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The Bohemians

Page 9

by Sean Michael

  “We thought you would like them. Happy Friday, my Gemini!” They settled on the couch, looking and admiring and feeling and kissing.

  After everything had been taken out and examined closely, the strawberries fed to each other one by one, Gemini gave him a soft kiss. “You want to go swimming now or save that for later?”

  “Mmm... how will you distract me if we wait for later?” He put the basket aside and slid into Quincy’s lap, fingers working at Quincy’s buttons.

  Quincy laughed again. “Oh, I think you’ve an idea or two of your own that are worth... exploring.”

  “Me? Ideas?” Topaz leaned forward, licking idly at the hollow of Quincy’s throat.

  “Umm, yeah.” Quincy’s head went back, giving him more neck to work with. Warm hands slid around his waist, Quincy’s thumbs stroking his back.

  He pretended he was one of Daisy’s butterflies, licking and nuzzling, tongue lapping in tiny circles.

  “Oh, feels so good, my sweet Starchild.” Quincy’s hands moved to tug at the buttons on his shirt, fingers lingering over the exposed skin.

  “Mmm... Love you.” Topaz cuddled close, fingers finding Quincy’s nipples and stroking over them.

  Quincy gasped, hips pushing up against him.

  “You like that.” Topaz giggled, repeated the motion.”Yes!” Quincy’s hands pushed his shirt open and found his waist, holding tightly.

  “Have you ever thought of decorating them? Making them hard and tight all the time. Making them so sensitive.” He scooted until he could get a nipple in his mouth.

  “Oh God! I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate on anything else.” Quincy arched up into his mouth. “Would you like that?”

  “I would like seeing if it made you hard, made you want.” He nipped a little, moaning. “Would you like it?””I don’t know. Maybe. It sounds... kinky.” Quincy’s hands tightened and moved over him restlessly. “I’d do it for you.”

  “I’d only want you to do it for you.” Topaz moved back up, licking at Quincy’s lip. “I could do one of mine, if you want. See what you think.”

  “Oh... oh, that would... yeah.” Quincy nodded, fingers finding his nipples and tugging. “We could each get one. For each other. Like. Well.” Quincy blushed. “Or not.””Like what?” He arched, back bowing at the sensations. He loved this man. So much.

  “Well. I don’t know, like a promise kind of. Like rings if we were straight. And one of us was a chick.”

  “Oh!” He met Quincy’s eyes, heart leaping. “You... you mean like a long-term promise?”

  Quincy nodded. “I know we haven’t been together that long, Topaz, and I know the biggest reason I’ve been dumped in the past is coming on too strong and too needy, but... well you’re special, Topaz.” Quincy smiled softly. “I want you to know that.”

  “Oh... Oh, Quincy. Yes.” Topaz nodded, the decision easy and immediate. Quincy had held his heart from the beginning. “You always let me know.”

  “Cool. Let’s do it then.” Quincy’s eyes danced with happiness.

  There. That was how those eyes were meant to look. Beautiful and bright and perfect.

  “Love you.”

  Quincy nodded. “Yeah. I love you, too, Starchild.”Topaz laughed, his joy so big he couldn’t hold it in, then settled into Quincy’s arms, singing softly. “Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove: O no! it is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken; it is the star to every wandering bark, whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.”

  “Oh... that’s not the first time you’ve quoted me poetry.” Quincy put a kiss on top of his head. “Such a romantic.””I’m a fool, but I’m yours, if you’ll take me.”

  “Not a fool,” Quincy murmured. “But mine -- I’ll have you.”

  “Good.” He smiled up into those stunning eyes. “Wanna make love?”

  “Yes. More than pretty much anything.”

  “Oh, good.” He stood and reached for his soul mate. “Come to bed, Gemini. I need you.”

  Quincy took his hand and took a kiss. “I need you, too, Starchild.”

  “Then let’s go.” Laughing, they ran, clothes flying, bouncing together on the bed, smiling mouths pressing together.

  Quincy lay back on the bed, pulling him down on top of his lover’s body. “Make love to me, Topaz. Without anything - just you and me, skin on skin.”

  “Yes, Gemini.” Shivers rocked him as he nodded. He slid down, moaning as he licked his way down Quincy’s breastbone, Quincy’s belly. He continued, nibbling at sharp hips and velvet-soft ball before pushing behind, wanting to taste his Gemini, to ready his lover.

  “Oh God!” Quincy shuddered, legs spreading for him.”Mmm... love.” He relaxed onto the sheets, holding Quincy open with his fingers, tongue sliding around the tight little ring of muscles. The intimacy and heat made him moan, made his body ache. Quincy’s muscles shifted beneath his hands, his Gemini whimpering for him.

  He licked and lapped until the tight ring eased, then he pushed inside, tongue sliding in over and over, making love with all he had. Quincy writhed and whimpered, hands fisting into the sheets, heels digging into the mattress as his lover pushed up into his penetration.

  Oh, so luscious. So good. So fine. He cupped Quincy’s ass in his hands and kept going, driving his lover higher and higher. “Gonna... oh Topaz! Yeah. Gonna come.”He moaned, lips vibrating against Quincy’s skin, gripping his lover hard, tongue pushing as deep as it would go. Quincy screamed his name out loud, flesh gripping his tongue hard as his lover came.

  He was shaking hard, lips sliding up to caress Quincy’s balls, inner thighs, cock sliding against the sheets. “So beautiful.”

  Soft shudders moved through Quincy. “Oh God. That was... oh God.”

  “Mmm... yeah. Yeah, love.” He nodded, licking slowly, cleaning his lover’s belly and cock.

  Quincy moaned softly, hands sliding through his hair. “You’re amazing, love. Just amazing.”

  “I’m just Topaz, Gemini. I just love you.”

  “And that’s just amazing.” Quincy tugged him up until their mouths met, the kiss long and deep and sweet. He was held close, straddling his lover’s waist, drinking deep from the joy and passion in those sweet lips. Quincy slid a hand down between them, stroking his cock. “Are you ready to take me, Starchild?”

  Whimpering, he nodded. “Please, love. hard for you.”

  “I know. Face to face or hands and knees?” His Gemini’s voice was husky, full of growing need.

  “Face to face. ‘s easier to reach and I can have your nipples.” He scooted back, rubbing his throbbing cock against Quincy’s hole. “Are you slick enough, love? I don’t want to hurt.”

  “Oh, God, Topaz, just take me. Please.” The dark blue eyes gazed at him, Quincy’s love and need offered freely.”Yes.” He pushed inside with steady pulses, breathing hard, trembling as that tight grip pulled him in deeper and deeper.Quincy’s legs wrapped around his waist, his lover holding him close.

  “Oh... I can feel you. Just you, love.” Topaz moaned softly, leaning forward to nuzzle at a hard nipple.

  Quincy shuddered, prick so hard between them. “So good, Topaz. Right.”

  “Yes. Right. Oh, Quincy. Oh...” He started moving, he had to. Needed to.

  Whimpering, Quincy met his thrusts, body moving with him. So beautiful. His lips wrapped around one nipple, tugging and pulling in time with their thrusts.

  The fingers that slid down to flick across his nipples were trembling, Quincy making sweet, soft noises.

  “Oh...” Topaz cried out, balls drawing up tight. “Close, love. Close.”

  One of Quincy’s hands slid between them, wrapping around his Gemini’s prick. The flesh around him tightened, rippled.

  “Gemini!” His hips jerked, shoulders bunching as he came, pouring out his love and need into that beautiful body. Quincy
cried out, body arching as heat splashed between them, the grip on his cock increasing until Quincy suddenly relaxed back against the bed.

  “Oh... Starchild. Love you.”

  “Love you. Quincy. Love you.” He slumped down on Quincy’s chest, trembling.

  Quincy’s hands slid along his back, sweet and slow.”Mmm... you make me feel so good, love. So right.” His voice sounded sing-songy and dozy, sated and almost sweet, even to his own ears.

  “Yes, love. It’s so good.”

  Quincy shifted, pulled a blanket up over them.

  Topaz’s cheek found the perfect spot on Quincy’s shoulder and his body cuddled in close, moaning softly as he fell into a sweet dream where he was laughing and telling his Gemini he wasn’t sleepy at all.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Quincy wasn’t sure if Leo and Stephan were wooing him, but that was what it felt like. Ever since the three of them had “rescued” Topaz together and he’d woken wrapped in their midst, things had changed. At first it had been little gifts sent through Topaz, but now it was more than that.Almost every day there would be something new arriving at the office. Flowers. Fruit. Candy. Fine glass objects that he knew Leo had made himself, such fragile things from such a huge man. Those big hands must have an incredibly delicate touch.

  It made him wonder what Leo’s touch would be like when making love.

  It wasn’t just gifts from them either, some days there would be something from Topaz. A quilt for his room. A shirt. Random pieces of cloth tied together to form a bouquet.

  His co-workers teased him, but he would just smile and at the end of the day take his gifts home. There was always something new for him in the morning. It made him feel special, treasured. He spent his days feeling happy, anticipating going home and seeing Topaz, hearing how Leo and Stephan were doing.

  A few weeks after it had begun, he found himself at the flower shop, the soft bells tinkling as he came in, the cool air and a light aria greeting him.

  Stephan was helping a customer, fine fingers arranging flowers together and wrapping them in the bright paper Stephan favored. As Quincy watched, a wave of arousal went through him. Need. Want. To feel those fingers on him, to have that focus turned to exploring him, to bringing him pleasure...

  Before he could decide whether or not to stay or flee, Stephan caught sight of him. The warm brown eyes lit up behind their glasses.

  “Bluebell! So good to see you! We’ve missed you these past few weeks, Leo and I.”

  “I...” he colored, caught hard and wanting. “I have strawberries,” he said, holding out the basket.

  Stephan waved off his customer and came happily over to him, taking the basket. “Oh there’s a note!”

  He nodded as Stephan put the basket on the counter, graceful fingers plucking out the small card. “Quince, luscious and ripe, these berries should not slide past your lips alone, Leo.”

  Stephan beamed at him. “Such a poet, isn’t he, Bluebell?”

  He nodded, watching as Stephan’s fingers moved delicately over the fruit that surely must have been handpicked, each one perfectly ripe and luscious.

  “Topaz told us how you tasted like strawberries,” Stephan told him. “Will you have them with him?”

  “I thought I would, but they’ve been in my office all day, the smell taunting me and I must have a taste.” He was amazed at his own boldness, his sudden need.

  He picked one of them up, following the impulse that moved through him. He bit into the fruit, moaning as the juices flowed over his tongue.

  “Will you share it with me?” he asked, holding the fruit out to Stephan.

  Color rose in Stephan’s cheeks, the brown eyes lighting to a glow.

  “Oh! I... yes.” Leaning forward, Stephan drew the berry from his fingers, mouth warm against his skin, tongue sliding, moving to lick all the juices from his fingers.Quince moaned softly, cock throbbing, watching the heat growing in Stephan’s eyes. Those eyes never left his, even after the last lick of that delicate tongue.

  “You have juice on your lips,” Stephan told him. “May I?”

  Quince nodded, leaning in, meeting Stephan half way. That clever tongue slid over his lips, licking at the corners of his mouth. The fullness of his bottom lip was sucked in between Stephan’s lips, drawing another moan from him. Stephan drew back slowly.

  “Would you like to share another?” he asked, wanting that mouth back on his.

  “I would,” replied Stephan, fingers moving over the strawberries again, picking one and slowly putting it between red lips. Stephan brought their mouths together again, an open mouthed kiss full of the berry. His tongue slid into Stephan’s mouth automatically taking some of the berry for himself. He could taste Stephan along with the fruit, a spiciness and a hint of something green.

  The kiss continued long after the berry was gone, Stephan’s tongue gentle, flitting like a butterfly within his mouth. If not for the bells on the door chiming, the kiss might have melted into another and then another.

  Stephan’s lips clung to his a moment longer and then the brown eyes looked beyond his shoulder. “Sunshine! My Leo!”

  Oh. Quince froze, cheeks flooding and then slowly turned to face his lover.

  Topaz’s eyes were twinkling, a happy crow sounding. “Oh, he did like the strawberries, Ku!” Then Topaz came over, bounced into his arms, face lifted for a kiss. “I want a taste!”

  “I’ll need another stra--” His words were cut off as Stephan popped a berry into his mouth. Grinning, feeling unbelievably good, he bit into the strawberry and bent to kiss his lover.

  Topaz pushed up into the kiss, tongue sliding in and stealing little bites. Beside him, Leo had pulled Stephan up into a warm, welcoming embrace, one large hand sliding up his arm in hello.

  He got lost in the kiss with Topaz for a moment, smiling down at his lover when it was done. Then he turned to Leo. “I should say thank you properly.” He was blushing hard as he looked up to meet the dark brown eyes.

  “That sounds most appealing, Quince.” Leo leaned down, the dark hair brushing his cheek as their lips met.Leo tasted rich like chocolate and his lips were so soft, so gentle. It made Quince melt. Well, most of him, his cock was still hard and he suddenly wanted things that he’d been denying since he’d met Topaz. Kissing Leo was like falling, the man’s passion so deep, so innate, that you didn’t know you were lost until the winds where rushing all around you.

  He would have literally fallen except that Stephan and Topaz were there to catch him, hold him between their bodies. He moaned, shuddering, hands opening and closing on Topaz’ arms.

  “We should go home, lovers. We need. We all need.” Topaz’s words were soft, sure, hands seeming tiny in contrast to Leo’s.

  Quince nodded, trembling, on the verge of this thing that seemed at once so huge and so easy and simple and right. “Please,” he said softly. “Take me home and love me.”

  It was his Starchild that took his hand, took a sweet kiss. “O lover mine, where are you roaming? O stay and hear, your true loves are coming. Trip no further, pretty sweeting; journeys end in lovers meeting.”

  “Oh...” He gave Topaz another kiss. “I love you,” he said, meaning them all.

  Topaz nodded and tugged. “They love you, too. Come home.”

  “Yes. It’s time to come home.” Stephan was pushing him.

  He nodded. Home. With the three of them.

  Quincy liked the sound of that.

  Chapter Twenty

  Quincy had no idea how they’d gotten to Leo and Stephan and Topaz’s. Home. No idea how they’d gotten home. All he knew was he was trembling and wanting, so needy. As if now that he’d accepted Leo and Stephan as his lovers too, his body couldn’t wait to know them. Part of him was scared though, a little voice inside his head that asked what happened if they didn’t like him once they were all naked and touching.

  Quincy looked into Topaz’ eyes and pushed that little voice over a cliff.

  They walked into the
house and he stood there awkwardly. Now what? Just go at it on the nearest flat surface?

  Leo looked at Topaz. “The bed? It’s the best, nice and big.”

  Topaz nodded. “Room to play and snuggle after. Come with me, Gemini. I need you.”

  His hand was taken and he was led up the staircase into the big bedroom with its own personal garden of flowers. The bed was huge, covered with a bright throw and with pillows pilled high.

  Stephan came up behind him and nudged him gently toward Topaz. “Kissing, lovelies, there should be lots of kissing!”

  He was smiling as he bent, lips meeting Topaz’s.

  Topaz wrapped thin arms around his neck, warm body snuggling close. “Mmm... Kissing. Oh, yes. Nakedness. I vote for naked kissing, Ku.”

  “Naked kissing is nice.” Leo’s heat appeared behind him. “And touching, Topaz. There should be touching.”He had to agree as Stephan and Leo worked to get him and Topaz naked, fingers warm on his skin. Oh, it felt so good, being touched by so many hands.

  Leo’s hands were huge and dark, such a contrast to his Starchild’s little ones flitting over his skin and finding the hot spots. He was drowning in their touches and if it wasn’t for Stephan guiding them all onto the big bed, he might have sunk right down onto the floor.

  Once he was spread out in the middle of the bed, Stephan was kissing him, the long-fingered hands joining Leo’s and Topaz’s on him. So many touches, so much to focus on, to arch into. In the end he just let go, let them have him.

  Topaz’s mouth sank over his cock, Leo’s fingers, slick and wide, pressed into him, touching him deep. It was amazing, caught between two needs, one yielding, the other pushing him higher. He cried out into Stephan’s mouth, body shaking.

  His Starchild’s hand slid over his inner thigh, then it was taken in Leo’s grip, a thin finger added to Leo’s, stretching him further. Leo’s tongue laved his balls, Topaz purred around his shaft.

  Quince keened loudly, pushing the sound into Stephan’s mouth as he came down Topaz’s throat. When his head cleared, Leo was kissing Topaz, licking his flavor from his Starchild’s mouth.


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