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The Sextet Presents… The Lady Takes a Pair [In Days of Olde] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Cheryl Brooks

  “And I shall steal your virginity in yet another way,” Will said. “That is what you want, is it not?”

  She heaved a sigh. “Oh, my goodness, yes.”

  He arched a brow. “Both of us together?”

  “Is that possible?” She’d suspected that it was, but the very idea was so shockingly erotic, she hardly dared think about it.

  “Absolutely,” Nick replied with a glance at his footman. “I trust you carry the oil?”

  William grinned as he held up the vial. “Always, my lord.”

  Juliet had never felt such excitement before—so much so that her knees barely supported her when she attempted to stand. As they removed her clothing, moisture coated her inner thighs, and her breasts grew heavy, the nipples taut with anticipation. When William leaned down to flick one puckered bud with his tongue, a groan welled up from deep inside her.

  Nick slid a hand between her legs, teasing her clitoris with a fingertip. “Ah, yes…wet and naked. And quite astonishingly lovely.”

  Her head fell back, allowing her hair to caress her shoulders. “How shall we do this?”

  Nick crooked a finger at Will. “Undress me, William. Strip me naked for our lovely Juliet.”

  His coat went first, followed by his shirt and cravat. Then he sat down on the end of the bench while William removed his boots and breeches. As he lay back on the soft velvet, his prick beckoned. “Suck my cock, Juliet.”

  Nick was every bit as delicious as Will had been, but with a slight tang. It took her a moment to realize the reason for the difference.

  That’s from me. That’s how I taste.

  Moments later, Will’s well-oiled penis poked her from behind.

  “Climb onto him,” he said, his voice tight, urgent.

  Placing her hands on Rotherford’s chest, she mounted him as she would have done a horse, had she ridden astride. His heavy-lidded gaze locked with hers as William grasped her hips, easing her back down onto Nick’s cock, sending ripples of delight coursing through her. Nick’s buttocks rested on the very end of the bench and she leaned forward, allowing Will full access to her bare behind.

  Stepping up to the bench, Will eased his hot cock between her cheeks, gliding the slick head over her anus.

  Which felt positively delightful. “Mmm…Lovely.”

  “It certainly is,” Will remarked. “And so very tight—but don’t fret. I’ll be gentle.”

  Juliet wasn’t sure she wanted him to be gentle. However, Rotherford held perfectly still while Will began his careful entry. She thought back to when she’d watched the two men together and recalled how William had thrust back against his master, which was something he’d seemed to enjoy very much.

  Her first attempt had the astonishing effect of driving Rotherford farther into her body—and nearly knocking Will off his feet. “Oh, my…”

  “I do believe our dear Juliet is trying to fuck us, Will,” Rotherford drawled.

  “She is, indeed,” Will said. “And I approve wholeheartedly.” Bracing himself, he urged her to try again.

  Juliet gasped as she rocked back, meeting the solid resistance afforded by William’s strong body. With another firm, backward thrust, he was balls-deep in her bottom. Her mouth fell open.

  “Good?” Rotherford asked.

  “Exquisite,” Juliet replied. “You’ve no idea…”

  He smiled. “I might, but then again, I’ve yet to have two pricks inside me. I must say, I’m rather envious at the moment.”

  “You should be.” Sensations she’d never even imagined filled her core, the slightest alteration in angle and thrust setting off new explosions of ecstasy. Insanity would surely follow. No one could experience such pleasure and remain sane…

  The men took up the rhythm—one beneath her, and one behind. They weren’t forcing themselves into her, but rocking her onto them.

  “Love that,” she whispered. “Oh…”

  A flame ignited in her core then steadily changed to become more like a flower bud—growing, swelling, pulsing until finally bursting into bloom. A cry erupted from her throat, and she tried to call out their names, but her brain no longer controlled her body. No sound came from her lips—at least, nothing intelligible. The gentle rocking ceased, and both men began thrusting into her in earnest.

  Utterly helpless, she collapsed on Rotherford’s chest and simply let it happen. She may have been at their mercy, but there was no sense of surrender and certainly no fear.

  I trust them.

  The truth of it stunned her even more than the astonishing feelings they evoked within her—feelings that hadn’t ended with her own climax, but went on and on. Each thrust of their cocks held her suspended in ecstasy until they spent their seed into her waiting body—William first, followed closely by Nick. Filled with creamy delight, she would surely ache on the morrow, but the memory of the pleasure would undoubtedly ease the pain.

  William withdrew, leaving her instantly bereft.

  “Oh, Will,” she sighed. “That was indeed glorious.”

  Nick gaped at her. “What? No words of praise for me?”

  “I shall tell you the same when I am parted from you, my lord,” she said with an admonitory arch of her brow. “You must be patient.”

  The bench was just wide enough for her to place a knee on either side of his hips. Rising up on her hands and knees, she stretched herself like a cat waking from a nap. Nick’s cock slipped out, slapping against his belly.

  “Sad to have to leave you, my lord, but if I do not get off you now, I fear I shan’t be able to stand up for our wedding.”

  Rotherford grinned. “We can’t have that, can we?”

  She shook her head. “Absolutely not.”

  His soft groan gave her pause, and a downward glance caught his difficult swallow.

  “Is something amiss?” she asked.

  “Do that again.”

  She frowned. “Do what?”

  “Shake your head.”

  She complied with his odd request, taking note of the direction of his gaze. His eyes rested on her breasts, which were swaying gently.

  “Such beauty…”

  Crawling up over his body, she lowered herself until her nipple touched his mouth and shook her head again. Her breast dragged across his lips. “Suckle me, my lord.”

  Her breath went out with a hiss as he drew her flesh into his mouth, his tongue teasing her tingling bud. Turning her head, she darted a glance at William. “I have another for you.”

  As Will approached, she dismounted. “Now, if you gentlemen would sit side by side…”

  The two men moved with astonishing haste, their cocks already stiffening with renewed vigor. Widening her stance, she arched her back and rubbed her soft globes first in Nick’s face and then Will’s. Semen ran down her inner thighs, a reminder of the erotic pleasures she’d enjoyed.

  Stepping back, she cupped a breast in each hand. “To call these breasts seems rather staid. I would prefer a more vulgar term. What would you suggest?”

  “Tits,” William said hoarsely. “You should call them tits.”

  “Then tits they shall be,” she said. “You wicked, wicked men have corrupted me, and now you must pay the price by doing my bidding.” Threading her fingers through their hair, the one ginger, the other black, she pulled them close as she thrust her chest forward. “Suck my tits.”

  Nick did as she asked, grasping her breast with one hand while gripping her bottom with the other. Will did the same, closing his eyes blissfully as he licked her sensitive skin. Shifting her eyes back to Nick, she found him gazing up at her with an expression of astonishment, awe, and something else…

  Her face flooded with warmth, and her heart took a plunge as the shock of her own audacity struck her like a blow. She’d never been unclothed with one man, let alone two. She should’ve been overcome with shyness, should’ve covered herself. Not flaunted her nudity in such a blatant manner.

  She took a step backward, her voice barely a whisper
when she finally spoke. “Why are you looking at me like that? Have I done something wrong?”

  If anything, he looked even more peculiar, his lips parted and his bemused gaze never leaving her face. “My dear Juliet. You rob me of speech—even breath. You—”

  Her face fell. She wasn’t the one to make him feel such things. He and William had done it to her. She’d done nothing to them. Not really. She couldn’t be the woman he spoke of. Some other woman, perhaps. Some other time…

  “Pray, do not jest with me, my lord.”

  “You put me under your spell, and yet you deny your own power?”

  A shaky laugh escaped her. “Power? I fear I have done nothing but to suddenly sprout horns—or something equally diverting—for you to look at me in such a way.”

  She’d lost her head for a moment, allowing herself to believe she was as beautiful as Rotherford told her she was. But in truth, she was naught but a ruined spinster, and getting on in years, at that. Not the sort of woman men worshipped with their eyes.

  That was it—the peculiar quality in his gaze. Worship.

  Oh, surely not…

  “Diverting?” he echoed. “Not the word I would’ve chosen. Beguiling or bewitching, perhaps. But certainly not diverting.” Taking her hand, he kissed it with a fervor that left her stunned. “I’ve been waiting all my life for a woman to leave me breathless. William does it on a regular basis, and although I’ve never been one to shun the fairer sex, you alone have succeeded where others have failed. Do not doubt your power, Juliet. Not for an instant.”

  She gaped at him, not quite believing her ears. She glanced at Will, only to discover the same worshipful expression on his face. “And you? Do you feel the same?”

  William’s slow smile sent a rush of heat to her core. “Have you forgotten, my lady? I am your slave.”

  Where she once was deemed weak and insignificant, she now had power? Sexual power? Over two men? Granted, the one was subservient and content to be so, but the other was rich, titled, and confident.

  It was…confusing.

  Especially since, at least for the moment, Rotherford seemed strangely humble. “We are at your command, my lady. Fulfilling your wishes gives us great joy.”

  Her gaze darted back and forth between them. If they were lying, they were remarkably convincing. “Well, then. I’d best take care what I wish for. I wouldn’t want to render us destitute.”

  “What do you wish for?” Will asked.

  She glanced at Rotherford. “Nicholas asked me that once before. My answer to you is the same, William. I want only love.”

  Rotherford arched a brow. “Nothing more?”

  She considered this for a moment. “I should also like to have free rein in the rose garden.”

  “I believe that can be arranged,” Rotherford said. “Anything else?”

  “That’ll do,” she replied. “For now.”

  Rotherford chuckled. “I love this woman. I truly do.” His eyes swept over her, but for once, his gaze couldn’t compensate for the chill in the air.

  She crossed her arms, shivering. “I don’t suppose you could help me to dress?”

  Her request was met with a frown that was more puzzled than disgruntled. “I believe William should be the one to assist you. He’s much better at that sort of thing than I. No doubt I should end by putting something on backward.”

  Juliet rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly, my lord. You helped remove my clothing. You should be able to put it back on.”

  “Quite right,” said William. “I was paying attention. Surely you were, as well.”

  The viscount shook his head. “Not really. I was more interested in what was beneath the dress than the dress itself.”

  “That’s very sweet of you, my lord,” Juliet commented. “But not terribly helpful. I’m also a bit, um, sticky.”

  William produced a handkerchief from the pile of his livery. “Allow me, my lady.” He knelt before her, wiping the semen from her legs. “I will help you since Nick is being so uncooperative.”

  “Uncooperative? Me? I’m merely claiming ignorance!”

  “Then I shall teach you, my lord,” Will said. “After all, if a man is to undress his lady, he should be able to help her put herself to rights again. Imagine what would happen if I weren’t here.”

  “Ah, but you always will be, my dear William,” Rotherford said. “Always.”

  “Nonetheless, you should observe closely.”

  True to his word, William had her dress on and buttoned up in a trice. He even helped her to pin up her hair.

  “Why, William,” Rotherford drawled. “You’re better than a lady’s maid. I had no idea you were so talented.”

  “He is indeed,” Juliet said. “In so many ways.”

  The tables had turned. Juliet was now fully dressed, but her men were still quite naked—and if the state of their pricks was any indication, they both enjoyed this circumstance enormously. Her gaze drifted down to Will’s stiff member, then returned to his twinkling green eyes before moving on to appreciate the viscount’s physique.

  “D’you know, I believe I shall enjoy being married to you, Rotherford,” Juliet declared. “The scenery here in your home is quite…remarkable.”

  Chapter Seven

  The earl raised his glass. “To the bride and groom.”

  And the footman.

  William could scarcely believe the events of the past two days. Nick’s proposal. Juliet’s acceptance. The earl’s consent. That amazing interlude in the portrait gallery. The announcement of their engagement at dinner. The wedding planned for the following morning. And now, their vows had been said, the wedding papers signed, the wedding breakfast underway.

  He’d watched as Nick and Juliet vowed to love one another, never parting until death. From his post at the rear of the church, Will had whispered the words right along with them. His name might not have been on the documents, but before God, he’d vowed the same.

  Let no man put asunder…

  He prayed that God was an understanding deity rather than a vengeful one. The hurt that could result from their liaison was extraordinary.

  I can’t think of it that way. I must believe it will work.

  It had to. William couldn’t imagine life without Nick, and he was beginning to see that without Juliet’s love, he could never continue as his master’s lover.

  She has to love us both.

  Unfortunately, these thoughts had come a bit late. Too late, in fact, to do anything aside from wooing Juliet as any man would a new bride whom he did not know particularly well. True, she was lovely and seemed attracted to both men in a sexual manner, but what of the other things that drew people together? What quirks might she have, and what endearing qualities? For that matter, what would she see in himself or his master?

  What a chance we’ve taken!

  He almost cursed Nick for being so well-prepared. This was too quick—too soon to know if she would care enough for them to keep their secret for as long as she lived. She’d promised never to betray them, but her sentiments might change with time.

  Either way, it was done. There was no going back now, particularly since the marriage had already been consummated—somewhat prematurely, perhaps, but consummated just the same.

  He closed his eyes for a moment, blocking out the sight of the happy couple. If only he could keep from hearing the congratulatory speeches and the well-wishes of guests who had come to a simple house party only to wind up being witnesses to a marriage.

  Opening his eyes, his gaze landed on Juliet. She was beautiful, smiling, and radiant. She’d worn the gown of blue satin—one he’d chosen because its color matched her eyes.

  Oh, Juliet…What a terrible fate awaits me if you fail to love me.

  She’d understood, though—or had seemed to.

  Still, being the one not included in the ceremony made William uneasy. How simple it would be for Nick to send him packing now that he was wed. Lost in newly married bliss, would he
forget the love the two men had shared? He wanted to be happy for them—and for himself—but there was that niggling little fear…

  He looked up just as Juliet’s eyes seemed to search the chapel, smiling when her gaze landed on him. Her smile seemed intended specifically for him, and the tingling in his cheeks warned him of a blush. He’d suckled that woman’s soft tits and fucked her luscious bottom.

  Oh, my lady…What have we done?

  If she’d been a tavern wench or a ploughman’s daughter, he could’ve reconciled these feelings, but that was part of the problem. Juliet was a lady.

  True, there’d been a certain eroticism in making love with a woman not of his class, and he had no doubt that he would continue to feel that way, at least, for a time. Perhaps she felt the same, but what would happen when the novelty wore off? Events that occurred in the heat of the moment were often later regretted.

  William sincerely hoped he wasn’t one of them.

  * * * *

  As their guests drank a toast wishing them a long and happy union, Rotherford kissed his bride with all the passion of a man in love. Unfortunately, his other lover was busy pouring tea for Lady Spencer.

  He despised the society that prevented William from joining them at the altar, even as his best man. He knew Will understood—one could only flout convention so far without suffering the consequences—yet he felt markedly remiss. He was in the process of trying to imagine how to make it up to him, when the perfect solution struck him.

  We’ll have another ceremony.

  In his chambers, in his bed…Then again, considering the tryst in the gallery, perhaps they already had performed the necessary rites.

  “Your thoughts, my lord?” Juliet whispered as their guests resumed their seats following the toast.

  “I believe you can guess them.”

  She nodded. “One of us is absent. He cannot be enjoying the party, can he?”

  “One never knows with him. His happiness often depends upon factors that would not please the average man.” Nick’s gaze slid past Juliet to assure himself that her parents, seated to her left, weren’t privy to their conversation. “Still, it concerns me.”


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