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Fight Me

Page 4

by Lacey Black

  “You are without a doubt the most frustrating person I’ve ever met! You can’t just come in here and make yourself at home, bossing me around like you own the place!”

  As I’m standing mere inches from this petite little fireball, I have the overwhelming urge to kiss the shit out of her. I have to fight myself to keep my arms crossed at my chest. My fingers are itching and twitching to dive into her hair. I can’t help the smirk that crosses my lips as I say, “You’re really hot when you’re mad, you know that?”

  “Uhhhhhhhh!” Erin throws her hands up in the air and stomps out of the room. The last thing she hears as she leaves the room is the sound of my laughter.

  Chapter Four


  Seriously! How can one person be so pig-headed and narrow-minded? He doesn’t own me. I owe him nothing. Okay, so maybe that’s not entirely correct. He is downstairs changing the fitting on my sink so at the very least, I owe him a thank you.

  After leaving Jake to his task at hand, I escape to my home office to check my email. This is the only room I haven’t really worked on yet. I have so many things I want to do to really make it the perfect home office and library, but really have no idea where to start.

  As I sit down and boot up my email, I see the first one is from my mom. My mom has been contacting me through email lately which works fine for me because then I’m not stuck on the phone listening to her whine about my dad’s snoring or their strokes over par in golf.

  When dad finally retired from the military, they relocated to Florida and purchased a condo on a golf course. Neither one of them played golf, but they felt they deserved the full retirement lifestyle as a way of making up for their constant moving and relocating practically their entire adult lives. I am happy that they finally settled down somewhere. It’s just a shame that it was never with me.

  I hear a knock on the door and look up from my laptop. Jake is standing in the doorway, wiping his hands on a rag.

  “All done.”

  “Okay.” I stand up, set Miss Whiskers down on the floor, shut the laptop lid, and walk around my desk to stand in front of him. He’s somewhere around a foot taller than me so I have to look up to make eye contact. “Listen, Jake. I really appreciate your help in fixing the sink. You probably saved me a bunch of money from not having to call a plumber on the weekend. So, thank you.”

  Jake’s crystal blue eyes burn into mine. He’s quiet for several moments and I start to wonder if he’s going to talk at all, acknowledge anything I just said. I’m starting to get antsy and nervous as I look at this extremely good looking guy standing in my office. He really is hot. Too bad he’s a total tool.

  “I have an idea. How about to say thank you, you come with me to Avery and Maddox’s new place for dinner. My mom’s been cooking up a storm all afternoon and has a big spread planned.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t do that. That’s your family time.”

  “Don’t worry about that. Mom always makes plenty of food. And besides, there were a few other guys who helped them move today so they’ll be there too.”

  I mull it over in my head for a few moments. I’d love to go and see the rest of Jake’s family since it has been nearly twenty years. Jake’s mom was super nice to me that afternoon my parents and Jake’s parents met up to discuss the issue at school. But do I really want to be that close to Jake? Do I really want to put myself through more of his torture? “I have some work I need to do here at home, and - ” Jake cuts me off before I can finish my sentence.

  “Don’t say no, Erin. You’re new in town and probably don’t know too many people. You can hang out with and get to know my sister, Avery.”

  The thought of spending some time with another female does sound awfully nice right now. “Are you sure they won’t mind?”

  “No way. My mom’s a big fan of the saying ‘the more the merrier’.”

  “Well, if you think they won’t mind, then okay.”

  “Great. I’ll meet you at the front door.” And with that, Jake turns and walks out of the office.

  What did I just get myself into? I stand there in my office for a few minutes and try to collect my thoughts. I can’t believe I am going to have dinner with Jake’s family.

  When I walk into the foyer, Jake is patiently waiting by the door with his tools. “Ready to go?”

  “I can drive myself. I’ll just follow you to their place.”

  “Why? We’re both going to the same place.”

  “I don’t need you to shuttle me around. I can drive.”

  “I’m not denying that you couldn’t drive yourself. Why would you want to? Just get in my truck.”

  “This isn’t a date. If I want to leave, then I can.”

  “Why would you want to leave?”

  “Why do you keep countering everything I say with a question?”

  “Why do you insist on fighting me every step of the way?”

  “You are the most stubborn man I know, and I’m so tired of you thinking you know everything!”

  “I’m stubborn!?”

  “Absolutely! If it’s not your way, then it’s the wrong way!”

  Jake lets out a low growl and bends down to get right in my face. “Honey, your way is the most ass-backwards way I’ve ever seen! You want to fight with me just for the sake of fighting.”

  “Maybe it’s your approach. Did you ever think of that?”

  “What the hell is wrong with my approach?” Jake is standing at his truck, passenger door open as if waiting on me to jump in.

  “You don’t ask. You assume or boss. I’m not someone you can just tell what to do and I’ll do it. Maybe you should try asking, Jake? How about that?” I say, arms defiantly crossed at my chest.

  Jake lets out a loud sigh and drops his arms to his side. “Erin, why don’t we just ride together to my sister’s house? I’d be happy to drop you back off at home here when we’re done.”

  I stand there, looking at him for a few heartbeats before I answer. “Okay. As long as you’re okay with dropping me back off when we’re done.” And with that I hop up in the cab of his old pick-up.

  He’s staring at me, mouth gaping open. “Really? Just like that? I ask, you answer and hop up in my truck like it was no big deal?”

  “It’s your approach, Jake. Ask and you shall receive,” I say with a semi-sweet smile on my face.

  Jake shakes his head as he shuts the passenger door. I watch him walk around the cab of the truck and hop in the driver’s seat. He looks over at me one more time and shakes his head again.

  “You drive me crazy,” he says under his breath.

  “Well, don’t worry. The feeling is completely mutual,” I reply loudly. He throws his truck in reverse and heads out towards Avery’s new house. What did I just get myself into?


  When we reach what I assume is our final destination, Jake has to park down the street because of all the cars and trucks. The house is stunning. It’s big and has two huge bay windows on the front porch. I could definitely get comfortable in a house like this. You can hear the noise from down the block. It definitely sounds like there’s a party going on at this house.

  A little girl of maybe three or four comes running out the front door when we approach the steps. “Uncle Jake!”

  “Bean, what the heck are you doing out here without a coat on? Your mom is going to be very upset if you get sick. Do you remember how you had to go to the hospital a few months back when you got sick?” Jake picks up the little blue eyed, blond and snuggles her into his chest as he hurries inside the house.

  “Who dat?”

  “This is my friend, Erin. Can you say hi to her?”


  “Hi. And what is your name?”


  “Brooklyn is a beautiful name. It’s so nice to meet you,” I say as Jake sets his niece back down on the floor. He removes his coat and starts to make a grab for the collar of my coat.

  “I can do it,” I say as
I shake his hands off of my coat.

  “Fine. Just thought I’d be nice and help.”

  “You can try asking. You might get farther.”

  Before Jake can respond, we are joined in the foyer by an older version of the woman I met twenty years ago. “Erin Anderson, is that you, dear?” Mrs. Steven says as she leans forward and gives me a gentle motherly hug.

  “Hi, Mrs. Stevens. It’s so nice to see you again.”

  “Oh, please call me Elizabeth. I’m so glad you are joining us for dinner. It’ll be ready in just a few moments.”

  “Well thank you for having me. I know it’s sort of sudden, but…”

  “Oh, you just hush, dear. We always have plenty of food to go around. I’m used to making large meals for my growing boys and their friends,” she says as she pats Jake’s stomach.

  “Why don’t you come into the kitchen with me and Avery, and Jake can go help the guys move the furniture in the living room.”

  “Mom,” Jake says in a tone laced with warning.

  “Jake, don’t you worry, honey. We’ll be just fine without you.” She gives me a wink as she steers me towards the kitchen. “I think he’s afraid I’m going to show you his naked baby pictures or tell you all about his embarrassing moments as a child,” she says with a grin. “It’ll have to wait until you come to my house, dear. I just don’t carry them all with me anymore.”

  I can’t help but laugh. If I was going to be spending more time with this family, I could definitely see myself enjoying my time with Mrs. Stevens. But, I don’t plan on it. I don’t plan on spending any more time with Jake Stevens. Well, except for tonight. But, it’s just a way of saying thanks for helping me with my sink. After tonight, no more time with Jake.

  “Mom, all the side salads are out. Oh, I’m sorry. Who’s this?” A beautiful blond several inches taller than me is standing at the kitchen island removing lids from a bunch of plastic bowls.

  “This is Erin Anderson. She came with Jake.” I sense the happiness in her voice as she tells her daughter.

  “Jake invited me over since he just finished fixing my sink. I’m not with Jake,” I defend.

  Avery looks at me with a big smile on her face. “I like this one already.”

  “Me too, honey,” Mrs. Stevens adds with a coy smile.

  I stand there staring at the two ladies in front of me feeling like there’s something more going on here.

  “What?” I finally ask.

  “Oh nothing, dear. Jake just never brings girls to family dinners.”

  “Like never,” Avery adds. “The last girl he brought over was that tramp in college. You remember her, mom? The one who was hitting on Nate by the end of the night?”

  “Of course I remember, dear. But that has nothing to do with the now.” Mrs. Stevens turns her attention back to me as she goes about final preparations for the meal. “So, Erin. What have you been up to since we saw you last?”

  “Well, after I left Rivers Edge, I went to live with my grandma in Jackson, Mississippi. I graduated there and then went on to college earning my Masters in Library Science. I’m still in touch with a friend I went to school with here, so when she mentioned that Mrs. Masterson was retiring, I decided to check into the position. I loved it in Jackson but after my grandma died, I realized I wanted to return to a smaller town. So here I am.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. But, I’ll be honest, we are so glad you are back. You were always the nicest child.”

  “Yeah, until Jake ruined her,” Avery replied. My heart starts to beat a little faster and my palms start to sweat. I hate being reminded of that horrible day twenty years ago.

  “That’s old water under the bridge, Avery. Erin is over that incident, I’m sure.” Mrs. Stevens turned her full attention back to me. “Not that I’m condoning what he did, dear. He was completely in the wrong, and you had every right to be upset and angry.”

  I don’t really know how to reply. Am I over the incident? Nope. I still loath Jake Stevens. Before I have to reply, Maddox comes in the back door with a platter full of hamburgers and hotdogs. “Hey, Erin. It’s good to see you,” he says as he sets the platter on the counter in front of his fiancée. He gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. Avery’s smile could blind a person it’s so big. You can feel the love and happiness radiating off of them. It makes me feel little tinges of jealousy which just makes me feel like a horrible person. No one deserves to be happy like Maddox and Avery. I’ve heard a few stories about their past and the love story that led up to today. They seem great together.

  “Hi, Maddox. Thanks for including me in dinner tonight.”

  Maddox gives Avery a questioning look before she says, “Jake brought her.” The smile never leaves her face.

  “Really? Well, isn’t that interesting. I better go see what ol’ Jake is up to, shouldn’t I?”

  “He just brought me because he was helping with my sink,” I defend but it’s no use. He’s already walking towards the living room with a smug smile on his face.

  “Avery, why don’t you call the guys all in here for dinner?” Mrs. Stevens turns to me as Avery leaves the room. “Sorry it’s just burgers and dogs tonight. I usually make a large meal but I didn’t want Avery’s new house trashed any more than it already is. Sometimes using the grill is the simplest way.”

  “No worries here. I love hamburgers.”

  Several guys start filing into the kitchen at that moment, so I take that opportunity to step away from the island, back and out of the way. I recognize Jake’s dad, Michael, right away. He’s much older and graying a little at the temples, but he still has the same, friendly demeanor that he had when I was in seventh grade.

  “You must be Erin. I’m Will, one of Jake’s brothers - the middle child actually.” Will is almost as tall as Jake, but not nearly as broad. He has the same blue eyes, but he wears glasses. He has the bookworm look to him that I can relate to instantly.

  “Hi, Will. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” We’re joined quickly by another tall guy with the same blue eyes but light brown hair.

  “I’m Travis, the youngest brother. Nice to meet you,” he says as he extends his hand.


  “And that one over there already digging into the food is Nate. You might remember him from school,” Will throws in.

  “Yeah, I think he was a year younger than me.”

  Just then my attention is drawn to the doorway when Jake and Maddox walk in. They’re both tall with broad shoulders and radiate authority. Jake’s eyes crash into mine and it feels like the room shifts. Why do I have this reaction to him? It’s Jake Stevens for crying out loud. That’s just it. It’s Jake Stevens. Tall, tone, and devastatingly handsome. He’s also the one person I despise the most.

  I look away quickly as the rest of the family dives into the food set out on the island buffet-style. Avery is making a plate for Brooklyn, and Will and Travis are putting folding chairs up around the kitchen.

  “Better get up there and make a plate before these guys grab all the food.” I turn to face a very good looking guy. He’s not as tall as the Stevens’ boys or as broad. He has softer, gentler features, and he’s honestly pretty hot. “Hi. I’m James.”

  “I’m Erin. Nice to meet you.” So this is James, huh? Not bad. The problem is that even though he rates pretty high on the hot-o-meter, I don’t feel any reaction to him. Not to the feel of his eyes on my body. Not to the feel of his hand holding mine as we shake hands. Nothing.

  “You too. I hear you had some troubles with your sink. Did you get it fixed?”

  Before I can answer, I sense a presence approach behind me. My entire body is hyper-aware of Jake’s presence. It’s like my spidey-sense goes off and things start to tingle. “She’s all set. I helped her out and took care of it.” Jake’s tone is a little clipped with a no-nonsense edge to it.

  James smiles at me, then at Jake. “Well, I’m glad she’s all fixed up.
If you ever need help again, you are welcome to call me. I’m just down the road from you.”

  “She’ll be fine, James. I got it.” Well, now he’s just pissing me off.

  “I can answer for myself, Jake.” I turn towards James and give him a friendly smile. “Thank you so much for the offer. It’s nice to have someone close who can help if I should ever need it.”

  James looks back and forth between me and Jake several times before he laughs and gives me a little nod as he walks away to grab some food.

  “Why did you do that?” I demand under my breath so we don’t attract attention from his family.

  “Do what?”

  “Take charge of my life and make that decision for me. I might need his help someday. You don’t get to make the choice of who helps me and who doesn’t.”

  “Darlin’, you don’t want his help, trust me.”

  “Why not? He seems like a nice enough guy.”

  “Oh, he’s nice enough. But he’s just looking for something he can’t have.”

  “And what is that?” I spit back at him.

  “You.” Jake never takes his eyes off of mine, burning straight through my corneas.

  “And why can’t he have me? I don’t belong to anyone.”

  He leans in so that we’re almost nose to nose. I can feel his breath against my lips and my tongue automatically darts out to wet them. “That’s the thing, darlin’. You do belong to someone. You just don’t realize it yet,” he says, the corner of his lip turning upwards in the most cocky, yet delicious way. I swallow hard as he stands up straight and walks towards the food.

  I have no idea why my body reacts the way it does to him. I’m just glad he doesn’t know.

  As I walk up behind him to grab a plate of food, he turns his full-watt smile on me. His eyes twinkle with mischief and knowledge. Ok, maybe he does know. Damn it.

  The only two chairs left open are over by the dining room entryway so I head over and have a seat. I’m starting to chat with Travis when Jake comes and sits next to me. I can feel his leg pressed firmly against mine. I try to scoot over and limit the contact, but there’s just no room to maneuver. Electricity shoots through my leg, straight to my lower stomach. Just one little contact from him has me practically panting and wanting to rub against him like a cat in heat. What the heck is wrong with me?


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