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Two for Alex: M/m/f BDSM Ménage - 2 Volume Set

Page 11

by Claire Thompson

  Open yourself to me. Surrender yourself. She heard Daniel’s words from earlier that day drift into her mind while his cock invaded her mouth and throat, filling them with his masculine hardness and heat. She clasped her hands behind her back, holding them tightly to keep from reaching around to cup and caress his cock and balls. She knew this wasn’t about pleasing Daniel, about making him come, but rather, it was a test of her endurance. She drew in as much air as she could through her nostrils before Daniel pressed himself fully into her throat, effectively preventing her from breathing.

  Her nose touched his flat stomach and she couldn’t have gagged if she’d wanted to—his cock was lodged too far back in her throat to permit the spasm. She desperately needed to take in more oxygen. Her lungs were tight and her head was aching yet Daniel didn’t draw back. He of all people must know she needed to take a breath. She started to pull back but Daniel’s hand remained firm against the back of her head, keeping her in place.

  “Not bad,” she heard Liam say, though his voice was difficult to hear over the roaring of her own blood in her ears. She had to breathe. Were they trying to kill her? “Let her go,” he added, and at once Daniel dropped his hand and stepped back. Alex gasped for breath, her eyes tearing, her chest heaving.

  “I noticed some resistance toward the end. You’re right, she needs more practice. You can keep working with her.” Liam stood in front of Daniel. Alex on her knees only a foot from the two men, watched in aroused fascination as he gripped Daniel’s cock with one hand while pulling him close for a deep kiss with the other.

  Kiss me like that, she silently begged, not sure which man her thought was directed toward. While Daniel was completely naked, Liam again wore soft black lounging pants with a drawstring waist. He was shirtless. His broad, lean torso pressed against Daniel’s as they kissed. Alex touched her lips as she watched them, squeezing her thighs together to keep from touching her overheated, swollen sex.

  They broke away at last and both men turned to look at her. “Stand up,” Liam ordered. “You’ll take your caning at the exercise bar.”

  As Liam watched Daniel lead Alex to the mirrored wall, he couldn’t help but stroke the rising erection in his pants. Though he’d invited Alex to join them primarily for Daniel’s sake, he had to admit he hadn’t been this turned-on for a long time. Since Saturday when they’d first met her, the sex between Daniel and him had had an added level of excitement and expectation. Though they hadn’t taken her into their bed—and Liam still hadn’t decided if they would or not—just her presence had fueled a new kind of passion between them.

  Last night had been highly erotic. Just watching Daniel whip her, his erection bobbing crazily as he moved around the table while the girl sighed and screamed, had nearly made him come. It had been a long time since he’d fondled a woman’s sex, but hers had been tight, hot and wet. Her primal female scent had remained on his fingers until his shower the next morning and he’d regretted even then having to wash it away.

  While being Daniel’s dominant lover never ceased to thrill him, having another submissive kneel before him made him feel like a king. It added a new layer of eroticism to command his lover to train the new slave—to whip her, to teach her, to punish her. Now he watched as Daniel instructed Alex to face the mirror and bend over, gripping the exercise bar with both hands. She stood with her legs straight, her body bent so her back was parallel with the floor.

  Daniel lightly kicked her ankle with his bare foot, indicating she should spread her legs farther. Liam could see her cunt peeking from between her legs, its petals dark pink and engorged.

  For a moment, Liam imagined taking her roughly from behind, gripping her hips as he thrust inside her. No. There would be time for that later, if it happened at all.

  Standing slightly to one side, he could see her breasts reflected in the mirror, their tips round and hard like gumdrops. Her hair hung over her face, but he could see her eyes were squeezed tightly shut.

  He was about to suggest to Daniel that he help her relax. But Daniel didn’t need to be told. He seemed already to have that innate sense a good Dom possessed—the ability to connect readily to the desires and fears of one’s sub. Daniel could feel Alex’s tension, probably better than Liam, since he had spent much more time with her over the course of the last two days.

  He watched as Daniel moved close behind her, his erection touching her ass as he leaned forward and whispered something soothing in her ear. Liam could see her body ease, her shoulders dropping a little, her eyes no longer scrunched but simply shut. When Daniel gently cupped her hanging breasts with his hands, Liam couldn’t help the sudden flash of jealousy that slipped past his defenses. Were they lovers? Had Daniel been making love to Alex during the day while he was gone?

  He shook away the thought. Daniel wouldn’t do that to him. Daniel was utterly devoted to him—of that he was sure. Or had been sure… Stop it. Liam cleared his throat and Daniel let go of the girl’s breasts and stood. He walked toward the whip wall, retrieving the cane. Daniel had done his research when he’d bought the cane online, aware it would be used on his own ass. Unlike the shorter straight cane they already had, this one was about thirty-six inches long and three-eighths of an inch thick—guaranteed to deliver quite a sting. Daniel had practiced on a pillow, mindful that a thinner cane was more likely to break the skin while a thicker one could cause bruising. The cane he had purchased was saturated with linseed oil and varnished, which made it somewhat denser and more flexible than their untreated cane. Liam hadn’t had a chance to use it yet on Daniel. He was curious to see the welts it raised on Alex’s fair, creamy skin. A woman’s skin was more delicate than a man’s. He started to say something about this to Daniel but stopped himself. Daniel would know what to do.

  Daniel ran the cane sensually over Alex’s bare ass as he reached down to cup her shaven cunt. Alex shuddered against him. Liam could smell her lust. He slipped his hand beneath the waistband of his pants and grabbed his cock, unable to help himself. Daniel glanced back at Liam, his eyes glittering. He didn’t have the luxury of fabric to hide his bone-hard erection. He smiled at Liam, not the subservient, adoring smile of a sub, but the confident, eager smile of an equal, of a Master. Again Liam felt a hint of discomfort. Yet he knew that dominant spirit was fully directed toward the girl. It was why they had brought her here. He would not deny Daniel his chance to use her properly. He smiled back, giving an encouraging nod.

  Daniel turned toward the girl. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered, her voice breathy and low. Liam saw she was trembling slightly but she stood her ground. He felt a surge of pride that surprised him. Pride implied ownership and he certainly had no claim on the girl.

  Daniel stood slightly to the left of her and flexed the cane in the air for a moment, testing its weight and suppleness. Caning was more difficult than whipping or flogging. A cane was lighter than it looked and extremely flexible, more like a whip than a switch when it was wielded. That’s why the proper flick of the wrist was important, to make sure the business end of the cane caught at exactly the right angle.

  Daniel drew back his wrist, the cane’s whistle sounding a moment before the rattan met Alex’s tender flesh. She flinched and squealed. He had delivered the first blow perfectly. They both leaned forward, watching as a long, straight white stripe revealed itself across the broadest part of Alex’s small, round bottom. The line of white turned before their eyes to fiery red. Alex was panting hard but she stayed bent over the bar, her fingers clutching it for dear life.

  “You took that well,” Daniel cooed in her ear. “Slow your breathing.” He stroked her hair. “I’m going to give you four more strokes. I know you can do this. You’ll be so proud afterward, I promise.” Liam noted his cock was still hard as iron. He stayed quiet as he watched Daniel position himself again just to the left of her as Liam had taught him so the tip of the cane would strike the far buttock at the same time and with the same force as the rest
of the cane.

  Again a perfect stripe appeared, just above the first one. Alex yelped and shifted, clenching the bar with both hands as she moaned. Daniel glanced back at Liam, his eyes dropping to Liam’s hand, still buried in his pants. He gave a slow smile ripe with sexual innuendo and licked his lips. There was nothing even vaguely submissive in his leering gaze. Clearly the power rush of caning the naked girl was going to his head. Liam would soon knock that insolence out of him, of that he was certain. Meanwhile he simply smiled back, narrowing his eyes at his lover until Daniel looked away.

  Three more strikes of the cane were delivered, the lines nearly perfectly parallel, one above the other. Liam marveled at Daniel’s skill. He could not have done it better. He said so and Daniel beamed at him. His cock still raged as did Liam’s. He wanted to take the girl in his own arms, a realization that startled him. Instead, he watched as Daniel did so, gently prying her fingers from the wooden bar and pulling her upright. He held her close for a moment, their naked bodies touching, his hands roaming over her back but avoiding the welted flesh of her ass.

  He let her go and stood back. “I’m proud of you,” he said. “We’re both proud of you. Do you want to see?”

  Alex at once stood with her back to the mirror and craned around to see her marked ass. The five red welts neatly covered her flesh from thigh to hip. She gasped and touched one of the red lines with a tentative finger. Her expression was a combination of awe, pride and shock. Slowly she turned back to face Daniel.

  “How do you feel?” he asked. “Be honest. We need to know.”

  Alex looked from him to Liam and then back to Daniel. “I—I’m not sure. I’ve always wanted to be marked like that, but I never had the nerve to let it happen. Is it going to be permanent?”

  “No, no,” Daniel laughed reassuringly. “Those will fade in a day or two, possibly longer since your skin is so fair, but by the end of the week you won’t see a thing. At least not from this caning.” He laughed again, an evil curve to his lips. Liam found himself fascinated as he watched Daniel’s dominant side emerging.

  Alex looked at once nervous and aroused by Daniel’s comment. Her face was so easy to read, Liam thought, as was Daniel’s. Was his own, he wondered. “My ass stings like a motherfucker.” Alex laughed weakly. “And that damn butt plug is driving me nuts. But,” she paused, blushing prettily as she admitted, “I’m so aroused I can hardly walk. I guess I never realized what a turn-on a caning could be, especially when I haven’t been allowed to come in forever.”

  “Forever, huh?” Daniel laughed. “You came last night, you little slut. You would have come this morning too if I hadn’t caught you.”

  Alex ducked her head but she was grinning. Warmth toward the girl kindled inside him. Where Daniel was a steady, hot flame of passion in his life, Alex was like a sparkler on the Fourth of July, shimmering with a fascinating energy he wanted to explore further.

  The girl had certainly redeemed herself with her beautifully submissive display in taking a caning Liam knew had frightened her—and taking it with such grace. Daniel had been the model of dominant restraint. A lesser Dom could have easily gone too far, cutting the skin, terrifying the novice submissive into using her safeword. Daniel had led Alex masterfully through her paces and then properly gauged and assessed her reactions afterward. A reward was in order, for both of them.

  “Remove the plugs,” Liam said, “and meet me in the bedroom.”

  Chapter 9

  This was more like it. Alex lay on her stomach between the two gorgeous men, cradling her head in her arms. Daniel was rubbing a soothing salve into the welts on her poor bottom. The cream eased the sting but his fingers kept the flame of desire burning in her cunt. She spread her legs as far as she dared, a silent if obvious invitation for his fingers to stray. They did not.

  Liam lay on his side, propping his head up in one hand as he watched them. He leaned over Alex to kiss Daniel. Alex started to turn over, but a strong hand on her lower back held her in place. She surrendered with a small sigh. Their kisses were not yet for her. For the moment it was enough just to be in their bed, in the “Master” bedroom, she thought with a wry grin.

  The caning, which had hurt more than any other erotic torture to which she’d ever been subjected, had left Alex burning in more ways than one. She didn’t know how to explain it, but knew she didn’t have to—not with these two men. They would intrinsically understand it wasn’t the pain per se she was seeking but the place it took her to when she was able to let go enough to permit it.

  Though the strokes of the rattan rod had been almost too much to bear, ironically, she’d felt let down when it was over. It was as if she were teetering on the edge of something, something deeper, something more profound, and it had been snatched away before she could reach out and seize it. She wanted to talk to Daniel about this. Had he ever experienced something more than mere pleasure and pain twisting and braiding together? She sensed there was something more to achieve but she didn’t yet have the vocabulary or the experience to articulate it.

  She knew now wasn’t the time. She lay still, listening to the sexy sounds of the two men leaning over her as they kissed. They each had their own unique masculine scent. Liam smelled like his lime aftershave with hints of leather, cedar and raw, male heat. Daniel’s scent was lighter but no less alluring—a grace note of sandalwood and fresh pine blended with a sensual musk that was subtle and alluring. She wished she could lay each man out and take her time—touching every part of their bodies, licking, tasting, exploring, ravishing.

  The heavy hand resting on her back was lifted as the men moved more insistently over her. She managed to twist herself beneath them, flipping over so she faced them. They were, as she’d suspected, locked in a passionate kiss, their bodies creating an inverted V over her. The throb in her cunt that had been prevalent since she’d arrived in their house kicked into high gear. She grabbed one hand with the other to keep from touching herself. No way was she going to ruin this chance.

  Eventually the lovers separated, each falling to his pillow on either side of her. Liam leaned up again on his elbow. “Hey, who told you to move?” She didn’t answer, distracted by his fingers, which had found and were massaging one of her nipples. Daniel, apparently taking the cue, began to fondle and pull at the other. Alex couldn’t suppress the moan of pleasure as her nipples hardened and distended. “Clamps would be perfect for these, don’t you think, Daniel?”

  “Absolutely. Shall I get them?”

  “Later. I want to see how sensitive she is.” He gave a savage twist as he said this, catching Alex by surprise. She screamed. He laughed softly and twisted again. Daniel followed suit, pinching and pulling her other nipple. Pain shot through her nerve endings, flying from her brain and zipping directly to her throbbing clit. She was barely aware of her own hand creeping down toward her cunt until someone slapped it away.

  “No discipline,” Daniel remarked dryly.

  “I wasn’t going to—” Alex began, but her excuses were cut off by Liam’s large hand clamping over her mouth.

  “Hush. Don’t speak unless spoken to while you’re in our bed, slave girl.” He lifted his hand from her mouth and stroked her cheek lightly. In a gentler voice he added, “Remember, it was only this morning you were caught with your hand in your pants. Am I going to have to keep you under lock and key?”

  “Perhaps a chastity belt,” Daniel offered, grinning. Alex controlled her impulse to shoot him a withering look. Instead, she affected what she hoped was a chastened expression. Was it her fault she was turned-on by being manhandled by two of the most gorgeous men she’d ever been with? Was it her fault her clit ached so much she thought she might explode if she didn’t at least rub it a little?

  “We won’t rule it out,” Liam said with a frown, though it seemed to Alex his eyes were dancing with mirth. “We’ll have to get her fitted of course. Bring someone in to take her measurements.” Alex closed her eyes, the image of a stainless-steel chasti
ty belt like the kind she’d seen in Internet sex toy catalogues coming into her mind. They looked very sexy in the pictures—long strips of metal covering the clit and outer labia, locked into place with a key only her Masters would retain. She knew herself—knew the moment such a device was placed over her sex her desire would heighten tenfold. Alex had always been the sort of person who craved the thing she was forbidden much more so than if it had been freely given.

  “I’ll be good,” she said in a little girl voice.

  “You will, we’ll see to it,” Daniel promised.

  Liam rolled from his side of the bed and stood. Alex couldn’t help but stare at his naked form, longer and leaner than Daniel but no less attractive. He had dark curling chest hair in a V on his sternum, tapering down between strong abs. His cock, even at half-mast, was formidable, longer than Daniel’s and nearly as thick. She could almost feel it pressing its way into her hot, needy tunnel. Liam wasn’t looking at her however.

  “Daniel, come with me a moment.” Daniel at once sat up and swung his feet over the side of the bed. Together the two men retreated into their bathroom, leaving Alex alone in the huge bed. How lovely it would be to sleep here between the two of them, she thought, after a long session of lovemaking. She would fall into an exhausted, sated sleep, cradled in the arms of her two lovers…

  The men came out a moment later. “Get on the floor, Alex. On your knees,” Daniel snapped. “You’re going to make Liam’s cock hard for me.” Alex scurried to obey, thrilled to be permitted to suck Liam’s cock at last. She hoped she’d be able to keep that damn gag reflex at bay. She would think peaceful, easing thoughts, opening herself to him as best she could.


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