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One Paris Summer (Blink)

Page 28

by Denise Grover Swank

  I shrugged. “I think I’ll stay here.”

  “Don’t you want to take gifts to your friends and your mother? I know you’ve been too busy to buy them. Maybe you want to get a picture from an artist in the square.” She looked over at Dane. “But we’re going to Sacré-Cœur first.”

  I glanced at Eric. My brother had paid the price for my decision to cave to Camille’s demands. Did he want me to come? One glance confirmed that he did. “Okay.”

  Eric’s look of relief made me feel good about my decision.

  We met Marine, Julien, and Thomas on the steps outside the church. From the look on his face, Thomas hadn’t expected to see me.

  “Bonjour, Thomas.” I gave him a little wave.

  “Bonjour, Sophie. How is the piano practice coming?”

  “Good . . . Thomas, I’m sorry about lying to you about my fake boyfriend back home.”

  He shrugged. “I should have figured it out. Mathieu always got jumpy whenever I talked about you. I’m happy for you two.”

  “Thanks. I’d still like to be friends.”

  He grinned. “You’re leaving in two days.”

  “But I’ll be back,” I said in my best Terminator voice.

  He burst out laughing. “If you ever dump Mathieu, I hope you’ll give me a chance.”

  I smiled, relieved he wasn’t mad at me. “You’re first on my list.”

  Thomas and Camille went into the church to see where to get tickets to climb to the top. I was trying to work up the nerve to join the group, hoping to avoid a repeat of Notre Dame. Marine, Julien, and Eric walked over to check out three men playing drums on the side of the church. I stayed at the top of the massive stairway that led to the front of the church. The building was built at the top of a hill, and the view of Paris was mesmerizing.

  “I thought I’d be first on that list,” Dane said in a low voice behind me.

  He laughed when I jumped, and I tried to control the new rush of anxiety. I glanced around frantically. “It’s okay. Eric’s not around,” he said, chuckling. “Jeez, he’s like a guard dog with you.”

  I shot him my sternest glare. “Which is why you better get away from me if you don’t want him to beat the crap out of you.”

  “You wouldn’t let him hurt me, would you, Soph?”

  I clenched my jaw. “Try me.”

  He leaned back and held out his hands. “Come on. I know you’re only dating that French guy because I hooked up with Camille. But we’ll be home in a few days, and I’ll be all yours.”

  I shook my head in disgust. “Are you kidding me?”

  “I know Eric is an issue, but we can sneak around like you did with Mathieu. I know a great place to park my truck after school. No one will have to know.”

  I gasped. “Wow. That offer is so tempting, but I think I’m gonna take a pass.”

  He leaned close to me, shooting me an ugly sneer. “You had two guys interested in you this summer, and you suddenly think all the guys are gonna fall all over you. It ain’t gonna happen, Soph. Not at our school. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “You think you can intimidate me into sleeping with you? You’re disgusting.” I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

  His eyes narrowed and his voice came out in a low growl. “I’m not done talking to you.”

  I was scared, but I wasn’t about to back down. “Get your hand off me, now.”

  “Or what? What are you going to do, Sophie?”

  I stomped my heel down on the inside of his ankle, letting my foot answer for me.

  He dropped his hold on me and yelped.

  “If you ever touch me again, I’ll do a whole lot more than that. And I can’t even imagine what Eric will do.”

  I turned to walk away, but he called after me. “You can play hard to get all you want, Sophie, but I know you want me.”

  I fought tears as I walked up the remaining steps, trying to get as much distance between us as possible. A few minutes later, Eric and the others had joined Camille and Thomas as they headed to the landing at the bottom of the church entrance. Eric was scanning the crowd for me.

  I offered him a tight smile. I wanted to leave, but I decided to just stick close to my brother. Dane wouldn’t be stupid enough to try anything with Eric around.

  We had to go down to the basement to get tickets. I assured Eric multiple times I could climb the steps without freaking out. I was worried that if I stayed outside on the steps, Dane would want to stay with me, which offered plenty of motivation to face my fears.

  There were a million and a half steps to the top, but I made it with only a few near panic attacks. The view from the dome was incredible, making me glad I had made the climb. I dug out my cell phone and took a selfie with the Eiffel Tower behind me. I sent it to Mathieu in a text with missing you.

  We went shopping next, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Dane and my dad. Dane for obvious reasons, and Dad because he had me totally confused. I was scheduled to audition tomorrow at noon, and I still didn’t know if it was happening.

  If Dad didn’t let me audition, I wasn’t sure I could ever forgive him.

  CHAPTER Thirty-Four

  BY THE TIME we got back to the apartment, I’d gotten souvenirs for everyone back home. Mathieu was waiting outside the building. I ran to him, squealing as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He swung me around, then set me down and kissed me. “I understand you went to Sacré-Cœur.”

  I grinned up at him. “Oui. I wish you had been with me.”

  “Me too.” He gave me another kiss, slow and lingering.

  “You’re early,” I said.

  “I got off early to see you.”

  “And tomorrow?” Mathieu wanted to go with me to the audition. He was trying to get out of his community service for a few hours.

  His smile fell. “I haven’t gotten an answer yet.”


  “I’ll take her,” Eric said.

  I glanced over at him, surprised he was still there. The others had gone upstairs, but Dane had given me a dirty look when he saw me in Mathieu’s arms. “Nobody’s going if Dad doesn’t sign that paper.”

  Eric’s eyes narrowed. “He better.”

  Dad and Eva came home soon after we did. Eva made pasta, and we all sat at the dining room table. Both of them were more subdued than usual, maybe because the full, boisterous family dinners were about to go back to only three people.

  Halfway through the meal, Dad cleared his throat, looking nervous. “Sophie, I’ve given this some thought, and I have decided it is your decision, not mine. If you want to audition, I’ll sign the paper.”

  “Really? Thank you!”

  Mathieu grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed.

  Dad scowled. “But we need to discuss some logistics.”


  “When you’re accepted to the school, do you plan on living at the school or here? Because Eva and I would prefer for you to live here. You’re comfortable riding the Metro now, right?”


  “Living here with us will save money, and I’ll get to see you more.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Eva smiled.

  “The conservatoire is expensive. We’ll have to figure out how to pay for it. I’ll need to talk to your mother about using part of your college fund.”

  “And I would like to help as well,” Eva said.

  “Not only do you want her to live here,” Camille shouted, “but you want to help pay for it?” Then she began to curse a blue streak in French.

  Eva lost her usual cool and shouted in French for her to stop being a baby.

  I nearly gasped when I realized I understood her.

  “Camille,” Eva said in the harshest tone I’d ever heard her use. “That is enough. We would be thrilled to have Sophie live with us.” Then she gave me a warm smile.

  I was beginning to believe this could actually happen. I only hoped I’d get Eric’s room if
I got accepted.

  Camille and Dane left the apartment soon after dinner, and Eva suggested that Mathieu and I go for a walk.

  “Are you nervous?” Mathieu asked, holding my hand as we walked toward the Seine.

  “Yes. No. I’m trying not to think about it. This audition could determine my entire future. I can’t screw it up. I usually don’t have bad nerves before competitions, but this is so much bigger than anything I’ve ever done.”

  “Don’t think about it that way. Just go in there and pretend you are playing for me.”

  I smiled up at him. “That should be easy enough.”

  We walked down to the river, holding hands. When we were next to the water, Mathieu pulled me to his chest as he kissed me.

  “Sophie,” he whispered against my lips. “I love you.”

  My heart burst with happiness. “I love you too.”

  “Je t’aime.” He kissed me again. “I hope you don’t mind me if I tell you in French more than English. It feels closer to my heart in French.”

  “Je t’aime,” I repeated, not surprised that the French translation felt closer to my heart too.

  The next morning I spent more time than usual on my hair and makeup. I needed to leave for the audition at around 11:00 to make it to the school with twenty minutes to spare, which meant I had time to stop by Mathieu’s apartment to practice. I wanted to run through everything a few more times to ease my nerves. Since Mathieu wasn’t sure if he could go with me, Eric planned to meet me at Mathieu’s apartment to take me to the audition.

  As I gathered my music off the keyboard, I noticed Camille standing in the kitchen doorway, holding a cup of coffee. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Practicing?” I asked, thumbing through the music for the fifth time to make sure I had everything.

  “No. Ruining my life.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Drama much?”

  “Go home, Sophie. Go home to where you belong and leave me and my life alone.”

  I stood up straight and spun around to face her. “I know you find this difficult to believe, but the entire world doesn’t revolve around you. I’m sorry your dad died, but the fact is my dad married your mom. I’m part of this no matter where I live.”

  “I know you’re doing this for him.”

  I shook my head. “You mean Mathieu?”

  “It’s your desperate attempt to stay with him.”

  I lifted my eyebrows. “If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black . . . What about your desperate attempt to have Dane stay by blackmailing me?”

  She had the good sense not to say anything.

  My phone buzzed in my bag, and I pulled it out, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw the text from Mathieu.

  I can leave early. I’ll see you right at 11:00.

  I texted back:

  Yay! See you then!

  “Tell Eric he doesn’t have to take me.” I stuffed the phone in my bag. “Mathieu’s principal is letting him leave early, and he’ll meet me right at eleven o’clock.” Then I looked up at her stunned face. What was I thinking? “Never mind. I’ll just text him myself.”

  I looked through my bag one more time. Music. My paperwork. I was already wearing a dress Eva had loaned me for the audition. It was a simple black cotton dress—sleeveless, with a scoop neck, cinched waist, and a full skirt. I looked professional and sophisticated, but not too old.

  I headed for the door, and Camille called after me. “If you are set on doing this, then I wish you luck, Sophie.” She gave me a smile so sweet it had to be fake.

  “Thanks,” I said as I let the door close behind me.

  As usual, no one was home at Mathieu’s apartment. I pulled out my music and set my alarm for 10:45 so I’d be ready to go when Mathieu showed up. Then I remembered I hadn’t told Eric, so I sent him a quick text, to which he replied:

  Camille already told me.

  I was nervous. More nervous than I usually got before a competition, but there’d never been so much at stake. I shook out my hands and started with scales, my fingers playing by muscle memory before I went through my repertoire.

  The alarm went off, and I packed up my music, then went to the bathroom. When I washed my hands, I checked my reflection in the mirror. My makeup and hair still looked good—I’d left my hair down, but pulled back at the sides. Miss Lori had suggested I do that so the judges could see my face.

  I was ready.

  The front door buzzer went off and I checked the time—10:55. Had Eric decided to come anyway? I pushed a button by the door. “Allô?” But no one answered.

  About a minute later, I heard a knock at the door, and I cringed when I realized I must have pushed the door button instead of the call button. I hesitantly opened the front door, completely unprepared for the person I found standing there.


  “What are you doing here?” I demanded.

  A smug smile spread across his face. “I wanted to wish you luck.” He pushed past me and into the living room.

  I gaped at him for a few seconds before coming to my senses. “Where’s Camille? Shouldn’t you be with her?”

  He wandered around the room, looking at the furniture and the paintings on the wall. “No. I told her about us.”

  “Us? What are you talking about?”

  He stopped and turned around, wearing a sly grin. “I told Camille that she and I are over. I told her I want to be with you.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “Have you lost your mind? I thought I made it perfectly clear yesterday that there is no you and me. There never will be.”

  “Come on, Soph.” He took several steps toward me and slid his hand down my bare arm. “It’s okay. You don’t have to hide it anymore.”

  I took a step backward. “Your timing absolutely sucks. You need to leave. Now.”

  “Not yet.” He turned and moved into the kitchen. “Nice apartment. Mathieu’s parents must be loaded. How big is this place?” Then he headed down the hall.

  My heart began to race. What was he doing? “Dane! Get back out here!”

  He poked his head into the open bathroom door. “Not until I see Mathieu’s room. I’m curious.”

  “Take your curiosity somewhere else.” He was up to something, but darned if I knew what it was. I grabbed my phone and texted Eric.

  Dane has shown up at Mathieu’s apartment and won’t leave. Help!

  Dane continued down the hall and stood in front of Etienne’s room. “Is this it?”

  “Dane, you have to leave.”

  He chuckled. “No, Mathieu’s a lot of things, but gay’s not one of them. And only someone batting for the other team would have posters of guys in Speedos on his bedroom walls.” Then he moved on to the next room.

  Mathieu’s room.

  My heart was racing. “Dane, please. My audition is in an hour. You have to leave!”

  He gave me a leering wink. “You spend a lot of time in here, Soph?”

  “What? No!”

  I was close to tears as he barged through the door. Mathieu was going to show up at any minute.

  He was not going to be happy to find Dane in his room.

  Dane sat down on the neatly made bed and patted the spot next to him. “Come sit with me.”

  “No! Get out of this room!”

  I heard the front door open and Mathieu call out, “Sophie? Are you ready?”

  I gasped, panic flooding my head. How was I going to explain this? I started to turn around and run out to the living room, but Dane bolted off the bed and grabbed my wrist. I released a little yelp as he pulled me to his chest.

  “Come on, Soph. I know you want me.”

  I pushed my free hand against his chest and tried to push him away, but he wrapped his arm around my back and pinned me against him, pressing his mouth to mine, wet and sloppy.

  “Sophie?” I heard Camille’s voice down the hall. “Are you here?”

  What was she doing here? I heard the clack of heels moving quickly down t
he hall.

  “Oh, la vache!” Camille shouted in the open doorway. “Sophie! Dane?”

  I kicked Dane in the shin with my pointed shoe, and he finally dropped his hands. I stumbled back a couple of steps and spun around to see Mathieu in the doorway, his face ashen. Camille stood behind him, barely managing to contain her glee.

  “Mathieu,” I pleaded, my voice breaking. “He just showed up and—”

  “You don’t have to hide it, Soph.” A lazy grin slid across Dane’s face. “We should confess to Mathieu that we’ve been sleeping together in his bed. Every day.”

  I gasped in horror. What was he doing? “Mathieu! I swear it’s not—”

  But I didn’t get to finish. Mathieu shot across the room, his fist flying into Dane’s face.


  Dane came back swinging, his knuckles connecting with Mathieu’s jaw.

  “Stop!” I shouted, reaching for Mathieu and trying to pull him away from Dane.

  Mathieu turned his fury on me. “I trusted you, Sophie!”

  I shook my head, trying to wrap my head around what was going on. “I swear to you, Mathieu. He just showed up!”

  His chest rose and fell as he struggled to catch his breath. He pointed to the door. “Get out.”

  I shook my head, starting to cry. “No. You have to listen to me! I haven’t done anything wrong!”

  “You’re in my bedroom! With him! Is this why you really begged your father to let him stay in Paris?”

  “It was too perfect,” Dane said with a grin. “We could screw every day without worrying about anyone finding us.” He tilted his head. “Sorry, Camille.”

  She released a gasp of outrage, but Mathieu didn’t see the smile on her lips.

  His eyes grew wild. “Get out!”

  I cried harder, trying to catch my breath. “Mathieu, you have to believe me! I would never do that with him! Especially not in your room!”

  “Then why is he in here, Sophie? How did he get in my room?”

  “He just showed up!”

  Disgust covered Mathieu’s face. “He just showed up . . .” His jaw clenched. “I want my key back.”


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