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Guilty Gucci

Page 10

by Ashley Antoinette

  “What you playing games for? You not even a smoker,” the girl snapped.

  “You don’t know what I am,” Gucci responded harshly.

  “Look I might be down bad but I’m not out. I’ve seen you in here trying to blend in but you never smoke nothing,” the girl said.

  “I’ve seen you in here too ... too broke to smoke anything. Now you want this or not?” Gucci asked.

  “What I got to do for it?” the girl asked.

  The girl was so transfixed on Gucci’s closed palm that she couldn’t focus.

  Gucci snapped her fingers. “Hey... you want it?” she asked.

  “What I got to do?”

  “I need you to go upstairs and cause a distraction,” Gucci whispered as she looked around to make sure no one else was listening. Despite her convincing appearance she felt naked, as if everybody in the room knew that she was present with ill intent.

  “What kind of distraction?” the girl asked with a frown.

  “I don’t care what you do. Just distract the niggas upstairs. A girl is going to knock on the front door. When you hear the knock ... you start,” she said.

  The girl couldn’t have been a day older than eighteen. She had a bad addiction but hadn’t put enough years in on the street to realize that this was a fool’s mission. As Gucci watched her walk up the stairs she picked up her phone to let her girls know that her part of the plan had been fulfilled. Now it was up to them.

  Ten smokers in basement and six guys upstairs cooking up. Guns all over the kitchen table. Money under floorboard in kitchen. Girl about to cause distraction. Come in NOW!

  When Raegan read the text she relayed the message to Chanel and with adrenaline on high, they made their move. Their disguises never changed. Trench coats and high Louboutins was the getup; that way if they ever had to switch roles they could easily play the damsel in distress card.

  Gucci crept up the stairs and saw the girl she had bribed approach the hustlers. Out of nowhere she fell out on the floor, knocking the boiling pots off of the stove.

  “Fuck is this fiended-out bitch doing up here? Get her ass out!” one of the hustlers said irritably. “I told y’all about letting these mu’fuckas smoke in the spot anyway.”

  “I think the bitch dying or something,” one of them observed.

  “I don’t give a fuck ... just get the seizing-ass bitch out the kitchen. Throw her ass back in the basement and get up here and bag up this batch,” the block lieutenant ordered.

  Gucci smirked knowing that the girl was putting on. She had gone all out. Gucci hurried to the back door and unlocked it, turning it quietly as she let Chanel and Raegan inside. They passed her a pistol and tied a scarf around her face.

  “Don’t blow this, Guch. Just point your gun and get the money. Any nigga get stupid you pop off. We’ll ask questions later,” Raegan schooled before making her way up the landing that led to the kitchen.

  “Nigga, get that bitch out of here!” the dude said, losing his patience. Raegan and the girls met him on his way down the steps and she clicked off her safety, placing the chrome .45 dead center in his forehead.

  “Back the fuck up,” she ordered.

  The young girl screamed out in surprise and raised her hands as Raegan and Chanel backpedaled them into the kitchen.

  “Let me see them hands, gentleman! You cooperate and we leave quietly!” Raegan shouted out as Chanel and Gucci came up behind her, guns pointed. They followed her lead as they quickly gained control of the room.

  “Get on the floor,” Raegan shouted.

  “You know whose money you fucking with?” one of the hustlers asked as he complied, getting on his knees.

  “Yeah ... mine, now get your ass down,” Raegan spat as she kicked him in the back, digging her heel into his neck as he lay helpless beneath her. She turned to the young fiend and nodded her head. “You too. Get down.”

  Chanel and Gucci let their girl star in the show ... they alternated so that no one voice would become recognizable. Each one did things differently and it made them less predictable. Today was the Raegan show ... her girls were just the guest stars.

  Making the men lie belly down in a circle, Raegan watched them all at once. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that their brute strength could easily overpower them. She had to depend on her pistol in order to give her the advantage. Gucci went around binding their feet and hands. Her nervous energy caused her hands to tremble, but she moved diligently, not wanting to misstep.

  Chanel quickly located the floorboard and a smile spread across her face as she saw the pot. It was definitely bigger than their last hit and in her mind the money was already spent as she helped herself to their stash. She put the money and uncooked cocaine in the bag, then moved to the table and stuffed the guns inside as well.

  In less than five minutes they were in and out. As they left the young girl came running out of the house behind them. They hadn’t tied her up because she didn’t pose a threat, but as Chanel turned on her heels, her finger wrapped around the trigger.

  “Yo!” she shouted.

  When she saw Chanel’s gun her hands went up in fear. “I just wanted my dope. She forgot to give me what she promised,” the girl said.

  Raegan reached into the bag and pulled out a stack of money then tossed it to the girl. “Let’s go,” she said, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the niggas figured out a way to get loose.

  “Your fingernails weren’t dirty!” the girl shouted as Raegan, Gucci, and Chanel climbed into the rental car. “That’s how I knew you weren’t a fiend! Your fingernails were too on point.”

  Chanel knew that the girl was right. They would have to pay more attention to detail next time. Luckily the hustlers they had just robbed hadn’t noticed. The girls left the scene, thinking of the riches in the bag and the lovely capers to come.

  Chapter Nine

  “Nah, hey, baby, it’s me. It’s Mama.”

  Nahvid looked at the number that had appeared on his cell’s caller ID when he recognized her voice.

  “Where are you, Nita?” he asked concerned.

  “I’m staying with a friend in Baltimore,” she said back. “Mama miss you, baby. I’m ready to come home now, Nah. I need help, baby. I’m ready to get clean. I just need some money, baby. I need a little bit of money so I can fix myself up before I see you.”

  As soon as she asked for it he knew that she wasn’t serious. She was gaming him, trying to use him to get her next high. He didn’t want her out their tricking and selling her soul to the devil in order to get high. “I’ll give you some money, Nita. Just come stay with me. We’ll work on your habit, Nita. Wean you off of that shit,” he whispered.

  The line was silent as if she was seriously thinking of his offer.

  “I’m ready, baby. I’ma come,” she promised.

  “I’ll come get you,” Nahvid said. “Where exactly are you?”

  “I don’t want you coming here, Nah ... coming over here causing havoc to my friends ... like they the ones got me hooked on this shit. I did this to myself, baby. But I’ma come. I’ll be there next week. As soon as I get back in town I’m coming to you,” Nita promised.

  “Is this the number I can reach you at?” he asked.

  “Yeah, this my cell phone, Nah. Look at your mama with a cell phone,” she bragged with a laugh.

  “I see you, old lady,” he said as he chuckled. “I love you, Nita. Keep this phone on so I can reach you. I’ll pay the bill. Who’s the carrier?” he asked. He knew that Nita would blow with the wind in a heartbeat and he wanted to be able to reach her no matter what.

  “Verizon,” Nita replied.

  “Promise me you’re coming,” Nahvid said seriously.

  “I promise, baby. I’ll be there,” she said.

  Chapter Ten

  The first thing that Raegan did was attain her own lawyer to fight against Micah’s pricey, experienced attorney in family court. She knew that if she wanted her son back she couldn’t take an
y shorts so she contacted the best, and then moved into her own place to prove to a judge that she could take care of the two of them. As she stood in her large three-bedroom luxury apartment she became sad. It was empty just like her heart and because she couldn’t fill the void within her she decided to fill the space within the four walls.

  Raegan laced her home with every comfort and modern design that she could find as she ordered exclusive furniture. Her tastes were exquisite and she didn’t hold back. She purchased without thinking ... without negotiating... without a budget. She threw caution to the wind, ignoring price tags ... partly because she wanted to see what it felt like to be a rich bitch, but mostly because it was a lovely distraction from the absence of her son. As she chose things to fill her son’s room she felt a pair of hands squeeze her shoulders. The touch was so comforting that it made the stress melt from her tense body. She spun on her heels and smiled when she saw Nahvid’s face.

  “Hey, how are you?” she asked as she reached up to hug him.

  “How are you?” he asked. “You’re the toughest woman in the world to keep in touch with. You making me feel like an ugly nigga.”

  She blushed, surprised that he hadn’t given up on her yet. It had been a few weeks since their last encounter and even though he took her absence as disinterest, she thought of him all the time. But the lifestyle she had picked up and the robberies she was committing left her with little free time. She was in grind mode and a man was the last of her concerns.

  “Stop, you’re making me feel so bad. I’ve just been busy that’s all,” she replied. “You shopping?”

  “Yeah, for a new bedroom set,” he said. “Can you help me out? My mom is coming to stay with me for awhile and I need a woman’s touch to make her feel at home.”

  “Of course,” she agreed. Raegan thought that she was doing it big until she watched how Nahvid lived. She picked out things from store to store and he purchased without even looking up from his cell phone. He handled his business while she worked with his personal sales associates at each store. She picked out everything from furniture and clothing to toiletries and jewelry, sparing no expense. They ripped through the entire shopping center and when she was done, Nahvid whipped out a black card and totaled out the bill. Impressed by his status in the game but more importantly she was surprised by his legitimacy in the corporate world. She listened as he talked Wall Street language, speaking of stocks and shares. He was a dream man. He came from the hood ... from nothing and had made quite the businessman of himself... all without losing his connections to the streets.

  “Sorry about that,” he said as he finally hung up the phone.

  “That’s okay. I live to shop. I haven’t done it in a long time and I’ve never done it like that before. I didn’t even notice,” she replied.

  “You should visit Paris then. If you like to shop you would love it there,” he said nonchalantly as if he weren’t speaking of a place halfway around the world.

  “I don’t know what world you live in but in mine, Paris might as well be another planet,” she said, slightly offended.

  “Let me take you,” he said.

  She scoffed and laughed.

  “I’m serious,” he concluded. “I need to get you all to myself. Show you my world. Maybe convince you to be a part of it for awhile.”

  “Are you for real?” she asked.

  The dudes who she was used to dealing with thought dinner and a movie was the crème de la crème. Nahvid was on a completely different level.

  “I don’t put things out there that I don’t mean. I can rent a private jet and have it waiting on the tarmac in a couple of hours,” he said.

  “A couple hours?” she exclaimed, overwhelmed at his generosity and hypnotized by his power. She shook her head in disbelief and said, “Okay. Let’s do it. I have to go pack. I have so much to do.”

  “It’s a shopping trip. Everything is on me. We’ll buy it all when we get there,” he said. Nahvid was really blowing her mind.

  They dropped her car off at her place and then she stayed the night at a hotel near the airport.

  Raegan expected for Nahvid to push up on her that night. She was waiting for him to make his move, thinking that she had to reciprocate the trip with sexual favors. To her surprise he got her a separate room. The move was unexpected but she definitely appreciated it. After calling her girls and letting them know where she would be, she fell asleep, anxious and excited all at the same time.

  Chapter Eleven

  Paris was beautiful in the wintertime. The crisp, clean, glittering city lent an ambiance for romance and Nahvid and Raegan seemed to get seduced by it all. They appeared to be a couple who had known each other for years as they spent all of their time confined to the opulent five-star hotel. They were so into each other that they hadn’t yet explored the Parisian culture, instead they learned each other ... their likes ... their dislikes ... their memories ... their fears. They shared everything as they enjoyed the seclusion halfway around the world. They did everything that lovers do and spared each other of nothing. Nahvid had come fully prepared to lavish Raegan with whatever her heart desired, but he found it refreshing that she hadn’t asked for a single thing. He was used to chicks who wanted to get next to him for material reasons and Raegan was like a breath of cold, fresh winter air. She matched his wit and intellect, stroked his ego just right, and ravished him without inhibitions in the bedroom at night. All of those rare qualities on top of her beautiful exterior had Nahvid thinking that she had to be a dream. Their conversations were so deep that sometimes they became heated as they argued their points to one another, but she never backed down and stood firmly for the things that she believed to be true. She was an independent thinker. A lot of men would have called her headstrong or stubborn, but Nahvid loved a challenge and found Raegan extremely sexy. Many women would stick by his side because his paper was stacked high, but Raegan was the type of woman who would stay around when the chips were down. They argued like adversaries, but they never took it personally though. Makeup sex was the remedy to everything and they enjoyed the fights because they knew the pleasure that was to follow. Together they were incredible. Their chemistry was amazing and as they soaked together in the antique tub Nahvid had an overwhelming desire to keep her as his own. The sunrise peeked through the shutters as it illuminated the room with a soft amber glow.

  “Once we leave here I don’t want to have to chase you anymore, ma. You good for pulling disappearing acts,” he whispered in her ear as she leaned against his chest while playing with the bubbles that surrounded them. She picked some up in the palm of her hands and blew them at him while laughing.

  “You love me huh?” she asked playfully.

  “Pretty much,” he replied, only half joking.

  “Well we still have a few days here. So you don’t have to worry about me going anywhere anytime soon. You have me all to yourself. I’m loving France, even though I haven’t seen that much of it,” she said with a chuckle.

  “So we need to change that then. How about we go out on the town today. Do some sightseeing and shopping,” Nahvid offered.

  “I’d like that,” she answered. “I want to be able remember something about this place besides the hotel room. Although last night will probably be my fondest memory.”

  Thinking back on the way her pussy had hugged his dick as he entered her from behind he licked his lips and replied, “Yeah, ain’t nothing topping that. How about a round two?”

  Raegan stood up out of the water and hopped out of the tub, quickly wrapping herself in a plush towel. “Agh, agh, agh. If we start that we won’t get to see anything today,” she said. “And I want to see the Eiffel Tower!”

  Nahvid and Raegan left the hotel arm in arm, eager to explore the city. Nahvid felt like an entirely new person in the foreign land. He couldn’t remember the last time he had stepped foot outside without a burner on his waistline. His guard was forever up, cemented around him like a personal fortress, but here w
ith Raegan, he was free to live. Fully prepared for the damage that Raegan was about to put on his black card, he entertained every outfit that she tried on. He had never seen shopping until he saw her in action. She was a fan of fashion and with no spending limit she was like a hurricane as she ripped through the stores. She was hesitant to spend until he reassured her that it was okay and once he gave her the green light there was no stopping her. Paris was like Candy Land to a material girl like her and the smile on her face was enough reward for Nahvid. Nahvid didn’t mind lacing Raegan and treating her to a lifestyle that she had never experienced. He enjoyed her presence and the feeling that she gave him in the pit of his stomach. His attraction to her was pure, like a teenage love affair and growing up in the streets it was the simple things like a first crush that he had missed out on. That was it. He had a crush on Raegan and although she didn’t know it, she had him wrapped around her finger. Not on no sucker shit, but he was attracted to her in the worst way. Nahvid was grateful that she had decided to come.

  Paris was the perfect atmosphere to get to know someone. Being so far away from home, they were in their own little world. Neither of them spoke French so they only conversed with one another. They were each other’s friend, ally, and mate all at once. One week felt like one year to them and even they were surprised at how connected to one another they became. She told him everything about her, except for how she made her money. That was the one secret she kept because she knew it would change his perspective of her. Uninterrupted, they were able to get to know each other. It had been a long time since Nahvid had given a woman so much attention, but with Raegan it felt right. It felt natural. It was inevitable that those three little words slipped out while they were there. Paris was the city of love and they had gotten drunk on it, night after night. The time flew by so quickly that they didn’t want to leave, but as they sat on the international flight they both knew that they had to go back.


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