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Heir to the King tcos-1

Page 18

by James Somers

  "It's exerting a localized gravitational pull on the ship; gets stronger as it approaches!" shouted Ranul from his station. "Wait, wait! It's tracking on the Onicule now!"

  "She's going to take a hit!"

  The projectile shifted the flight path of the Onicule as it approached, pulling the Vorn cruiser into its path at the last moment. The shields on the ship activated as the object passed into field; trying to vaporize it. It seemed to sheer off half of its mass in vaporized layers but the remainder passed through the shield and crashed into the hull of the Onicule near the rear of the ship.

  "She's hit!!" shouted Estall.

  "Analyzing," said one of the science officers. "The Onicule took a hit just behind mid-ship; several decks destroyed; they're sealing them off. It's not a fatal blow."

  Ranul continued to monitor the ship. "Wait! Something is happening! That thing is like a gravity bomb," he mumbled as he turned to Estall.

  On the main view screen the Onicule was beginning to crumble inward, imploding upon itself.

  "Ranul, what's happening to them?" he asked as he watched.

  "The localized gravitational field around the object is pulling the ship's structure inward upon it."

  They all watched helplessly as the Onicule caved in upon itself. Gases escaped in flame as the superstructure crumpled around the gravity projectile within.

  "Sir, we are being hailed by the other fleet ships," said the communications officer. "They're all on a rendezvous course to this sector."

  "Estall, the Baruk formation of ships is entering the sector now," said Ranul "They're splitting up; spreading out against us. Another gravity bomb is approaching our position!"

  "Evasive maneuvers!" shouted Estall.

  "I'm trying to recalibrate the ship's shields to repel the object rather than vaporize it."

  "Twenty seconds to impact!" shouted another science officer.

  "Hurry, Ranul," gritted Estall as he watched the incoming object on the view screen.

  "I think I've got it."

  The gravity bomb slammed into the shields of the Esyia and sent the ship reeling off of its flight path. The bridge crew would have been tossed about the chamber had they not been strapped into their flight chairs.

  "How bad are we?" asked Estall over the groaning of the engines.

  "The object did not penetrate!" shouted Ranul. "It was deflected away. But the impact still damaged our hull by causing a reverberation in the shield."

  "How bad are we?" asked Estall.

  "The hull is intact."

  "Are the Baruk within range yet?"

  "Just now," said the weapons officer.

  "Lock and fire the dispersion cannon on the nearest ship."

  The large weapon swiveled upon its mount located on the topside of the Esyia, aiming off into the black of space toward the Baruk, still out of visual range. The weapons officer locked on target to the nearest Baruk warship and fired. The beam from the Castillian and Vorn engineered weapon flashed out into the darkness.

  The Baruk warship Kosinok veered away from the formation of cruisers toward its designated heading. A beam flashed from ahead of its course and hit the ship, strafing across the surface. It vaporized everything it touched across the surface of the massive hull.

  "Direct hit!" shouted the weapons officer.

  "They're raising their shields!" said Ranul from his station.

  "Fire again," said Estall.

  Once again the weapon adjusted slightly to reacquire the same target on its trajectory. Once locked, it fired again into the blackness of space. The beam hit the Kosinok square on, but its shields responded in kind.

  "Their shields are drained significantly but it didn't go through," said Ranul.

  "The rest of the fleet is heading for the Baruk formation," said the other science officer.

  "Take us in with them, shields at full power, all weapons systems at the ready. Garret, fire all weapons systems at will as we come into range," ordered Estall.

  TIET sat uneasy on the exam table. His arm was throbbing terribly now, but his conscience was hurting him more. He had wanted so badly to drive the blade through Kale and avenge his family; his people, but it wasn't what he had expected. Seeing his brother standing there in the cell just waiting to receive his fury was very unsettling.

  Tiet had expected a fight; he had wanted a fight. After attacking him mentally and seeing him writhing in pain from the kinetic grasp, Tiet had, for an instant, felt pity for him.

  Wynn had stopped him from killing his own brother. At the time he would have struck his mentor for interfering, had he been able, but now he knew he would have regretted that as well. Wynn was no fool and he had no reason to protect Kale. There had to be a good reason for him to step in between them, and save his life.

  The med-lab door opened, allowing Mirah K'ore to enter. "So…the king has returned."

  "Hello, Mirah."

  "That's Dr. K'ore to you. Father said you were going to accept the Council's nomination to the throne…I haven't seen you lately."

  "I'm sorry. I've had a lot on my mind."

  "I understand. But don't think that gives you an excuse in the future. Now let's see that arm."

  Tiet raised the arm for her inspection. The sleeve was already cut away up to his shoulder. The med tech had managed to get that far before the message had come through to Tiet's com-link that Kale was a prisoner. His arm was severely bruised and swollen but there was no bone penetration.

  Mirah picked up a hand held scanner and passed it over his arm. "Well it looks like a clean break, ulna and radius. I won't ask you just how you managed this."

  "How long to put me back in action, Doc?"

  "About two hours of osteoblast therapy and another half hour to bring down the edema."

  "Let's do it then."

  "OUR ships are really taking a pounding up there, Commander," said Lieutenant Davers. "They're outnumbered two to one. They've been using the new dispersion cannons, but the Baruk shields are too strong."

  "What's the current shield status for our ships?" asked Wynn.

  "Ten ships below 70 percent shield power, eight below 50 percent power and two are under 20 percent power and three have already been destroyed."

  "What about the Esyia?"

  "She's approaching 30 percent power and still taking a pounding sir."

  Wynn continued to sort through the incoming images on the war room displays. The armada was really getting beaten to death up there. They were tough ships, but the odds were against them. If they failed to stop the Baruk in space then the fight would hit the ground.

  "Sir, another of our ships has been destroyed, the Kyrysk," said Davers.

  The other four soldiers manning the war room control systems paused briefly to look up at Wynn then continued with their work.

  "What about the Baruk fleet?" asked Wynn, "what kind of damage are they taking?"

  "They're going blow for blow, but our ships are grossly outnumbered," said Davers.

  "By the time they do any significant damage, their shields will be down and it will be over very quickly. Have we notified Tiet yet?"

  "He's in the med lab; the alarms don't sound in there."

  "Put me through."

  "Online, Sir."

  "Dr. K'ore, may I help you?"

  "Mirah. Wynn Gareth here. I need to speak with Tiet immediately."

  "My patient is still undergoing treatment under sedation," said Mirah.

  "I need you to wake him up. We've got a situation; he's needed."

  "What he needs is to get this treatment completed without duress, Commander."

  "Doctor, our fleet is getting burned out of the sky. The Baruk will begin a ground assault as soon as they get the chance. Please, we need him on his feet now."

  "I'll do the best I can, Mirah out."

  The communication link was terminated at that point. "I'd better make sure of it," said Wynn. "Davers, what's the status of our troops?"

  "All division comm
anders report ready and awaiting deployment instructions."

  "Tell them to hold positions and the king will instruct them personally," said Wynn as he headed out the door.

  MIRAH returned to the control panel monitoring Tiet's treatment. He was coming out of his sedation as the procedure finished up. Everything was precisely computer controlled. She walked into the treatment room as he began to come around.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "A little groggy, but I feel alright. My arm feels a lot better; just a little sore now."

  "Well, that will pass soon enough. You've got plenty of pain meds on board."

  "I appreciate the fix up Doc."

  "You don't have to be so formal."

  "I know. There's just been so much happening recently Mirah."

  "Well the arm looks fine," she evaded.

  "Thank you Mirah," he said, not pursuing. Tiet flexed the arm, trying out the repair. "You do wonderful work."

  "Tiet I uh…" She started to speak as the door to the med lab, opened to let Wynn inside.

  "Well I see you're on your feet again," he said quickly.

  The two dropped their gazes to the ground and then to Wynn and he suddenly realized he might have interrupted something. The thought might have delighted him more had it not been for the present danger; deadly business was at hand.

  "Tiet, we've got to get you to the main deployment area. The Baruk are hammering our ships and it looks like we'll be looking at a ground assault somewhere very soon."

  "I'm ready, let's go," he said as he gathered the upper body portion of his uniform from the counter nearby. They both headed out the main door as he called behind to Mirah.

  "Thanks again Mirah, we'll talk soon," he said as the door closed behind them.

  "I hope so," she whispered to the empty exam room.

  They walked quickly together to the nearest lift. "Tiet, I want to apologize for the situation with Kale."

  "Wynn, don't worry about it. You did what was right. It's just that…he betrayed everything we knew, and yet he's my brother."

  "I know."

  The lift opened allowing them in. "Main deployment area," said Wynn.

  The computer complied with the settings and away went the lift through the city.

  "You could have killed him and he wouldn't have made any effort to stop you. I think he even longed for you to do it, to end his pain and guilt."

  "Why should I care about his pain? He betrayed us-all of us. Including you, Wynn."

  "That's right. And I am still asking you to consider the situation with your brother despite that fact."

  Tiet looked at him sternly then looked back at the city without saying anything.

  "I don't mean this in any insulting way, but Kale did not need my help to save himself from your sword."

  "Do you think he's that powerful?" asked Tiet more thoughtfully.

  "Well, he did defeat Orin and if I have any sensibility about these things I believe he is very powerful."

  "I don't want to hate him Wynn, I just don't know how to handle this right now…"

  The lift slowed as they entered the deployment area and its control tower.

  "…but we have a war to deal with; everything else will have to wait."

  AS Wynn and Tiet entered the control center of the city's main deployment area, the data techs were busy monitoring the current situation with the fleet as well as troop status and the readiness of the twelve cities and their defense systems.

  Each city had a large portion of the new army assigned to defend it in the event they came under a Baruk attack. At the least, they hoped to hold on until the other legions could arrive at whichever city became the main front.

  "What's the status of the fleet?" asked Tiet.

  "Ten of our ships have been destroyed sir. The rest are trying to out-maneuver the Baruk ships, but they're dangerously low on shield power," said one of the techs.

  "Can you patch me in to Estall on the Esyia?" he asked.

  "Yes sir, one moment. Baeth Periege ground control hailing the Captain of the Esyia."

  "CAPTAIN, the ground control at Baeth Periege is hailing us," said one of the communications officers.

  "Put them through," said Estall. "Ranul, have you got the system reconfigured yet?"

  "I'm still working on it, just a few more circuits to re-route."

  The intercom on Estall's command chair sounded with Tiet's voice. "Estall, what is your status?"

  "We've lost ten ships so far and it's not looking good. Some of the Baruk are veering away from the main group. They look to be troop transports. I don't know if we can stop them, we're barely hanging on up here."

  "Estall, I want you to get your people out of there. Do you hear me? I want you to withdraw your remaining ships immediately," said Tiet.

  "I want to send out the weaker ships first. Ranul is working on a reconfiguration of the dispersion cannon that may just allow us to penetrate their shields."

  "Do what you think is best, but don't take any chances," said Tiet.

  "Affirmative. If this doesn't work we'll withdraw the remaining ships to the surface; Esyia out."

  Estall clicked the switch on the intercom panel of his chair as he watched the stats for the fleet on a smaller window of the main screen. "Mellar, give withdraw commands to the ships below twenty-five percent shield power."

  "Yes sir," she replied.

  "Ranul what's the status on that reconfigure?"

  "I've got it!" said Ranul from his science station. "The cannon will now cycle through one hundred thousand shield frequencies per second and lock on the one that matches theirs."

  "Excellent. Garret, lock the cannon on their shield generator and fire."

  "Yes, Sir!"

  The dispersion cannon swiveled on its base and locked on the approximate position of the shield generator on the closest Baruk vessel. The cannon fired its rapid multi-frequency blasts at the ship. The Baruk shield repelled the blast for a fraction of a second, then it got through and struck the generator's position; vaporizing it.

  "Shield's dropping on the Baruk vessel, Captain!" cried the main science officer.

  "Garret, fire at will, targeting the bridge area first! Ranul, transmit that reconfiguration sequence to the remaining ships!"

  "Already on it!"

  "Then let's do some damage," Estall said with satisfaction.

  "Those carriers are already passing into the atmosphere," said Ranul from his station.

  "Well, they're out of our reach now. Contact Tiet on the surface with the information. We'll do what we can here while they deal with those on the surface."

  "SIR, we're tracking a group of approximately ten carriers entering the atmosphere," said one of the data-communication techs in the control center.

  "What is their course heading?" asked Tiet.

  "Descent projection is that they are heading for the Usai Valley beyond the borders of Thalidi. It's just about the only area large enough to land that group of ships," said the tech.

  Wynn and Tiet watched the computer model with the respective tracking data coming in on the group of Baruk ships.

  "I think you're projection is right," said Wynn.

  "Get me the Troop Commander for Thalidi," said Tiet.

  "Online, Sir."

  "This is Commander Erib, Sir, what can I do for you?"

  "Commander, I want you to order an immediate civilian evacuation of the suburban area beyond the defense wall and then mobilize your troops there. The Baruk are heading your way. We project an attack launched from the Usai Valley within twelve hours," said Tiet.

  "I trust we'll be launching a cooperative attack with the city's defensive batteries?" asked Erib.

  "In part. What I hope to accomplish is more of an ambush. The Baruk will be expecting our civilian population to withdraw behind the city's defense wall. Hopefully we can lay in wait for them to take up positions in the suburb area and then come out on them in force."

  "Yes sir. Erib out."<
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  "What about me?" Wynn asked.

  "I want you to deploy more troops on this side of Thalidi and set up a front approximately ten miles away. Let the other troop commanders know to send you 50 percent of their forces to make up that frontline. I expect the Baruk to try and go for Baeth Periege beyond Thalidi. They'll want the capital."

  "I wish you would allow me to lead the first strike at Thalidi while you remain here to set up the front," said Wynn with concern. "The battle there is going to be nearly a suicide mission and we need you to survive and lead these people."

  "Trust me, Wynn, this is how to lead them; by going into the fire with them. And I don't intend to die at Thalidi if I can help it. But if I should fall, you must assume command."

  Wynn remained silent. There was wisdom in the young man's words and he knew it. "I'm only sorry we couldn't enlist Grod's Horva to help us in the fight. If we can't defeat the Baruk, they'll be the next target," said Tiet.

  "Well, I think your broken arm speaks all too well for Grod's intentions," said Wynn sarcastically.

  "Maybe." Tiet looked at his mentor. "I better get going; I hope to see you again."

  Wynn didn't say anything. His concern showed on his face. Tiet turned with a small wave and walked out of the control room, heading for the main deployment area to arrange troops to join with him in the journey to Thalidi.

  Wynn thought about the extreme danger Tiet would be facing there outside the walls of Thalidi. An ambush was very ambitious against the Baruk. He just couldn't understand why Tiet wanted to face them that way. Even with crack commandos from among the best trained troops it was going to be hairy. He wished he could be there to at least keep an eye on him and try to protect him. Then it occurred to him that if he couldn't do it, someone else just might.

  WHEN Commander Mendle had assembled his troops, he opened the door to the private assembly hall, allowing Tiet to enter. Though no formal ceremony had taken place to crown him as such, everyone knew full well the authority that had been granted to him by the Council as the new Barudii king. And they were glad for it.

  Tiet walked to a place before them where he could address the recruits.

  He said to all, "I don't know if you realize the mission we are about to undertake. We are going to reinforce the troops already stationed at the city of Thalidi, where it has now been confirmed that the Baruk have landed and are deploying their own forces. The Baruk are coming at the city from the Valley of Usai. It will be our mission to take up positions within the suburban district that lies between the Baruk and the defensive wall of the city."


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