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Bred for the Billionaire’s Heir (An Erotic tale of BDSM, Alpha Male Dominance and Female Submission)

Page 2

by Alex Anders

  When the path ended, Jasmine found herself standing at the door of a large round structure. 'Perhaps it's the main house,' she thought. But it wasn't shaped like one. To Jasmine, it instead looked like a larger version of the cabanas she had passed. And peeking into the open door she was greeted by another man whose voice sounded familiar.

  “I'm glad you could join us, Ms Cameron,” the older man pronounced. “Right this way.”

  “How do you know my name,” Jasmine asked unsure of how even the mysterious man would know it.

  “It is our job to know all of our guests' names.”

  'So I'm a guest,' she thought. 'This isn't a kidnapping. Or if it is, it is the most polite kidnapping of all time.'

  “Right this way, madam.”

  The casually dressed man-servant led Jasmine through the open room. It was as authentic to its design on the inside as it was on the outside. It had an open ceiling and looked like what she would imagine a real beach hut would look like if decorated by someone with impeccable style.

  Crossing the room, Jasmine saw a glass door come into view. Through it was the one person that she recognized. It was the mysterious man. He was dressed in light tan pants and another of his tailored white shirts. With his dashing good-looks he looked like a model in a cologne ad. Jasmine again wondered who this man could be. Joining him on the balcony, she decided that the first thing she had to do was find out.

  “Okay, who are you and why have you brought me here?” Jasmine demanded parking herself next to the table laden with breakfast food.

  “Well, good morning to you too. Is that the way you were raised to address your hosts?” the man said with an unflustered smile.

  “That's the way I was raised to address someone who's kidnapped me in the middle of the night.”

  The man laughed. “I can assure you that this is not a kidnapping.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “Why don't you sit down and let me tell you?” The man gestured toward the chair across the table from him. Jasmine considered rejecting his offer but quickly decided that it would be a futile act. She was hungry and whatever happened next was in her host's hands. Jasmine pulled out the chair and sat down.

  “Now eat. You must be famished.”

  Jasmine looked up at the man hearing an accusation buried in his words. Finding nothing accusatory on his face, she grabbed a scone and buttered it. She was famished. She didn't understand why but she felt like she could eat everything on the table.

  “Very good. Now, we didn't get the chance to formally meet last night. You can call me Jassar.”

  The man held out his hand allowing Jasmine to gain a firm grip.

  “And you?” He continued.

  “Jasmine,” she offered softly, seduced by the taste of the scone.

  “Jasmine Cameron, yes?”

  “Yes,” she confirmed with apprehension. “How did you know that?”

  “What type of host would I be if I didn't know my guest's name?”

  “So you're telling me that I am your guest?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then in that case I need to get back to my parents. They're probably worried.”

  “Your parents have been informed of your whereabouts and hope for you to have of good time.”

  “What do you mean 'my parents know where I am'? How could they when I don't even know where I am.”

  “You are a guest on my estate. You are on a private Cay in the Bahamas. Anything you like will be made available to you while you are here and the resources here are plentiful.”

  “Great, then what I would like is a ride back to the dock where I got on.”

  “I'm sorry Jasmine, that is the one thing that I cannot give you.”

  “Why not?” Jasmine asked becoming concerned.

  “Because that wasn't part of our arrangement.”

  “Whose arrangement?” she asked confused.

  “Why, your father's, of course.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I would have preferred for you to think of this excursion as a luxurious surprise, but I see that you are going to want to know the gritty facts. You see, your father has a business.”

  “Yes, a textile company.”

  “Yes. And unfortunately it isn't doing as well as he would have hoped. He owes a lot of money to those who you wouldn't want to owe money to.”

  Jasmine's voice softened at the possibility. “I don't know anything about that.”

  “And why should you? What your father needs is a very generous benefactor. The problem is that aside from his indebted company, he has nothing else of worth… accept one.”

  Jasmine's mouth dropped open. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She wouldn't have believed it accept for something in the back of her mind that said it could be true. Her father, though fairly westernized and married to a white American woman, still held onto some of his culture's beliefs. He had mentioned arranged marriages many times to her throughout her childhood to Jasmine's refusal. She had always thought of it as a game they played, but for the first time she considered otherwise. Could the financial state of her father's company be what was behind their long standing game?

  “Before you come to the wrong conclusion, I would like to assure you that you are my guest here. The simple arrangement that we made is that you would stay here with me for three days. Nothing else will be expected.”

  Jasmine looked at Jassar in disbelief.

  “Let me assure you, I am not a man without options. I have captured the attention of princesses and models alike. What you would offer me wouldn't be any better.”

  “Then why am I here?”

  “You are here because I collect prized possessions. And when I met your father, I found that you were his.”

  Jasmine relaxed into her seat absorbing everything that she had heard. She didn't understand it. It was if her entire life had been turned upside down and she could no longer get her bearing. Her father always seemed like such a caring father, how could he do this to her. Jassar had convinced her that she really didn't have anything to fear from him, but how could her father know that.

  “I don't understand how my father could do this to me.”

  “Perhaps he knows what you know deep inside.”

  Jasmine looked at her host taken back that he would presume to know what she 'knew deep inside'. “And what's that?” she challenged.

  “That you are moderately attractive, but not beautiful; that you are above average intellectually, but not particularly smart. Perhaps he knows that with nothing special about you, you were destined to live a pedestrian life. But in my hands I could mold you. I could turn you into the envy of women everywhere. Perhaps he knows that in my strong hands your life would exceed even your wildest expectations.”

  Jasmine watched as Jassar casually grabbed his cup of coffee and took a sip. He had torn a hole in her with his observation. It was true. In her heart she knew that there was nothing special about her. She was always surrounded by prettier, smarter people and she knew it. This could explain her father's actions as well. From childhood he had called her his princess and had showered her with praise, but Jasmine always suspected that buried inside of him, he saw her as she saw herself.

  In the light of Jassar's explanation, her father's deal didn't seem so bad. Perhaps her father saw this as an opportunity, she considered. This was her opportunity to convince Jassar that she was special; perhaps even special enough to marry. This union would certainly be her father's dream. But because her father dreamed it, didn't make it hers. Jasmine took another bite of the delectable scone and looked out toward the sea.

  “Do you expect me to just give myself to you?” Jasmine asked with building contempt.

  “What I expect is for you to beg me to take you.”

  Jasmine whipped her head around to find Jassar's coy smile. His smug arrogance infuriated her. 'How dare he?' she thought as she crossed her legs to hide her swelling lips. 'He will never have me,' sh
e decided. 'I will never fall for him again.'

  It was then that Jassar got up and without acknowledging her further, walked away. Jasmine was doubly insulted. 'If he is going to say such things, the least he could do would be to treat me with common courtesy.'

  Jasmine kept her eyes locked on him as he left. He didn't look back. 'He really does expect me to beg him for something,' she thought regretting ever following him onto his yacht.

  It was at that moment that Jasmine gave her first thought to the night before; at least she presumed that it was the night before. She couldn't be sure how long she was asleep.

  The night they had been together was unlike any she had ever experienced. Feeling the warm mounds between her legs begin to throb she looked behind her to see who was there. There was no one. So with her back to the entrance she opened her legs and let the cool ocean breeze tickle her moist bud. The sensation threw her head back and sent her eyes rolling back into her head.

  Looking out in front of her she found a few people but all of them were closer to the shore. So subtly sliding her hand down between her legs she closed her eyes and imagined Jassar's thick fingers rubbing her as she rubbed herself. Moisture covered her fingertip.

  Jasmine swallowed as her massage increased. What she was doing would be more obvious now and she knew it, but she couldn't stop herself. His touch had been too sensual. Just the thought of it had brought on a storm. And as the lightening crackled and the thunder rumbled between her legs, she was interrupted by a voice.

  “Ms Cameron, would you like me to show you to your room?”

  Jasmine quickly pulled her hand back above her skirt.

  “What?” She yelped turning embarrassed.

  “Your room. Would you like me to show you where you will be staying?”

  “Oh, sure,” she said trying to act as casually as possible.

  Jasmine followed her escort between the cabanas. Each cabana had a sign hanging from it with cute names like 'Towel Cowl' and 'Snack Nak'. Her cabana was called the 'Pea Princess'. Jasmine found the name unnerving because 'The Princess and the Pea' was a fairy tale she had continuously asked her father to read to her as a child.

  'Is this a coincidence?' she wondered.

  “You will find clothes in the closet. A short bell indicates when meals are ready, but you can always find fruits and other snacks…”

  “At the Snack Nak?”

  “Yes, Ms Cameron. At the Snack Nak. Is there anything else that you'll need?”

  “I don't think so,” Jasmine replied looking around the room.

  “Very good.”

  “Oh wait. I'm sorry I don't know your name.”

  “It's Alfred, madam.”

  “And you can call me Jasmine.”

  “Yes, madam.”

  Jasmine's smile wilted a little at his formality, but she continued. “Can you tell me where Jassar sleeps?” she asked sure that she had been placed near him.

  “He would be in the large cabana just past where you had breakfast.”

  “Oh,” she squawked with surprising disappointment.

  “Is that all?”

  “Actually, where can I go swimming?”

  “There is a pool at your disposal next to the master's quarters, and of course, there is always the beach.”

  Jasmine smiled embarrassed that she had asked such an obvious question. What she meant to ask was if there were any restrictions as to where she could swim. But she had gotten her answer. “Thank you.”

  With a smile and a slight bow, Alfred left. Jasmine immediately headed for her closet and opened it to find the same clothes that she had seen on the yacht. Still there were no panties or bras and now she had realized that there was also no swimsuit. So either she wasn't expected to go swimming or she was expected to go swimming nude. The idea intrigued her.

  Jasmine spent her day wondering around the cay. It was a truly incredible estate. When the bells rang she returned for her meals and each time looked for Jassar. She didn't see him, and with every moment that passed, Jasmine thought about her host more.

  'If only he hadn't been so smug,' she thought. 'I might have given myself to him if he hadn't been so smug.'

  When night fell and everything was dark, all Jasmine could think about was her beautiful host. Thinking back at how he had almost taken her in that filthy bathroom, she regretted stopping him. She wanted him now and if given the chance would jump on him taking all of him into her.

  Jasmine lay in her bed unable to sleep. With her hand between her legs she caressed her still virginal opening. She wished it was Jassar's fingers and she wished that he hadn't made their union a matter of pride. She liked him. She wanted him. But there was no way that she was going to beg for him if that was what it would take to have him.

  As the night continued, Jasmine's frustration grew. She was about to close her eyes and rub herself to relief when she remembered what Alfred had said. There was a pool next to her host's cabana. Presumably it would be private and the only one that could see her would be Jassar.

  'I'll tease him,' she thought in revelation. 'I'll swim naked outside his bedroom and I'll make him come to me.'

  Jasmine smiled as she scurried to her closet. She found the sexiest dress and put it on. Barefoot, she left her cabin, collected a towel from the Towel Cowl and headed toward the pool.

  Jasmine got a little turned around on the way there, but seeing reflections of moving lights on a distant wall, she knew she had found it. Approaching the pool she saw a large cabana out of the corner of her eye. It had to be Jassar's, she thought, but she refused to even look at it. It would be as if she didn't even know that he was there. She would ignore him and make him come to her.

  Jasmine stepped to the edge of the pool. Steam slowly rose off the surface of the water. It was heated, which was good because as she stood above it, Jasmine shook. She had suddenly felt very cold and wiggling her jaw was the only thing that she could do to stop her teeth from chattering.

  Standing at the pool's edge at the opposite end from Jassar's cabana, Jasmine readied herself. Thinking about 'stripping down to seduce a gorgeous man' was one thing. Doing it was another. But closing her eyes and gripping the bottom of her dress, in one movement she pulled it over her head and dropped it onto the ground.

  Still with her eyes closed, she imagined Jassar stepping out of his room and finding her. She knew that her mounding arousal would be evident to him, and she imagined that, like on the yacht, he would lose control and take her right then and there. So with that thought in mind she leaned forward and dove in. Her entrance cracked through the silence louder than she expected. She was pleased.

  Jasmine swam the length of the pool without coming up for air. Above was reality and underneath was anything she imagined her world to be. Besides, the longer she stayed down, the more time her lover would have to come out to investigate the splash. But when she finally ascended for air, to her disappointment Jassar was not there.

  Quickly descending again she headed back across the pool. Breaching the surface at the far end there was still nothing.

  'One more time,' she thought. And popping up at the point closest to his door, she held onto the edge of the pool gasping for breath.

  'Where is he? Is he even in there?' she asked herself wondering if her performance had been for nothing.

  Jasmine settled herself and let the noises of the night fill her ears. The water lapping on the side of the pool was the loudest. Next was the sound of coconut trees rustling in the night's breeze. And further beyond that was the sound of waves crashing onto shore. Everything she heard were the sounds that she would have expected, except one.

  Faintly under all of the other noises was one not made by nature. She couldn't be sure, but it sounded like that of a woman. Jasmine stilled herself and listened again. It was a woman and she seemed to be bellowing a light moan. And if Jasmine wasn't mistaken, it seemed to be coming from her host's cabana.

  Jasmine's mouth dropped open with surprise. Turn
ing to hear as much as she could, it didn't take much to understand that the sound was getting louder. This woman, whoever it was was being pleasured. And considering where it was coming from, it had to be Jassar who was pleasuring her.

  Jasmine froze staring at the closed cabana door. The woman's gentle moans were turning into screams. It was like the sounds that Jasmine had made as her mysterious stranger had lapped her bud. The moans made her embarrassed to hear it.

  'He's screwing someone else,' she thought. 'How foolish had I been? I'm no one special to him. He had even said it, but I didn't believe him. Now I'm here and naked and I'm listening to him do what he did to me to someone else. I need to get out of here.”

  Jasmine sank her head below the surface of the water and swam its length again. When she ascended the woman's screeches were piercing and there was nothing Jasmine could do to block out the sound. Pulling herself through the water as quickly as she could, she approached the stairs finding a tall shadow quickly entering the space. Jasmine lunged for her towel wrapping it around her seconds before Alfred came into sight. Carrying a tray, he spoke casually over the woman's wails.

  “I was instructed to bring you a snack, madam.”

  Jasmine stared at Alfred and the tray in horror. 'He had done this. 'He knows that I'm out here and this is a message. He clearly wanted to humiliate me and his humiliation is now complete.'

  Dashing by Alfred, Jasmine tried to block out the sounds of the woman's pleasure but couldn't. All she had left to do was cry. Jasmine entered her cabana and threw herself onto her bed. Covering her head with her pillow, she buried her wet face into the mattress and wept.

  It was with mercy when the woman let out her last screams. Lifting her head up, her face still wet with tears, Jasmine realized something. She was heartbroken because she was unmistakably jealous. She had fallen for the mysterious stranger, turned kidnapper, turned rogue. She wanted him, and she didn't want anyone else to have him. The new problem was that on top of everything else, she had no idea what to do about it.


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