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Two for Alex: M/m/f BDSM Ménage - 2 Volume Set

Page 15

by Claire Thompson

  “Oh,” Alex said softly, no doubt feeling the tremors of vibration pulsing against her clit. She glanced around the room.

  “Eyes on your food or us,” Liam reminded her. She looked down at the table. Daniel turned the dial up a little more. Alex’s lips parted and she pressed her palms flat against the table. “Have another,” Liam offered, pointing toward the escargot. “It might help distract you.”

  Alex looked up at him. Amusement curved his mouth as he watched her flush and fidget in her seat. Daniel turned the dial higher still. A small moan issued from Alex’s lips. “Daniel,” she entreated, “please.”

  “Please, what?” Daniel answered, thinking how often this word had been wrested from his own lips by Liam when lust warred with obedience. He knew she meant, “Please stop or I’ll come.” He also knew she didn’t want to admit defeat so early in the game. She would try to resist. Unlike Daniel, who could control his orgasm with relative ease at this point, Alex was new to this. She was used to racing headlong toward her own pleasure. It would take many more sessions before she could achieve that kind of control over her body.

  He watched Alex squirming on her seat. “Please, I don’t know if I can…” she whispered desperately. Her cheeks were flushed, the color staining her neck and chest.

  “Control yourself,” Daniel snapped. “Focus on pleasing us, not on your own pleasure. It pleases us at the moment for you to control yourself. You will not come until given permission.”

  The waiter arrived with their salads. Daniel turned the dial down to its lowest setting. Alex let out a breath and slumped back in her chair. The waiter returned a moment later with a huge pepper grinder. “Pepper, mademoiselle?” he asked, smiling down at her. Daniel moved the dial and Alex jumped and gasped. Her nipples strained against the silk.

  The waiter tried to remain impassive as she looked up at him with her big green eyes and said breathily, “No, thank you.” Daniel could see the outline of an erection beneath his black pants. He grinned at Liam, who grinned back.

  Once the waiter had retreated, Daniel relented and again lowered the dial to its most innocuous setting, though he didn’t turn it off.

  Alex took a bite of her food. She was still flushed but apparently able to handle the butterfly’s vibration as it throbbed and thrummed against her clit.

  Liam and Daniel chatted about this and that as the main course, pork tenderloin in a mushroom cream sauce with sautéed asparagus, arrived and was served over wild rice. Liam asked for another bottle of wine. Daniel turned the dial up a notch as Alex reached for her glass. He noted her hand trembled as she grasped the stem. He turned it higher and she set the glass down hard, wrapping her arms around her slim torso.

  “Daniel,” she whispered urgently.


  “Please…” She began to rock, her arms still wrapped tightly around her body. The waiter returned with the wine just as she began to shudder, her breath coming in ragged gasps. “Jesus,” she moaned. “I can’t…I can’t…”

  All three men watched, riveted to the sight of a woman in the obvious throes of orgasm. The waiter blushed to the roots of his hair. Daniel turned off the remote but Alex was too far gone to control her body a second longer. She continued to shudder and moan for several seconds. Finally her body stilled and she hid her face in her hands.

  “Is she all right?” the waiter asked finally.

  “She’s fine,” Liam said dryly, a hint of a smile hovering over his lips. “Aren’t you, Alex?”

  Alex slowly lifted her head, her hair in her face, her eyes unfocused. “Yes, Sir,” she said. If the waiter wondered at the use of this formal title, he kept it to himself.

  Turning to the waiter, Liam said, “Thank you, Roland. The food is superb, as always. We’ll want the dessert menu in a while.”

  The waiter bowed and hastily retreated. Alex started to speak. Daniel put his hand over hers and said, “Not a word. Enjoy the meal. Save some room for the chocolate mousse.”

  “I couldn’t help it,” she blurted, despite his admonition not to speak.

  “Don’t worry,” Liam interjected, “you’ll pay the price when we get home. Now obey your Masters and concentrate on the food.” He poured her another glass of wine and squeezed Daniel’s hand beneath the table. He allowed his hand to stray, moving along Daniel’s thigh until it stopped at his groin.

  Daniel’s cock hardened to granite as Liam grasped and pulled at it. He too wore no underwear. Liam slipped his hand into the loose waist of Daniel’s pants and stroked his cock, his thumb finding and smearing the bit of pre-come at its tip down the shaft.

  Daniel closed his eyes, reveling in the hot grip of his Master’s hand. They’d made love after they’d sent Alex from the room earlier that afternoon. Liam had spent his seed deep inside Daniel, but he hadn’t permitted him the same release. Daniel could come now from just a few more pulls. He would not let himself go, however, unless Liam told him to. His balls tightened in anticipation of what he was fairly certain Liam would deny. He opened his eyes, becoming aware of Alex, her gaze fixed on them, her eyes hungry.

  Before allowing Daniel release, Liam withdrew his hand and picked up his wine. He turned his attention to Alex, watching her over the rim of his glass.

  She caught his gaze and looked hastily down at her plate. What emotions must be going through her right now?

  “Alex,” Daniel said gently. “Go to the bathroom and take the butterfly off.” He reached in his pocket and handed her the small plastic carrying case it had come in. “Then come back and enjoy dinner. You made a good effort. We don’t expect perfection. That’s why it’s called training.”

  “Will I still be punished?” she asked in a small voice.

  “Of course,” he grinned. “But you know you wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  She ducked her head, but not before he saw the small grin flit across her sensuous lips.


  They had gone to dinner early and were home by eight-thirty. The summer sun was only just setting, the air still warm. Liam instructed Alex to change into something old—something she didn’t mind having ripped. She was to wear panties and a bra as well. He and Daniel went into their bedroom to change.

  Alex hung up her skirt and blouse and rummaged through her drawers. She pulled out a cotton sundress she liked to wear after her shower but before she dressed. It was faded from too many washings and though she liked it, it was the only thing she had with her she wouldn’t mind having destroyed. All of the underwear she’d brought with her was new—frilly bits of lace and satin she’d not yet even worn since she’d been there. She hoped they weren’t planning on ripping her new, expensive panties and bra.

  She shivered with nervous anticipation. Did they actually plan to tear the clothes from her body? It was one of her many secret fantasies—to have a man so desperate for her he couldn’t even wait to undress her, instead ripping the clothing from her body, plunging his manhood into her aching heat as he crushed her mouth with his…

  Alex shook her head, grinning at herself. She’d been writing too many romance novels. Somehow, she couldn’t picture either Daniel or Liam overcome with sexual desire for her. The thought made her sigh, but then what did she expect? They were what they were.

  She would just have to wait and see what they had in mind. She hadn’t forgotten and knew they hadn’t either, that she was going to be punished for coming at the restaurant. She sat on her bed a moment, feeling embarrassed even now as she recalled how she’d slipped helplessly over a waterfall of orgasmic ecstasy while that young waiter stared at her in disbelief. Had he realized what had happened? Liam and Daniel certainly had and now she would pay.

  “Alex, come out here.” Daniel’s voice startled her and Alex jumped up and hurried out of the room. Liam and Daniel were both wearing shorts, Liam in a T-shirt, the sleeves of which hugged his thickly muscled arms and pulled against his strong back, Daniel in a tank top so tight it could have been painted onto his broad ches
t and sculpted abs.

  “It’s such a nice evening,” Liam said with a smile. “We’re going to go out in the backyard and enjoy it. I’m going in late tomorrow morning so we can take our time.” He held a whip in his hand. It had three long braided tails of shiny black leather. On his arm, he carried a small duffel bag. Daniel held a riding crop, its handle and little rectangular head dyed blood red. Alex stared at the implements.

  “Outside?” she asked in a tiny voice.

  “Don’t worry,” Daniel assured her. “It’s very private out back. Our nearest neighbors can’t see a thing through the trees and foliage. I made sure of that when I was designing it. A little fresh air will do you good.”

  The three of them walked down the stairs and back through the house to the kitchen. They stepped out into the backyard. The grass was soft and lush beneath Alex’s bare feet. She noticed Daniel was barefoot as well, though Liam wore black leather sandals.

  Alex followed the two men toward the back of the property, feeling in a way as if she were being taken to stand before a firing squad. At the same time, her perverse little cunt was tingling with anticipation, her nipples perking with excitement. They walked down a slope toward a small copse of trees. Alex saw there was a small table and chairs set there near a large canvas hammock resting on its own frame. Liam put the duffel and the whip on the table. Daniel set the crop down as well.

  Liam unzipped the bag and pulled out a neatly coiled length of thin white rope. As he unraveled it, Alex saw it was actually four pieces of rope. “Go stand between those two trees,” he ordered her. Alex did as she was told, nervous butterflies flapping in her belly.

  Liam tossed Daniel two of the pieces of rope. “Hold out your wrists,” Daniel said. Each man slipped a length of rope around her slender wrist, tightening it with a slipknot. They lifted her arms up high on either side of her and tied the rope to low-slung, sturdy branches. “Spread your legs,” Daniel ordered, and when she didn’t spread them far enough, he kicked at her ankle and said, “Farther.”

  Alex obeyed. She couldn’t help but glance nervously around her as they tied her ankles. The foliage was indeed dense and she relaxed a little. At least no nosy neighbor would interfere with whatever they had planned for her. Because of the last several days with them, Alex wasn’t afraid. She trusted both men completely. More than that, she had to admit she found her situation thrilling—to be bound between two trees, spread taut and completely at the mercy of her two Masters.

  They left her alone a moment as they both returned to the table, murmuring quietly, their heads touching. Alex strained to hear but couldn’t make out what they were saying. They returned in a moment, and Daniel said, “You’re going to be punished now, Alex. Tell us why.”

  “For coming in the restaurant,” she said timidly.

  “For coming without permission,” Liam corrected. He stepped behind her and all at once gripped her throat with his arm, pulling her back. She gasped, instinctively struggling against him. He tightened his grip. “Don’t move,” he ordered.

  Alex stilled at once, not because of his command but because Daniel now approached her with a sharp-looking knife, its edge gleaming in the last rays of the setting sun. Alex gave a strangled cry. “I’m afraid of knives.”

  “It’s good to be afraid,” Daniel said, coming right up to her, his eyes gleaming. He touched the point of the knife to her breastbone. Her heart pounded just beneath it. Alex couldn’t stifle her whimper. She shrank back against Liam, whose arm was still around her throat.

  “Please,” she begged. “You’re scaring me.”

  Liam released his grip, though he still held her. “Calm yourself, Alex,” he said gently. “Remember, we will never harm you. If you feel overwhelmed, you have your safeword. That will stop the action at once. Do you want to use your safeword, Alex?”

  Alex swallowed hard, saying nothing for several beats. She was truly frightened, but at the same time, she was wildly aroused. They would never harm her. She needed to hold on to that. Slowly, she shook her head. “No, Sir. I want to continue.”

  Liam smiled. “Good girl.” He glanced to Daniel.

  Daniel, who had stepped back during this interchange, again lifted the knife. He touched the point of the knife to her chest.

  Alex closed her eyes.

  “Open your eyes,” Daniel ordered. “Look at me.”

  She obeyed, staring into his eyes, which in the half-light of dusk looked silvery gray. He slipped the blade beneath the spaghetti strap of her sundress and yanked it forward, easily ripping the strap. He did the same on the other side. The dress was still held up by her breasts. He pulled the top hem of it taut and drew the blade down toward her legs.

  Alex gasped as the cotton ripped and the dress fell from her. She was wearing matching dark pink thong panties and push-up bra, her breasts pressed alluringly together beneath the lace. “Liam told you something old,” Daniel commented.

  “It’s all I have with me,” she whispered.

  “Too bad then,” Daniel said. He slipped the point of the knife into her cleavage. Alex felt faint. With a jerk, he ripped forward, slicing the satin and lace so the bra hung in two pieces by its straps. Alex’s heart raced. Her eyes fluttered shut and she could barely catch her breath. Daniel quickly cut the straps and pulled the now-destroyed bra from her body, tossing the pieces to the ground.

  “Open your eyes,” he ordered again.

  Alex forced herself to obey. She squealed and jerked as the blade trailed down her belly. Instantly, Daniel pulled the knife away. “Stay still. The blade is sharp.”

  She stilled and watched in helpless fascination as the knife made its way down to her panties. Daniel slipped his hand into the waistband and pulled at it. The fabric seemed to melt against the sharp blade. In a moment she stood completely naked except for the rope that bound her.

  “The welts from her last whipping barely show,” Liam said from behind her.

  “We’ll warm her up with the crop,” Daniel answered. Retrieving the red riding crop from the table, he walked behind her and began to smack her ass and thighs without preamble. Alex’s pounding heart began to slow. She saw with relief he’d left the knife on the table. She settled back into the rhythm of the cropping, enjoying the stinging warmth that began building in her flesh. Though she preferred a heavy flogger, a nice cropping could heat her blood as well.

  All at once, the steady slap of the crop was replaced with the cutting slice of the whip. Alex screamed and jerked hard against her restraints. “Ow!” she yelled. Daniel laughed softly behind her. The whip struck again, the tips curling around her narrow hips to catch her belly. She jerked and grunted, tears springing to her eyes. The next fiery strokes landed across her back. She screamed again. There was nothing sensual about this whipping. It was a punishment, pure and simple.

  Suddenly Liam was in front of her, his body pressed against hers as Daniel continued to wield the whip behind her. With each blow, she jerked hard against Liam. She was dimly aware of his erection pressing against her belly but too preoccupied with her pain to put much focus on it.

  Soon her back and ass were striped with fiery lines of stinging pain. She whimpered, the sound punctuated by screams each time a new set of welts was raised.

  “No, no, no, no,” she began to chant. “No, no, no! I can’t do it. Stop. Stop, I can’t take it anymore. Please.”

  Daniel did stop, but only for a moment. Liam was pressed against her in front. Daniel sandwiched her tortured body from behind as he whispered in her ear, “You can take it, sweetheart. I know you can. This is a punishment, but it doesn’t have to be. Let go. Flow with it. You’re almost there. It’s up to you, Alex. Let go and fly or stay rooted here, wallowing in your resistance.”

  As he spoke, he gently stroked her sides with his fingers. She felt herself easing just a little. She knew what he was talking about, at least in theory. She knew some people were able to achieve a kind of transcendent sensual state when being whipped, but she’d n
ever met anyone firsthand who’d experienced it. She secretly doubted she had whatever it took to get there. She’d come to believe over the past few days she lacked whatever submissive gene was required to achieve the kind of grace Daniel loved to talk about.

  Daniel stepped back and in another moment the biting kiss of the whip’s three tails ignited her flesh. Because her skin was already so tender, the whip hurt that much more. Despite her intention to be brave, Alex again found herself whimpering. She was on the verge of crying out, of begging for him to stop, when a most curious thing began to happen.

  The whip continued to whistle and strike but somehow its sting had lost its fire. She still felt each stroke, but instead of making her groan, it only seemed to light embers of desire deep inside her. She stopped whimpering. Her head felt heavy. At first, she tried to hold it up, but soon gave in to the sensations that seemed to be falling over her like a cloak.

  Her heart slowed. Her breathing, shallow and gasping a moment before, became deep and regular. She could no longer feel the cut of the rope against her wrists and ankles nor the sharp sting of the relentless whip. Her lips parted of their own accord. A deep, abiding peace lifted her spirit.

  “Yes,” Liam said. “Yes. Daniel, she’s there. You took her there.”

  “It’s amazing,” Daniel breathed. “I feel as if I’m connected to her, flying with her.” He lowered his arm and Alex was vaguely aware he’d stopped the whipping. She could hear everything they were saying though she couldn’t move or speak nor did she want to. She drifted in a deep, primeval place that was at once safe and deeply sensual.

  She felt fingers on her cunt, gently probing her spread sex. “Wet,” she heard Liam pronounce, but felt no embarrassment or shame.

  “Fly,” Daniel whispered near her ear. “Stay there, beautiful girl.”

  Alex tried to nod, to say, yes, she would stay here forever if they let her. Instead, she simply swayed a little, her face toward the first few stars beginning to poke into the night sky.


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