get there and we meet them, and you don’t want to do anything more than that dinner, then we won’t say anything at all, but I will be right there with you the whole time. I think Mom’s right; your dad deserves the opportunity to know you exist.”

  Adeline stared into the depths of Logan’s eyes as everyone else in the room willed her to say ‘yes’. She drew a steadying breath and nodded hesitantly.

  “Ok.” She seemed to draw on deep resolve as the room rejoiced with Logan.

  * * *

  Tad and Nathan finally made their way to Arlington, and Brooke returned with Lily Ana. Will hung all over her and then took them home.

  Just as everyone was about to retire for the evening, Bridgette appeared, with garish red toenails that were still dripping wet. She walked carefully across the floor.

  “Uh, Logan, did you tell your parents about my needing my own bathroom?”

  “Yeah, but there’s not really another room, so…” Logan shrugged. He, very obviously, did not want to be distracted from Adeline and everything she was going through that evening.

  Mrs. Haydenshire introduced Bridgette to Tad and Nathan. They gave her polite hellos, but were far more interested in planning the wedding that was only a week away.

  With a loud huff, Bridgette let everyone know she didn’t
like the lack of attention she was receiving.

  “Well, you see,” she drawled loudly, “I sleep in the buff.”

  It was abundantly apparent that she was hopeful this bit of information would impress someone in the room. No one cared.

  “Yeah, man, but you should pick somewhere really cool to stay Sunday night. You can take the Porsche.” Rainer was elated for Adeline and Logan, and the opportunity to take Emily to the only populated continent on the planet where Dominic Wretchkinsides had no men and no power sounded perfect.

  “Seriously?” Logan gasped excitedly. Adeline and Emily laughed at his exuberance.

  “So, like I was saying,” Bridgette was nearly shouting in her defiance, “unless you want me walking the halls completely naked, then I need my own bathroom.”

  Mrs. Haydenshire turned a weary eye on Bridgette.

  “Dear, since you are a guest in our home, and though you’re certainly welcome here, you are here for your own safety, perhaps you could wear a robe or borrow something of Emily’s, just until Dan returns from his trip,” her tone dared Bridgette to argue.

  Bridgette turned her glare on Emily, and Rainer narrowed his eyes.

  “Uh, I don’t think so,” she sneered.

  “Well, then, as everyone else will have their own bathroom, I don’t think it will be a big deal. No one else will be in the hallways,” Mrs. Haydenshire concluded.

  With a dramatic eye-roll, Bridgette spun and stomped up the stairs as everyone continued their excited conversation about the wedding and the impromptu Australian honeymoon.


  The Swan

  Later that evening, Rainer and Logan lay alone in the beds of their youth. Rainer stared out at the star-strewn Virginian sky, and remembered all the nights he’d slept in that very bed.

  Before he’d even come to live with the Haydenshires, he’d spent many Friday and Saturday nights there with Logan.

  “Hey, man, did you ever wonder about all of that when you were drooling over Adeline all those years?” he quizzed Logan. It was something he’d always been curious about, but had never asked.


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