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Page 2

by Sara Fields

  A man who was used to being obeyed.

  His name was Prince Radock.

  Fuck. He was royalty.

  I sighed. It was then, I realized his picture wasn’t just a picture, but a live feed. We were seeing each other for the very first time.

  His eyes narrowed then widened with pleasure. I felt his gaze drag up and down my body, trying to see what I had to offer beneath my clothes. It felt dirty and I was uncomfortable.

  Wasn’t this supposed to be love at first sight?

  “Nice to meet you, Mya,” he murmured, his voice low, gravelly, masculine.

  “Likewise, Prince Radock,” I managed to murmur before looking away.

  Something about this didn’t seem quite right. For a long moment, everything was completely silent.

  And that’s when the entire Celestial Mates Dating Agency station tilted and shook. Like we’d hit an asteroid or some debris, only when it happened for a second time, I knew that wasn’t what it was.

  Someone yelled beside me.

  We were under attack.

  Deep in my belly, I knew it was something terrible. I wondered if it was the Vakarrans. If they’d finally come to take me away from all this.

  Chapter Three


  The moment I’d intercepted the interstellar communication with Mya’s files, I’d known I had to have her. I’d shown my comrades and they wanted her too. And the moment we decided she was ours, it was already done.


  She was human, genetically compatible with my kind. Just begging to be taken with those pretty blue eyes and pouty red lips and hair the color of fire.

  I was Vakarran. We were conquerors, invaders, men to be feared across the far reaches of space. We took what we needed, when we needed it, without asking for permission first.

  And we were going to take her.

  It was what my species was known for. Not long ago, we’d found Earth, which had provided a steady stream of women for us for ten years now.

  Well. Not exactly for me anymore. We were exceptions to the rule. We didn’t have any women of our own. It wasn’t an option.

  I and my three comrades, Dex, Ejan and Biran, were once a part of one of the key intel divisions of the ISS Starrider. We ran data, found potential planets with biologically compatible species, intercepted intel that might be important to us in our conquests. Only that wasn’t our official title anymore. Not since we’d been exiled anyway.

  Some time ago, Commander Strohass had taken over the Starrider, our main military space station, making him our immediate superior. He hadn’t liked how we’d responded to one of his mandatory orders, one that required us to frame an innocent man for a crime Strohass himself had committed. We’d refused to manipulate data and plant evidence at his request and he’d exiled us for it. The political corruption in the upper levels was awful, based entirely on nepotism and bribery.

  Fucking asshole. Last I knew, he’d actually been murdered or something, but the investigation hadn’t produced the perpetrator. He’d replaced with someone new. Some Commander Nix, from the recent data I’d come across. I didn’t know much about him otherwise, but I really didn’t care. Probably an equally disgusting bastard cut from the same cloth. That’s how things worked within the upper ranks of power.

  No matter. We were better off without them anyway.

  We had our own spaceship, The Vengeance, and we went where we wanted, when we wanted. We made a living obtaining particular merchandise for a choosy clientele, some of it legal and some of it illegal. I made my own rules now.

  Like deciding to take a woman just because we could.

  I wanted her. We wanted her. And we were going to take her and claim her as our own.

  We’d changed our destination coordinates immediately once I announced our plans. My comrades could hardly contain their excitement. They were ravenous, ready for a new adventure as we’d just been skimming revenue through online hacks for some time now, pinching small jobs here and there, traveling across the galaxy in search of another big haul. I and my comrades needed a challenge. And we’d found the biggest one yet.

  A biologically compatible woman. A mate to bear our children.

  Fuck. My dick hardened just thinking about it. I narrowed my eyes, watching the fancy space station come into view before us.

  Hyper speed had brought us straight to the dating agency through a wormhole. Travel had been less than fifteen minutes once I’d punched the coordinates into the mainframe. A basic scan of the station indicated adequate defenses. I noted that there was a pretty powerful shield protecting the whole thing, as well as a few weapons that were mainly for defensive purposes. It was a stronghold to most everyone else, except for us, the Vakarrans.

  I activated one of our antimatter missiles and set it free. It didn’t make a dent in the shield, but it announced our presence to the massive station, shaking it a little. Alarms started going off inside and after a long minute, I sent off another in warning, one more powerful that jolted the entire mainframe.

  If they didn’t contact me soon, I was going to start getting serious.

  I waited and when a series of beeps indicating a connecting stream met my ear, I smiled with victory. Beside me, Dex, Ejan, and Biran chuckled under their breath.

  Too fucking easy.

  Within moments, there was a message waiting for me asking what I wanted.

  I replied with simply her name.

  Mya Wilder.

  Soon, I’d have a woman in my arms. A woman to share among my squad of four men.

  I activated the GPS tracker in the com she wore around her wrist and used my tech to figure out exactly where she was on the ship, ensuring those around her were conforming to my demands.

  The station was shaped like a large cone, with hallways shooting out parallel to each other so that it looked like a cylindrical comb. Mya was in one of the rooms at the top, where there was a small ship waiting to embark to her destination.

  I sat back watching.

  With a few keystrokes, I activated the camera in her com and saw that she was being herded onto a small commuter vessel. I recognized the model, the Starz X475, an automated personal craft that had room for only one or two people. It could simply be programmed to its destination coordinates. No pilot needed. Mya was led on board and one person entered with her, programming the ship for travel. Then he left. Leaving her all alone.

  “She’s yours. Take her and leave us then,” the next message read.

  I grinned so hard my cheeks hurt.

  “We have an accord,” I replied.

  Beside me, Dex, Ejan, and Biran were already whooping with our triumph when the little ship sped away. We followed and hacked into the mainframe of the vessel. It was an easy takeover, the software powering the ship little more than a firewall or two to break through. Once we were in, we powered down the accelerator and changed the coordinates to halt directly beneath our ship.

  I watched the expression on Mya’s face through her cam. One of fear, anxiety, and confusion.

  She was not going to be expecting us.

  But I didn’t care. I was Vakarran. I took what I wanted. And her, I wanted.

  Our own ship settled over top of hers and I directed the cargo hold to open and take the ship inside, using the gravity interceptor to pull her vessel into ours. After that, I programmed our own ship to a different sector of the galaxy, activating hyper speed once again. I didn’t need the dating agency for anything else. I’d leave them be.

  Now that we had our prize, we were going to go collect her.

  The four of us hastily rose out of our chairs and rushed out of command headquarters. We raced through corridors we’d traveled through every day, down stairwells and into the cargo bay, where her tiny little ship was waiting. Where she was waiting for us.

  Her vessel powered down completely, fooled into thinking it had reached its destination; the entry doors opened and a small staircase descended down to the steel floor. I took the m
oment to study the vessel. It was fairly round, with a pointed front where the main engines were located. Just enough to power a round trip back and forth with the delivery of a solitary female.

  And there she was. Our prize. Mya Wilder. Ripe for the taking.

  She lifted her head and met my eyes first. They went wide for a moment, with what looked like fear before she steeled herself with courage. It was then I realized how blue her eyes were. Like the color of the bluest water you’d ever seen. So blue that they looked like a brilliant teal, a glittering gemstone in their intensity. Full black lashes framed those beautiful irises, drawing me to them like I’d never felt before.

  Her lips were a dusky rose color, plump and just begging to be kissed. A gentle blush caressed her cheeks and her little pink tongue darted out, licking her upper lip with a seductiveness that immediately made me think what that beautiful mouth could do when it surrounded my cock.

  I shivered a little at the thought.

  Her hair was long, a gorgeous mane of dark burgundy that begged for me to run my hands through it. To wrap my hands around its length and pull her head back, to force her to look up at me, to submit to me. My dick hardened into iron just thinking about it.

  I couldn’t wait to feel her pretty little cunt clench down on my cock.

  She stepped down the stairs from the small vessel, clearly unsure as she looked from me and to my comrades. I was able to see her completely for the first time. Wearing a simple black t-shirt and dark gray jeans, she stood tall, watching us with slight confusion and obvious concern. She knew we were Vakarrans, that much was clear.

  Her body though, fucking delicious.

  Her perky breasts weren’t very big but would be the perfect sized handful for me and my comrades. A long, lean torso led to delicious, curvy hips that begged for me to grab on and use them as handles to fuck her from behind. I took a deep shuddering breath.

  She was perfect. And now she was ours.

  I couldn’t wait to train her, use her, and break her completely. And she’d love every second of it.

  Chapter Four


  I don’t know what the fuck just happened, but these four were definitely not my one true match, Prince Radock. They were Vakarrans and there were four of them. Shit. Something had gone terribly wrong. I sucked in a shaky breath and bit my lower lip.

  Four pairs of copper-colored, black-rimmed irises stared in my direction. Purple skin the color of a decadent glass of merlot. Ram-shaped horns jutting from either side of their heads. Dark black hair, short, cut military style. My heart pounded with fear in my chest. Adrenaline pumped through my veins.

  Four fucking tall, powerful alien men waiting for me, assessing what my next move would be. Each of them stared at me with a dark wickedness, a promise of a world of pleasure, but also pain and I shivered from it. They all stood well over seven feet tall, hard bodies masked by simple black shirts and combat pants. I twisted my hands together nervously.

  I took a deep breath and lifted my chin.

  Men like these had destroyed Earth not so long ago. Decided to take every fertile woman for themselves and now they had found me. I’d been safe for so long and had never even dreamed about the fact that they might find me, especially now. On my long-awaited match day. When I was supposed to be meeting my one true love, my fated mate. Instead, now I was staring at four Vakarrans who looked like they were predators about to pounce on their prey.

  My entire body quivered.

  “Where am I?” I asked, being incredibly careful to keep the trembling of my limbs out of my voice.

  “The Vengeance,” one of them said as he stepped forward, eyeing me up and down. “Quite a lovely ship, don’t you think?”


  “I’ve read your file, Mya. I know you’re human, escaped before we conquered Earth, literally hours before we arrived. Hid on board the Celestial Mates Dating Agency. Safe from us for so long,” he began, watching me closely as he spoke. He reached for me, running his thumb over my cheekbone and I had to force myself not to recoil from his touch.

  “I’m not supposed to be here,” I countered, narrowing my eyes in his direction, trying to stay strong when my legs were beginning to feel like jelly.

  “I know,” he answered, his expression an enigma.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and I watched as his sculpted biceps tensed a little before relaxing. He was strong. Difficult to defeat in one on one combat. At least three times my size. I tried to push away my nervousness and act confident, arrogant even.

  The best thing that could happen to me now is to have them underestimate me. I’d work hard to create that image of myself. I’d wait to get away at the opportune moment.

  They’d think me weak. Just a measly human for them to control. I’d show them I was more than that. I’d escape them. I would kill them for abducting me. They’d never see it coming. I licked my lips and pulled my shoulders back, standing taller, presenting myself as a more formidable conquest.

  “What are your names?” I demanded, my tone steady and brave despite the anxiety I felt deep in my belly.

  The one who had spoken first smirked. He’d noticed my challenge right away. His copper eyes darkened, and I couldn’t help but notice that his breath had quickened a little.

  “Talor,” he answered. He was taller than the rest, a bit lankier and clearly their leader. The way he stood spoke volumes of his confident assertiveness and the way that the others seemed to quietly defer to him hinted at his capability. They respected him. All of them did.

  “Dex,” the one to his right said. He was leaning against a square post, one leg up, just watching me, analyzing me. I got the feeling that he was extremely intelligent, just from the way his investigative eyes looked me up and down, his body ready for action at any moment. Something about the way he stood there, assessing me, made me feel like he was someone I should be wary of. A villain in plain clothes. Someone I should likely avoid, but for some reason, I felt a strange pull toward him. Like I wanted to get to know him better. Weird.

  “I’m Biran,” one said as he stepped forward. He moved closer to me and offered me his hand. Almost immediately, I felt a sort of sense of safety with him. His eyes were gentle, understanding, and extremely nonthreatening. Like he wanted to be my friend. I took his hand in mine and shook it gently, despite my wariness. He grinned in response, but it wasn’t combative or unnerving in the slightest. Instead, he seemed genuinely happy to meet me. It was unexpected for a Vakarran. Also weird.

  “And you?” I asked the last one, who was smoking something that looked like an illegal version of an electronic hydroxide cigarette. Those had been banned several hundred years ago. Even I knew such a thing was an antique, likely only available for a load of cash on the black market. A waft of cherry-flavored steam wafted my way. Flaunting his crime in my face.

  He sneered in my direction and suddenly I felt extremely small. He looked dangerous and just by his combative body language, I would have given him an extremely wide berth, had I the chance. I took a step back as he lazily perused my body and I got the feeling he wasn’t used to following any rules. In fact, he gave off the impression that he was someone who wasn’t afraid to break any law in order to get what he wanted, no matter the consequences.

  And I could tell, he wanted me.

  “Ejan,” he murmured softly, almost as if talking to me was a chore.

  Stuffing my hands in the pockets of my jeans, I tried to appear as though I wasn’t freaking out on the inside.

  What would these men do to me? Would they hurt me?

  I had to be strong. I would fight and escape. I’d get away once again, just like I had all those years ago. I was never going to be a Vakarran captive.

  Talor moved closer to me then, his body mere inches from mine and I watched him warily.

  “Come. We’ve traveled far from the dating agency, to a place no one would ever think to search for you. No one is looking for you though. I made sure of tha
t,” he said. My eyes dropped down to the com at my wrist. “Don’t even think about it. I’ve already intercepted and disabled the GPS locator and the reply function of your device. You won’t be able to call for help. No one is going to save you from us.”

  His fingers crawled across my shoulders and I had to force myself not to flinch away.

  “What is going to happen to me?” I couldn’t help but ask, unable to stop the quiet shake in my tone. His lip curled up for a flash of a second at that simple evidence of my fear. My jawline tensed. I’d have to be more careful, otherwise all of them would be able to read me as easily as a book.

  “You’re going to be our captive. Our breeder,” he replied, his voice arrogant, used to being obeyed.

  “I’m not yours. I’m to wed Prince Radock,” I countered. He grinned salaciously.

  “Not anymore. Now, you belong to us. All four of us,” Talor declared.

  “The fuck I do. I don’t belong to anyone,” I growled, my fingers molding into fists at my sides. His hand snaked around the back of my neck, weeding into my hair before his fingers fisted into a ball at the base of my scalp. He pulled back and I yelped with pain.

  “You need to be punished. A properly trained human would never talk to her masters like that. Ever, else her pretty little ass would be painted red,” he warned.

  “Are you threatening me?” I asked, standing my ground.

  My body felt like it was on fire then. My nipples peaked beneath my bra and my thighs quivered a little. I bit my lower lip, feeling arousal pool between my legs.

  What. The. Fuck.

  I wasn’t naïve to the ways of sex. We’d had sex education back at the dating agency. We’d been encouraged to explore our own bodies and had been given small, bullet-shaped vibrators. We’d been required to bring ourselves to orgasm, to learn what made us tick so we could respond and teach our future alien husbands. I swallowed heavily.


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