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Page 10

by Sara Fields

  The four of us rushed up to command headquarters and we each worked on our assigned task. I ran diagnostics on every weapon on board, powering them on one by one. Every laser gun was charged to the hilt, including some of our modified hydrogen laser guns. Most of them were automatic, focusing on a predefined target at the touch of a button.

  Beside me, Ejan worked on the shield and Dex searched every corner of web he could. When he finally whooped out loud, I knew he had found her.

  “What the fuck is she doing at Xavier?” he growled, his own anger peaking. “I’m going to cane that ass of hers so hard, she bears my mark for days.”

  Xavier was a small space station that operated under the official license of a high end, male only spa, but that was just its cover story. Instead, it was a rich man’s brothel, where you could buy whoever, whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. My stomach clenched and I roared, smashing my hand down on the counter.

  No one else fucking touches my woman.

  I’d kill the first man who tried. Fucking tear his throat out.

  I heard Talor’s fingers tap a few keys and the entire ship jolted into hyper drive. Talor must have activated the emergency travel option, which jumped through a series of wormholes to reach our destination as quickly as possible. It was a dangerous way to trek through the galaxy. There was a chance you’d get shifted into an entirely different region of space, in pieces, but all of us agreed that now was the time to use it.

  Our mate was in trouble. We had to get to her.

  The ship shook, and I felt the g forces of traveling at such a dangerous speed deep in my belly and it was unnerving. I gritted my teeth and held one to the armrests of my seat, struggling against the power of our speed.

  Within minutes, the circular shape of Xavier came into view and the ship began to settle into a more normal motion. I breathed a sigh of relief upon arriving safely.

  All four of us exchanged looks.

  “Let’s get our mate back,” Talor ordered.

  Dex, Ejan, and I murmured our agreement, diving into our mission.

  Beside me, Dex was searching for Mya, trying to assess her position within the station and once he figured out the exact coordinates, I used them to train guns on the room she was in. He hacked into her wristband and forced a remote connection so that we had a live video feed into where she was being held.

  We could see her, pressed onto the floor with a big fat Drugan sitting on top of her. I watched in horror as his arm swung back. He slapped her hard, and my blood boiled.

  “You good for nothing piece of shit Drugan,” I roared, and his head jerked up so that he was staring right at me.

  “Get the fuck off of her.” Ejan shook angrily beside me.

  “Who the hell are you,” the Drugan responded, looking a bit confused and then angry.

  His skin turned a brighter red and I glared in his direction. The Drugans were a strong race but the Vakarrans had beaten them before, but it would be a mistake to underestimate them. Although I was fairly confident between the four of us, we could take him, I was still wary.

  The fat alien pushed himself off the floor, grabbing Mya by the arm and pulling her up with him.

  I locked eyes with her and she sobbed with relief.

  “When I get you back in my arms, little human, you’re going to get the punishment of your life. You’ll regret ever thinking you could escape us,” I said, using our telepathic connection. I knew she could hear me. She stilled, still staring right at me and nodded, just a little bit.

  “Please. Just get me away from here,” she replied back.

  I searched her surroundings for something, anything she could use.

  “Can you break out of his hold? There’s a knife on his waist. Grab that and put as much distance between the two of you as you can,” Talor murmured.

  She twisted against him, throwing her body against his hold and breaking free. Quickly, she twirled and grasped the knife around his belt, dropping low and rolling away.

  He roared and rushed toward her, but she feinted in one direction before switching gears and heading in the other. He growled with frustration.

  She looked confident though. A natural with a tool as simple as a knife. In almost a dance, she avoided his capture, but I knew what she was doing.

  She was looking for an opening. A chance to attack.

  I studied him too. He was clumsy and extremely out of shape, unused to his opponent fighting back rather than just lying there and taking it just because he said so. She was a strong little thing. I was proud of her.

  “His name is Prince Radock. According to Mya’s files from the Celestial Mates Dating Agency, he was her match. In their systems, her fated mate, but there’s some irregularities in the algorithm. It’s been messed with. Someone hacked it and erased the original file, replacing it with this bastard instead,” Dex said.

  My eyes were focused on Mya and Radock. I noticed he had a slight limp on the right side.

  “Right ankle, Mya,” I suggested.

  Her eyes dropped, constantly analyzing. She ran circles around him, feinting this way and that and the frustration was clear on his face. He couldn’t keep up with her.

  “Stop running, you little bitch,” he roared. He whirled and almost stumbled in his efforts to subdue her.

  “Prince Radock,” Talor began and that startled him. “I’ve got our vaporizer trained on you right now. With two blasts, we could destroy you.”

  Radock stilled and turned in the direction of our ship, distracting him long enough so that Mya could swoop down and attack. With natural skill, she sliced the back of his ankle and the sound of his Achilles tendon snapping in two echoed throughout the room.

  He screamed in shock.

  Blood poured from his leg as he stumbled back and forth, losing all strength with each passing moment. He wavered, trying to hold his weight on the opposite leg, but he was struggling to keep upright. I grinned with pride for our little human.

  “Mya, we can kill him. You don’t have to,” Talor said, out loud so everyone could hear.

  Radock screamed with horror and anger, glaring in the direction of our ship, but even I knew this wasn’t over.

  “I know you can do it, my little human. Let us take the burden for you. Let us have his death on our conscience. Take the knife and go into the next room,” I said.

  “He threatened to kill my sister,” she said angrily.

  “My warrior human. Will you trust me?” I replied, my eyes boring into hers through our connection.

  For a long moment, we stared at each other, before she nodded once, quickly. I breathed a sigh of relief. Death was hard and even though I recognized how strong and fierce she was now, killing someone always weighed on your conscience, no matter who it was. She slowly moved away, opening up a side door and sliding into the bedroom nearby. Radock didn’t even look her way, he was too preoccupied with the state of his leg.

  “Now,” Talor commanded.

  I powered on the laser gun and sent one large blast straight toward the man’s apartment. The windows and outer wall vaporized in an instant, and the vortex of force pulled him right out into space with us. He roared and at once, transformed into a massive red dragon.

  His limbs lengthened, expanding and widening with surprising quickness. Dark red talons burst out of his fingers and his teeth sharpened into long, tight bladed weapons. His right leg hung at an odd angle, but he didn’t need that anymore. He had wings. Smoke emerged from his nostrils as he roared, swaying back and forth in space. His slightly scaly leathery skin brightened in color and in less than thirty seconds, he was a third of the size of our ship. Had he not been my enemy, I would have been impressed. He was bigger than any Drugan I’d seen before.

  Ejan powered up our defense shields immediately, protecting us against physical and laser damage before the battle even began. Our shield was strong. Even this Drugan couldn’t break through it. Talor and Dex sat beside me, each of them taking over a segment of our offensive
weapons. We exchanged glances of excitement, ready for battle. We began to shoot all at once, on Talor’s cue. This asshole was going down.

  The dragon burst up into the stars above us, bursts of hot steam along with his powerful tail propelling him out of range of our weapons in a flash. Quickly, we maneuvered our ship according to analysis of his future movements, and I fired a few guns, feinting in a few different directions and then, a few antimatter blasts tore through his right wing. I watched as the thin skin ripped just like paper and then I aimed at his tail, taking out a huge chunk that would render him essentially motionless. I roared in victory as my comrades whooped beside me.

  He flew down in a nose dive and a few large barrel laser blasts knocked him off course before he collided directly with our ship, his sheer mass knocking us off kilter for just a second before the ship righted itself. In frustration, his throat began to glow a deep red and he breathed a large volume of fire in our direction, which just bounced off of our shields. His tail whipped back and forth, and his wings flapped, but with the holes we shot in him, he’d lost his momentum. With fury, he breathed hot steam, but it wasn’t enough to propel him.

  We lined up our guns and his black obsidian eyes widened in terror. He burst toward us, talons outstretched, ready to tear away at our hull, but it was too late. He couldn’t escape us. He was as good as dead in my eyes.

  We had him in our sights. He couldn’t outrun us, fly away from our range anymore. He was fucking done. He’d touched our woman, placed his hands on her flesh without our consent. She was ours. Mine.

  He’d beaten her. Smacked her around, tore at her clothes. He would have raped her if we hadn’t arrived in time, maybe even killed her. Either way, I wasn’t going to allow him to breathe ever again after this.

  “Let’s kill the bastard,” Ejan growled, his fury palpable.

  He deserved to die.

  “Fire,” Talor said calmly. His tone wavered, showing signs of his anger at last. We all wanted to take out our revenge. Every single gun on our ship whirred to life and at once, blinding lasers shot straight toward Radock.

  He didn’t even have time to scream.

  He vaporized right before our eyes, bits and pieces of flesh bursting outward and coating the metal shell of the Xavier station. It was incredibly gruesome, but utterly satisfying. I watched bits of his wings float away in the zero gravity of space.

  The four of us sat back and breathed a sigh of relief. For a long moment, we were quiet. Then the screams and whoops of success tore out of each and every one of us.

  Dex was the only one who acted first. He commanded our ship to line up with the hole we’d punctured in the Xavier’s hull, and sent forward a suction hull to close it in. Once it was secure, he began to speak.

  “Mya, you can come out now,” he said.

  She opened the door and wandered out. She bit her lower lip as she climbed into the suction vent, boarding our ship once again.

  She was our captive once more and I was ready to teach her what happened to naughty little humans who ran away from their masters. And by the looks of it, all four of us were thinking the same thing.

  Chapter Eleven


  I shivered as I walked back onto the Vengeance, a panel sliding shut behind me and sealing me away from the dark recesses of space. I should be angry to be back in my Vakarrans’ grasp, but I really wasn’t. Instead I was relieved.

  I felt like I was home.

  My four Vakarrans had come for me. Had saved me from the grasp of an evil alien, rescuing me from a life of cruelty and pain. Prince Radock would have used me, likely raping and beating me into submission in order to be his quiet broken queen.

  My Vakarrans hadn’t allowed that to happen.

  Biran’s voice rang in my head, the memory of his thoughtfulness echoing throughout my mind. He had wanted to take the pain for me. Take the responsibility of Radock’s death on his shoulders, rather than mine. I’d never killed anyone before and he’d known that, saved me from the anguish it might have caused me. My heart warmed, and I shook with joy when I saw all four of them rush down the stairs toward me.

  Ejan reached me first, throwing his arms around me roughly and holding me to his chest. The rest followed and at once, I was surrounded by four fierce Vakarran men. My mates. My four Vakarrans.

  I could have leapt with joy.

  They squeezed me tight, and for a long moment, I felt safe.

  But then I remembered my sister.

  “Guys?” I began softly. I needed to confess, to tell them why I had run in the first place. I needed them to know it wasn’t anything they had done to scare me away. I needed them to hear me and understand.

  Biran looked at me angrily at first, but then quizzically, as well as the others. I gripped his upper arm in desperation. He would understand, I knew he would. I would plead for their forgiveness later but now, I had to beg them to help me.

  “He threatened to kill my sister. I don’t know where she is, if she’s still at the Celestial Mates Dating Agency. I don’t know if he stored her away somewhere here on Xavier, if he hurt her or at worst, killed her. Please, help me find her?” I sobbed, tears coming to my eyes, and livid, determined looks immediately crossed their faces.

  “Fucking asshole. I’m glad he’s dead,” Ejan growled, his chest rising and falling with fury.

  “Let’s go to headquarters. Dex, search for her sister as soon as we get there. We’ll deal with her punishment later. Find her sister first,” Talor commanded and I shivered at the warning in his tone. It served as a distraction and for that, I was thankful.

  We rushed upstairs with me thrown over Biran’s shoulder. He had one hand on my ass, squeezing hard, almost like a promise of what was to come. My pussy clenched desperately in anticipation. I worried for my sister, but with Biran’s hand so close to my pussy, I found it hard to focus, so I let my Vakarrans do it for me.

  “What’s her name, Mya?” Dex asked once he was in front of his holographic mainframe.

  “Lea Wilder,” I answered, rushing to sit beside him once Biran allowed my feet to touch the floor once more.

  He typed in a few commands, and within minutes, he had her location.

  “She hasn’t left the dating agency, it seems,” he said, his relief palpable. He turned toward me with a smile. “He never had her in the first place.”

  She was still safe and sound at the Celestial Mates Dating Agency. I breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against Dex. I reached for her hologram image, unable to hold back the massive smile on my face, knowing that she was nowhere near Radock’s cold and dead hands.

  I’m glad my Vakarrans killed him. She’d be safe now to find her own match, to find her own love just like I had.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, my relief obvious in both my tone and my body.

  They surrounded me then, just holding me for a long time. I loved them for it.

  Finally, Talor spoke up first.

  “Now, I think I and my three men have a woman to punish, don’t we?” Talor said calmly, his gaze appraising my body with sheer appreciation.

  “I want to whip that ass of yours,” Ejan murmured, his jawline firmly set with anger.

  “Bad little girls like you need to be disciplined,” Biran added menacingly.

  “Belt or cane?” Dex asked.

  I trembled, backing away from them while at the same time, my body reacted to their threats with immediate pleasure. I could already feel the wetness gathering between my thighs. I was only wearing a bra and my pants, my shirt having been ripped away by Radock. My nipples hardened under the thin lace of my bra. I wondered if they could see them.

  “What are you going to do to me,” I breathed nervously, in anticipation of things to come.

  “I think a better question would be, what aren’t we going to do to you,” Dex answered, his coppery eyes darkening to a red blaze. I shivered at his promise.

  My heart went pitter patter in my chest before it stopped entirely. Four a
ngry, determined Vakarran men stared me down. At first, I thought they were furious with me, but then I realized that they were just being protective. And they wanted to teach me a lesson. One I wanted them to teach me.

  Biran offered me his hand and I tentatively took it.

  His eyes met mine and I saw the hurt there. I’d hurt him by running away and I hated that. He was gentle as he led me and the five of us descended to our bedroom.

  Biran sat down on the bed and pulled me in front of him. Wordlessly, he gripped my boots and pulled them off. He then took the waistband of my pants and pulled them down off my legs, leaving me in just my bra and panties. He quickly divested me of those too, leaving me entirely bare and vulnerable before him. I shivered nervously.

  My nipples hardened, and goosebumps rose across my skin. Naked before my four men, I grew more nervous, wondering what my punishment was going to be. They kept me on my toes and I never knew what was coming. Would they spank me? Fuck me so hard that I cried?

  His palms brushed against my ass and I shivered.

  “I’m extremely disappointed that you didn’t tell us about your sister before you ran from us. All of this could have been avoided if you just talked to me,” he said, and I could have sworn a little piece of my heart broke in two at the hurt in his voice.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, my voice shaking with unshed emotion. My ass clenched as he patted the skin there, reminding me of the first time he pushed me over his knees for discipline.

  “You deserved to be punished, don’t you, Mya,” he said firmly, and I trembled before him. Three additional pairs of hands gripped my hands and shoulders, leading me to lie face down on the bed. Biran stuffed a thick pillow underneath my hips, forcing my ass up high into the air. My heart felt constricted in my chest.

  “Yes,” I whispered, arching my back and lifting my hips in response. I wanted it. I needed to forget what happened today. I wanted to feel pain and then the resulting pleasure afterward. I needed to come. I needed my men to dominate every single inch of my body.


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