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Best Reception

Page 3

by Ann Jacobs

  She looked up and met his gaze then lowered it, reminding him she was a natural submissive who’d been well trained. While he didn’t mind the breach of BDSM etiquette, he didn’t like wondering if her motivation for submission included a large dose of fear. “Talia, I’m a Dom, but I don’t want you scared to look me in the eye. I don’t want you afraid of me, period. We’ll have to experiment, find out each other’s likes and dislikes.”

  “I don’t know…”

  Sid made his jaw loosen up, forced a smile. “My style of sexual mastery is nothing like you’ve experienced if he was your only Master. I’m going to show you a lot of pain’s not necessary to bring you pleasure.” Bending, he brushed his lips over hers, tasted her hope…and her fear. “C’mon, let’s go shopping.”

  * * * * *

  A couple hours later, Talia glanced behind her at the bags and boxes that practically filled the backseat of Sid’s Acura ZDX. The man had insisted on clothing her from the skin out, and not in the sleazy-sexy styles Vic used to like whenever he let her wear clothes at all, but as a lady. A sexy lady, Sid had whispered at the lingerie shop when he’d laid a few pale, silky nighties beside the underwear a clerk had been ringing up.

  When she looked out and saw they’d stopped outside a seafood restaurant next to the Intracoastal Waterway, she tried not to tremble at the prospect of going into the weathered building that already had quite a crowd, judging by the crowded parking lot. It had been so long since she’d been out with other people.

  She froze, certain things must have changed in the years Vic had kept her isolated. What if she’d forgotten which fork to use for what, or what foods it was okay to pick up with her fingers? She’d die if she embarrassed Sid in this restaurant. When he got out of the car and closed the door, she couldn’t make herself open the passenger door.

  “Hungry?” He opened her door, framing himself in the light of a bright, new moon. The changing colors of a fish-shaped neon sign played across his handsome, smiling face.

  “I’m starved.” But not so much for food as for the taste of his lips, the feel of his heavy beard stubble against her sensitive skin. She longed to smell his cologne and experience the heat and pressure of his substantial weight on her. Talia wanted to feel his muscular arms around her, holding her, taking her. Making her his own, the way he’d said he intended to do.

  She gave him her hand and he enveloped it with his own. For as long as she dared, she ran her thumb over his calloused palm, enjoying its warmth, its rough texture. He radiated heat despite the cold wind when he drew her out of the car and up against his hard, fit body. It felt so good, resting her head on his broad shoulder, listening to his steady heartbeat against her ear.

  “Come on, then. I see Coach Zanardi’s Porsche over there, and I want to show off my woman. The guys on the team have been accusing me of making you up.” Bending and kissing the tip of Talia’s nose, Sid grinned. “You remember Coach, don’t you?”

  “I remember seeing him a few times at Rebels’ Roost.” Talia wouldn’t say she actually knew Coach because by the time she and Vic had landed in Savannah, Vic had stopped taking her out in public. Pretty much the only time he’d allowed her contact with his coaches and fellow players had been in the dungeon. “If I remember correctly, he did his playing with club submissives.”

  “That was right, before this season. Coach went back to his old hometown in Texas last summer and fell for Susan. He brought her back with him. They’re married now and expecting a baby. Come on, I’d like to introduce you to them before they finish eating.”

  Oh no. Talia doubted she was up to socializing with the man who held Sid’s job in his hands. It had been so long since she’d gone out, except to dungeons, that she had no clue what she should say and how she should act with Sid’s coach and his pregnant wife. She couldn’t help trembling at the prospect of embarrassing Sid.

  “Don’t act as if you’re scared to death. Coach only bites players at practice. Otherwise he’s an okay guy. And Susan’s a pretty, sweet submissive who is making the coach a very happy Dom.” Sid bent and laid some soft kisses along her jaw, and that made Talia feel ashamed of hanging back by the door to Sid’s car.

  “Okay. I just hope I won’t do anything to get you in trouble.” She remembered Vic telling her more than once that she was a dumb hick, a slut he didn’t want to show off to the people he worked for. But Sid wasn’t Vic. He seemed anxious for her to meet his friends, so she’d do her best.

  “You won’t, sweetheart. Trust me.” Sid took Talia’s hand and started moving toward the restaurant. “If you aren’t up for it, I won’t angle for an invitation to join them at their table, but I thought you might like to enjoy some company besides me. And to see how a healthy Dom/sub relationship works. I’ve been pretty much your only contact since you’ve been back here, and I’m sure you’re tired of being isolated at the house.”

  “I’ve never gotten tired of being with you.” And while she realized he hadn’t kept her isolated on purpose, she didn’t know if she felt ready to interact with anybody but Sid.

  Talia told herself not to be silly, that it would be okay. Sid did seem to want to show her off in the designer jeans outfit he’d insisted she wear out of the first store where they’d shopped. When a strong gust of cold wind bombarded them off the waterway beyond the restaurant, Talia turned up the hood of her new fleece-lined jacket and leaned into the shelter of Sid’s body. “I guess you’re right. I have been sort of a hermit.”

  “That’s over now, baby. I want to be your Master in the bedroom and playrooms, but otherwise we’ll be equals. I expect you to have friends, and to go out and do things with them. The logical place for you to begin making female friends will be getting to know the other Rebels’ wives and significant others.”

  He had no idea how long it had been since she’d had contact with others outside the dungeons. While Talia looked forward to having friends again, part of her held back, but she managed a smile for Sid. “I think I’ll like that. But it may take me a little while to get used to all this freedom. I’m starting to freeze out here. Please, let’s go inside where it’s warm.”

  Sid wrapped his arm around her, sheltering her from the wind as they made their way to the restaurant’s double doors. “Come with me, beautiful. I’m anxious to show you off.”

  * * * * *

  After they dropped by Coach’s table and Sid introduced Talia to him and Susan, he wangled an invitation to join them since they were just starting to eat their salads.

  In one way Sid liked the way Talia deferred to him—but then again, he didn’t. Every time she lowered her eyelids, each furtive glance she shot his way, even the timid way she sometimes laid her hand against his thigh as if asking permission to speak, reminded him she’d literally been the 24/7 sex slave of a cruel Dom whom Sid despised. He caught her hand and covered it with his own as he ordered for both of them.

  “We’re glad you’re back in Savannah, Talia,” Coach Zanardi mentioned after the waiter had moved away from their table. “I’m glad you found a way to leave Reinhart. He’s bad news, and not just in the dungeon.”


  Sid silenced Talia with a hard look and a squeeze on her thigh. He didn’t want her to blurt out that her bastard of a Master had thrown her out instead of the other way around. “What Talia’s trying to say is that she’s looking forward to making a fresh start with me,” he said to fill the silence.

  “Being submissive doesn’t usually mean being a 24/7 slave. Doing your own thing part of the time doesn’t mean you’re any less loyal to your Master or Mistress. Right, honey?” Coach turned to his beautiful dark-haired wife and stroked her cheek.

  “You’re right. I’ve been enjoying the freedom you give me, a lot.” Susan caught her husband’s hand and brought it to her lips, laughing softly. “I spent too many years with a Master who wanted to control everything I did, all the time.”

  Sid felt Talia’s hand tighten against his leg, so he stroke
d it the way a trainer might soothe a restless animal. “You see?” he asked. “I want to be your Master, but like Coach I still expect you to have a life of your own.”

  * * * * *

  Their evening ended early, because both men had to be at the practice facility early the next morning for the Rebels’ first playoff game, scheduled for Sunday afternoon. Talia had surprised herself by agreeing to go with Susan to the game.

  “That was fun.” Talia felt warm and fuzzy, almost like a teenager coming home from a surprisingly enjoyable first date, as she and Sid unloaded the boxes and bags of her new clothes from the car and took them inside where they laid them on her bed. The cats sniffed at the purchases they apparently thought were taking too much room on the bed where they’d been sleeping. “Thank you for everything.”

  “Thank you, what?” Sid’s tone was teasing, not at all ominous as Vic’s would have been if she’d ever forgotten to acknowledge his dominance.

  “Thank you, Master.” When she met his gaze, she saw amusement and desire that he didn’t even try to hide. “What would you like from your slave?”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. It was a long, sweet kiss with just a hint of tongue. Their bodies merged—his hard and fit, hers soft and malleable at his touch. “For a start, I’d like for you to put on one of those new nighties—surprise me—and come join me in my bed.”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered against his lips before he let her go.

  “Take your time. I’ll be waiting when you’re ready.” With that he brushed her cheek with one finger, smiled and left her to follow his gently worded command.

  Trembling, Talia undressed, taking a moment to stroke the soft, fleece-lined jacket Sid said he’d chosen because it matched her eyes. I want so much to please him. Please don’t let me fuck this up. Snapping out of her momentary trance, she finished undressing, hung up her jeans and top and rifled through the bags looking for the nighties and other lingerie they’d bought.

  By the time she found the right bag, dumped it and decided to wear the pale blue, lace-trimmed gown that would brush the floor when she put it on, she was nearly frantic. What if her new Master didn’t like waiting? Taking a deep breath and telling herself Sid wasn’t Vic and that he’d told her to take her time, Talia took off her knee brace and showered quickly. Her heart beating fast—she wasn’t sure whether with fear or anticipation or a little of both—she slipped the sheer silk over her head, ran a brush through her tousled curls and made her way to the master bedroom.

  Chapter Three

  He was waiting, just as he’d said he’d be, his room lit only by the antique lamp on the oak, Victorian-period chest near the door. Through its stained-glass shade, the light bulb cast a faint, golden glow that surrounded her in warmth as soon as she stepped inside.

  Bathed in the soft light, his compact body glowed, hard muscle accentuated by shadow. When he moved away from the window toward her—toward the queen-size bed with its pale gray comforter, turned back to show silky, black sheets—she couldn’t help taking a deep breath when she saw the impressive length and thickness of his cock.

  He was so gorgeous that he took her breath away. Not massive all over the way most football players were, and Sid didn’t have an ounce of fat padding those well-defined muscles. Perfectly proportioned, with a gracefulness she appreciated, he still towered over her when he joined her and took her hand. Big enough to make her feel small and protected, he wasn’t so tall that she couldn’t stretch on tiptoe and rest her forehead on his broad shoulder. She liked that.

  Talia started to drop down on her knees in front of him but he stopped her with a firm touch of his large, strong hands. “Let’s go to bed, sweetheart.” Using his hand on her bottom to keep her upright, he guided her toward the expanse of black sheets and fat pillows. “You’re beautiful.” He lifted her in his arms as though she weighed no more than a small child and laid her out in the middle of his bed. Smiling, he sat cross-legged beside her.

  Her skin tingled when he stroked along the length of her body, pressing the sheer silk of her gown against her skin. She felt the heat of his gaze, his need, in the almost reverent way he touched her.

  “It’s been almost nine weeks since I had sex. I’d better apologize in advance, in case I lose control,” he said, smiling as he stretched out beside her.

  Nine weeks? Was Sid telling her he hadn’t had a woman since before she’d come to him? Talia took a deep breath and tried to take in what he’d just said. Had he really been waiting for tonight? Waiting for her to heal before taking what she considered his right as her savior? Her Master? “Please take me, Master. Don’t worry, I’m fine now.”

  He looked at her, his eyes bright with dark blue fire as he lowered the spaghetti straps on her nightgown one at a time, baring her breasts to his gaze. The gentle rasp of his long, tapered fingers on her sensitive flesh sent shards of desire shivering through her, and when he cupped one breast in a hand that seemed almost too big for the rest of him, she let out a sigh.

  “You okay?” Concern resonated in his husky voice as he bent his head and laid gentle kisses along her throat and collarbone.

  “Oh yes.” If she died in the next minute, she’d go happy because of how Sid was making her feel right now. “May I touch you, Master?”

  “Feel free.” His breath tickled her shoulder as he nuzzled her collar bone, seemingly in no hurry to go faster and relieve the pulsating hardness she felt pressing insistently against her upper thigh. “You smell good.”

  “Like the orange stuff I just showered with?”

  He laughed. “No, baby, you smell like you. Sweet and clean and sexy as hell.”

  She lifted her hand and ran her fingers through his dark brown hair, loving the contrast in textures. Crisp at the hairline in back, soft on top where he let it grow a bit, it felt clean and warm. Like him. When he moved lower and took her nipple between his straight, white teeth, she shivered at the pleasure-pain that coursed through her body. “Oh, yes, Master,” she whispered, sliding her hand down one broad shoulder and over his hard-muscled arm.

  “You like this?” He raised his head, and the smile he gave her when he met her gaze made her feel wanted. Cherished as she’d never felt before.

  “I love it.”

  “Good.” He slipped one arm around her and pulled her body flush with his. She wanted the nightgown gone, needed to experience the heat of his muscular body without that barrier, however flimsy it might be.

  As if he knew what she was thinking, he gathered the silk in his fists and dragged the gown down her body until it pooled around her ankles. “Kick it off now,” he said, his order no less a command because he issued it in a low, controlled tone of voice.

  When she did, she felt free, ready to soar with him wherever he took her. Talia rubbed her hand along Sid’s ridged belly then slid it around to cup his taut buttock. In response to her touch, he splayed one big hand over her ass and drew her hard into his throbbing erection. His heat and hardness made her want him to fuck her now, ease the tension she felt mounting low in her belly. “Please, Master.”

  He slid one hand between her legs and found her damp, swollen pussy. “Please, what, sweetheart? You’ll have to tell me what you need.”

  “You.” She took a deep breath then curled her fingers around his cock. “Please fuck me, Master.”

  His cock had begun to think she’d never ask. “Oh yeah. Hold on just a minute, though.”

  Sid rolled away from Talia and fumbled in the drawer of the table by the bed. His balls felt as though they’d burst as he rolled the condom over his erection and moved between Talia’s legs. “Wrap your pretty legs around my waist and hold on tight.”

  Keep it light, Conyers. Don’t ruin it by thinking about her with Reinhart.

  She felt like heaven and hell rolled into one when he sank inside her. Soft, tight, wet and as hot as he’d dreamed she’d be. He slipped his hands under her butt to change the angle of his penetration and then drove deepe
r, harder. Her little moans were making him crazy, so he bent and took her mouth, nudging her lips apart and sliding his tongue inside. When she tangled hers with his and clamped down with her inner muscles on his driving cock, he just about lost it.

  He didn’t want it to be over, not yet. Rolling to his back, he brought her on top of him. “Fuck me, sweetheart,” he ordered, his tone harsher than he intended as he took in her dazed, passion-drugged expression and tried to concentrate on how the multicolored glow from the Tiffany lamp cast its light against her soft, pale skin.

  She moved on him, slow at first then faster. When he reached up and cupped her beautiful rose-tipped breasts in his hands, she let out a little moan but didn’t slow the pace.

  Sid always relied on his self-control, but he felt it slipping away. His balls tightened painfully each time she sank down on his shaft, her muscles clamping down on him, milking him.

  Hell, he had to quit thinking about coming or his cock would explode, and he wanted Talia to come for him, without him hurting her the way he remembered having seen Reinhart deliberately cause her pain at the club. Sid loosened his hold on her full, soft breasts and began to stroke gently along her rib cage as she moved up and down on him. “Let go, baby. Come for me.”

  “I’m trying,” she grated out between clenched teeth. “Please help me.” She came down on his cock, hard, and when she did, she let out a little cry. A cry of pain, not of pleasure.

  For a second he exulted in the knowledge that she wasn’t aroused by pain. Then he lifted her off him and rolled her onto her side. “I ought to spank you for not telling me your knee was hurting.”

  Fuck, he was an idiot. No stranger to torn ligaments and the pain they could cause, Sid kicked himself figuratively for not realizing Talia was in no shape to ride him. He shouldn’t have ordered her to wrap that injured leg around his waist earlier, either. “On second thought, I ought to slug myself. Want to quit for now and cuddle a bit?”


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