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Two for Alex: M/m/f BDSM Ménage - 2 Volume Set

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by Claire Thompson

  “Oh, god,” she cried. “I’m going to come.”

  At once, Liam withdrew his hand. “No, you’re not. You’ll have to earn the right to orgasm. Stand up and turn around.”

  Alex remained as she was, her ass lewdly thrust out toward them, her cunt red and glistening with her juices. “Please,” she begged breathily. “Please…”

  Liam smacked her ass with his cupped palm.

  Alex stumbled forward, losing her grip on her ankles. Quickly, she righted herself and turned toward them. She was breathing hard, her hair a wild tumble of buttery gold falling into her face, her chest heaving, her nipples hard as pebbles.

  Liam lifted his brows. They clearly had their work cut out for them if they took on the task of training this girl. He glanced toward Daniel, who was scowling slightly at the naked young woman before them. “Not much self-control, has she?” he commented.

  “Very little,” Liam agreed. “Is she worth bothering with?”

  “Wait. Don’t say that,” Alex blurted. “I am worth it. I promise.” As Liam suppressed a smile, she continued, “Look, I’m sorry. Don’t send me away. I’ll do better. I swear.”

  Liam glanced at his partner. “What do you think, Daniel? It’s your call. Do you want her? Or shall we send this little slut packing?”

  Alex fixed her beseeching gaze on Daniel, though, to her credit, she didn’t continue to beg.

  Daniel tilted his head and looked her over slowly, as if he couldn’t quite make up his mind. But Liam could see by the look in his eyes and the bulge at his crotch that he was interested—very interested. Feigning nonchalance, Daniel shrugged and said, “I guess we can give her a try.” His gaze flitted to Liam. “If it pleases you, that is, Sir.”

  Liam nodded. “Yes,” he said smiling at each of them in turn. “It does please me,” he admitted. “Very much.”


  “No way. You’re really serious? You’re going to spend a week with two gay guys as their personal sex slave? Have you lost what little is left of your mind?” Cheryl, Alex’s best friend and confidante since fifth grade, squealed into the phone.

  “They aren’t gay, they’re bi. And you know this is something I’ve wanted forever.”

  “You’ve wanted to submit to someone, yeah. I know all that. But two guys? Isn’t love complicated enough when there’s just one of them involved?”

  “This isn’t about love. You know I’m not looking for that right now. It’s about D/s. About the potential of erotic submission. About tapping into that deep-seated part of my nature I’ve never properly nurtured or explored.”

  “Sounds like psycho mumbo jumbo to me, no offense,” Cheryl retorted. “What if these guys are ax murderers or something?”

  “Liam Rutherford is a member in good standing with the New York Bar Association. He’s a partner in a hoity-toity law firm in the city. He’s also drop-dead gorgeous. It was all I could do to keep from running my hands through his thick, brown hair. And his submissive lover Daniel is even better-looking with a hard body you just want to lick from head to toe.” She giggled. “From the sounds of things, I get to spend my days with him and my nights with Liam. And because they’re committed to each other, I don’t have to run the risk of one of them falling in love with me.”

  “Yeah, god forbid someone should love you,” Cheryl said.

  “Don’t start,” Alex responded. Cheryl was married to her college sweetheart Greg. She lamented over Alex’s continued single status, assuming she was single not by choice but because she was “too afraid to commit”, in Cheryl’s words.

  “The minute a guy says the dreaded L word, you’re out the door,” she had claimed on more than one occasion as Alex broke up with yet another boyfriend. Alex hated to admit Cheryl might be right, but to date she hadn’t found the man of her dreams, nowhere near it. This latest idea of an erotic exchange of power without requiring love as an underlying base had, she thought, great potential. She could truly learn about the art of submission without things getting all screwed up by love.

  “Cheryl, I didn’t call to get your permission or approval,” she said, though there was affection in her tone. “I just wanted to let you know where I’ll be for the next week. I’m to report back on Monday morning. I’m really excited about this, don’t ruin it for me.”

  “You’ll be in Westport? What if there’s an emergency? How will I reach you? Will you be allowed to communicate with the outside world? What if they lock you up or something? I don’t know about this whole thing, Alex.”

  “Relax. I’ll have my cell. It’s not like they’re going to keep me in a cage, for god’s sake. This is completely consensual. Liam told me this first week is a trial period. For all of us. He said during this week I can question things. If something doesn’t feel right, he wants me to tell them. He’s really cool, Cheryl. You’d like him. He’s very calm and exudes this sort of sexy authority. Very Dom. You want to obey him. He says a good Dom always listens to his sub and that it’s absolutely imperative I let him or Daniel know if something isn’t right for me.”

  “What if the whole thing isn’t right for you?”

  “Then I’ll leave. It’s possible too, that they won’t like me. That I won’t fit in with their plans. He warned me of that too, though he put it more diplomatically. It’s a trial period for all three of us. I arrive Monday and stay through the following Saturday.”

  “So let’s say you all make it through this ‘trial’ period of yours. What then?”

  “I’m not sure. Either they ask me to stay on and I agree or we part hopefully as friends. Or maybe I’ll just visit them from time to time. I really don’t have a crystal ball on this. It’s an exciting new adventure. If nothing else, it’ll give me some great ideas for my next book.”

  Cheryl laughed. “Yeah, typical Alex, always looking for ideas for your next book. Okay, if you’re determined to do this, I hope you have fun. Will you be allowed to call me?”

  “I don’t see why not. This isn’t boot camp after all.”

  “No, it’s only submissive slave training camp with two total strangers who live twenty-five miles away no big deal.” Cheryl snorted.

  Alex laughed, ignoring the sudden butterflies in her stomach. After they hung up, she sat for a long time, staring out the single window of her one-room apartment as she thought about what she was about to do. She’d told her mother she was going to stay with a girlfriend in Westport to help her house-sit for her parents while they went on a cruise. Cheryl knew not to tell a soul where she was, except of course Greg, who already thought she was insane.

  Maybe she was insane. To agree, based on a single meeting, to stay for a week with two practical strangers as their submissive sex slave. It sounded sexy, even thrilling, in theory, but was she in fact out of her mind? Her cunt tingled as she recalled Liam’s large hand cupping it, sliding a hard, thick finger into her as if he already owned her, making her blush and moan while Daniel sat by, taking it all in.

  She’d wanted to come so bad but had to admit his forcing her to stop before she did so was even more intense than if he’d let her. It was a hint, a taste, of what she desperately needed. She didn’t understand her primal urge to submit to another, but that made it no less real. Had she at last found in Liam and Daniel the opportunity to give completely of herself? Would she have the courage and grace to accept what they offered on their terms without manipulating them and bending them to her whim as she had with every other man before?

  Distracted from packing her suitcase, Alex leaned back on the bed, slipping her fingers beneath the waist of her shorts to her cunt. She imagined herself on her knees with Liam’s cock in her mouth and Daniel’s cock inside her. As she rubbed herself to a rapid orgasm, she practiced saying their names. Liam…Daniel…please, Sir, may I come…?

  Chapter 3

  Daniel opened the door, watching her pull up the graveled drive. Liam had sent her away on Saturday after their initial meeting to give her time, he said, to acclimate to the ide
a of spending a week with them. Liam hadn’t said but Daniel suspected he was also giving Daniel time to acclimate.

  That night after the interview they lay in bed just before sleep, talking it all over. “This is ultimately for you, Daniel,” Liam reminded him. “While I’m at work, you’ll be in charge. We’ll discuss how we want to train her and how we see her fitting into our play. You’ve practiced your whip stroke enough. It’s time to try it out on the real thing.” He kissed Daniel, a hard, sensual kiss that left Daniel breathless. At the same time, he gripped Daniel’s balls, just tight enough to make him gasp against Liam’s mouth, still on his.

  “You want to dominate someone, and you know that someone will never be me.” He squeezed harder and Daniel closed his eyes, his cock perversely hardening in spite of the pain—because of the pain. Liam released him and rolled back. Instinctively Daniel moved toward him, his cock straining with anticipation.

  Liam’s fingers found and gripped Daniel’s erect shaft beneath the sheets. As he idly stroked it, he said, “We’ll see what this girl’s made of, hmm? You can spank her, whip her, have her do the household chores you dislike and punish her soundly if she fails to meet your expectations. I’ll expect you to teach her to service a man. I’ve yet to meet a woman who can suck cock properly. I’ll expect you both naked and on your knees when I get home.”

  Daniel watched Alex climb out of her old car. She walked around to the trunk and pulled out a suitcase, setting it down with a thump on the ground. She lifted out what looked like a laptop case and slung it over her shoulder. Daniel smiled at the large suitcase, doubting she’d be wearing too many outfits over the course of the week. In warm weather, Liam often had Daniel go naked or wear only shorts.

  He walked out to help her. “Hello, Alex,” he called as he approached her.

  She looked up with a big smile. “Daniel. You do exist. I almost convinced myself I imagined this whole thing.”

  “I’m real enough,” he laughed. “Come on in and I’ll show you your room. Then we can get started. Liam’s going to come home early tonight if he can.” Alex followed him into the house, allowing him to carry her suitcase. He preceded her up a wide, curving staircase, its stairs of polished oak, its banisters ornately carved and painted a gleaming black. He took her down the hallway, past the open door of what looked like the master bedroom to a smaller room farther down the hall.

  The room contained a four-poster bed of black wrought iron with a white down quilt plumped invitingly over the sheets. There was a bureau, a wardrobe and a small writing desk beneath the large single window that overlooked the side gardens. Small watercolors of garden scenes were hung on each wall. It reminded her of the room of a maiden aunt in an old Victorian romance. She was thoroughly enchanted.

  “No closet, sorry,” Daniel commented. “These old houses are sadly lacking in both closets and bathrooms. Though this room does have its own bath, I’m happy to say.”

  Alex stepped into the center of the room. “It’s lovely.” She moved to the writing table and placed her laptop bag there, noticing a vase of fresh wildflowers as she did so. “More flowers!” she exclaimed. “You must pay your gardeners a fortune to maintain the grounds here. The landscaping is so beautiful.”

  Daniel smiled and said modestly. “I designed it and I do most of the work. I might bring in some guys to clear out brush and prune the trees. I take care of the lawn and gardens myself. I used to own and run my own landscape company, but I sold it awhile back. I was working sixty or more hours a week with no vacation for years. With Liam’s schedule, we hardly saw one another. I’ve been working since I was sixteen and I was starting to burn out. Liam found someone interested in buying it for a ridiculously high sum. Now I get to spend my time taking care of this house and the gardens and serving the man I adore.”

  Alex smiled. “That’s very romantic, Daniel.” She looked wistful and turned to stare out the window.

  “It is,” he replied, “but it’s also a lot of work to keep this place up. The dusting alone takes over an hour. The gardening could take all day if I let it. I like to cook a nice meal for when Liam comes home. You’ll be able to help me with all that. We’ll incorporate it into your training.”

  “My training,” she repeatedly softly, her eyes taking on a glitter Daniel would come to recognize as submissive desire.

  “Yes. We’ll start now. Put away your things and strip. I’ll want to inspect you.”

  “I’m sorry. What?”

  “You heard me. I’ll give you a few minutes to put away your things and then I want you naked and waiting for me. It’s not as if I haven’t already seen your body,” he said with a lift of his brows. “That’s lesson number one, by the way. The first one I learned—there’s no room for modesty. If you want to learn to submit as you claim, the first rule is to let go of your own inhibitions. If your Master says strip, he means it. He doesn’t mean act all coy and cover yourself and blush and make excuses. He means strip. Got it?”

  Without waiting for her to answer, Daniel turned and left the room, hoping she hadn’t seen the grin that snaked its way over his face. This was going to be fun.


  Alex looked at herself in the full-length mirror that hung on the outside of the wardrobe. “You got yourself into this,” she whispered. She wasn’t especially shy about her body as Daniel seemed to think she was. She even considered herself something of an exhibitionist, in the right circumstances. She knew men admired her body and she’d used that to her advantage most of her life.

  The jury was still out on Daniel however. She knew Liam found her attractive. She had seen the lust in his face after he’d nearly made her come. While they’d claimed Daniel was bisexual as well, she remained unconvinced. Not that it mattered, she told herself. She wasn’t here to have an affair with Daniel—she was here to be properly trained as a submissive.

  The concept of being trained by another sub was an interesting one, and one she had to admit she found rather intriguing. It made sense after all. Who would know better than a sub what was expected?

  She heard a noise in the hallway and quickly pulled open her suitcase, grabbing the contents and shoving them in the bureau drawers, all of which were empty. There would be time to arrange things properly later, she figured.

  She unbuttoned and removed her sleeveless blouse, unzipped and stepped out of her short skirt and removed her bra and underwear as quickly as she could. Rummaging through her duffel bag, she found her perfume and gave a few strategic squirts on her neck, her thigh and her belly. Again glancing in the mirror, she fluffed her hair with her fingers, giving a rueful grin as it flopped back into her eyes.

  Daniel still didn’t appear. Alex pushed her empty suitcase under the high bed. She took her makeup bag into the bathroom for a touchup. The room was small, its tub narrow, the toilet squeezed in beside the sink. She barely took in the details as she hurried back into the bedroom to wait for Daniel.

  An old-fashioned pendulum clock hung on the wall near the door. She glanced at it. Surely five minutes had passed. Where was Daniel? She tried to think back. Had he said to wait standing or sitting? Would it matter? She shifted nervously from foot to foot and finally sat down on the bed. The mattress was firm beneath the soft, thick comforter. She lay back to test the pillows.

  “So this is how you present yourself? Lying down like some princess? Get up. Stand at attention.” Daniel had appeared suddenly. Alex leapt up, startled and discomfited by his stealthy arrival.

  “I’m sorry,” she said hurriedly. “I wasn’t sure how to wait. You took so long to return—”

  “Lesson two,” he interrupted. “And this is probably the hardest lesson, at least it was for me. Patience. A good sub is patient. She waits until her Master is ready for her. Even if that takes minutes, hours or days. She doesn’t presume or push. She doesn’t ask when. She waits. What I should have found when I came back was you standing in the middle of the room, your hands behind your head, your legs spread, your eyes o
n the wall in front of you.”

  “How was I supposed to know that?” Alex snapped, annoyed and embarrassed at already messing up in her first five minutes.

  “Because I said I wanted to inspect you. That’s how you wait for an inspection. Liam will inspect you every morning before he goes to work. He likes his slaves meticulously groomed. But there’s more to it than that. It gets you in the proper submissive headspace to begin your day. As does his mark.” Absently he rubbed his ass through his shorts. Alex stared.

  “His mark?” she whispered.

  “Yes. If you’re lucky, that is. Liam marks me every morning, just to remind me who I belong to while he’s away. I prefer the single tail. It hurts like hell, but it’s fast and it leaves a beautiful welt. It never fails to give me an erection that lasts for at least a half-hour after he’s gone.”

  Alex’s cunt moistened at the mention of being marked. In her fantasies, her lord and Master would mark her each day, just as Daniel was describing. When she’d lived briefly with the man she had hoped would become her fulltime Dom, she’d asked him to mark her, but he only used his hand. Its imprint faded after only a few minutes. He’d seemed almost annoyed by what to her would have been an erotic, meaningful ritual, and after awhile she’d stopped asking.

  Daniel was staring at her pointedly and Alex quickly put her hands behind her head, spreading her legs as she fixed her eyes on the clock. Daniel nodded and moved very close to her so she could feel his warm breath on her cheek as he bent down. He ran his finger under her arm. “When did you shave last?”

  “Yesterday morning,” she answered, suddenly self-conscious. Kneeling, he ran his fingers lightly over her calf. He stood, cupping her bare mons in his hand. She blushed as his fingers slid over her outer labia.

  “Not good enough,” he announced. “You’ll need to shower and groom yourself properly before Liam gets home. He likes his subs smooth.”


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