Book Read Free

Fight Me

Page 14

by Lacey Black

  “It doesn’t hurt?”

  “Nope. It actually feels better having that thing off.”

  Erin goes over and grabs a glass out of the cabinet and fills it with tap water. “So, what are we doing tonight?” she asks as she takes a drink of water.

  “Well, I thought we’d go somewhere for dinner and then maybe bowling,” I say as I reach out for her hand.

  “Bowling? No way! You’re supposed to be taking it easy.”

  “Bowling isn’t strenuous. I only need one hand to throw a ball down the lane and my right arm is fine. Besides, my strength is coming back in my left arm and it doesn’t hurt as much to move it around. I’m on the mend, babe.”

  “But you have a head injury.”

  “And I’m not bouncing the bowling balls off my head, darlin’. I’ll be fine. I want to do something fun with you.” I stand right in front of her, link my fingers into hers and lean down to bring my lips to hers. “I promise I’ll take it easy.”

  She sighs against my lips. “If I see one sign of you being in pain, we’re leaving, Jacob Andrew Stevens,” she says in her best stern librarian voice.

  “I love it when you get all bossy. And you have a deal. If I misbehave, you can bring me home and punish me.”

  She laughs against my lips and it sends zings of lust straight down south to my belt. I’d much rather throw her over my shoulder and carry her to my bed, but I know there’s no way she’ll go for that quite yet. Soon. Very soon. “Let’s go get ready for dinner then.”

  Erin throws me an “okay” over her shoulder as she heads back towards my room. Oh how I wish she was heading back there to stay. I never, ever thought I’d be okay with that thought. But the image of Erin walking back to my room with a bag makes me happier than I’ve ever been. Now I just need to figure out how to make it a permanent image.

  We opt to go to Slices Pizzeria for supper since our last outing to Laverne’s Steakhouse didn’t go so well with Lauren working there. If I’m being honest with myself, I could have troubles in just about every restaurant in this city and several around it. I’ve had my share of short term girlfriends and one night stands, but for the first time in my life, I’m actually considering changing that entire image. I might be actually considering my first major relationship with Erin. Okay, so I have been considering it for a few days now.

  Technically, I’m probably already in one with her. I’m not seeing anyone else, and as far as I know, neither is she. Which, now, makes me think about Erin dating someone else. Does she think we’re in a relationship? That we’re monogamous?

  “Hey, so I wanted to ask… I mean, I wanted to let you know that I’m not seeing anyone. You know that, right?”

  Erin looks over with a curious look on her face. The wheels inside that beautiful head are definitely turning now. “Yeah, I guess I assumed you weren’t seeing anyone else. Why? Are you seeing someone else?” The panicked look on her face betrays her cool and calm exterior she generally tries to keep in place.

  “Hell no! I just wanted to make sure you knew that I’m with you and you alone. That’s all.”

  “Oh, okay. That’s good.”

  “And you? Are you seeing anyone else?”

  Erin laughs. “Uhhh, no. There’s no one else, Jake. I wasn’t even looking for a relationship when you came along.”

  “Why? Why weren’t you looking for a relationship?”

  “Well, they just never seemed to work out so well for me in the past. The guys I’ve always dated were more interested in establishing their careers or their schooling to make me much of a priority. I always said when it was time for my next relationship that I would make sure I was a priority in his life.”

  “Do you feel like a priority in mine?”

  She doesn’t answer me right away which makes me a little nervous and uneasy. “Erin, answer me.”

  “I do. I just… I just don’t know how long it will last,” she says so quietly that I almost can’t hear her.

  I pull into the pizzeria, throw my truck in park, and turn to look at her. “Erin. I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t exactly had many relationships in my life. I’ve never done long term or serious. You are the first girl that has made me feel like I want to change that, and I want to be a better person for you. I want to try a real relationship with you and only you.”

  I search her eyes, looking for any sign that she understands what I’m telling her. She finally smiles a little smile and gives me a small “okay”.

  “Just promise me that you will always tell me what you’re feeling and answer me honestly. Even if you think it’s something I don’t want to hear, please just always say it. Deal?”


  “Alright,” I say as I lean over and kiss her soft lips. “Let’s go get some pizza. I’m starving.”

  Inside, we’re seated at a booth in the busy pizzeria. The lighting is bright and the décor is trendy. There are old road signs and local memorabilia hanging from every available wall space in the large open room. Our server looks a little frazzled as she hustles from booth to booth taking drink and pizza orders. When she finally makes it over to our booth, she takes one look at me and her whole demeanor changes. She instantly smiles and starts to bat her eyelashes. I used to love this reaction from ladies wherever I went. Now, it’s annoying as hell, and I don’t want Erin to bear witness to it.

  “Hey, Jake. How have you been?”

  “Uh, good. You?” I don’t really care, but I don’t want to be an ass. Plus, I recognize her a little but can’t place from where. That never works out so well in the long run.

  “Oh, you know. Same ol’, same ol’. I haven’t seen you at Jack’s lately.” She turns her flirty face into one of concern. “I heard you got shot! Oh my gosh, I’m soooo glad you’re okay!” She runs her hand up my forearm to my bicep, stopping on top of the bandage. “Does it hurt?”

  “Not too much anymore,” I say as I start to pull back, feeling all sorts of uncomfortable in the current situation - with her hand on me.

  Pizza Girl has yet to even acknowledge Erin sitting right next to me. When I look over at Erin, she has a look on her face that clearly shows her disgust and shock in the server’s boldness. I reach over and link my fingers with hers.

  “So, I’m off tomorrow night. I hear its Maddox’s bachelor party. Maybe you can give me a call after the party starts to wind down. I’d be happy to continue to entertain you,” she says and bats her eyelashes again at me.

  I hear Erin’s audible gasp as she tries to pull back her hand. Oh, hell no! “Yeah, sorry- ” I look down at her name tag and see the name Jen – “Sorry, Jen. But I’ll only be going home tomorrow night or any other night with my girlfriend here. This is Erin.”

  Jen seems to notice Erin sitting next to me for the first time and gives her a quick once over. I feel Erin pulling away from me and I pull her hand over to my leg, steeling my grip on her hand so she can’t pull away.

  “Girlfriend?” she asks. “Well, I’m sure that’ll last a few more days. When you’re tired of the good girl librarian, give me a call, Jake. We always had a great time together.” And with that, Jen turns and walks away from our table.

  Holy Shitballs! Could this possibly get any worse? I turn quickly to Erin, but she’s looking down and not making eye contact with me. I have no clue what to say.

  “Erin, - ” I start but she interrupts.

  “I’m not feeling so well, Jake. Can we just head out?”

  “Of course. I’m not hungry anymore for pizza. Let’s go get something somewhere else.”

  I grab Erin’s coat as we slide out of the booth. I try not to even look at Jen, but she’s standing near the server’s station by the entrance to the dining room. She’s clearly talking about me or Erin with another server. I reach down and grab a hold of Erin’s hand and lace my fingers through hers. She doesn’t pull away, but I can tell something’s different. She doesn’t respond the way she normally does when we hold hands.

Outside in the cool air, I feel like I can’t breathe. She’s obviously pissed, and rightfully so. I just don’t know how to fix this and make it right.

  Once we’re settled in the truck, I turn to her and try to talk. “Okay, so obviously I know that girl, too. I’m sorry about what she said.”

  “You can’t help the way some people react to me or us. You’ve slept with half this town, Jake. I just don’t know how to deal with that. Or, honestly, even if I can,” she whispers.

  Panic starts to set in at the thought of losing Erin over my wayward past. “First off, I haven’t slept with half the town, Erin.” Her eyes crash into mine, eyebrow shooting straight to the roof of the truck. “And second, what the hell does that mean? You don’t know if you can deal with what?”

  She sighs again and turns away. “I like quiet. Simple. I don’t know if I can handle everyone being all up in my business, Jake. I don’t want them talking about me, knowing things about my personal life. I want privacy, Jake.”

  “I can’t help it if someone talks about you or me anymore than you can help it. I can’t change my past, Erin. I can only help my future. And right now, all I want is to see what the future holds for you and me.”

  She stares at me for a few minutes, mulling over my words in her beautiful head. I find myself holding my breath waiting for her to respond.

  “Do I sound like a crazy possessive girlfriend, right now?” she asks with a small smile.

  I smile back at her. “You sound like someone who doesn’t want everyone knowing our business. And that’s just what this is to me, our business. What happens between you and me is ours, not hers or anyone else’s. You are beautiful, smart, funny, stubborn as hell, and ungodly sexy. I don’t care if no one else can see that. That’s actually good for me because then I have you all to myself and don’t have constant competition to fight off.”

  She laughs. “You don’t have to worry about that. I haven’t had anyone beating down my door for…well, ever.”

  I lean forward and brush my lips across hers because, frankly, I can’t help but want to feel her lips on mine. “Let’s eat,” I finally say after a very satisfying kiss that leaves me yearning for more.

  “Is that a question or a demand?” she asks, irritation laced in her question.

  “Both. I’m starving. I know you’re starving, so let’s go eat.” I throw my truck in reverse and head out of the pizzeria parking lot.

  I could care less where we go to eat, just as long as we’re there together. In the past, I’ve never really enjoyed sharing meals with women. The forced small talk and the cheesy time-filling question and answer session; it’s all a big waste of time. At least, that’s how I felt during it, so I avoided it at all costs. But not with Erin. With Erin, I want to spend as much time with her as possible, getting to know what makes her happy and sad. I just want to spend it with Erin.

  Chapter Twelve


  Despite being snuggled up against Jake all night, I didn’t get the best night of sleep. My mind kept repeating what that server said to Jake about me being a good girl librarian. That’s my job. So maybe I can’t be a bad girl librarian out in public. But, I can be a bad girl librarian at home. Right?

  So, after Jake and I eat a quick bite of Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast and down a pot of coffee, I decide that it’s time for me¸ Erin Sophia Anderson, to channel my inner bad girl.

  I don’t have any close friends here really, and the thought of doing this alone terrifies me on more than one level, so as soon as I can come up with an excuse to get out of the house without Jake – telling him I got called in to help my part timer with a few things at the library - I take off towards Avery and Maddox’s. I need girl help, and I need it now!

  When I pull into their driveway, I feel the nerves take root deep in my belly. I’ve always been more of the Plain Jane type and that’s always worked for me. Case in point: my white cotton bras and white cotton panties. Living dangerously has always been wearing a pair of printed cotton panties. Stand back, folks…Erin Anderson is wearing pastel plaids! But, now I want to be sexy and desired for myself as much as for Jake.

  Jake has never, ever made me feel less than desirable. If anything, he makes me feel completely and utterly desirable and appreciated despite my basic, Plain Jane appearance. But, this is something that I want to do for me. I need to do this for me.

  So, I pull up my big girl panties, raise my chin, and walk up Avery and Maddox’s front walk towards their door. It doesn’t take Maddox but a few seconds to answer as soon as I knock. “Hi, Maddox. Is Avery here?”

  “Yeah, come on in,” he says as he opens the door widely for me to enter.

  “Ave, Erin’s here,” he yells as he shuts the door behind me.

  A few moments later, Avery comes down the stairs with a big smile on her face. “Well, this is a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see you until the party tonight.”

  “That’s actually why I’m here. I need your help with something.” I look at Maddox, not really wanting to continue this conversation while he’s standing here.

  “I see where I’m not wanted. I’ll go up and check on Brooklyn,” Maddox says as he heads up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

  “So, what’s up? You’re still coming tonight, right?’ she asks with a little panic laced in her voice.

  “Yes, I’m still coming. I just need to ask you a question.”

  “Okay, shoot.”

  “Ummm, okay, so if you wanted to seduce Maddox, what exactly would you wear?” I ask, my voice very small. I can’t even make eye contact with her for fear that I’ll die of embarrassment.

  “Well, every guy has different tastes and likes. I’m assuming you’re talking about lingerie, right?” Avery waits while I shake my head up and down.

  “Okay, well Maddox likes black lace so I tend to wear black lace matching bra and panty sets. I also have this black corset thingy that makes him lose his mind every time I wear it. It comes in very handy when I need to get him to agree easily to something,” she adds with a gleam in her eyes.

  “Okay. That helps. Thanks for the suggestions, Avery. I’ll see you tonight,” I say as I turn towards the door.

  “Wait. Where are you going?” she asks as she turns me back around to face her. “First off, let’s pretend that you’re not asking me this with the sole purpose of seducing my brother. Let’s go with the name Jeff. And Jeff is not my brother, okay?” she asks with a laugh. “Maddox?” she yells up the stairs.

  Maddox appears a few moments later and descends the stairs. “What’s up, babe?”

  “I’m making a trip to the mall with Erin. Can you watch Brooklyn for a bit while I run out?”

  “You’re going now? The bachelor and bachelorette parties are in a few hours,” he comments as he checks the time on his watch.

  “I know. I’ll be back in plenty of time. We’re running to the lingerie store at the mall in St. Charles,” Avery says as she grabs her coat.

  “Really?” he asks, eyebrows raises with a wolfish grin spread wide across his handsome face. “Do you want my credit card?”

  “I already have your checkbook, love.” Avery leans in and kisses Maddox passionately before turning towards me. “We’ll be back shortly. Love you, babe.”

  “Take your time. Browse around and make sure you check everything out thoroughly. If you can’t decide between a few things, just get them all. You can model them later,” he says with a big smile. “Love you too,” he mumbles as he leans in and gives Avery another very passionate kiss that promises dirty things later tonight. And with that we’re out the door and heading towards the mall in St. Charles to purchase something sexy for my man…Jeff.

  The thirty minute ride to St. Charles goes quickly when you’re listening to Avery talk about next week’s big wedding. In the past, I hated getting into wedding conversations with bride-to-be’s. I never cared about their choice of flowers or dresses, the venues or the menu. But when Avery is filling m
e in on every detail of her big day, I can’t help but feel the excitement right along with her. I’m truly excited and happy for her and Maddox.

  “Which reminds me, I have a question for you. Will you help be my personal assistant next Saturday? I realize now that I can’t do everything myself, and I need to relinquish some control over certain aspects of the wedding.”

  “What kind of things?” I ask.

  “Well, help me make sure that the guys are ready and where they’re supposed to be. Pin a few boutonnieres and corsages. Make sure everything is set up and ready to go before the guests arrive at the church.”

  “I’d be honored to do that for you. Anything I can do to help you!”

  “Really? Okay, thank you soooo much! I know it’s a small wedding, but I’m terrified that something major is going to go wrong or that I’m forgetting a major detail. If I have someone I know and trust looking over some of those details, I know I’ll be able to settle down and relax a little that day.”

  Avery trusts me? That thought brings a smile to my face. We haven’t known each other very long, but in the short amount of time I’ve known her, I’ve come to think of her as a good friend. A sister. Heck, maybe someday we will be sisters.

  WOOOOOO! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Erin. Jake and I aren’t even close to wedding bells so let’s hold the horse and back it up a bit.

  When we pull into the packed mall parking lot, Avery is fortunate enough that someone is backing out of an up-fronty near the entrance closest to the lingerie store. She’s practically pulling me along behind her as we make our way inside.

  It doesn’t take but a few minutes before we’re walking through the open doors of the store. Everywhere I look are bras and panties; negligees and teddies. There are so many styles to choose from that my brain in on total overload as I scan the variety of undergarments.

  “Come over here,” Avery says as she drags me to a section filled with bra and panty sets.


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