Book Read Free


Page 23

by M. J. Fields

Carly smiled at her and pulled her onto her lap.

  “You shouldn’t be lifting,” Jase scolded.

  Carly hugged Bella and glared at Jase.

  Momma Joe had tears immediately. She got up and walked over and hugged Jase and then Carly.

  “This is truly a blessing. Thank you Carly,” she kissed each of her cheeks and then rubbed her belly.

  Carly smiled, “Thanks.”

  Professor Higgins got up and hugged her.

  “You’ll be a grandfather,” Carly whispered.

  “Your mother must be so happy,” he whispered back.

  We all gave her a hug and Jase as well. He was scared, I cant say as if I could blame him but what happened to Bella’s Momma wasn’t normal. Carly would be fine, better than fine.

  Tara smiled. “My turn?”

  Cyrus nodded.

  “Cyrus and I want to get married on Valentine’s Day so I’m thankful for that. We also want to start right away giving Bella and her sibling cousins, so I’m thankful for that, too.”

  Cyrus took her hand and kissed it.

  I looked down at Bekah and she looked like Jase, pale and uncomfortable. It didn’t hit me until just then that it must be hard on her hearing all this.

  Professor Thomas stood. “I’m thankful that Carly is having a child and that she is part of an amazing family. Your Mom would be very proud of you, Carly.”

  Christoff stood. “I’m thankful that I’m here to be part of all this commotion, it’s been very entertaining for the most part. I’m thankful for the feast laid before us.”

  Bekah looked around and then stood. “I’m thankful for the hospitality and um, my new job that starts tomorrow that gives me the opportunity to finish my degree.”

  “What’s your degree in, Bekah?” Momma asked.

  “Design.” Bekah smiled.

  “I hope it’s a paid internship. Steel offers them if it’s not.” Momma smiled.

  “I applied at Steel, but wasn’t accepted.”

  Momma looked at me, and I looked down. Oh shit.

  “Why were you turned down?”


  “No Zandor. Bekah, why were you turned down?”

  Bekah looked at me and cocked her eyebrow. “No, please Joe, let Zandor answer that.”

  Momma was looking at me, I didn’t even have to look up to know it. “It wasn’t what she wanted.”

  “Did she tell you this?”

  “No, but…”

  “But nothing Zandor, you fix this or I will.”

  I heard Bekah laugh and looked down at her. “No, it’s a blessing actually. I was contacted by a company from overseas who must have found me on Linked In. They offered me a job, and yes, it pays very well.”

  “Do you have to travel for it?”

  I looked up and Momma was giving me that I know you are hiding something look.

  “No, actually it’s local. Well about fifteen miles outside of town. I think it used to be a dance club of some sort. Sisters something. The owner’s remodeling it.”

  “Oh, that’s nice dear. And what will it become?”

  I looked back up at Momma who was looking at Bekah and then her eyes came back to me. I looked away quickly seeking safety in brotherhood. Cyrus was looking down and so was Jase. I looked up at Tara who seemed to be trying to figure it out and then quickly away. I glanced at Carly who was peering over Bella’s head with a shit-ass grin on her face.

  “I can’t really discuss it. I had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.”

  I was still looking at Carly who laughed and Momma looked toward her.

  “Everything alright, Carly?” Momma asked her still with the eyes burning into me.

  “Yeah, hey Bella hop down and feel this.” Carly lifted her shirt and took Bella’s hand and held it tight to her stomach.

  “Oh, oh, wow, Daddy! It’s, oh there it is again. Feel it, Daddy. Feel it!”

  Jase closed his eyes as he knelt before her. Bella lifted her hand and Jase placed his in the same spot. No words had to be spoken when that baby kicked, Jase’s eyes darted up to hers.

  “Does it hurt, Baby?”

  Carly shook her head no and rubbed his cheek.

  He let out a breath he must have been holding since he walked out of the bathroom. Everyone turned to look at him.

  “Did you feel my mother’s belly when I was in it?”

  “No Bella, I wish I had though.”

  “You get to now.”

  Carly smiled at the interaction between the two of them.

  Jase sat back, his hand still on her belly and finally smiled at Carly. “What’s it feel like?”

  “Butterfly kisses.” She smiled and held her hand above his.



  He leaned forward and pulled her shirt up more. He kissed her belly and then fanned his eyelashes against her skin.

  “Tell him they’re from me?”

  “She already knows.”

  “He already knows?”

  Carly laughed. “Are we gonna fight about this, too?”

  “Aww for crying out loud, the turkey is getting cold. Jase cover up your girl’s boobs would ya before I come over there and give that baby a kiss.” Xavier laughed.

  “Hey, little baby, Daddy is gonna kick Uncle Xavier’s ass if he ever says some shit like that again.” Jase kissed her belly again and pulled her shirt down. “Watch it X.”

  “Hard not to see those things have grown. How the hell did you not know? Her t…”

  “Hey knucklehead, watch the language, there’s a baby in her belly.” Bella snapped at Xavier.

  I laughed at her and then thankful for the attention being off of me yelled, “Let’s eat!”

  After dinner was finished and dessert was over, we all cleaned up. Xavier was on the couch passed out which is exactly where I would have been had it not been for the surprise guest. I was sobered up now and not feeling as confident as I was before.

  Everyone was giving me looks. They all knew something was up even Momma Joe. I avoided her like the plague. She was quietly chatting with Professor Thomas most of the night anyway. Jase was a little less overemotional than before but I understood why he would be scared.

  Tara was perched on Cyrus’s lap and Bekah was looking at an album with Bella. Christoff or Chris as Bekah calls him was flipping through the channels to find the late football game. I went and sat next to Bekah and leaned over and sniffed her neck.

  “You did that already. I heard you when you walked in.”

  “I thought I was imagining things.” I leaned over and looked at the photo album.

  Bella was pointing everyone out to her as she flipped through the pages and Bekah was acting very interested.

  Bella sat the book on her lap. “Hold this I gotta pee.”

  Bekah smiled when she ran off and then sat back. “I’m gonna get going soon.”

  “No.” I kissed her cheek. “Stay please.”

  “How about you come stay with me?”

  “Say that again.” I was hoping I didn’t look as stunned as I was.

  “You heard me.” she smiled and looked down.

  “So did…”

  “I didn’t say I was going to put out.”

  I smiled. “Alright, what exactly am I in for?”

  “I want you to cuddle the fuck out of me.”

  “Ladies don’t say that.” I was checking out her tits and not trying to hide it either.

  “Yes or no?”

  “Hmm, do me a favor?”

  “Ask away.” she smiled.

  “I promise to cuddle the fuck out of you if you tell me a secret desire that’s so dirty it turns you on to admit it.”

  Her face blushed immediately. “You are a very bad man.”

  “Not bad, Bekah, honest with myself. I have enjoyed this evening with you so much that I swear I fell in love with you on a totally different level.”

  She smiled. “You can save it, I’m pretty sure you’re gonn
a get some tonight.”

  “How about tomorrow?”

  “Depends.” she smiled.

  “On what?”

  “Your performance.” she winked.

  “Seriously it’s only been a week, Kitten. Please tell me my performances are not that forgettable?”

  “Will you let me drive?”

  “Will you let me fondle you while you drive?”

  “Will I be able to stop you?”

  “Probably not. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Bella hugged and kissed Bekah. “You’ll be back?”

  “Of course.” Bekah gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Don’t keep her away.” Bella hugged me.

  “I can’t promise you anything. I may keep her locked up somewhere.”

  “You can’t!” She giggled.

  “Yeah I know.”

  We got in the SUV and I had my hands on her tits in less than two point two seconds.

  “God I’ve missed you.”

  “Me or my tits?”

  “Both Kitten, fuck!”

  She started the SUV and Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood came on. I pulled that sweater back and lifted the cami exposing a black lace bra. I nipped at her very alert nipples.

  “Easy Zandor,” she whimpered.

  “They’re begging for it, kitten.”

  “I need to focus, I’m driving.”

  I sat up and hissed and she reached over and rubbed my leg. “Sorry.”

  “Higher,” I growled.

  “Here.” She giggled as she rubbed the outline of my cock through my pants.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think I love it.”

  “You think you love my cock, Kitten?”

  “I’m pretty sure.”

  “You’re fucking killing me.”

  “Okay fine, I love your cock, Zandor Steel.”

  I laughed. “Perfect, it loves you too, Kitten.”

  “How long before we…” she stopped stroking me and I looked over as she squeezed her knees together.

  “You gonna get off by strokin’ me, kitten? The thought of my cock makes you that fucking hot?”

  “Yes, no.” She gripped the steering wheel tighter.

  “Which is it, Kitten? Touching my cock?”

  “Zandor, don’t.”

  I pulled myself free from my pants and reached over and brought her hand to me.

  “Oh fuck!”

  “In a few minutes. Hang on and don’t let go. Eyes on the road.” She gripped tighter and I groaned. “That’s it, Kitten.”

  Counting Stars


  I was trembling I wanted him so badly, and it should have been embarrassing, but it wasn’t. I was gone, done, there was nothing that would ever bring me back out of this hole that consumed me. He was my blessing and my curse. He could breathe life into me and take it away just as quickly. When I was not near him I could be strong, but was still consumed by the thought of him. When I was with him, I felt whole and desired more than I ever had in my life.

  “Kitten, pull over please.” His voice was calm and I looked over. “It’s better that you pull over.”

  I looked out the window and I was in the middle of the road and had missed my turn.

  I pulled over and he held my hands in his and kissed them. “We need to switch places.”

  “Are you sure you’re alright to drive?”

  “Yeah. Four hours, a full belly, and my head is more clear than ever before. I told you I loved you last night and I meant it. I told you I loved you even more today and I meant it. But I need to be sure before anything more happens that you know everything there is to know about me. I mean everything. No more touching and no more talking.”

  He got out and walked around the SUV and opened the door. He smiled and nodded his head toward the passenger seat.

  I moved over and he got in and pushed his erection back in his pants. My mouth immediately went dry. He hit a few buttons on the radio and Counting Stars filled the vehicle.

  I reached over, needing to know he still wanted me and he held my hand against his chest. His heart was pumping fast and hard. I leaned back into the seat and closed my eyes trying to ignore the burning between my legs.

  The song ended and began again. I looked over and looked in his cinnamon eyes. His focus was intense. He wasn’t thinking about the same thing I was, he couldn’t be, or he could have pulled over and taken me any way he wanted me.

  Fifteen minutes later, he was pulling into a dark parking lot of a seemingly abandoned building.

  He rolled his neck, stretching out the tension he was carrying.

  He kissed my hand and set it on my lap. He got out and walked to the entrance of the building, it was dark and I couldn’t see what he was doing. After a minute, the entrance door was opened and a dim light was shining around him.

  He opened the door and took my hand. I followed him into the building. He shut the door behind him and locked it, trapping us in a ten by ten area that had been newly painted. He punched in a code on the keypad and I heard the door unlock. He opened it and motioned for me to walk in.

  I walked into an area that was at least four thousand square feet of all new construction. He watched, giving me time to take it all in. I looked at him and he took my hand and led me to one of the rooms at the back of the building near the grand staircase.

  He opened the door and turned on the light.

  He walked over and sat on the desk. “Come sit for a moment?”

  I sat next to him and he smiled at me. “I’ve pulled some crazy shit, and somehow you trusted me enough to come here with me. What I’m going to tell you may make you run and not come back. But I need to tell you because it’s part of who I am. It’s part of what I need to feel complete, and you need to understand that you are the only person in the entire universe that fits into this for me anymore.”

  “Zandor, I’m confused.”

  “That’s understandable. I will make it all clear to you but promise you’ll hear me out and not try to take off.”


  “You didn’t get the internship at Steel because I didn’t want to share you with anyone else for eight or nine hours a day. I made sure you didn’t get it. I also made sure you had something else, a different way of finishing school, while using your talent and at the same time satisfying my need for you.” He took a deep breath. “I’m the man behind S. Lettos. It stands for Stellettos, kind of like Stillettos, but with…” He looked up at me and saw the confusion because he looked away. “So I had bought this old place, it was a strip club. It was bought with the intention of getting rid of the scum that ran it. I won’t go into detail, but in buying it, we were keeping some people we loved safe.”

  “We? So other people, and I’m assuming your brothers, are those people?”

  “I bought the place with my own money, so it’s none of their business. But yeah, I think after tonight, they kind of put two and two together.”

  “So they think I’m an idiot?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Okay, please continue.”

  “I was a member of a few private clubs in Europe. Gentlemen’s clubs and a few kink clubs. I wanted a mix of that here. I wanted you and me to build it together.”

  “You wanted to build a sex club and you wanted me to design it?” I know I sounded angry.

  “At first, yes. I wanted to know what turned you on. Made you hot. I wanted to know your deepest desires and I wanted to fulfill all of them.”

  He stopped and looked at me waiting for me to comment but I was at a loss.

  “I need you to know how badly you turn me on. Right now thinking of you in this place is making me hard. I want to do so many things to you, take you outside of your comfort zone and share with you the pleasures that can be had from role play, bondage, withholding orgasm, even spanking. I want to watch your body come apart while I fuck you in every imaginable position with whatever object I choose. When
we walk into this place, I want you to submit to my every desire and craving and know that by doing so, you will gain pleasure. I want to own you, control you. I want to be the first and last thing on your mind every day.

  He walked over and stood in front of me. “I never want to hear the word no come out of your mouth. I want you to trust me so much that you never look at me and wonder if something I ask of you would be too much to bear. You will just know that if it were, I would never tell you to do it.”

  He reached his hand out and his fingers rubbed my hard, aching nipples. He walked behind me and started taking off my sweater and I sat there allowing it wondering why I would allow this, why I wanted it.

  “Lift your arms, Kitten.”

  I did and he pulled my cami off.

  “I want you to know that the emptiness you feel inside is mine and only mine to fill.” He was in front of me now. “Stand and remove everything from the waist down.”

  “Zandor, I…

  “In here, it’s yes sir.” He turned and walked toward the closet and grabbed a box. He set it on the desk beside me.

  “There will be a learning curve. I will allow you a few test runs before I punish you.”

  “Punish me?”

  “Clothes off.”

  He didn’t look at me, and I didn’t move.

  “Do you like the way I make you feel?”

  “Yes, Zandor, but this is a little much.”

  He took the empty box and sat it inside the closet.

  I looked over and was shocked by the tools or toys or whatever you wanted to call them sitting beside me.

  “Without thinking too deeply tell me the reservations you have.”

  “A sex club?”


  “What’s okay mean?”

  “It means that I understand. Understand that since this idea came into fruition I have tasted you, touched you, fucked your tits, your mouth, and even was given permission for a bit of anal play. Nothing I did to you or with you was unenjoyable was it?”

  I looked at him, unable to answer. He pulled me up and unzipped my skirt and it dropped to the floor. He began pulling down my tights and I wanted to fight him, I really did, but I wasn’t, I really wasn’t. He lifted me and sat me on the desk and pulled the tights off my feet.


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