Book Read Free

Four Week Fiancé

Page 14

by Helen Cooper

  “Troy went out early this morning,” TJ said matter-of-factly. “He wanted to do some shopping at the mall, he said. Maybe he went to go and get you a ring or something.”

  “Oh,” I said, my face heating up as I realized what that meant. I ignored his comment about the ring and looked at Sally, her face looking pale and distraught. All of a sudden the door down the hallway opened and Barbie came walking out, her hair a mess and her body wrapped in a white sheet.

  “Morning,” she said to TJ and rubbed his chest. I watched as he nodded at her and then as her sheet dropped slightly. “I hope I didn’t wake you up,” she said only to him, pouting her lips at him.

  “I’ve been up since early,” he said, his voice not betraying his true thoughts.

  “I wouldn’t have minded being woken up,” she said and her sheet dropped even lower, exposing her naked breasts to everyone. She had no shame and I could feel myself tensing up. Then we heard more footsteps as Cody walked into the hallway.

  “There you are.” He grinned down the hallway as he spoke to Barbie. “Go and get me my coffee, woman.”

  “I was just seeing if TJ was okay,” Barbie said with a shrug and pulled the sheet up again. “Go back to bed. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  “Fine.” He grinned and I turned to him with a frown, thoroughly disappointed in him. “Morning, bro,” he called out to TJ and winked at him. Then he looked at me, winked, then at Sally, and I could see a slight look of shame on his face before he headed back into his room.

  “I’d better go and get his coffee,” Barbie said with a purr. “I think he needs it before round two.” She walked back down the corridor and I turned to TJ. “You’re okay with your girl hooking up with Cody?”

  “She’s not my girl,” he said, his eyes boring into mine. “It wouldn’t be the first time Cody has taken my leftovers.” He shrugged and then continued. “Looks like you’re part of the only happy couple on this trip.” He looked at my lips and then flicked his tongue for a few seconds. “You okay?” He turned to Sally with a small frown and she nodded, though I could see her eyes were red.

  “Excuse me,” she squeaked out and hurried to the room.

  “I need to go with Sally,” I said as I made to follow her, but TJ grabbed my arm and stopped me.

  “Just answer me this question first,” he said with a straight face.

  “Sure.” I nodded, unsure of what he was going to ask.

  “When you played with yourself last night, was it my face or Troy’s that you imagined on top of you?” His eyes darkened as he gazed down at me and he pushed me back into the wall, pressing himself into me before he lowered his head and whispered into my ear. “Was it my cock or Troy’s that you imagined sliding into you, making you wet?” he muttered as I felt his hardness pushing into me. I swallowed hard as we stood there, and I was about to answer when I heard Troy walking back into the house and shouting, “Honey, I’m home.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I stepped back from Mila and I could see her face reddening as she looked down the corridor. Troy came bounding through the hallway with a huge smile on his face and a big bouquet of flowers. “There you are, darling,” he said with a huge grin as he spied Mila.

  “Hey,” she said weakly and I could see her looking at me. I ignored her face as I knew I would break out laughing.

  “I missed you this morning,” he said as he stopped in front of us. “I wish we could have shared the bed last night,” he said and gave her a light kiss on the lips. I wanted to smack him then but instead kept a neutral expression on my face.

  “So what are the two of you going to do today?” I asked them with a congenial smile. “Planning on going for a ride in the Mercedes?” I looked at Mila and smiled widely. “Oh, wait, I don’t remember seeing the Benz in the driveway.” I frowned and looked at Troy. “What car did you bring?”

  “What Mercedes Benz?” Troy looked confused.

  “The one you like to drive up the highway.” Mila gave him a look. “The convertible,” she prodded. “I told TJ about it. I didn’t know you wanted to keep it a secret.”

  “I, uh, yeah.” Troy gave me a look and it was all I could do to stop from laughing. I couldn’t believe that Mila was carrying on with this charade. I hadn’t been prepared for the fact that she’d play along with it so long. I’d thought she would lose it when Troy showed up out of nowhere. The Troy she’d made up in her mind. The Troy I’d hired, whose real name was Mike. I wasn’t sure what she was thinking. Did she really think that Troy was real? Was she crazy? I bit my lower lip to stop from laughing. My best guess was that she thought that Sally, her crazy best friend, had hired Troy and they hadn’t had a chance to talk about it. I was going to enjoy staring at Mila’s face when she found out the truth. I wasn’t sure what she’d say when she realized I knew that Troy didn't exist. She’d be pissed. Maybe she’d shout at me. Maybe she’d smack me. Maybe she’d hold me tight and wrestle me to the ground and sit on me, pinning me down to the ground in her eagerness. I almost groaned at the thought. That was wishful thinking on my side. I wanted her to take her frustration out on me physically. I’d love to feel her dominating me, taking control, making me beg her to let me lose. I’d go along with it because I knew that after she made me beg, I would be making her beg. And I wouldn’t be showing mercy.

  “So what are your plans for the future?” I asked, my face serious as I stared at the two of them. “I hope your intentions are pure,” I said as I stared at Troy, one eyebrow raised.

  “I, uh,” Troy stammered again and swallowed hard. He looked over at Mila and I watched as he stared at her body. “I was hoping I could take you to dinner tonight, just you and me,” he said softly and I froze. What the hell was he playing at? Was he seriously trying to take out Mila? My Mila!

  “Um, where did you want to go, honey?” Mila said, her expressive face looking surprised as she gazed back at Troy. I wanted to grab her and pull her into my arms and tell her to stop acting. I knew that Troy was a fake.

  “Maybe seafood?” Troy said with a small smile. “I heard the lobster and crabs around here are good.”

  “Yeah.” Mila nodded. “The lobster is amazing.”

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” I said, interrupting their conversation but talking only to Mila.

  “Why not?” Mila said pursing her lips.

  “Because I had plans for us for tonight,” I said and waved my fingers at her. I watched as she blushed and glared at me. “I thought we could do something.” I licked my lips slowly and then stepped back. “I wouldn’t mind trying some of that dessert you gave me last night.”

  “What dessert?” Troy asked. “I’d like some too.”

  “She only made enough for me.” I gave him a death stare. “There’s only enough for me to eat.”

  “We can always share,” Troy said with a smile, and I froze as I heard Mila giggling.

  “Yeah, what do you think of that, TJ?” Mila gave me a petulant look.

  “I don’t share my dessert.” I stared into Mila’s eyes. “Ever.”

  “I see,” Mila said and I watched as she licked her lips nervously.

  “Good,” I said and tapped my fingers against the wall. “In fact, I’m feeling pretty hungry right now.” I stretched and looked at her. “There’s a growling in my stomach,” I said softly. “A yearning in my belly. For seconds.”

  “That must have been some dessert,” Troy said, looking like he was starting to feel hungry himself. I was going to have to take care of the Troy situation myself if Mila continued to go along with this farce. Troy was starting to get a bit too into the role and he was starting to act as if he really had a shot at dating Mila. I’d hit him so hard if he even thought about getting any of Mila’s cookies.

  “It was,” I said. “Though I think Mila enjoyed my eating her dessert as much as I enjoyed eating it.” I grinned as I stared into his eyes. “There’s something so enjoyable about giving and receiving p
leasure, don’t you think?”

  “I guess.” Troy looked at me in confusion and back at Mila. “What did you make, brownies?”

  “No,” Mila squeaked out.

  “Yeah, tell your boyfriend, Troy, what it was you served me last night, Mila,” I said and let my hand fall right down the back of her butt softly. She jumped slightly at my touch and I tried to hold back a grin as I felt her trembling slightly.

  “Something I’ll never be serving you again,” she said tightly, her face furious as she glared at me. “What time shall we go to dinner, Troy?” She turned to him and it was my turn to become furious. Mila was not acting in the way I had thought she would. All of her words and actions were out-of-line and not what I’d been expecting. It annoyed me that she wasn’t playing along. She was supposed to be like putty in my hands. She had been like putty in my hands the night before. Shit, she’d been like putty to my tongue as well. I grinned as I remembered the taste of her and how she’d moaned and cried out when I’d made her come. When I fucked her, I planned on going slow. I was going to make her beg for it, and when she asked why, I was going to remind her of this moment and her dismissive tone towards me. That would show her that I meant business. I could feel myself growing hard just thinking about it… Her legs flipped in the air, her ass off of the mattress, her eyes rolling in her head in ecstasy and anticipation as she waited for her release.

  “TJ.” Mila’s voice was soft as she spoke and I blinked down at her.

  “Yes?” I said and then frowned. Troy was gone. “Where’s Troy?” I looked around.

  “He just said bye.” She blinked at me. “He needed to go to the restroom.”

  “I see.”

  “What do you think you’re playing at?” She hissed lightly as her voice lowered. “How dare you mention to my boyfriend that I gave you dessert last night?”

  “Would you rather I have showed him the dessert you gave me?” I said, flicking my tongue against my lips, and she gasped.

  “You really are a pig.”

  “You really have no sense of humor,” I responded and grabbed her hands and pulled her towards me. “You’re not really going to dinner with Troy tonight, are you?”

  “Yes! Why shouldn’t I?” She tried to extricate herself from my embrace, so I turned and pushed her back against the wall.

  “Why shouldn’t you?” I asked, my voice low as I pushed my hardness into her stomach.

  “TJ.” She moaned, her lips slightly parted. “I’m sorry about Barbie, but you can’t use me to try and make her jealous.”

  “Barbie?” I laughed. “The girl who just slept with your brother? Do you really think we have anything going on?”

  “You’re the one who brought her here and insinuated that…” Her voice trailed off. “Well, you know.”

  “I’m single, Mila.” My lips brushed her cheek and moved closer to her mouth. “Very single.”

  “What do you want from me?” she asked, her light brown eyes looking more confused than I’d ever seen them before.

  “It’s funny that you should ask that,” I said, pretending to be nonchalant. This was the moment I’d been waiting for all weekend.

  “Oh?” she said, eyes growing even wider.

  “I have something for you to read,” I said and stepped back. This was important now. She had to understand what she was getting into.

  “Read?” She wrinkled her nose. “Like a book?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Like a contract.”


  “Yes.” I nodded my head. “Come to my room with me now. We need to talk in private.”

  “I told Troy I’d bring him some coffee,” she said and shook her head. “Maybe later.”

  “Yeah.” It took everything in me not to shake her for bringing up Troy again. I ran my hand up to her breast and rubbed my palm against her nipple instead. Her face reddened and I could feel her nipple growing hard as she adjusted her position against the wall. “You go and talk to him, and then you come and find me later.” I leaned forward and kissed her hard on the lips and stuck my tongue into her mouth as I pinched her nipple hard and pushed myself into her even harder. She moaned slightly against my lips and I felt her hand on my back. It was then that I moved away from her. All I had wanted was to remind her of how badly she wanted me as well.

  “I’ll see you later,” I said and walked to my room, slowly and confidently, knowing she was watching me as I walked away. She was probably wondering why I hadn’t tried to take things further again. She was probably feeling disappointed. I grinned as I opened my door and then walked into the room. I pulled out my phone and waited for my dad to answer.

  “What’s the news, son?” he asked me abruptly and I felt a jolt of annoyance at his tone.

  “It’ll happen this weekend, Dad. It’ll definitely happen this weekend,” I said and then hung up and put my phone down on the dresser. I pulled off my clothes and then walked into the bathroom. And then turned on the shower and made sure the water was cold. I stepped in and closed my eyes, willing my body not to react to the freezing cold water that rained down on me. I stood there taking my cold shower with nerves of steel and all I could think about was Mila and what was about to happen. Everything was about to change, and all I could hope was that everything went according to plan. If one thing went wrong, my whole life would be ruined.

  Chapter Fifteen


  March 17th, 2008

  Dear Diary,

  Today I found out that TJ is a millionaire. Yes, a millionaire. And yes, he himself is a millionaire. Not just his dad. His grandparents left him a whole bunch of money or something. Could life be any more unfair? He’s hot. He’s sexy. And he’s a millionaire. What chance do I have now?

  Depressed and moping.



  P.S. I would love him even if he were poor and ugly.

  “Hey, it’s me.” I opened the door to the bedroom and walked in. “You okay?”

  “What do you think?” Sally looked up at me with red eyes, her face tinged with tears as she gave me a sorrowful look. “I just want to go home.”

  “He’s a jerk. I’m sorry.” I walked over to her bed and sat down and rubbed her shoulder. “I don’t know how he could have slept with Barbie.”

  “He’s a pig and she’s a whore.” Sally looked bitter. “I mean, I’m not surprised. Her breasts have been out all weekend. I wouldn’t be shocked if all three guys have hooked up with her this weekend.”

  “You think so?” I bit my lower lip as my stomach churned. “That would seem really messed up.”

  “It’s not like these guys are saints.” Sally’s eyes were angry. “I’m sure they don’t mind sharing.”

  “I don’t think TJ would do that,” I said, my voice weak. “Though, who knows about Troy. You know him better than I do.”

  “I know who better?” Sally’s eyes darted back to mine.


  “I don’t know Troy from Adam.” Sally sat up slightly and shook her head. “Though he has been checking out Barbie’s ass too.”

  “Where did you find him?” I sighed, trying to keep my cool. I was pissed that Sally hadn’t even done any research on Troy before she’d hired him.

  “Find who?” Sally’s voice was abrupt and she was starting to look like I was feeling: frustrated and angry.

  “Troy,” I almost shouted. “Where did you find him and why didn’t you tell me what you were doing before he showed up?”

  “What I was doing?” She blinked. “I didn’t find Troy anywhere.” Her eyes widened. “Are you saying you didn’t hire him?”

  “No, I didn’t hire him. Are you saying you didn’t hire him?” My jaw dropped open and my heart started beating slowly.

  “I didn’t hire him.” She shook her head slowly.

  “Oh, my God,” I said with a whisper. “You’re not joking, are you? Because if you are, this isn’t funny.”

  “Mila, I did not hire Tro
y. I have never seen that man before in my life.”

  “So why did you say you’d done something for me? To go along with the Troy thing?” I said weakly, hoping she was about to burst out laughing and say, “Gotcha.”

  “I created a fake Facebook profile for Troy.” She smiled weakly and shrugged. “I was going to tell you to friend him and then we could change the status to ‘in a relationship’.”

  “A Facebook profile?” I licked my lips nervously. “That was it?”

  “That was it.” She chewed on her lower lip. “I didn’t even think of hiring anyone. I thought that the idea was ingenious, though. I was shocked you did it.”

  “Yeah, well, we were both shocked.” I sighed. “Because I didn’t do it.”

  “So, then who?” she said and we just stared at each other in silence. I felt my stomach twisting in shame as I realized that there really could only be one other person who had hired Troy. Someone who was most probably laughing at me right now for pretending that Troy and I were something that we weren’t. “Oh boy,” Sally said, her brown eyes looking shocked. “Not TJ?”

  “Who else could it be?” I groaned. “No one else knows about him because he didn’t really exist.”

  “Wow,” Sally said, her lips twisting up as she gazed at me. “What’s his game?”

  “What do you mean?” I frowned.

  “I mean, why did he hire Troy? And why did he bring Barbie? And why is he hitting on you and trying to get you into bed?”

  “Maybe he’s on some weird power trip and doesn’t want Cody to know.”

  “Hmm.” Sally frowned as I said Cody’s name again. “I guess. I mean, are we sure Cody doesn’t know? I mean, why would he sleep with Barbie if he thought she was TJ’s girl?”

  “Yeah, that I don’t know.” I shook my head. “But one thing I do know is that Cody would not be cool with TJ going down on me and fingering me in the lake.”

  “I wish Cody would finger me in the lake,” Sally said and plopped down on the bed. “Sorry.” She made a face at me as I shook my head in disgust. “I know he’s your brother, but gosh darn it, I want him so badly. I don’t understand why he won’t make a move on me.”


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