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Werewolf Journals 01 - Wild in the City

Page 9

by Camille Anthony

  Thank the Moon above she had yet to regain consciousness. My god, she was tight. Tight and hot and so deliciously wet I growled and whimpered at the mind-blowing feel of her thick thighs surrounding mine, her crinkly pubic hair rubbing against my matted fur, the walls of her cunt sucking at my huge shaft. What made her think she could fool me and pass herself off as a prostitute? This tight pussy hadn’t held a cock in over a year.

  Finally seated all the way in, I rested my considerable bulk against her back and hung there, emotionally exhausted, physically drained from holding back so as not to hurt her.

  Her inner muscles contracted, surprising me, squeezing my cock and sending ripples of heated lust shooting up my spine. My hips bucked, pushing my cock up her narrow passage with lustful force.

  She awoke crying out with pain, twisting under me to escape my cock, a huge invader she had to believe was tearing her in two.

  “No, Melody, lie still!” The order, the plea came out distorted, spoken using vocal chords no longer designed for human speech.

  “Hurts!” she whimpered, still wriggling, trying to get away. She didn’t realize what her small, tentative movements were doing to me. Lava sizzled in my balls, burned up my shaft, making me want to thrust and thrust in her, uncaring of her comfort. I managed to fight that urge down. My clawed hands clamped down on her hips, immobilizing her.


  It was terribly hard pushing words out of a Wulfen throat, but she deserved an explanation and I desperately needed to offer what comfort I could. “Soon over…soon better…mate.”

  Her ragged moans and breathy entreaties for mercy shredded my heart. Tears leaked from my eyes even as my hips relentlessly continued to move. Driven by the biological imperative to mate, I couldn’t stop fucking her, taking her.

  Soon, my pre-cum and her own natural lubrication, coupled with the generous application of gel, began easing the way. My buttocks clenched and flexed in a smooth, slick, easy rhythm I’d maintain until she screamed with excitement, not pain.

  Her renewed cries rose, shrill and urgent in my lustful hearing. This time, they signified rising pleasure. Mewling piteously, her body strained up and back, toward my pistoning shaft, begging me to fuck her harder, faster, deeper.

  Heart easing at this proof of her willingness, I gave her what she wanted, rocking our hips together with jarring force. Tongue lolling in slavering ecstasy, I sank deep into her clasping pussy again and again.

  My balls slapped loudly, impacting with the clit at the top of her mound at the end of each inward thrust. The sharp sting to my tightened sac roused my lust to fever pitch. I groaned, astonished to find my knot prematurely forming within her constricted channel, locking us together. It grew enormous, quickly expanding the walls of her sex until she squeezed my shaft so tightly I feared death by cock strangulation.

  With a harsh, animalistic howl, I snuggled my hips against her, grinding, a finger circling against her clit as my balls churned, preparing to jettison a load of boiling cum.

  My strokes pierced her cervix, the broad head of my long cock intruding past the door of her womb. I spewed my seed there, flooding the life-giving chamber. My knot plugged the entry, ensuring no drop escaped.

  Bending my head to her shoulder, I sank my fangs in her, ripping a minute bit of flesh away. Hunger roared through me, burned along my nerve endings as the sweet taste of her blood flooded my mouth. Another gush of sperm rocketed from me, bathing her womb with Wulfen life.

  Pulsing around me, her pussy rained hot honey over my cock as she shuddered and quaked in my arms. Flinging her body backward, lifting her arms to encircle my neck, Melody dug her fingers into my furred shoulders and wept as she came apart.


  Distantly, I heard her screams as her own orgasm hit her hard. She stiffened beneath me. Her vagina locked down on me, inflexible enough to hurt, squeezing and releasing, squeezing and releasing. Her silken muscles milked the cum from my rigid length.

  Slumping down, I rested my bulk carefully on her back before gathering the strength to ease us both to lie on our sides. Still knotted, my cock throbbed inside the snug channel of her sex. Releasing pulse after pulse of potent semen, my lengthy ejaculation allowed my potential future offspring the optimum chance at life, the chance to take root in the fertile delta of her womb.

  Content, I nuzzled my mark, licking the small bite. The healing agent in my saliva ensured its quick healing. I looked down, possessive pride and renewed lust growing in me as I examined my handiwork. The fiery inflamed patch stood out in bold relief from the darkness of her skin, easily visible, telling the entire world this bitch now belonged to me. The wound, when dabbed with my sperm, would never fade; never darken. Soon all that would remain was the pale raised circle of my fang imprints.

  My knot slowly relaxed, gradually releasing me from the tight constriction of her pussy. Totally flaccid and sated, my cock slid from her, followed by a gush of pungent liquids. The hormone-laden mix of my spunk and her ejaculate spilled out, pooling beneath her. Quickly, before it soaked into the bedding, I reached down and scooped a dollop onto the end of my forefinger. Bringing it to her neck, I smeared it over my claiming bite mark.

  “Oww! Ouch! Damn!” Melody bucked under me, body twisting in response to the white-hot burn at her throat. “My god, Hunter, what the hell did you put on me? It burns like acid!”

  “It won’t last long, baby. Let me make it better for you.”

  I slipped my tongue over her mark, licked off the taste of our joining. While I nuzzled in her neck, her body relaxed, telling me the pain already faded.


  “There, yes, but my poontang hurts like hell. Your tongue work wonders in other places?”

  I loved her wonderful sense of humor. “I was just about to take care of that sweet little honey box. I certainly don’t want it to be in any discomfort.”

  Satisfied over the completeness of my claiming, I gladly turned my attention to cleaning up my mate. I untangled myself from her and eased back, taking in her glorious form. Lying in a boneless heap, Melody drowsily relaxed from her last orgasm. Both legs splayed by the silken bonds, exposing her sopping, reddened pussy, she raised her head and smiled at me.

  A rich, enticing, pungent smell wafted from her pussy. Made up of a mixture of our fluids--my sperm, her juice and a reassuringly small amount of blood, all blending into one compound--it teased and tantalized my distended nostrils.

  I was relieved. There is usually a lot of blood when a female takes me for the first time. Thank the Moon Melody’s bio-engineered sexual organs were perfect for taking wulf cock and bearing wulf litters. Her pussy would stretch to accommodate my mid-change girth with no lasting damage.

  Sliding down her body, making my way to the fragrant area of her sex, I descended slowly, dragging my claws lightly and abrasively over the skin of her breasts, belly and thighs. She shivered beneath me, nipples beading up and stiffening.

  Answering the call of her pussy, my tongue snaked out, lapping at the residue of my claiming. I lovingly bathed my mate, cleaning her from clit to asshole, taking care, occasionally, to dip into her folds and lick up the cream coating her opening.

  “Don’t stop.” Melody lazily shifted her hips, inviting my continued ministrations. Moving into her line of sight, I allowed her to look her fill at my monstrous form, heart quaking inside at the thought she might still reject me.

  “Me-lo-dy…want…fuck you…now…again. Let…me?”

  The words came with difficulty. What I really asked, I could not verbalize in my present form. Will you accept me as I am? Will you take me into your body without shame? Love me and bear my pups with pride?

  “Untie me, Hunter. I want to face you when you fuck me this time.”

  That scared me. My breath stalled. If I untied her only to have her panic…

  “Sure? Control…gone…might…hurt.”

  I hadn’t fucked her nearly enough to be able to con
trol my more animalistic urges. What would she do if I hurt her again? I swallowed thickly, terribly afraid that she might fight me. If she did, I would subdue her and take what I needed, no matter my soul would shrivel for the deed, later.

  I shook my head, denying her request. “Don’t…want to…hurt.”

  “You will never hurt me or harm me. I’ve learned that much, tonight. Untie me.” A small smile tilted the corners of her full lips. Her golden eyes sparkled up at me, filled with what even a cretin like me knew had to be the beginnings of affection. “I want to hold you.”

  How did she come to this pass so quickly? What drove her? Could it be the same instant attraction I felt immediately upon meeting her? Or was she responding to the biologically implanted command to adhere emotionally to the wulf that captured her?

  Whichever it was, I realized I didn’t give a damn. It was enough to know she held me in some affection. Given time and nurturing, true love would grow. I planned to nurture her with plenty of emotional and physical love.

  I shredded the ties holding her with my claws, too impatient to get her turned and in my arms to bother with untying them. She came to me without fear, without a thought to what those same claws could do to her tender flesh.

  Flattening the hefty mounds of her breasts against my chest, she leaned into me, taking my lips with an aggression that would have done justice to the most alpha of our females. Damn it, I swear she wanted to kill me, squirming all over my lap, waking old Buford with a sure touch that had him leaping lively between us.

  I didn’t even try to stop her. Instead, I reveled in the delight and passion she poured over me. Her open mouth roamed my skin, stopping to nip and lick the ridges and rises of my neck, chest and abdomen.

  Oh, goddess, was she going to? Yes!

  Despite her earlier protestation and my reluctant promise, she had fisted my cock, sexily licking the slit at the crown of my head. Throwing back my head, I howled as my bitch’s lips encircled my cock, taking just the jutting tip into the blistering heat of her mouth. I’d never felt anything better than the hot cavern of her mouth closing about my penis.

  My blood, my mind…everything went south as she gripped my distended length in her hands, fisting me and pumping my shaft with firm, slow strokes. All the while, her mouth played with the purple-crested head of my cock. My hips rocked forward as the tip of her tongue invaded my slit. Fire danced down the shaft, igniting a secondary conflagration in my balls. She palmed those full sacs, tugging daringly on the coarse hairs that covered them, her twinkling eyes locked with mine.

  Releasing the tip of my cock with an audible pop, Melody leaned back on her heels smiling at me, licking her thick lips and playfully rubbing her hands up and down my thighs, running her fingers through my dense fur. Beneath her touch, the muscles jumped, sensitive nerves twanged, as though she touched the exposed neurons.

  I thought I would go up in flames. Instead, I willingly drowned in the almost tangible wave of her desire flowing over me, calming and exciting me at the same time. I had given my heart to her earlier that evening, now I handed over my soul.

  “Ride…me,” I growled, urging her back up, trying to resituate her on my lap.

  Resisting my lead, she shook her head, setting her thick brown curls bouncing. Lowering her lips to my seeping head once more, Melody sucked hard on the tip, licking it as she would a favorite lollipop before letting it pop out of her mouth. Her hands combed through the fur at the base of my cock, teasing fingers brushed the hairs dusting my balls. “I’m not through tasting you yet.”

  “Your mouth…killing…me!”

  “Die happy, lover!” She snickered. Her smile faded as she sank her lips back over me, taking a surprising amount of my length down her throat, turning my world up side down. I’d branded her, now she returned the favor. She marked me as her own, inexorably placing her brand on my cock and heart.

  Words escaped me. Inside, feverish phrases screamed through my mind. If voice had been given to my ranting I would have hollered, “Oh, yeah, fuck me with your mouth…suck my salami, lover. Eat my cock, love, baby bitch…don’t forget I got nuts to go with that cheese log.”

  Willing and compliant, like a faithful puppy gamboling at her heels, I allowed her to assume the lead, panting for her attentions.

  She was in control, but she didn’t want to ride me. She wanted to be under me as I fucked her hard. Gazing down on all that luscious, full bounty, I couldn’t think of a single solitary complaint; in fact, just the opposite.

  With her lying on her back, I could suck on her fat, turgid nipples while she clasped me in the hot, enclosing embrace of her big, warm thighs. I would be able to see her acceptance of my inhuman appearance as the folds of her dainty pussy unfurled to receive my thick cock and I sank deep into her welcoming heat.

  I teased her with my clawed hands, traced her eyebrows, plucked at her breasts. My fanged mouth pulled on the diamond-hard tips. Her amply curved tummy rippled convulsively as my claws raked her skin, scoring light furrows over her flesh without breaking the skin, just this side of pain.

  Her arms opened wide, as did her legs, offering herself to me with a sweet, simple surrender that moved me beyond tears. Wide as her wrist, my cock tunneled its ponderous way into her tight opening. Her pussy gave way, muscles stretching and flesh parting, clinging to me, scorching the head and shaft of my cock with her burning internal heat.

  Sex with a werewulf can be messy. We tend to drool. She didn’t seem to care, eagerly lifting her mouth to me and letting her tongue tangle with mine, deftly avoiding my fangs.

  Bodies moving together languidly, eyes silently conveying our growing ardor, we strove to gift each other with the maximum pleasure the sex act could bring. Her little human claws scored my back, sank into the hills of my buttocks. The tiny pain was deliciously enjoyable.

  Not stopping there, she grabbed my furred ass cheeks, pulled them apart and fingered the beginning of the vestigial tail protruding above my rectum in this form.


  Her fingers, playing at the base of my tail, one of a werewulf’s most erogenous zones, acted like a turbo button, kicking my lust into high speed. I responded by surrendering all control.

  Her eyes widened as I gripped her knees, yanking her legs wide. One hand circling my cock, I beat the heavy head against her clit, rubbing it in the juices bubbling out of her cunt.

  “Oh, shit, yeah!” She twisted under me, her nails scoring my back through my fur.

  Dragging her to me, I began plunging in and out between her thighs. Hips blurring, I pumped her sweet cunt full of my cock. My meat pounded into her, parting her clinging flesh as easily as Moses’ rod parted the Red Sea, thudding against her cervix over and over.

  Terrifying to my own ears, indicative of my lost control, mindless growls and snarls fell from my lips. I couldn’t stop the harsh sounds, could only endure until my growls turned to moans and whines.

  Mouth twisted in a wordless snarl, she answered my cries, throwing her hips up at me. Mouth open wide, she screamed in long, drawn-out continuous wails as orgasm after orgasm slammed through us both, shaking the foundations of our world.

  I wasn’t ready to stop fucking her. Sinking in, pulling back, burying my cock in her repeatedly, I ached with a hunger I feared I could never appease. My cock, grown huge, shuttled back and forth through the tight corridor of her wet pussy, striving for the ultimate intimacy. I wanted to crawl under her skin. I wanted to make us one…one being, one heart, and one soul.

  With a strangled cry, I angled her chunky legs over my shoulders, tipping her hips up so I could sink deeper than I ever had before. I fucked her frenziedly, a distant part of me screaming I must be hurting her. Another part--shamefully, the larger part of me--gloried in the sheer, life-affirming action of aggressively breeding my bitch…mine!

  A triumphant bass laugh rumbled through me as I slammed into my woman and realized her screams were cries of ecstasy. Her body shook, breasts jiggled as she fucked me b
ack, every bit as violently as I fucked her. When my knot formed this time, I roared. Bending my head and sinking my fangs into the bend of her neck and shoulder, I showed her how pleasurable my bite could be. Lodging my cockhead in the door of her womb, I pushed in relentlessly, determined to enter that sacred citadel.

  Thank goodness, my duplex had soundproofing. The size of my knot didn’t disconcert her this time around. No, this time, it seemed to act as an aphrodisiac. She writhed, screaming, on the thick pole of my cock, so loud in her enjoyment that civil-minded citizens, had they been able to hear us, would have called the cops in to investigate the mayhem occurring within my secluded walls.

  My spine bowed as my cock pumped jet after jet of steaming cum into her womb. My clawed fingers shredded the sheets by her head and my clawed toes ripped the stuffing out of the mattress as my hips flexed, driving my cock deep, not allowing a single drop, not one, to escape the fertile ground of my bitch.

  Fucking her, loving her, had stripped me of all control. Giving up the struggle to maintain my mid-change shape, I surrendered to the call of total change. Peace washed over me as I dropped my head to her cushiony tits. I heaved a satisfied sigh of repletion and allowed my formidable wulf form to collapse between her legs, my knotted cock still trapped within her spasming pussy.

  Moments later, a startled scream split the air, dispelling my peaceful rest. Two hands gripped the sensitive sides of my muzzle and tugged, abruptly snatching me out of my stupor.

  My intrepid mate yanked my head up to meet her eyes. “A Wolf-man lover is one thing,” she ground out, giving my shaggy head a sharp tug, “but a huge fucking dog buried between my legs is a whole other matter. If the neighbors see this, I’ll never get invited to join the P.T.A.”


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