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STEEL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 3)

Page 5

by Samantha Leal

  “None of us would have even known if King and I hadn’t come in there the other night and seen her… Did you not notice how she hid down out of sight?” Steel said as he wrapped his arm around her again.

  Candy thought back to the confrontation and how King and Steel had burst through the doors with their shotguns. They had been face to face with Destiny and she had run behind the bar and hid down by Candy’s feet.

  “Of course,” she said. “She didn’t want you to recognize her.”

  “Exactly,” King said. “But it was too late… I’d seen her over in Ironhill a few months back, draping herself all over one of their top dogs.”

  “Fucking bitch,” Steel dragged on the cigarette and exhaled loudly.

  “So what do I do now?” Candy asked. “I mean, I can’t just avoid the place.” She looked up at Steel, and he took hold of her and stared at her dead in the eyes…

  “That’s exactly what you do,” he said seriously. “Don’t go anywhere near there.”

  “But… I work…” Candy began.

  “No,” Lexi said. “Something big is about to go down… And if you’re anywhere near Red X, you could get hurt.”

  Candy swallowed and reached out for the whiskey bottle. Now she really needed it. She downed another shot and exhaled.

  “Okay,” she said. “So I guess I am officially unemployed.”

  “Not quite,” Steel said. “We’ll win the fight,” he brushed her hair behind her ears, “and then the club will be ours.”

  “But what if you don’t?” she asked.

  King shook his head and wrapped his arm protectively around Lexi.

  “We always win,” he said sternly. “Just God help anyone who tries to get in our way.”

  Candy sat back on the couch and let her head fall back. After the shots, she was feeling woozy and all of the information was swimming around in her mind, making her feel even worse.

  “I think I need to get home,” she said.

  Lexi helped her to her feet, and Steel wrapped a protective arm around her.

  “Come on,” he said as the four of them made their way to the entrance of the bar.

  “Steel will look after you,” Lexi said as she hugged Candy goodbye and held onto her gently by the shoulders. “I know they look a little scary, but deep down, they are good men.”

  Candy nodded.

  “He’ll take you home, and if Marv comes anywhere near you, he’ll be there to sort it out.”

  “So what do I do? Do I just stay at home?” Candy asked exasperated.

  “No,” Lexi laughed. “Enjoy your time off. And just stay away from that two-faced bitch Destiny. Who knows what else she may drag you into?”

  The girls hugged goodbye again, and then Steel took hold of Candy’s hand. As he led her out of the bar and down the steps to the sidewalk, she looked back and shuddered.

  Her life had been completely turned upside down, yet again.

  Why could nothing ever just be simple?

  They walked through the crowds, and when Steel got to his bike, he lifted her onto it and climbed on in front of her. As he revved the engine, some of the men around them cheered and raised their arms in the air. Candy gripped onto him tightly and nuzzled into him. All she wanted was to be back in the safety of her little home, cuddled up in bed without a care in the world.

  They pulled up onto her driveway, and Steel helped her down from the back of the bike.

  “Thank you,” Candy smiled shyly as he took hold of her hand and held it roughly between his.

  “We meant what we said tonight,” he said. “Don’t go back to the club. It’s dangerous.”

  Candy nodded and couldn’t help but feel overcome with happiness at how great it felt to have someone care for her again.

  “I’m going to wait around for a while,” Steel said as he touched her cheek. “Make sure no one’s hanging around.”

  “Do you think there would be?” Candy asked with shock.

  Steel shrugged and smirked.

  Candy slapped him playfully on the shoulder and blushed.

  “I just want to make sure you’re safe,” he said.

  “I really do appreciate it,” she smiled.

  They looked at each other for a moment and Candy knew that she was going to find it unbelievably difficult not to invite him in, but she just wasn’t ready.

  Steel leaned forward and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and his touch was so powerful and strong that it took her breath away. She ran her fingers through his hair and pushed her body up against his. She could feel the solid ripple of his bulging muscles against her taut stomach, and he groaned as his desire stirred within him.

  “Steel,” she panted as she looked up at him, her head a mess of want and fear.

  He brushed his finger lightly across her lips, and then he turned and stepped back to his bike.

  “You better get inside,” he said. “I’ll be back first thing in the morning.”

  Candy nodded and smiled at him before she turned and walked back towards the house.

  As she let herself in and locked the door and all of the bolts behind her, her heart was racing. It had taken all of her willpower to walk away from him, and now he was still only on the other side of the door. All she wanted to do was to pull it open and call for him to come for her.

  “No,” she whispered. “You can’t…”

  She turned off the lights and wandered into her bedroom. She could see his silhouette on the other side of the curtain, and as she climbed into bed and hugged her pillow against her chest, she imagined it was him.

  “He’s waiting to make sure you’re safe,” she said to herself. “It feels good to have someone who cares.”

  She smiled and closed her eyes.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed, or even if she had been asleep at all, but sometime in the early hours of the morning, she heard the growl of the bike engine and him pulling off down the street.


  The sun shone through the cracks in the curtains, and Candy pulled the covers up over her eyes. Her mouth was bone dry, her head ached and all she could taste was the whiskey. She rubbed her temples and sighed.

  “Why?” she said aloud.

  She had only downed two shots, but it had been enough to curse her with a hangover.

  She climbed out of bed with her eyes still practically sealed shut, and she groped her way out of her room and into the hallway. In the darkness of the corridor, she dared to open her eyes and made her way towards the kitchen, desperate for something to drink.

  She pulled open the refrigerator and grasped for a bottle of water. She unscrewed the cap and held it to her lips before glugging down as much as she could. She sat at the table, holding onto the bottle and rubbing her forehead, wishing that at least some part of the previous evening had all been a strange dream. But she knew in her heart that it hadn’t.

  The club was in trouble. Marv was on his way out, and one of the bike gangs was going to claim it… The question was, who?

  She swallowed and bit her lip.


  He was like no one she had ever met before and now he was all she could think about. She remembered the way he had held her close, had protected her and insisted that she stay safe. It had felt so good, and yet the whole prospect terrified her.

  What if I fall in love? she thought.

  What if he hurts me?

  What if I’m putting myself in danger?

  Her insecurities were mounting, even though barely anything had happened between them. She was replaying every undesirable scenario through her head just to prepare herself for what could be.

  It had all gone so wrong with Simon. She had been so wrong about him… What if she was wrong about Steel, too?

  Just as she was about to drag herself back to bed, she heard the roar of a bike engine coming down the street. Her heart skipped and she ran over to the window. She could see him. He had kept his promise and was coming back to make su
re she was alright. Candy turned and caught sight of herself in the mirror and ran quickly into the bedroom.

  Her hair was sticking up on end and her mascara was in blotchy black lines under her eyes. She wiped away as much of the previous night’s make-up as she could and quickly ran a comb through her long blonde locks. She spritzed on some perfume and pulled her little black robe tightly around herself and tied it at the waist before she checked the mirror again and smiled.

  There was a knock at the door. She had managed it just in time. Candy breathed in deeply and walked to the front of the house, her heart was pounding with anticipation of what it would be like to see him again.

  She opened it and Steel stood there, every inch the gorgeous bad boy he had been the previous evening, his black hair slicked back, his tanned, tattooed arms bursting free of his tight t-shirt and his hands adorned with silver rings. He turned and flashed her his wicked smile, and Candy was instantly won over. Any doubts she may have had that morning were blown away in an instant.

  Steel was definitely someone special.

  “Morning,” he smiled as he leaned against the doorframe.

  Candy felt herself blushing almost immediately and she stood back and left a gap so he could come inside. He brushed past her, the scent of his cologne hanging in the air. Candy couldn’t take her eyes off him. The sight of him inside her home was so exciting, and all she could think about was pouncing on him. She smiled at the thought and showed Steel into the front room.

  “Nice place,” he said as he sat down on the arm of the couch. “Very girly.”

  “Yes, it is a bit,” she giggled.

  “How did you sleep?” he crossed his arm across his chest and his muscles bulged.

  “Surprisingly well,” she nodded, “considering…”

  “I didn’t sleep a wink,” he sighed. “And I won’t until this whole thing is over.”

  Candy rubbed his shoulder sympathetically, and he turned his head towards hers.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” he whispered. “I waited outside until the sun was on the horizon, and even then it was hard to leave you here.”

  Candy’s heart started to pound. She swallowed her nerves and ran her fingernails through his hair.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you, either…” she admitted.

  Steel looked up at her and she took hold of his face in between her hands. His stubble was rough on her palms, and as they stared into each other’s eyes, she realized what they reminded her of.

  “You have the eyes of a wolf,” she said. “Icy blue and consuming.”

  Steel smirked and pulled her closer to him so her breasts pushed up against his chest.

  “You are the most adorable little thing,” he said. “It’s going to be hard to control myself around you.”

  Candy bit her bottom lip and smiled.

  She wanted to tell him to let go of his control, to take her right then and there on the couch. She wanted him to tear off her clothes and ravage her, but she also knew that if she crossed that line with him, it could potentially open up so many old wounds, and she didn’t know if she was ready to cope with it all.

  “Then take me out for breakfast,” she whispered as she let her lips skim his. “Let’s get to know each other properly.”

  Steel smiled and nodded.

  “I’ll be two minutes,” she said as she stepped away from him and slowly let go of his hand.

  She left him waiting in her front room with only his thoughts for company, and she raced into her bedroom and grabbed her things. She undid the robe and jumped into a white, loose-fitting day dress and smoothed on some tinted moisturizer and lip gloss. The effect on her skin was that she looked fresh and dewy, as if she had just stepped out of the shower. This, coupled with the floaty dress, made her look the epitome of girly chic.

  “I’m ready,” she said as she stepped back into the front room.

  Steel looked up at her and his mouth almost hit the floor. Candy smiled and walked towards him, the contrast of their appearances so distinct it was almost amusing.

  “You look incredible,” he smiled.

  He took hold of her hand and led her towards the door. After she locked it behind her and he started to stride towards the bike, Candy pulled back on his arm a little and waited.

  “Why don’t we leave that here today?” she said. “It would be good to walk.”

  Steel looked confused for a moment before he shrugged and smiled.

  “Whatever you want, baby,” he grinned.

  They held hands and strolled along the road. Candy’s house was so close to Main Street, it seemed like a shame to not take advantage of the sun and the extra time to talk to each other.

  “How long have you been with The Forsaken Riders?” she asked him as they took a left and started to merge into town.

  “For as long as I care to remember,” he said.

  “What do you think will happen with Red X?” she asked.

  Steel shrugged and pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his back pocket.

  “I think we’ll be okay,” he said. “The Iron Riders aren’t as established as we are, and they have a hell of a lot more enemies. We won’t be their only concern right now.”

  “What would happen if they got the club?” Candy was genuinely nervous.

  “They won’t, babe,” he smiled. “We’ll make sure of that.”

  They turned another corner and found themselves on Main Street. Candy was still new in town and didn’t generate a whole lot of gossip as far as she was aware, but that day, when she walked along with Steel, she could feel the eyes of the world on her, and it made her nervous.

  “Everyone is staring,” she said as Steel pulled out a chair for her at the café on the corner.

  “So?” he said with amusement. “Let them.”

  Candy smiled back at him and nodded.

  He smoked slowly and stared at her. Every time their eyes met, it was as if he was uncovering a part of her soul that she had long forgotten existed. He was reawakening parts of her that Simon had taken away. He was bringing her back to life.

  The waitress arrived at the table, and Candy ordered a coffee and poached eggs and Steel ordered a TJ.

  “Not hungry?” she asked him, and he shook his head.

  When the waitress returned with their drinks, Steel waited until she had gone back inside before he pulled out a hipflask and started to pour vodka into the tomato juice.

  “No better way to start the day,” he laughed.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever tried one,” she admitted.

  “Want to?” he raised his eyebrows, but Candy smiled and shook her head. Steel grinned and downed the Bloody Mary in one.

  The tension between them was rising and Candy knew why. They were both so hot for each other, it was impossible to have a conversation. She wanted to ask him questions, she wanted to know all about him and his past and of how he came to be in Slate Springs, but at the same time, she knew she couldn’t answer the ones he might have for her. She looked up at him and stirred milk into her coffee. They were both undressing each other with their eyes, and all Candy wanted to do was tell him that she needed to be looked after and she knew that he was the man for the job.

  “You’re too good for a place like that,” Steel said finally, breaking her gaze.

  “What do you mean?” Candy sat up straight.

  “You’re not dumb,” Steel smirked. “I knew that the second I met you… It’s all an act.”


  “What do you mean?” she asked playfully.

  “What I mean is, I think you play the dumb blonde card so all of this checks out. But I don’t buy it… There’s more to you than that.”

  Candy shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and although he had hit the nail right on the head, she wasn’t ready to tell him that he was right.

  “Maybe,” she said. “Or maybe I am just a dumb blonde,” she tossed her napkin across the table and winked.

aybe…” he grinned as he looked off into the distance.

  “What about you?” she said finally. “You don’t seem so stupid yourself.”

  “That’s because I’m not,” he lit another cigarette and blew the smoke up into the air.

  Candy felt her pulse began to quicken again.

  “Well, then,” she said, deciding to be brave. “Why the gang? Why not a straight life?”

  Steel smirked and dragged on his cigarette again.

  “I could ask you the very same thing,” he looked up at her.

  Candy knew what he was trying to say. He was aware that she wasn’t who she was pretending to be, but she had the feeling he was doing exactly the same.

  “I just don’t like the system,” he said. “And now, the club’s like family. There’s real honor there.”

  She nodded. That was definitely something she could understand.

  “What are you running from?” he asked suddenly.

  Candy felt as if she had been backed into a corner, and she started to stumble over her words.

  “I’m… nothing,” she said.

  Steel sat forward and took hold of her hands.

  “If there’s something I need to know,” he began, “I want you to tell me…”

  Candy shook her head and smiled nervously.

  “Nothing,” she said. “Look, why don’t we…” she started to change the subject when suddenly the growl of a deep bike engine came thundering down the street and interrupted.

  Steel dropped her hands and got to his feet immediately, looking in the direction of the noise and squinting to try and see who was riding.

  “King,” he said. “Something’s wrong…”

  Candy got to her feet, too. She could sense the urgency in the manner King was coming towards them, weaving in and out of cars and screeching up onto the pavement. Steel rushed forward and waited for King to climb off. Candy could tell that something was bothering him as he slammed his foot-break down and ran a shaking hand through his hair.

  “King?” Steel said with urgency.

  “It’s bad,” King said as he looked up at them both. “You’re going to have to come with me. We can’t talk here.”


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