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Zombie Decimation

Page 14

by Max Lockwood

  Bethany cringed. This was what she was afraid of. The women in the camp were being interviewed before Dr. Vincent was killed. Would it be too far-fetched to believe that the soldiers would inject her with the newest strain of the virus?

  “What kind of punishment?” she asked. “If I’m making things difficult for the militia, couldn’t you guys just cut me loose? Just let me be on my way. I promise I won’t say a word about what you’re doing here.”

  “I have a feeling they’re going to ask you to formally join the militia. If you’re lucky to be invited, you will do whatever they ask of you and you will be grateful. Otherwise, they may have to dispose of you.”

  “They’re thinking about killing me?” she squeaked.

  “I’ll do what I can to persuade them to go easy on you. Will, on the other hand, is considered defective. He was a good soldier who snapped and went bad. He’s of no use to us as a member of our army anymore.”

  Will’s face drained of all color. He hung his head as he was faced with the gravity of his situation.

  “I really should be leaving,” Mark said, looking over his shoulder. “I don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea.”

  “You don’t want anyone to think you’re actually trying to help your sister?”

  “Good luck,” Mark said before closing the window, leaving the two escapees alone to deal with their mess.

  Bethany waited a few beats before turning to Will.

  “So, how are we going to get out of this debacle? I was thinking—”

  “We’re not,” Will mumbled.

  “What?” she asked, taken aback by his bluntness. Mark had essentially told him that he was going to be executed, and he didn’t seemed alarmed whatsoever.

  “I don’t see any way we can escape this,” Will replied. “If you want to go on another little car-jacking adventure, be my guest. These people are too powerful. We will be caught every time. We tried our best, and we failed. It’s time to accept our loss.”

  Bethany frowned. “Obviously, that wasn’t our best. We’ve both escaped death on more than one occasion. You were just saying that you escaped Dr. Vincent’s clutches once. Why can’t you do it again?”

  He reclined against the wall, tilting his head toward the ceiling. “I don’t know, okay? Maybe I’ve used all of my lives. I can only escape death so many times. Maybe this is just my last life to live. I think it’s pretty clear that the thing I’ve been injected with is some strain of the virus. If the soldiers don’t kill me, the virus will.”

  “You seem fine to me,” she said. “Besides, I could use some help. I still have more lives left in me.”

  Will sat up and looked her straight in the eye. “Face it. You’re on borrowed time too. There’s no point in fighting it. Even if they let you live, they’re going to torture you and run all kinds of terrible experiments on you. You’re going to die.”

  Anger boiled in Bethany’s brain. She could practically feel the steam coming from her ears. At a loss for words, she leaned over and slapped Will on the face as hard as she could.

  “I can’t believe you’re giving up! Why can’t you fight for everyone who has been taken advantage of during this epidemic?”

  Will looked hurt and confused. He brought his hands to his face, cushioning the hand-shaped welt forming on his cheek.

  Then Will leaned toward her. Bethany balled up her fists, ready to protect herself from his blows. He had the ability to transform into a monster and tear her limb from limb, but Bethany welcomed that fight. She needed to burn off some rage.

  Instead, he grasped her face with both hands and planted a forceful kiss on her lips. Initially, she was too shocked to do anything. Then she came to her senses.

  “How dare you?” she yelled, pushing him away.

  “What?” he asked, outraged by her reaction to his kiss.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing, but you’re obviously confused—or stupid.”

  She took a deep breath and tried to calm her anger. Once the emotions settled, she realized how dangerous it was for her to be antagonizing someone who was infected.

  “You’re confused,” she said a little softer this time. “You didn’t mean to kiss me. I don’t know what’s going on in your head right now, but I would prefer if you would leave me out of it. I get that you’ve been through some bad stuff and being here isn’t easy for you. But if you’re going to give up and welcome death, then I can’t be a part of it. I’m going to get out of here, and I’d appreciate it if you would stay out of my way.”

  He turned his body to face away from the door. Bethany moved so she could face the opposite direction. She had no time to talk anyone out of their bad attitude. She’d tried with Mark and she’d tried with Will.

  It was time to get back to the drawing board. With every escape attempt, Bethany was gathering information about what worked and what didn’t work. It wasn’t good enough to sneak around and steal vehicles from the militia. No, she would have to be much more cunning if she wanted to survive. It would have been helpful to have an ally in her fight, but she would have to make do without one. She had gotten this far without any help, so it didn’t seem unreasonable to get out of her predicament on her own.


  Melissa’s stomach danced around all day as she counted down the hours until her date with Callum. She felt like a spy on a top-secret mission but also like a normal young woman with first-date jitters.

  She didn’t have a lot of experience with dating. In fact, it seemed a little old-fashioned for Callum to ask her to dinner. Most people she knew arranged for dates on matchmaking websites. They would only communicate by email or text until they finally met in person. Even then, dates were generally at bars and there was an intimate expectation afterward.

  Meanwhile, Melissa just wanted to find someone in a more conventional manner. Her plan was to meet someone in college or graduate school and form a close connection over shared interests. Over time, she wanted to form a romance with someone who could give her the future she wanted. She had no interest in flings, and casual dating sounded akin to dental work. She wanted a mature relationship and didn’t want to fool around with men like a stupid girl.

  She still didn’t trust Callum, but when the most attractive man in town takes notice of you, it feels good. She would never tell the others that she was nervous about spending time alone with him because he was so handsome and charming. It was important that she keep the meeting business-like by any means necessary. She figured that many women fell into his trap. She would not be one of them.

  After breakfast, while Ariel was on her way to the hotel’s sauna, Alec and Bobby Dean grilled her on different scenarios she may encounter on her date. She felt like she was being prepped to go into war.

  “What are you going to do if he wants to take you out of the hotel? It’s possible that he’ll want to show off his village. Are you up to walking around, just the two of you?” Alec questioned.

  “I think so,” Melissa replied. “Do you think it’s safe?”

  Alec shrugged. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small pocketknife. “Why don’t you take this, just in case?”

  Bobby Dean reached into his boot and pulled out a switchblade. “You might be better off with this.”

  She took both of the weapons and set them on the table beside her. She hoped she wouldn’t have to use them.

  “I think it’s also important to have a few questions on hand in case things are going well and he likes you. Are you prepared to ask him about the secrets of this town?” Alec asked.

  “I’ll definitely talk to him about his town’s cure if I get the chance,” she answered. “That’s top priority. I’m also interested to see if he’s working with anyone else.”

  “Good,” Alec said. “I’m also interested in finding out if there’s a specific reason he doesn’t want anyone to leave the town—or leave the rooms, for that matter. And if you can make us look like law-abiding citizens, that might help.”
  Melissa nodded. She was starting to become a little more excited for the meeting. If she could keep her cool and find out some important information, she would be in her travel companions’ good graces. She had an important job to do and she wanted to prove to her new friends that she could do it.

  “What if he takes you back to his place and tries some funny business with you?” Bobby Dean asked.

  “Oh,” Melissa said, a little grossed out. “I didn’t really think about that.”

  “Kick him in the nuts and run away,” Bobby Dean answered for her. She disregarded his answer and looked at Alec for guidance.

  “Do whatever you want to do,” Alec replied, visibly uncomfortable about having to give that kind of advice. “I won’t lie, getting close to him might help your cover, but I would never ask it of you. Use your best judgment.”

  “Okay,” Melissa replied, glad that she had two men who wanted to keep her safe.

  “With that, I think I’m going to wash up and rest,” Alec said, retreating to the empty bedroom. “I’ll make sure to see you off to your big date,” he said.

  “Thanks, Dad,” Melissa joked, causing Alec to shudder.

  Melissa stood up from the couch and paced back and forth, rehearsing her questions in her head. Her biggest fear was that she wouldn’t sound casual enough and would give herself away. She was known for being blunt and to the point. She wasn’t as skilled at being casual and coy.

  “You’re going to be fine,” Bobby Dean said. “I just wish you didn’t have to do this.”

  “Why?” Melissa asked.

  “It just doesn’t seem safe,” he said. “I don’t like the guy. Even if I met him outside of this whole epidemic, I’d say he was a douche bag.”

  Melissa rolled her eyes. “Not everyone can be as wild as you,” she teased. “I’m not surprised that you don’t like the preppy kid. He’s basically your complete opposite.”

  “Yet, that type always seems to attract the pretty girls,” he sighed, running a hand through his slicked-back hair.

  She laughed. “You managed to woo Ariel.”

  “I wish I hadn’t,” he said. “She makes me nervous. I’m just glad she stopped hanging all over me. Ever since you came along, she’s been acting moody.”

  “Maybe she’s not fond of strangers,” Melissa said, trying to deflect blame away from herself.

  “I think she’s jealous of you,” he said softly.

  “Jealous of me?” Melissa laughed. “Why? Does she think I’m going to steal her man? It’s not like you’re into me or anything like that.”

  Bobby Dean pursed his lips. “Actually, I do find you attractive.”

  “Oh,” she said, her stomach dropping. She didn’t know how else to respond. She was just trying to live one day at a time. She had no interest in flings, especially while in the middle of a crisis. Besides, she didn’t know how to handle other people being interested in her. It was just a foreign concept.

  “Don’t go to that dinner tonight,” Bobby Dean said. “We can find out information another way. You don’t have to do that to yourself. We can even send Ariel instead if you want to.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “It’s not. I’m into you, and the last thing I want is to see another man on a date with you. The thought of it makes me want to stick my fist through Callum’s face.”

  “Relax,” she said.

  “I can’t,” Bobby Dean replied. He took a step toward Melissa. She didn’t move. Her heart was racing. She didn’t know what was going on. She didn’t know how to feel about all of this new information being thrown at her. So when Bobby Dean wrapped a hand around her waist and kissed her, she let him.

  Truth be told, Bobby Dean was an excellent kisser. Melissa allowed herself to be swept up in the moment, savoring how good it felt to have his body so close to hers. She had always thought of him as handsome in a rugged way, ever since they’d met.

  Moments later, when she finally came back to reality and pulled herself away, Bobby Dean was smiling widely.

  “Tell me you enjoyed that as much as I did,” he said, his hand still on her hip.

  She wanted to agree with him that it was a very nice kiss, as far as kisses from near-strangers went, but she just couldn’t. She was far too conflicted by what her head was telling her and what her heart was saying. Rationally, she knew that it was a bad idea to get involved with anyone, no matter how minimal the relationship was. She was attracted to Bobby Dean, but she was also physically attracted to Callum and emotionally attracted to Thomas.

  To make matters worse, the last time she saw Thomas, they had really taken the next step in their relationship. When they kissed, she truly felt like they would be bonded for a long time to come. If it weren’t for the fire, she assumed that their feelings for each other would continue to grow. Hell, she figured they would be in Oklahoma together, moving on with their life as a couple.

  When she lost Thomas, she put an end to that fantasy. She hoped he was still alive but feared that she would never see him again. Knowing this, she tried to push him out of her mind, as it was too painful to long for him. Now, he was in the same town, stuck in the hospital. If he knew what she was doing with Bobby Dean, he would be heartbroken. She really liked Thomas and he didn’t deserve to be hurt by her.

  “Things are weird right now,” she admitted to Bobby Dean. “I won’t lie, I liked the kiss. But I don’t think we can ever do this again. Everything is too complicated right now. The timing isn’t right.”

  “I understand,” he said. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me. No pressure, though.”

  “Thanks,” she said. “I should get ready for dinner.”

  Bobby Dean moved his hand from her waist to her shoulder, giving it a friendly pat. They smiled at each other, glad that there was no awkwardness between them.

  Ariel swung open the door to the room, wearing her bathrobe. Her eyes darted to Bobby Dean’s hand on Melissa’s shoulder and a scowl formed on her face.

  Without a word, she marched over to Melissa and slapped her face.

  “Whoa!” Bobby Dean yelled, pulling the small woman into a bear hug to keep her from swinging her fists.

  “You whore!” Ariel screamed, struggling to break free.

  Alec poked his head out from the other room. “Is everything okay in here?”

  “No,” Ariel shouted. “It’s not okay at all. There aren’t that many men left in this country. First, you get Callum wrapped around your little finger. Now, you’re all over Bobby Dean.”

  “Huh?” Alec asked.

  “I’m not ‘all over’ anyone,” Melissa protested, rubbing her sore cheek. “I don’t know where you got that idea, but it’s not true. I’m only having dinner with Callum because he asked me to and I don’t think it’s wise to turn him down. Bobby Dean and I were just talking. You’ve got the wrong idea here.”

  “Why do you have to ruin everything, Ariel?” an exasperated Bobby Dean cried. “You’re such a pain in the ass. You should have never left the trunk.”

  “I should get going,” Melissa said, excusing herself to the bathroom to prepare for her date.

  “Yeah, you better run,” Ariel said. “While you’re at it, why don’t you try to steal more men in this town? Make sure you don’t leave any for me.”

  Melissa slammed the bathroom door behind her. She could hear Bobby Dean and Ariel bickering again as she examined the red mark on her face. In the bathroom drawer, she found a small compact that was a little too light for her freckled visage, but it covered the mark well enough. She dragged a coat of mascara over her eyelashes and slipped into her maroon long-sleeved dress and black boots, a delivery from room service.

  Her stomach hurt. She didn’t need the drama of handsome men and jealous women while she was trying to do her best detective work. She thought about just staying in the bathroom and hiding until everything blew over.

  “Is everything okay in there?” Alec asked after knocking twice on the bathroom
door. “It’s five minutes ‘til seven.”

  “I’m coming,” Melissa called, her voice wavering.

  She took one last deep breath and opened the door. Ariel and Bobby Dean were still yelling at each other, but it just sounded like a dull roar.

  “You’ll be fine,” Alec said. “If it feels too risky, don’t force yourself to pry. Bobby Dean and I can work on gathering intel while you’re out.”

  “Okay,” she said, slipping out the door. “If you can, will you check on Thomas?”

  “Of course,” he answered before the door closed between them.

  At the bottom of the staircase stood Callum, dressed in a pair of khaki pants and a navy blazer. He looked like a model in the catalogs that came to Melissa’s parents’ house.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, leaning in for a kiss on the cheek. She accepted his embrace, breathing in whiffs of cologne that made her heart beat faster.

  “Thanks for the dress. This is nicer than anything I’ve ever owned.”

  “I picked it out just for you,” he said. “I think I did a pretty good job.”

  Callum escorted Melissa into the hotel restaurant. Again, there was only one table in the whole restaurant that was set for diners. The lights were dimmed and candles surrounded them. Overhead, fairy lights twinkled like the night sky.

  “It’s really pretty,” Melissa said, staring up at the ceiling.

  “Is it too much?” he asked. “I thought it would be nice.”

  “No, it’s great,” she said quickly. “This is all so nice.”

  Melissa was starting to feel guilty about her plot to gather information. Callum had gone to such great lengths to give her a romantic dinner and she was about to take him down.

  “Is it okay if we have veal with a side of roasted vegetables and pasta?” Callum asked. “I wanted to give the chef the rest of the night off and thought if we ate the same meal, it would be easier on him.”


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