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Two for Alex: M/m/f BDSM Ménage - 2 Volume Set

Page 18

by Claire Thompson

  Daniel began to move, pressing carefully into her as Liam lifted and lowered her onto his cock. As they fucked the girl, Liam leaned up to meet Daniel and they kissed, with Alex sandwiched between them. For once she didn’t feel a shred of jealousy as she watched the lovers kiss. How could she when their cocks were embedded inside her, doing something amazing to all her nerve endings with each thrust.

  Alex began to move on her own at last, her body taking over as lust roiled through her blood. Gripping Liam’s shoulders, she ground her pelvis against him. Daniel began to thrust harder behind her, but instead of it hurting as she’d feared, it only fueled the fire in her cunt provided by Liam’s cock. His added weight against her heightened the friction of her clit against Liam’s pubic bone.

  “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she chanted, unable to stop herself. She never wanted this moment to end. She was poised on the edge of something powerful—something she felt might consume her if she gave in to it.

  Both men were thrusting hard against her, holding her captive between them as they took their pleasure. “Sir, I need to come,” Daniel gasped urgently behind her.

  “Yes,” Liam said. “Do it. Now.”

  Daniel shuddered, gripping Alex tightly as he came deep inside her. The sensation was like nothing she’d experienced. Liam began to thrust faster inside her, wrapping her tight against his chest. She gave in at last, careening over the edge of her own release, keening in a low sustained moan as the tremors went on and on…

  When she came to herself some minutes later, she was lying between the two men, unable to move from sheer sexual lethargy.

  Liam was leaning up on his elbow, a sardonic half smile on his lips. Something in his expression alarmed her.

  “What?” Alex blurted. “What did I do?”

  Liam looked over her to Daniel. “What did she do, Daniel? Or rather, what did she fail to do?”

  “She didn’t ask permission to come,” Daniel replied in a sleepy, sated voice. “Guess she’ll have to be punished.”


  Alex awoke to a room bathed in sunlight. For a moment she couldn’t place where she was. She must have fallen asleep in their bed. They’d let her stay all night.

  Now she was alone however, both men gone from the room. She listened for sounds in the bathroom but heard nothing. She looked at the clock by the side of the bed. Nine-thirty. She sat up, wondering if she was supposed to shower and present herself for inspection. Or did that stricture no longer apply, now that the week had come to an end?

  She sat up and scooted toward the side of the big bed. Her bladder was achingly full. She used their bathroom and then hurried to her own bedroom to put something on before she went looking for the men. Once there she decided to brush her hair and put on a bit of makeup before going in search of them. Maybe if she looked pretty enough, they’d want to keep her.

  “You really want to stay, don’t you?” she said aloud to her reflection as she applied blush to her cheeks. She did. She really did. This was the first time in her admittedly young life she felt completely at ease in her own skin. She was no longer looking for something—searching, waiting, dreaming of “someday”.

  She hadn’t been looking for love, or so she’d told herself. Yet she knew in her bones she was in love, not with one man but with two. The question was, and it was a doozie, could they possibly love her in return? She decided the only way to settle this question was to face it head-on. Thrusting her chin forward with a determined air, she went in search of her two Masters.


  Daniel looked up from the table as Alex entered the kitchen. “Morning, lazybones,” he said with a smile. Liam, who had been reading the paper while sipping his coffee, greeted her as well.

  “We were just talking about you,” he said, gesturing for her to sit down.

  “I made cheese blintzes with blueberry compote. I saved you a plate in the oven,” Daniel said, rising to get it. Warmth moved through her heart. She felt cared for, cherished by these two amazing men. Would this be the end of her dream? A week spent in paradise and then just memories to carry her through?

  Daniel set a plate of blintzes in front of her and poured coffee into a waiting mug. “Thank you,” Alex said, nearly overwhelmed by the tumult of feelings raging inside her. She would be cool. She wouldn’t ask, she wouldn’t demand to know what the next step was. She would sip her coffee, eat the delicious food Daniel had prepared, smile graciously at the two men—the very model of collected self-control.

  Liam leaned over the table, putting his hand lightly over Daniel’s. They smiled at one another as if nothing in the world existed except the two of them. In that one moment Alex felt such loneliness, she nearly cried aloud.

  “Can I stay? Please let me stay,” she blurted, and then blushed hotly, silently cursing herself. So much for gracious and cool.

  Liam and Daniel both turned to stare at her. She thought of taking it back, pretending she hadn’t meant it, she was only kidding. But she had meant it. She didn’t know if she wanted to spend her life with them. She didn’t know if it were really possible to be in love with two men at once, or if they could find a way to love her, to include her in their lives. All she knew was that at that moment she wanted nothing more than to finish breakfast, shower and groom, present herself for inspection, do her chores with Daniel, perhaps spend the afternoon working on her new novel—Two Masters for Amy—and open herself to whatever delightful games they had planned for the evening. She wanted to curl up in their bed again at night and wake up the next morning and do it all again.

  Neither man answered her, at least not with words. They were both smiling. Liam gave a small nod to Daniel, who stood and retrieved something from the counter. He set an oblong box on the table next to Alex’s plate. She stared down at it. “Go on,” he said, “open it. They’re for you, if you want them. You need to understand if you accept them, you belong to us. They are symbolic of your giving yourself to us freely and without reservation. We want you, but only on our terms. That means all or nothing.”

  Alex lifted the lid off the box. She stared down at the slim silver cuffs. They were identical to the ones Daniel wore and never removed. She lifted them in her hands, her eyes filling with tears of joy.

  She handed one cuff to Daniel and the other to Liam. Holding out her wrists, she said, “I accept.”

  Two Loves for Alex - Chapter 1

  Daniel was draped over the small stool they used for his daily marking, his forehead touching the floor, his arms stretched out on the carpet, his cock erect. The single-tail lash was balanced over his lower back. If he moved, he would dislodge it, which would displease Liam. He loved their morning ritual, which Liam had instituted early on in their relationship to help Daniel start each day in a properly submissive state of mind.

  Liam was in the bathroom shaving. The door was ajar and Daniel could hear the water running in the sink. He kept his eyes closed, focusing on his position, naked and waiting for his Master’s mark.

  When Liam came into the bedroom, Daniel didn’t move. He’d learned to maintain whatever position he was in for long periods of time, though Liam rarely kept him waiting for very long.

  His cock hardened as Liam came into the room. The whip was lifted from his back. “Who do you belong to, Daniel?”

  “You, Sir.”

  “I love you, Daniel.”

  “I love you, Sir.”

  Liam didn’t require Daniel to call him Sir. In fact, he usually just called Liam by his name. But when he was in a subservient position such as this, naked, ass offered up for the lash, the word fell naturally from his lips.

  The leather tail caught him neatly across both cheeks. Daniel gasped. Fire ran along his tortured flesh. He could feel the welt rising and, along with it, his cock.

  Liam tapped his shoulder. Daniel rose, moving as gracefully as he could. Liam stepped back. He watched with glittering eyes as Daniel assumed his position for inspection, fingers laced behind his head, legs spread, ch
in up.

  Liam ran his finger along Daniel’s smooth jaw. He pressed his palms against Daniel’s chest and moved them down his body. He gripped Daniel’s erect shaft in one hand, while his other hand explored Daniel’s shaven pubic area and balls.

  Daniel bit his lip to remind himself to stay perfectly still. He forced himself to resist the aching desire to thrust himself against Liam’s strong fingers.

  “Good,” Liam pronounced. Liam moved behind him and Daniel at once bent forward, grabbing his ankles with his hands.

  Liam’s fingers moved lightly over the welt that still burned on Daniel’s ass. They gently probed his hole and moved along the cleft, which Daniel had made sure was smooth as a baby’s bottom—as smooth as the soft skin of the girl who had left them the morning before.

  Alex—that adorable brat who required nearly constant correction—had fallen into their lives like an explosion.

  Did she really have what it took to become a true, obedient submissive? Liam seemed certain. Daniel was less sure. At the same time, he couldn’t deny the thrill that having her with them had added to their already satisfying lifestyle.

  Though they both found women sexually attractive, neither had ever connected on such an intimate level with a female as they each had in so short a time with Alex. He couldn’t wait for her return that coming Monday.

  Done with his inspection, Liam pressed his shoulder. Daniel let go of his ankles and lowered himself to a kneeling position.

  Liam opened his jeans and pulled them, along with his underwear, down his thighs. His long, thick cock sprang forward. Daniel held himself rigid, resisting his urge to lick and suck the inviting shaft. Instead he lifted his chin and opened his mouth, waiting for Liam’s cue.

  Liam slid the head of his cock into Daniel’s open mouth. Daniel closed his lips around it, greedily licking the soft, spongy crown.

  “Stay still. Don’t move.”

  Daniel obeyed at once, letting his mouth go slack. Liam placed his hands on either side of Daniel’s head and moved forward, guiding his shaft until the head was lodged deep in Daniel’s throat.

  He stayed that way for nearly thirty seconds. Daniel’s heart quickened, his mind slowly emptying. When Liam pulled back at last, Daniel took a huge gulp of air, preparing for the next thrust.

  Instead, to his surprise, Liam stepped back and tapped Daniel’s shoulder. Daniel stood at once, too well trained to question his Master.

  Liam pulled his jeans and underwear up over his erection and took Daniel into his arms. Daniel brought his own arms around Liam’s strong back and rested his head against his shoulder. He could feel Liam’s cock, jutting as hard as his own against him.

  Alex slipped back into his mind. He could almost see her kneeling beside them, watching them embrace with that adorable puppy-dog look of longing on her face.

  One never had to wonder what was on Alex’s mind. Her thoughts and motivations were as transparent as a child’s. She was a challenge to train, but he had to admit he’d loved every minute of it.

  “I miss her,” he blurted. Though he hadn’t used her name, of course Liam knew who he meant.

  Liam smiled. “She’ll be back soon. She just needed a day or two to collect her things and put her affairs in order. She’s probably as eager as we are to pick up where we left off. That’s why I didn’t come in your mouth just now. Neither of us is going to come until tomorrow night when I get home from work to find my two sex slaves, naked and kneeling at the front door.”


  Alex hadn’t meant to steal the orgasm. It just kind of crept up on her. She’d stopped her packing to lie down for a few minutes, stripping off her sundress in an effort to catch what little breeze there was. The ceiling fan whirred overhead, but only succeeded in stirring up the warm, humid air of an unseasonably hot June for Connecticut.

  When she closed her eyes, images of her two Masters had immediately flooded her imagination. Her hand had slipped almost without her knowledge into the lacy pink panties that were all she’d left on.

  Liam Rutherford and Daniel Spencer were, without question, the most exciting men she’d ever come across. Just the thought of Daniel made her wet—with those blue-gray eyes against tan skin, his hair the color of wheat, sunlight and copper, kneeling naked and strong at the feet of his Master.

  And tall, serious Liam, with the chiseled features and the thick hair she’d always wanted to run her fingers through but had never dared. When he fixed his deep gaze upon her, it was as if he stared directly into her soul. He had this way of making her feel at once like a naughty five-year-old and the sexiest woman alive.

  She hadn’t meant to orgasm, but only to stroke away some of the fire in her sex. That fire had ignited the first time she’d laid eyes on the men only a week before and had been stoked to raging proportions by the time she’d left yesterday morning.

  She had intended to stop before the sweet pull of climax dragged her over the edge.

  But she hadn’t.

  She sighed, regretting that she’d disobeyed them, even if they weren’t witness to it. Daniel and Liam had been very clear with her. If she was serious about being their submissive sex slave, it was essential she obey their rules at all times—not just when they were watching.

  “And I do want that,” she said aloud. “I do. More than anything.”

  Over the last few days of their week together, she’d begun to admit to herself that her feelings were stronger than mere jealousy over being excluded. She was edging over that slippery slope of love, even knowing that love would not be returned by her Masters. Nevertheless, even if she never found a place in their hearts, she wanted to stay in their arms and at their feet for as long as they would have her.

  She looked down now at the silver slave cuffs on her wrists—the same cuffs Daniel wore on his. Once snapped into place, they couldn’t be removed save by a special key.

  Though she was ready to try to make a life with the two men, the thought of giving up her apartment was unsettling. On the other hand, she hadn’t been writing much since she’d entered their household. There was still a month left on her lease, but paying rent for a place she wasn’t in didn’t make much sense.

  It was Liam who came up with a suggestion that would give her more time to make sure this move was the correct one for her. “It’s probably a good idea to keep your place for the next month. That’ll give us all a chance to make sure the arrangement is working out.”

  He had insisted on paying the last month. Somehow, he managed to make it seem as if she were the one doing him a favor by taking the check. “Please, Alex. I want you to be able to focus on your training without stressing over money issues. Let me do this small thing.”

  She went to sleep that Saturday night with a T-shirt of Daniel’s she borrowed from their laundry hamper on a sudden whim. She held it close, inhaling his scent. She pretended she was in his arms with Liam spooned behind her, instead of curled alone with only her dreams for company.

  Sunday morning, she was jerked from sleep by a persistent ringing sound. Still half-asleep, she fumbled for the alarm clock, worried she’d overslept and wouldn’t be showered and groomed in time for Liam’s inspection.

  When she realized it was her cell phone, she grabbed it from beside the bed. She focused blearily on the small screen. It was Cheryl Carson, her best friend and the one person who actually knew what she’d been doing this past week.

  “Hey, Cheryl,” Alex said, yawning.

  “Were you sleeping?”

  “Yeah. What time is it?”

  “It’s after ten. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “That’s okay. I was going to call you.”

  “You came home yesterday?”

  “Yeah. Just to pack. I’m going back. They want me to move in with them.”

  “No way! Oh my god!” Cheryl’s voice rose at least an octave.

  “What are you freaking out about?”

  “Oh gee, I don’t know. Let’s see. May
be the fact you’re moving in with two gay guys you barely know to live as a sex slave in their S&M dungeon. Uh, no biggie. I don’t know what my problem is.”

  “It’s nothing like that. First of all, they aren’t gay, they’re bi. Second of all, they don’t have a dungeon—just some really hot equipment in their playroom. For your information, I have my own bedroom with a four-poster bed and a beautiful view of the grounds. My submission to them is totally consensual. I want it. I’m not being forced or anything like that. You know this is something I’ve always wanted to explore.”

  “Explore is one thing. Moving in after a week is another. I mean, come on, what the hell are you letting yourself in for? What kind of fantasyland are you living in to think this can possibly work out in the long term?”

  “You don’t understand. Liam and Daniel are two of the most exciting, sexy men I’ve ever met. They offer something I’ve dreamed about and yearned for ever since I knew I was a sexual being.” Alex sighed. She’d tried to explain the sensual nuance of erotic submission to her friend before, but Cheryl persisted in thinking it was all just kinky play—black leather, whips and chains.

  She tried again. “When I’m with them, I feel this kind of serenity. A calmness. At the same time, I feel more alive than I ever have before. I feel vitalized. Like the world was in two dimensions before and now it’s in three. Or like those movies where it’s in black and white and suddenly switches to color.

  “When they asked me to stay, I knew it was the right move for me. Maybe not for a lifetime, but for as long as they’ll have me. It’s what I want, Cheryl. It’s what I need.”

  Cheryl was quiet a moment. Finally she said, “So what about the small detail that they’re in love with each other and not you?”

  Damn Cheryl with her uncanny ability to cut straight to the chase. Alex tried to keep her voice light and even managed to force a laugh. “What’s love got to do with it?”


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