The Gods Beneath: Age Of Magic - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Rise of Magic Book 7)
Page 23
“Holy shit!” Aysa yelled. “That’s a talking cat!”
“He’s a good one,” Laurel shouted. Then she pointed toward the Muur. “Those are the bad ones. We’ll fill you in on the other details later.”
Karl yelled, “This is what I’m talkin’ about. A good clean fight! No more mind-fuckin’ or dulled blades.”
The rearick raised his hammer and charged into the attacking Muur.
“Careful,” Hannah shouted after him. “Their weapons are poisonous.”
“I’ll watch after him,” Aysa yelled. She followed the rearick with her shield held high and her bolas swinging above her head.
Hadley just smiled as he watched them run. “It’s good to have friends, isn’t it?”
Hannah nodded, watching her team work like a well-oiled machine. Her eyes flashed red, and she formed a large spear of ice between her hands.
“You’re damn right it is.”
“Hold the damn boat!” Parker laughed. “Karl got married?”
They chuckled as they sat around the table, taking the time to tell each other of their adventures. Gregory had lifted the Unlawful to a safe height above the jungle of Kaskara to give them time to regroup and enjoy an evening of rest before turning back toward Archangelsk. A giant spread was arranged on the table—a thank you gift from the glavne to take with them on the journey. They ate and drank while catching up.
“Scheisse,” Karl grunted, shaking his head. “Would you listen while I talk for once? I didn’t get married, ye daft bastard, but I was betrothed to a princess an’ she was blazin’ hot.”
Parker looked at Aysa and Hadley for confirmation. Aysa nodded. “I have to say, she was pretty hot if you’re into short chicks.”
“Which I am,” Karl said with a grin. “But ye’d better believe I’d never let a woman get in the way of me mission. I left her longin’ for me goods and headed down to live among the gods.”
Karl continued the story as Hadley projected images of everything from the festival to the descent into the caves and the battle beneath. The mystic did the best he could to paint the picture with all of the rearick’s embellishments. Finally the tale ended and the image faded. It returned a second later, only now it was the view from the bow of Unlawful as she flew toward the tower.
“And here’s where we came in and saved all yer sorry arses,” Karl reported, beaming with pride. “Good thing ye’ve got some badass fighters on yer side.”
Hadley zoomed in directly on Parker, who was kneeling on the rooftop, face twisted in fear and tears streaming down his dirty face.
“Screw you!” Parker yelled with a huge smile on his face. “That never happened!”
Hadley’s eyes turned back to their normal color as the image disappeared. He gave his friend a wink. “Neither did half the shit Karl was saying, but we finished our mission first and helped you finish yours, so I’d say I more than won our bet.”
Parker reached into the leather bag at his feet and pulled out a small pouch, tossing it to Hadley. “I’ve never been so happy to lose a bet before. When we get back to New Romanov, I’ll secure the gallon of ale. But I have to say, our mission was a bit tougher.”
“Bullshit,” Aysa laughed. “We had to fight demented carnivorous vampire wanna-be gods and a shit-ton of little people.”
“I have one word for you,” Laurel said. “Ghosts. Bitch-damned ghosts.”
Aysa shrugged. “OK, maybe you got us on that one.”
Hannah had been quietly enjoying watching and listening to her team all night, and finally she chimed in. “We were glad you showed up to help us finish the Muur, but we also couldn’t have done any of it without him.”
She pointed across the table at the newest member of the Bitch and Bastard Brigade. Aysa, Hadley, and Karl had been eyeing Vitali all night, still a little taken-aback by the Lynqi at their table.
“My pleasure,” he purred, holding up his glass of ale to the rest of the crew. “And thanks for letting me join you. I figured it was time to get out of the jungle for a while, and my father thinks that if I’m going to lead the Lynqi after him, I sure as hell better see the world a bit first.”
They all raised their glasses, toasting Vitali and his work to help secure the tech.
“Hey,” Parker finally asked, “where’s Gregory?”
Laurel laughed. “He’s holed up in his lab working on the power device. Says he wants to have it ready to go by the time we get back to Lilith.”
“Who’s going to fly the ship?”
Aysa jumped to her feet, nearly knocking the chair over as she did. “I finally get my big shot!”
Karl groaned. “Scheisse, time fer me ta get sick as hell again.”
“Won’t be nearly as bad as your hangover in Heema,” Hadley quipped.
“Mystic, if I told ye once, I told ye a thousand times. Rearick don’t get hung over!”
Through the laughter, Parker asked Hannah, “What’s next, Captain?”
Hannah looked at her team. “Next? Simple. We save Irth.”
Author Notes - Lee Barbant
Written 10/26/17
You guys….I have a favor to ask.
I don’t really have a personal story to share in this one...OK, that’s a lie. Baby Barbant has started loving book time which makes me the happiest person in the world. Currently, his favorite books are Little Pea and the satirical poems of John Donne. He’s a classy kid.
But the main thing I wanted to do in these author notes is ask you a question.
So...Hannah is the main character of this series. I figured that was obvious when we put her picture front and center every freaking book. And I love telling her stories. She’s smart, sassy, and she packs a punch. Her story lines basically write themselves.
But one of the interesting things (for me) about The Rise of Magic is the way in which these side characters have started taking on a life of their own. As I sit down to right our girl’s outline, I keep getting distracted thinking about Laurel, and Parker, and Gregory.
Now, I LOVE these characters, but we always get a little nervous when we focus on them, when the camera isn’t on Hannah the whole time. Normally it’s pretty minor, so it’s not a problem. But in Gods Beneath, Gregory and Karl’s arc really took on a life of its own. I think we spent more time with a focus off Hannah in this book than we ever have.
And my question is: Did you like it?
Or I guess the real question is, would you like it if we kept doing it?
I’m currently working on the outline for ROM Book 8, which rounds out our second arc. And there are several big decisions that our characters need to make at the end of that book. One of those questions is what to do next. At this point, we’ve pretty much decided that our team needs to spit up a little, in order to focus on different threats.
I mean, when you have that much badassery in one team, it’s not always the best use of your assets to stay together all the time.
So if that happens, and Hannah goes one way and characters X, Y, Z go another way, would you rather our books spent time on both fronts, so to speak, or just focus in on Hannah and the members of Team Triple B that stay with her?
It’s big question for me, because it will determine how we shape our third arc. And since you all have been such amazing fans, it only made sense to get your input (actually, it was Michael’s genius idea. He’s great.)
So! If you have an opinion about this, I’d love it if you popped on over to the Age of Magic Facebook page and lets us know. I’ll have a post waiting there for you titled, “Lee’s Big ROM Question,” and you can throw your insights, well wishes, and hate mail there. OK, maybe not hate mail. That can go directly to
And as always, if you enjoyed this book and want us to keep writing forever, please swing by Amazon on your way out and leave us a review. If not, I’ll kill of Sal.
Just kidding. That dragon’s gonna outlive us all.
the (true) Matriarch!
Author Notes - Chris Raymond
Written 10/28/17
Hey, everybody,
I’m sitting on my couch a little bleary eyed and happy as a rearick in the Dragon’s Lair to be home after a week on the road.
After finishing a couple of drinks, I realized that I needed to write these notes to you, and I have to tell you, it brings me a lot of joy!
I love the fans and partners in this little adventure more than you know, and releasing a new book in the Rise of Magic series tickles me every single freaking time. So, thanks for your continued support and for reading these little stories me and the boys are blessed to be able to write.
Where have I been?
I’m glad you asked.
Once I sent off our finished manuscript for this book and shipped it to our advanced readers (who are INCREDIBLY awesome, by the way), I took off my fiction author hat, and transformed into Dr. Raymond for an academic conference in Texas.
I don’t know if you’ve ever been to an academic conference (may the Matriarch bless your soul if you have), but it is a little different than writing and publishing in for Kurtherian readers.
Here’s how it works: Step One: Work your ass off grinding out a paper on something REALLY obscure, paying attention to every tiny detail. Step Two: Scrap everything that is fun (“You only have 15 minutes, Dr. Raymond”). Step Three: Rewrite paper three to four times. Step Four: Endure socially awkward interactions for three days while you sweat giving your paper to a slew of professional critics. Step Five: Give the paper to a room filled with tweed jackets and pretension (no offense to any other academics… but you know). Step Six: Hold your breath and wait for someone smarter than Gregory and Ezekiel put together to hand your ass to you for the detail you failed to investigate.
Fun, right?
(Well, in a twisted sort of way, it can be…sometimes.)
I gave my paper, it was fine, only a little piece of my ass got handed to me, and now it will likely languish on my hard drive until Bethany Anne returns to sort out the dross of this world, which will likely include exiling academic conferences and pretension to a deep, dark corner of hell (along with candy corn...I know that will draw some fire).
But I’m back. And I am back to you. And I am truly happy. Because writing Hannah’s story has fewer steps: Play with fun ideas and have Lee hand over a kick-ass outline filled with twists and turns and killer fights. Write. Publish. And smile, knowing that by now, if you’re in, you’re a reader digging the Rise of Magic.
Lee wanted my notes to go first, but I’m going to ignore him (as I do from time to time) because I wanted to chime in on the question he asked you all, and admit a little fear I have with this book...what we’ve started to refer to as the A Team and B Team.
It wasn’t intentional from the beginning, but as the story carried us along, and as we let the outline evolve, it was obvious that Gregory and his team were going to take a bit more ink than Hannah and hers.
Honestly, it made me nervous, but as we continued on the path, it just felt good. It felt right. And like Lee said, I think that we have accomplished something, because I LOVE the other characters A LOT.
I hope you do too.
OK, it’s late, so I need to wrap up these author notes, though I could go on for a long time. But one last little story.
One thing that is cool about going to academic conferences is that I often use it as a chance to get together with my other nerd friends who have, over the years, spread out around the country. This time around, I was with four other guys I really love.
As one of them drove the rental SUV (which was bigger than Texas) back to Dallas, three of us sat in the back (a mile away from the driver) and shared what we’ve been watching, reading, and listening to. I jotted notes on my phone, listing the books and shows that will fill my spare hours for the next bunch of months.
That’s great, right?
Good recommendations from friends you love?
It’s how I find most of the books/films I REALLY love. (And actually, I’m reading Lexicon right now, which was recommended to Lee and I by PT Hylton.)
So, I want request a little favor. Usually one of us asks you to write a review for the book when you finish. Please do. That’s great. But, I want to ask for something else. I’m wondering if you’d take the time and recommend the Rise of Magic to people on social media, around the water cooler, and wherever else you find lovers of strong heroines and occasional dick jokes. If you really want to ratchet it up, take a second and send an email to a group of friends.
We spend a good bit of resources on advertising to invite new readers into the series. Ads are powerful, but they are NOTHING like word of mouth from readers to readers.
Thanks for considering that, it means a lot to all of us.
Time to get some sleep… Book 8 isn’t going to write herself, and if we don’t change the ideas that we’re kicking around, she’s going to have one hell of an ending.
PS: If you have a cool story about sharing the series with a friend, drop us a line either in the sidebar comments on the Age of Magic FB page for all to see or send me a note ( I’d love to hear it!
Author Notes - Michael Anderle
Written October 29th, 2017
First, THANK You for not only reading this book, but getting past Lee’s question, Chris’ stories about academia (which really makes me wonder why people do it.) I mean, intelligent people (potentially) full of pretension working to rip something I wrote apart?
Sounds like some reviews, come to think about it.
I’m much more a supporter, than a ripper-aparter. However, this is probably where the term constructive criticism comes from.
Reminds me of a REALLY smart colleague I knew once upon a time. This person could find potential issues with any idea which was fine for a time, but ask for a potential solution around the issue they found?
Which is why when Lee asked about the issue related to Team A and Team B, I just said what works for me.
Ask the fans.
You fans have helped direct the path of the Kurtherian Gambit multiple times. If we, as authors just listen, you often give us the solution for the challenge when you present it in the first place. If you don’t, I’ll often just ASK and the fan who happened to point out the flaw, then offers the solution.
Ask, and ye shall receive indeed.
As I sit here in the Aria Hotel in Vegas (Lobby Bar) and type these author notes, I realize just how damned lucky I am to have been ignorant enough in how to do this author that I figured I would just ask you, the fans.
It has helped, on multiple occasions.
We are about to hit the big 2.0 (years old) for The Kurtherian Gambit and the biggest challenge, bar NONE, is what Chris mentioned in his notes.
How the hell do we market successfully?
We spend a lot of money to market, and I think a LOT of it is wasted, I just don’t know which part.
So, if I had anything that would be on my birthday wish as November 3rd comes around (the first day of sales for Death Becomes Her) it would be to solve the marketing problem.
Preferably with something amazing that fans love, that isn’t giving all the power to Facebook, Amazon or Bookbub (the advertisers).
I hope that as we go into the holiday season and cold weather, you and yours are able to sit down, and snuggle up with a fantastic book, taking you to places that fire up your imagination and provide new friends you look forward to visiting, each time a new book comes out.
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Also by CM Raymond and LE Barbant:
Steel City Heroes Saga
The Catalyst
The Crucible
The Casting
Jack Carson Stories
The Devil’s Due
The Devil’s Wager
The Devil You Know (Coming April 2017)
Don’t miss a single release by Barbant and Raymond. Sign up for news and giveaways:
Come hang out on the Rise of Magic Facebook page:
Michael Anderle
Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:
First Arc
Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)
Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)
Second Arc
We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)
Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)
Don’t Cross This Line (14)
Third Arc (2017)
Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)