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Tales of the Quiet Kitty 2: Dancing with the Devil

Page 3

by Camille Anthony

  With a scolding growl, Willa went to her knees before him, lapping up his cooling sperm from the flooring. When she finished, she rose up on her haunches and leaned against his thighs as she licked every pearly drop from his taut belly and abs. Then she took his softening cock into her mouth. Humming, she cleaned all traces of his seed from his drooping penis.

  Breathing hard, Brant lifted her into his arms, licking off the small drop of semen clinging to the side of her mouth. With a growl of hunger, he covered her lips with his, taking her mouth in a voracious kiss. They lost themselves in the exchange.

  Turning, Brant sat Willa on the console and came over her, spreading her legs wide so he could drag his flaccid penis through her sultry heat. The slick cream coating her sex wet his length as he rubbed against her mound, drawing gasping cries of hunger from her.

  One hand slid down to cup her bottom, fingers trailing through her tail feathers as he lifted her against the rippling muscles of his belly. Pressed between them, his cock stirred and lengthened, filling out as it firmed into a long bar of steely flesh.

  “Oh!” Willa’s arms came about his torso as she leaned back in his embrace, wriggling, trying to get his cock head wedged in her dripping opening. He blocked her. Drawing back, he took his cock in hand and rubbed the swollen, aching tip in her flowing juices before pushing into her, embedding just the head of his cock in the doorway of her pussy. The heat of her arousal seared his flesh and a moan growled its way past his clenched teeth.

  “Your cunt feels so good surrounding me, Sprite.” They both gasped as he sank his bulbous head deeper into her sultry slit. “You’re so tight, you grip me like a vise. You make me wanna come before I even get all the way inside you.”

  Willa squirmed on his impaling erection, trying to force her way up his cock. Mewling and whimpering, she circled his neck with slim arms. “Come in me, Brant. Bite me and make me scream!”

  “Oh, damn the stars and novas!” The shaky exclamation barely left Brant’s lips before his hips slammed into hers, ramming his cock all the way up her tight, clinging channel.

  “I wanted this to take a long time but the feel of your tight little cunt squeezing my cock makes me insane with lust.” He growled as he began shafting her with strong, deep thrusts. His extended claws dug into the soft flesh of her hips as he held her still before him, not allowing her the freedom to do anything but accept his lustful taking.

  Low in his belly, nerves quivered and tightened as he flexed his hips and drove himself repeatedly into the lush body of his Sprite. Her small breasts jiggled with each strong movement and he bent his head to capture a jutting nipple between sharp teeth, loving the helpless little sounds she made under him as she rocked her body into his heavy thrusts.

  Her body tensed. Her legs tightened around his waist, heels digging into the muscles rippling in his flanks as he fucked her mercilessly, sucking strongly on the hard sweet morsels crowning her breasts.

  Her head fell back and she moaned long and low, eyes flashing with the colors of a purple-hued rainbow. Gripping him between her thighs, she sighed, “You feed me so well, fill me so full…”

  He felt like a god when she convulsed in his arms, feeding from the climax he could feel building and churning in his balls. With a howl of surprise, he watched his body fade as the Tygyr took control. A huffing growl left his throat as his muscles convulsed and corded, took on another form…

  The Tygyr dropped to his back haunches and twisted to keep its cock buried in the scalding caldron of the female beneath him. Invisible now, he continued to fuck the Sprite with rapid, shallow thrusts that drove his cock inward with inhuman strength but eased on the outward motion.

  Willa howled like a demented banshee, bucking her hips up at him in reaction to the added stimulus from the sharp barbs coating his penis in this form. The tiny hooks sprang out and rasped against the inner walls of her vagina, dragging into her on each outward surge.

  “Fuck me harder, Brant, fuck your Sprite forever!”

  He roared with the excitement burning along his nerves, sizzling in his blood, shaking with the ecstasy of knowing she burned with the same mating frenzy as he.

  He had never lost control like this, never taken her in Ghost form. Now he chuffed in bliss, mind reeling at the sharpened scents, the heightened sounds and feelings available in this basic form. He felt powerful enough to grant her wish and fuck her forever.

  A snarl of possession segued into low groans and snarls of helpless need as he contorted his long body, bringing his sandpapery tongue into contact with Willa’s upthrust nipples. They swelled into stiff little peaks. The harsh texture swiping across the tender nubs hardened them more, abraded and chafed them, turning them a bright hot lilac.

  Her tight pussy gripped his cock, squeezed and molded it. Her wonderful muscles clamped and unclamped in rhythmic fervor, constricting the long barbed tool until he thought his tapered head would explode from the heated pressure… until his balls tried to crawl up his body and detonate against the base of his penis… until she screamed.

  Damn it, he had forgotten himself. The barbs must have caught her as he pulled back to slam into her. Oh, shit! Shocked and frightened, cursing his mindless rut for hurting her, Brant wrestled for control. Forcing his body back into humanoid form, he became visible.

  “Oh, damn, baby, I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?”

  “Yes! Yes, please! Hurt me again, dearling. Hurt me some more…”

  He bowed his head on her breast, laughing quietly in disbelief. How had he forgotten the Sprite enjoyed the spike of pain with her loving? A smile stretching his lips, Brant lowered his head and took her lips, relieved he hadn’t inadvertently injured this special female that pleased all his senses -- both Ghost and substance.

  “You liked the Tygyr?”

  “Mmmm, yes. I love the Tygyr!”

  “But the barbs…”


  “Knowing that you accept me in both guises, that you like the pain my Tygyr cock brings, makes me hot, makes me hard for you.”

  “I know. I can feel you hard and hot inside me. So big and thick… Come for me. Fill me up.”

  Brant thrust against her languidly, barely moving his hips as his lips gently roamed her cheeks, the curve of her chin, the hollow at her throat. “You telling me you want my come, my orgasm?”

  Willa tightened her arms and legs about his thrusting body. “You make me hungry. Even when I’ve been fed, I see you and my mouth waters. You can never give me enough of your orgasms… I want your sperm wet and hot in me, always.”

  Brant groaned. Her words burned through him, humbling him and energizing him. Resting his forehead against hers, he just let go, let his seed flow from him as his body relaxed, pressing heavily along her smaller frame. “Willa,” he moaned, curling his hips up to push his cock further into her clasping slit, “you make me weak and strong at the same time. What have you done to me? I’ve never fucked someone this sweetly -- felt such peace in the letting go…”

  They stilled, coming to rest against each other in an intimate tangle of tired limbs, feathers and fur as the gentle pulses of his orgasm continued to inundate her hungry womb. His heavy muscles tremored and tensed, tremored and relaxed as his balls emptied themselves in a long, drawn out, leisurely completion that left him sated and drained.

  Floating in the peaceful aftermath, Brant pondered the growing closeness developing between himself and Willa. He wondered what would come of this deepening attachment. Could members of so different a species find contentment and happiness as mates? Not having the answers, he sighed and shifted into a more comfortable position, deciding to let chaos take its course and worry about it another day.

  It felt like eons but only a few moments had passed before a deep, ragged moan from Bevel brought his head around. He’d forgotten the presence of his second-in-command.

  The Jenari stood on shaky legs, one trembling hand clutching the navigational console for balance. He looked dazed and wo
ozy. Like them, it seemed he barely had the strength to remain upright. Between his wobbling legs, leveB swayed majestically, preening his victory over his primary. With a cocky swagger, leveB dipped toward Willa in the movement she’d come to learn meant he wanted sucking.

  “Not on your life.” Willa shook her head, laughing. “You’re not going in my mouth till you shower. I know where you’ve been!”

  “Yeah!” Brant snickered tiredly, joining in the teasing. He pulled Willa up and leaned against the console, snuggling her before him. Settling her so her ass pressed against his rising erection, he cuddled his armful of wriggling Sprite. Eyeing his reeling brother-in-law with an almost jealous awe, he smiled. “Bevel, I salute you! You and leveB have just given a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘Go fuck yourself’!”

  Chapter Five

  Willa plunked the maintenance data strip down on the arm of the command chair with a measured twist of her wrist and glared at him, her silence more eloquent than words.

  Six days had passed since their special love-fest on the bridge. The sugar had all been off-loaded and paid for and the krasn fruit loaded.

  Brant refused to acknowledge her, knowing damned good and well what she was up to. She’d obviously caught wind of the same rumors he had heard floating about W-2 and come to her own conclusions.

  He shot her a secretive sidelong glance, pretending all his attention centered on the information streaming down his personal communication screen. Her mulish expression had his lips curling up into an indulgent grin.

  She was so open and forthright, not capable of hiding her anger any more than she hid her excitement or joy. Sometimes her actions were so innocent, so childlike, he almost felt guilty fucking her. Then she’d do something so sensual, so utterly, sinfully sexy, he’d have a hard time waiting for privacy before jumping her delectable bones.

  Hell, just two days ago, he’d banged her up against the cargo bay wall with only the folded metal doors between them and the haggling Wisterlandia-2 delegation. While the colonists bickered with Bevel-leveB over the price of the sugar, he’d been cramming his hard cock into Willa’s welcoming pussy. And cramming her mouth shut with his tongue.

  When he was buried deep inside her, nothing else mattered. It always surprised him how addictive her heat and tightness felt surrounding him. If he could, he’d make it last forever, never leaving her slick, steamy, silky sex. Knowing Bevel-leveB could smell them, flirting with the possibility of being discovered by the buyers, had heightened the arousal arcing between them. In the end, he’d had to bite his lip -- and hers too -- to hold back their wild cries.

  Sneaking another peek at her now, Brant forced back a smirk when Willa huffed, shifting from foot to foot in front of him. When he gave her no response to her silent nudging, she pushed the data strip closer to his elbow.

  He bit his lip. She was really having a hard time trying to maintain her dogged silence. She needn’t have worried, though… her anger was coming through loud and clear.

  Well, tough shit. She wasn’t the only angry one. Brant gritted his teeth as he stared at the main view screen, determined not to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging her. He was none too happy with her current attitude.

  News of a Sprite being held captive on one of the inner worlds of the Nashiri system had been whispered in his ear by one of his contacts among the colonists. The Nashiri system was only a couple of light years out from Plador and he’d already decided to make the small detour to check out the rumors. If they turned out to be true, the Quiet Kitty would pull away with one more crew than it had arrived with -- after their rendezvous with the Landresid was completed.

  Just yesterday, Landresi Ereh, ruling head of Plador, had sent a high-priority beam-message requesting an urgent audience with the captain of the Quiet Kitty at the conclusion of the ship’s business with the Wisterlandians.

  The Quiet Kitty would be making no side trips until the meeting with the head honcho of Plador was behind him, no matter what Willa wanted. Brant had learned the eternals were not people you kept waiting… not if you wanted to keep breathing. Their memory of an insult dealt them was as long as their incredible life spans.

  And damn it, it shouldn’t matter that he hadn’t gotten around to sharing his information with her yet. Willa should have known better -- should have known him better. Hell, they’d been in each other’s hip pocket for over two standard months. Why hadn’t she known he’d do whatever he could to help her retrieve her sisters? After all, they both had the same agenda -- to rescue their families and bring down the evil Corporation.

  She is questioning my honor, damn it. That’s what it boils down to. The more he thought of it, the more royally pissed at her he became.

  As a prime male from the ruling house of Sh’Bahkyr, he prided himself on being a Tygyr of his word. Willa’s rank show of continued distrust galled him to his soul. If she weren’t very damned careful, he’d upend her and spank her butt as punishment, not as preparation for a fuck. Let her stew!

  Willa gritted her teeth and silently stomped over to her terminal. Her jaw tightened. Well, I give up! If Brant wants to pretend I’m not here and won’t talk to me that is just fine! I’ll show my disgustingly stubborn captain a thing or two about how dangerous ignoring this Sprite can be…

  Willa flopped down on her chair and swung it about to face her console. All lights were green and after a cursory glance over the engine settings and wave particle condensator, she peeked over her shoulder toward the command bay. Yep, there he sat, glowering at her, his Tygyrish eyes gleaming in the low level lighting maintained on the bridge during non-emergency shifts.

  Satisfied she had a captive audience, she settled back in her seat, making a production of getting her tail feathers situated just so. Tilting the angle of the chair, she lifted her feet to the edge of the console, spreading her legs and fanning her nest fronds, exposing the plump fuchsia- and lilac-hued nether lips of her sex.

  Mouth turned up in a slight smile, she languidly ran her hands up her torso, let her palms brush over the fronds guarding her straining purple nipples. The fingers of one hand combed through the soft willowy quills, fluttering them back and forth, back and forth, teasing the tightly beaded nubs beneath until she had to catch her bottom lip between clamping teeth to bite back a lush moan.

  She didn’t plan to actually bring herself to climax. If she did that, she risked losing her newly acquired feathers and fronds. Without the nourishment of another’s psychic emanations, her orgasms caused her to feed off her own excitement.

  Her other hand riffled the fronds at her nest, dipping behind them to circle and tease her engorged clit. A quick glance confirmed her captain’s avid attention. His cock strained against the form-fitting pants he wore, the bulbous head faithfully outlined behind the stretchy material.

  Oh, yeah, he’s interested! But today he can go hungry!

  One finger twirled about the mouth of her sex, poking in and out of the small opening like a shy skyrat poking its head from its leafy home. Widening her legs, she let her head drop back against the seat as she humped her hips against her hand. A few breathy mewls and moans of lust raised the testosterone levels on the bridge. She could almost feel the heat suffusing the males as they watched her with bated breath.

  Smothering a smile, Willa tossed her head, let her fronds wave and flutter on her agitated breeze. She felt sort of bad that Bevel was being taunted along with Brant. He hadn’t done anything to arouse her ire, not like the captain had. Still, he obeyed every command the Sh’Bahkyr issued and never questioned him. A little frustration was good for both the males.

  The sound of two males moaning low in their throat reached Willa at her remote maintenance console. Good! That ought to do it!

  She had a hard time holding back a triumphant cry. Dropping her feet from the console, she straightened up and with a flippant twitch of her tail feathers, sauntered from the bridge.

  She really enjoyed the snicking sound made by the lock on her c
abin portal.

  * * *

  Brant straightened up from strapping a micro-sizzler to the back of his leg. He unrolled the pant leg of his uniform and smoothed the dense material until the outline of the needle-thin weapon disappeared, became undetectable by sight.

  “Bevel-leveB, I’m leaving you in charge of the Kitty while I palaver with the big mojo down there.” He squared his shoulders and took a deep breath, exchanging a worried look with his second-in-command.

  “They’ve never called for a face-to-face before and this sounds --” he paused, not sure how to explain the uneasy sense of wrongness beating at him, raising his hackles, “-- like something we want to be very careful about.”

  “You besst be more than careful, Brant. The Landressid are not beingss to fuck around with. And I haven’t gotten to fuck you yet.”

  “Tell me about it, Bev!” A ready smile widened Brant’s lips. “But the fucking’s gonna be on the other foot, pal. Or should I say, the other butt?”

  Finished adjusting his uniform, he gathered his courage and walked over to where Willa leaned against the bulkhead. Two days had passed and she remained silent, still recalcitrant and pouting at him.

  It hadn’t helped that he’d denied her request to portal over with him. She’d added his denial to her growing list of his wrongdoings, withdrawn to her quarters and stayed there, refusing to talk or interact with him.

  Two days of her isolationist shit was all he was willing to allow. She was his, damn it, and it was time she accepted it. Ignoring her continued snit, he snatched her up against his chest and buried his face in the sweet curve of her neck. His nostrils flared as he dragged her scent in, making it part of him. After a long moment of debate, he tilted her head back, angled her chin and sank his fangs into the soft skin of her neck.


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