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Two for Alex: M/m/f BDSM Ménage - 2 Volume Set

Page 28

by Claire Thompson

  Having Alex had heightened their erotic play, there was no question about it. She’d added a new dimension to their lovemaking. Not only that, she was a good companion during the day and was actually becoming useful around the house. So what was his problem? It was, he realized, his possessiveness. He had come to, or really had always, regarded Alex as his. Liam was encroaching on his territory.

  But he didn’t want to be like that. He belonged to Liam, body, heart and soul. If that was true and not just romantic wishful thinking and lip service, then how could he withhold anything of his from Liam? He should offer Alex without reservation or hesitation. He should learn to control these irrational jealous feelings instead of letting them control him.

  He looked at the lovely young woman waiting for inspection and silently vowed to let go of his possessiveness. He approached her and ran his fingers under her arms and over her smooth mons. “Liam says he’ll inspect you later. I just thought I’d give you a quick once-over to make sure you’re ready for him.”

  He couldn’t resist pressing a finger into her tight tunnel. She was wet as always and this made him smile. “Make me proud today. Show Liam how obedient and well trained you are.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Alex said, eyes still ahead. He continued to finger her until color washed over her chest and throat and her breath quickened. He pulled his hand away and for an instant thought about locking her into the chastity belt and taking Liam’s key with him.

  Jesus, he needed to get a fucking grip. Liam was his Master, not the other way around.


  Daniel had still insisted on making breakfast before he left for his consulting job. Liam could see he was reluctant to leave and he almost regretted his decision to take the day off. While he wanted to spend time with Alex, he didn’t want to do it at a cost to Daniel.

  Before Daniel left Liam pulled him aside. “Daniel, is something wrong? Something we need to discuss?”

  He didn’t want to put words into Daniel’s mouth and maybe he was just imagining it, but Daniel seemed reluctant to leave him alone with Alex. He was looking forward to it. It was a chance to explore with her for once without having to worry about Daniel’s feelings or input. Liam was always keenly aware of Daniel’s reactions, never wanting to give him cause to feel jealous or left out. Navigating a relationship of three, no matter what the defined parameters were, was turning out to be a sticky business.

  “What do you mean?” Daniel asked.

  Liam decided a direct approach was best. “About Alex. About me being here alone with her today. Is there something you want to talk about?”

  “Me? No. No, no. I belong to you, Sir, not the other way around. It’s your prerogative to do as you wish. She belongs to us, not just to me.”

  Liam nodded, not wanting to force an issue that might only be in his head. So he kissed Daniel goodbye, feeling strange to be the one staying behind while Daniel climbed into his red truck and drove away.

  He turned to Alex. She stood beside him in the foyer, watching Daniel’s truck disappear around the curve. Was this a mistake? Damn it, he was in charge. He’d make sure things went smoothly.

  “Daniel gave me your list of chores.” Liam handed Alex the list written in Daniel’s small, neat hand. “Once you’re done present yourself naked on your knees in my study. I’ll inspect your housework and we’ll go from there.”

  Alex took the list. “Yes, Sir,” she said in her low, slightly husky voice. He noticed her nipples protruding beneath her dress. He had a sudden urge to throw her to the ground caveman style and take her then and there.

  He controlled himself. He didn’t want to disturb her routine or override what Daniel had set out for her to do. Ignoring his erection, he watched her leave, making her way upstairs to strip the bedding and clean the bathrooms. He followed soon after, entering his study with the plan of getting a little work done.

  Instead he found himself staring out the window and thinking about his life. Here he was nearly thirty-five. He had a very successful law practice. He had a wonderful man in his life and now this girl, who was both a complication and a delight. How far he’d come from the anxious, troubled boy he’d once been.

  He thought about his father whom he hadn’t seen in nearly ten years. He hadn’t seen his older sister Rosa in nearly as long. They had never been close and she’d moved to California several years back. Ten years his senior, she had already been out of the house for a few years when their mother died of cancer.

  Liam had been ten at the time. He was an unplanned baby as his mother felt compelled to remind him when she was especially put out with him, which seemed to be often. Back then he hadn’t yet learned to control himself. He was a bundle of emotions, rushing headlong into trouble at every opportunity.

  He’d been to therapy in his twenties and had obtained some insight into his behavior as part of a dysfunctional family. His father was an active alcoholic and a mean drunk. Liam’s behaviors were a way to deflect attention from the fights between his parents.

  His father stopped fighting once his mother became seriously ill. Instead he retreated into his whiskey bottle, basically leaving Liam to provide any emotional support to his mother. Like a good dysfunctional child of a household affected by alcohol, Liam stepped right up.

  Toward the end he would sit for hours beside his mother’s bed, reading to her from the mystery novels she liked. If he closed his eyes, he could still see her pale, delicate hand resting limply on the covers, the trace of blue veins showing just under the skin.

  Within just a few months of her death his father remarried another alcoholic who was as mean when drunk as his father was. Liam retreated into his own world and his father and stepmother didn’t seem to notice. Nor did the next two wives.

  It was during this time Liam discovered he liked boys. He was fifteen and basically living at the house of his best friend Dominic. Dominic had nine brothers and sisters, six of whom were still at home. They lived in a big ramshackle old stone house that was always filled with laughter and noise. The family embraced Liam, never minding that he spent every weekend and many week nights with them.

  He loved Dominic but hadn’t yet admitted the sexual component of his love. It wasn’t that he denied it—it was more that he was constantly horny anyway, being a fifteen-year-old boy.

  Dominic made the first move. The two of them were sleeping in the full-sized bed beneath the twin bunk where Dominic’s younger brother slept. One night, Liam awoke to find Dominic spooning him, his erect cock moving against Liam’s back. He lay very still, his own cock hardening. Dominic began to thrust, making muted, gasping sounds. Liam slipped his hand into his underwear and massaged his cock in time to Dominic’s movements. He came seconds after Dominic did. Dominic rolled away from him and neither of them acknowledged what had happened.

  But the next night they did it again, this time with Liam taking the lead and rubbing up against Dominic. They were careful to be very quiet with Dominic’s little brother snoring and snuffling overhead. After a week or so they progressed to actually looking at one another. At first, they would mutually masturbate, spurred on by each other.

  Within a month they worked up the nerve to pull down their underwear and grope for one another. Liam still remembered the thrill of stroking Dominic’s cock and watching his face. Even then he’d felt his own power at making another person orgasm. He’d reveled in the reactions he could create and his control of that reaction with his touch. Liam discovered girls the year after but no experience ever equaled the thrill of his first time with a boy.

  He’d never had a full-fledged D/s relationship with a woman. The few women he’d dated when experimenting with his het side weren’t into the scene, or if they were, he didn’t know about it and made no effort to find out. He’d discovered BDSM at an underground gay club a friend took him to and had never looked back.

  Alex was the first woman he’d actively controlled in a D/s context. He loved the differences in how she reacted versus Dan
iel or other men. She was so sensitive to his touch, trembling when his fingers invaded her sex, emitting those sweet breathy sighs when she came.

  Liam still hadn’t looked at his paperwork. His cock was snaking past the waist of his bikini underwear, demanding attention. He slipped his hand into his pants and massaged it briefly, wondering how far along Alex was in her chores.

  He forced himself to concentrate on a document that needed some changes and then he checked his email. He distracted himself for a while with this and then checked his bank account and his investment accounts. He glanced at his watch. Surely, she was almost done by now.

  There was a light knock at his open door and there she was, looking so fragile and hesitant, her large green gold eyes brushing over him before she looked down.

  “Present yourself,” he ordered.

  She pulled her dress over her head and entered the room. Gracefully she sank to her knees in front of him, kneeling back on her heels, her head bowed, her hands palm up on her thighs.

  “Show me your cunt,” he commanded, thrilling as he always did to his absolute power. Alex spread her knees and lifted her hips, arching forward so he could see her shaven cunt, the pretty dark pink labia visible.

  He looked at her face, amused and aroused by the flush of pink spreading over her cheeks. Even after all she’d been through with them, she was still shy about displaying her body.

  Again he had the urge to take her then and there—to push her back against the carpet and fuck her without preamble. He shook the thought away, remembering his feelings when Daniel had done that. He would not fuck Alex, not without Daniel present. Not that he couldn’t if he wanted to—wasn’t he after all the Master? But he chose not to. The action was too intimate, too much like lovers, and that he would save for when the three of them were together.

  “Here’s what we’re going to do. After I inspect your work, we’ll have a session in the playroom. After lunch you can do your afternoon chores. Let’s go.” He stood and walked out of the study, leaving the girl to scramble after him.

  Upstairs, he lifted the quilts to check the sheet corners. He couldn’t find fault—the beds were made as well as if Daniel had made them. Next the bathrooms. He made the usual inspection. The bathtub and showers were spotless and the floors were clean enough to eat off. As an afterthought he took a cotton swab and ran it just under the rim of the toilet bowl. It came up rust-stained.

  He held the swab toward her, secretly pleased to have found something. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “Oh! I cleaned the toilets. I promise. I guess the brush didn’t reach up under there.”

  “I guess not. Would Daniel tolerate this?” Again he waved the swab toward her.

  “No, Sir,” she whispered, looking miserable.

  “What happens when you fail in your duties, slave?”

  “I’m p-punished, Sir.”

  “Yes. Go into the playroom and lie over the spanking bench. I’ll be there in a moment.” He watched her go, smiling to himself. Daniel almost never gave him reason for punishment. Not that he needed a reason, but it was fun to actually have one for a change.

  He entered the room a moment later. Her pert small ass was offered up invitingly. He selected a single-tail whip from the wall and moved toward her. “Daniel tells me you would like to be marked each morning, the way he is. Is that true?”

  “Yes, Sir,” came the muffled reply.

  “It hurts. I mark him with a single tail or a cane. One stroke across his ass to remind him what he is and who he belongs to. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, Sir. Please, Sir.”

  “Tomorrow morning then, when I come in to inspect you, I’ll mark you as well. Meanwhile, I’m going to punish you. Instead of one stroke, you’ll take five. Don’t you dare move out of position or I’ll tie you down. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” This time it was a whisper. She was curling her toes and clenching her hands into small fists, already anticipating the lash.

  He knelt beside her and put his hand lightly on her lower back. “Relax. When you tense your body like that it’s a direct insult to your Master. You’re withholding when you do that. You’re resisting. I don’t like that.”

  He stroked her back and ass, moving his hand down her thighs. Her skin was so soft compared to a man’s. He loved touching it. “That’s it,” he said in a soothing voice. “Easy. Open yourself to me. Open yourself to the pain. Next time you’ll remember to check under the rim of the toilets, won’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He moved back and stood. Leaning over her, he drew back his wrist and let the tip of the tail catch her where her ass met her thigh. Alex hissed and her toes curled again.

  “You’re resisting me. Stop it.” He waited until her toes uncurled and struck her again, a little higher. Now there were two red lines, one just above the other. He added a third stripe, letting more of the tail catch her. Alex yelped and clenched her fists. He struck her twice more, pleased with the five horizontal marks. They weren’t quite welts but the marks would last a few hours.

  “Get up. Go see the marks of your punishment.” Alex rose from the bench and walked toward the mirror. She twisted around to see her ass and her eyes widened. He saw the unmistakable gleam of triumphant pride he’d seen so many times before in the face of a sub thrilled after the fact to have taken a beating and bearing the marks to prove it.

  While she was admiring herself, Liam moved to the toy chest and selected a medium-sized vibrator. He took the braided flogger Anthony had given them from a hook on the wall.

  “We’ve worked with you on orgasm control and on learning to take a whipping, flogging and even a caning with relative grace. I was thinking—we haven’t really focused with you on learning to take pleasure while enduring pain.”

  He held out the vibrator. “Here’s what I want you to do. Squat here and pleasure yourself with this vibrator. Insert it and run it over your clit. I want you to orgasm. Here’s the catch. While you’re masturbating, I’m going to whip you. I want you to work past the pain. Work through it. Make it a part of your pleasure. Do you think you can do that?”

  Alex licked her lips and swallowed. She took the vibrator from him. “I can try, Sir.”

  “Good. And hopefully you’ll succeed. Because I don’t plan to stop whipping you until you come. Your ass is already tender from the single tail so I’ll focus more on your back and breasts. Go on, squat and spread your legs like you were going to pee over a drain.”

  Alex lowered herself and squatted as ordered. “Turn it on. Fuck yourself with it. Don’t come until I say so.” Alex closed her eyes and inserted the tip of the vibrator into herself. Liam moved behind her and brought the braided leather down over her back with a thwacking sound.

  He started light, allowing her to adjust to the strokes. He moved in front of her and struck her breasts. Alex gasped and nearly lost her balance. He struck her again, the tips catching her right nipple. Alex dropped the vibrator and cried out.

  “Pick it up. Focus. Make the pain part of your pleasure. This is where you belong, fucking yourself while your Master whips you. This is what you were born for.”

  “Ooh,” Alex breathed, her tone rapturous. He knew he was speaking her language for it was his own as well. His cock throbbed as he watched her run the tip of the vibrating phallus over her clit. She closed her eyes and swayed slightly. He stood to her side so he could whip both her back and breasts without shifting his position.

  Her skin was rapidly reddening and her nipples were distended. He aimed for the delicate nubbins once again and Alex gasped with pain, though this time she didn’t drop the vibrator.

  “You can come now, slave. Use the pain to heighten the pleasure.” He struck her back, covering it with a rain of knotted leather until she was panting and whimpering.

  “Come for me.”

  He struck her breasts, his cock straining in his jeans, excitement and lust speeding his heart. She pushed the vibrato
r in and out of her spread cunt. Her eyes were closed, her head back, the whimpering changed to a sensual moan.

  She drew the vibrator up over her clit and began a steady staccato pant that ended in a piercing cry. He watched her coming, her body shuddering, her eyes squeezed tight, her mouth open in an O of sound. He gave her a final savage blow and she fell back against the carpet, the vibrator still at her clit, the fingers of her other hand buried inside her.

  He dropped the flogger and pulled open his jeans, blinded for a moment by lust. He was going to fuck her. Why not? She was his and he knew she wanted it. But when he knelt in front of her his mind cleared and Daniel loomed large.

  He’d promised himself he wouldn’t fuck her, not without Daniel present. But Daniel wouldn’t know, a little voice whispered in his brain. Alex won’t tell.

  He drew himself up sharply, the panting, shuddering girl at his feet for a moment nearly forgotten.


  The first death knell in a relationship. He’d just considered keeping a secret from the man who meant more than anything else in the world to him. He’d actually thought about doing something behind Daniel’s back, something he would then hide.

  This was worse than what Daniel had done. Daniel had acted on impulse. His only crime, if that’s what it was, was disobedience for which he was punished.

  Shaken, Liam took a step back, his cock flagging. He tried to focus on the sweet, spent girl lying on the ground in front of him. She was looking at him. He held out his hand and she took it. Hoisting her upright, he took her into his arms and held her close. He clung to her, thinking how close he’d come to betraying Daniel.

  Maybe this whole thing, while an entertaining diversion, was getting out of hand. The tension he’d thought they could work through once Alex moved in on a more permanent basis didn’t seem to be lessening. If anything it was getting worse.

  He rubbed his cheek against the top of Alex’s head. Her shampoo smelled good. Poor Alex. Though she didn’t know it, she was caught in the middle. It wasn’t her fault he was so conflicted.


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