Souls ReAligned

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Souls ReAligned Page 30

by Tricia Daniels

  She doesn’t know for certain, if they are actually soul mates. Her scientific mind makes her question the possible theory of past lives, all together. It was a silly romantic thought that she stopped questioning when she got to Ireland. Something here soothes her soul. It’s magical. It’s as if a part of her had always been missing until she finally came ‘home.’ And the dreams? Well, she’d be hard pressed to deny that they were meant to bring her a message. It was time to find him. Time to let go of pain and let love in. Ethan was sent to save her.

  Sitting up, she starts to get out of bed, when he grabs her arm. When she turns to look at him, he grins. “Give me a kiss first.”

  Leaning down she presses her mouth against his. When she pulls away, he reaches up, wrapping his hand around the back of her neck, pulling her back down. Taking more of her mouth in a greedy kiss, he swallows her moans of pleasure, before releasing her. “I dreamt about you last night.”

  “Let me guess. You and I, a bouquet of flowers, friends and family surrounding us.” She gently traces her index fingers across his lips.

  Ethan puts his hands on the top of his head, giving it a little shake. “I’ll be fucked.”

  “I know! Right? Sometimes there’s just no denying it.” Getting to her feet, she crosses the room.

  “Get ready, Ireland. I have a lot to do, so you need to keep your dick under control today.”

  “Yes, Dear,” Ethan answers in a mocking tone. Instantly, he’s hit in the head with a rolled up towel thrown from across the room. “I’m joking!” he says chuckling as he tosses it back to her.

  This is Ethan’s last day to work at O’Connell Industries, for a while. Starting tomorrow, he’s required to continue his work at the Aurora Technologies office. There are several large accounts and ongoing projects that require his attention there. Olivia has no idea how he manages both positions without burning out. His stubborn refusal to fail is likely the reason. Some men manage their business with silent austerity, but that’s not Ethan O’Connell’s way. He approaches business as he does all things in his life: head on, with a passionate aggression and no bullshit. She supposes that’s part of the reason she loves him so much. She smiles, remembering that he once called HER intractable.

  Distracted by her work and daydreaming about her man, she misses the notification on her phone. There’s a message from Shannon from several minutes ago. Sitting at her desk, she retrieves her voicemail. Her stomach bottoms out as she listens to the message. Jumping up from her desk, she sends the chair tipping backward; making a loud crashing noise that startles the team. She stuffs her phone in her pocket and heads for the door, running down the hallway toward Ethan’s office. As she reaches the door, it swings open as John steps out. Putting his hand up he stops her.

  “You don’t want to go in there right now, Olivia.”

  She tries to push past him, but he steps in front of her. Trying to catch her breath, she warns him off with a long hard stare. “Get out of my way, McCabe, or I’m going to hit you so hard in the nuts that your children will remember it.”

  Growling in frustration, he concedes. Grabbing her arm as she shoulders past him, he gives her a concerned look. “He’s not in the best frame of mind right now. If he does anything…” hesitating, he rethinks his words, “If you need me, call.”

  Olivia nods, pushing past him into the office. Ethan is at the back of the room, facing away from the door. With his hands pressed against the wall, he leans there remaining motionless. She glances to the right of him, at a large hole in the drywall.

  “Ethan,” she says softly, alerting him to the fact that she’s in the room. Worried about his lack of response she moves cautiously toward him. “Baby. I’m here,” she says tenderly, as she wraps her arms around him from behind. Leaning her cheek on the stiff, rigid muscle of his shoulder, she rests her lips against him. Not pushing, just waiting for him to respond. Dropping his arms heavily, he exhales the breath that he had been holding since Shannon gave him the news.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, as she moves to the side, gently lifting his hand so she can see it. His swollen and bleeding knuckles make her frown. Grabbing the pitcher of water from his desk, she makes her way to the restroom and dumps it in to the sink. Grabbing a towel, she fills it full of ice and returns to him. He hasn’t moved an inch. Still standing, staring at the wall, he’s frozen. He winces slightly when she lifts his hand, wrapping the towel of ice around it.

  “Ethan. Look at me,” she coaxes. Lifting her hand, she brushes her thumb across his cheek.

  Lowering his gaze, he connects with her eyes: greens, golds, and browns. The most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen.

  “The results were positive,” he says, his voice cracking with despair. “Jessica is having my baby.”

  Olivia nods. “I know, Ethan.” Taking his hand, she eases him toward the couch and sits down.

  “I don’t understand how it happened,” Nostrils flare and his chest expands as he takes a deep breath, trying to focus on her touch.

  “Hey,” she says softly, lifting her eyes to re-establish eye contact. “It doesn’t matter how. You and I both know, that things that are meant to be… just happen. You can’t stop it. I know it’s not something you would have planned for yourself, right now, but it’s happening. You’ll figure it all out, and you’re going to be an awesome father.”

  His eyes tear up from anger and frustration. “Don’t,” he begs, shaking his head. “Don’t say stuff like that. How could you possibly know that?” He stands, too upset to sit any longer.

  Olivia sighs, getting to her feet. Tossing the ice-filled towel onto the floor, she brings both hands to his face and holds him, forcing him to acknowledge the sincerity of what she’s about to say, “Because I know you.” Kissing him quickly, she pulls away to speak. “I ‘get’ you,” she continues, as she kisses him again. He swallows hard, closing his eyes to fight back the tears, as he lets out a tormented breath.

  “Most importantly, Ethan. I love you.”

  Ethan’s eyes whip open and connect with hers. Did he just hear her correctly? His heart thumps so hard against the inside of his chest, he’s certain it’s going to burst. This is not the moment he envisioned; the one where she would finally profess her love. But, he couldn’t have needed to hear it anymore desperately, than he does right now. Words escape him as he’s overcome with emotion. His mouth opens, but nothing comes out. Olivia grins at his reaction and puts him out of his misery. “You heard me correctly, Ireland. I said, ‘I LOVE YOU’.”

  Peace and contentment erase the angst from his expression. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he lifts her. Squeezing her tightly, he holds her against his chest. Letting her slide down his body, he whispers as his mouth aligns with her ear, “I love you, too”

  Looking over Ethan’s shoulder, Olivia sees his father standing in the doorway, watching. She has no idea how long he’s been standing there or what he knows. Looking at the hole in the wall, he shakes his head, disgusted. She wants to say something, but before she can get her thoughts together, he’s gone. She considers chasing after him and demanding that he put aside whatever differences they have and be the father that Ethan needs right now, but she can’t tear herself out of Ethan’s arms.

  Ethan’s phone rings and the receptionist announces that his next appointment has arrived. Olivia pulls out of his arms, kissing him, sweetly. “Let’s put it aside for right now and get through our day. We’ve got a few months to figure it out.”

  Ethan nods his approval. Odd. He had always felt like he was supposed to care for and protect her. At the moment, it feels like the complete opposite. She is going to save him. He has never, in his life, heard anything more liberating than the sound of those three words from his angel’s mouth. She loves him. In professing it, she brings about a shift of power in their world. It’s a blessing. A gift. He’ll do everything within his power to prove himself worthy.

  Business resumes as Olivia returns to the research team. Looking up, s
he sees John approaching with a look of confusion on his face.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks with concern.

  “Um, No. What the fuck did you do to him? I don’t know who that guy is that I just left, but it’s NOT Ethan O’Connell.”

  Olivia frowns, “I don’t know what you mean? He was fine when I left him a half an hour ago.”

  “Oh, don’t play coy with me, Olivia. An hour ago, I left a man who had just punched his fist through a wall. The man I just left was happy, pleasant. Christ, I think he was singing,” John says, shocked.

  Olivia laughs, at his reaction. “Singing, huh?”

  “What the fuck did you do? I’m frightened!” he continues.

  Blushing, she shrugs her shoulders and looks at him with innocence. “All I did was tell him that I loved him.”

  John eyebrows rise slightly; he takes a moment before he speaks, “It’s about fucking time!” Turning on his heel, he exits the room, his voice trailing as he goes, “Would it have killed you to tell him that months ago? You would have made my life a lot fucking easier.”

  Olivia suddenly has a strange feeling. Turning to look around the room, she finds the team all smiling and nodding at her. She shudders. Awkward!

  Arriving at the dance studio, Ethan stops outside to watch through the small window in the door. Catching her and Michael practicing a waltz, he smiles at her progress. She misses a step and they stop… restart. She struggles with this step several times, growing frustrated with herself, as they repeatedly begin again.

  Finally, she gets it. Out of pride and satisfaction, Michael embraces her, rewarding her with a hug. It’s a very tender moment. Ethan knows the look on his face. It’s the look of a man totally enchanted by a beautiful woman. He pulls open the door in a noisy and brisk fashion so they’re aware that he’s there. Their heads turn to look at him. Olivia drops her hands from Michael’s waist, as if she’s been caught in a lover’s embrace.

  “Ethan!” She heads across the floor with hurried steps. He wraps his arms around her when she jumps into his arms. His eyes never leave Michael’s; his ice-cold glare, a masculine warning.

  “Ethan!” Maddie yells as she returns from the other room. “I’m starving and you’re buying dinner.”

  Ethan shrugs. “Sounds good to me.” Looking down at Olivia he confirms, “Are you okay with that? Maddie said you were sick to your stomach when you got here.”

  Olivia shoots Maddie a frustrated look. “Really?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I was just concerned. You haven’t been doing well since you arrived here. I just thought that maybe you should see the doctor again. Don’t be mad.”

  “You ‘O’Connells’, are extremely frustrating,” she groans “I’m fine, sometimes antibiotics bother my stomach. I’m almost finished taking them.”

  Michael heads toward the door, on his way out. “Good night,” he says to Olivia. “You did a fantastic job tonight,”

  Olivia beams at his praise. “You know Ethan, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do.” He respectfully holds out his hand. “Good to see you again, mate.”

  Ethan nods, his eyes shooting him daggers, while he squeezes his hand as a firm warning.

  “Why don’t you join us?” Olivia asks. She looks confused as Madison shakes her head, trying to discourage her.

  “I’m sorry, but I have other plans,” Michael declines.

  “Shame,” Ethan answers, finally releasing his hand.

  “Yes.” Opening and closing his fingers trying to restore blood flow, Michael glances quickly at Olivia. “Perhaps another time.”

  Sitting in Maddie’s favorite pizzeria, they enjoy a casual dinner. Despite his obvious displeasure with the outcome, Olivia is relieved that Ethan is able to discuss, somewhat calmly, the results of the tests. Madison confirms Olivia’s thoughts. What’s meant to be is meant to be; Ethan will make a fantastic father.

  A phone on the table begins to ring and out of force of habit, Ethan automatically reaches for it.

  “Hey! That’s my phone,” Madison says grabbing for it.

  Ethan looks down and realizes that she’s right. Noticing the caller ID, he glares at her, his jaw tightening. Olivia picks up on his anxiety immediately; she knows how to recognize the onset of his anger. To her, the signs have become about as subtle as the Bat Signal illuminated in the Gotham City sky. She gives Madison a confused look.

  Growing angry, Ethan snatches the phone off the table, “Are you fucking kidding me, Madison?”

  Olivia leans back behind him so she’s out of his view, getting Madison’s attention. Quietly she mouths, “What’s going on?”

  Madison looks like she’s going to be physically ill. In a panic, she reaches for the phone, trying to take it out of his hands. Ethan stands quickly putting it out of her reach and answers the call. Holding the phone snugly to his ear, he walks a few feet away from the table.

  “Why the fuck are you calling my sister, Nate?”

  “Uhhh… Hi, Ethan,” Nate says, nervously.

  “Answer my question. Why are you calling Madison?”

  Shocked, Olivia looks over at Maddie, who has her elbows on the table, hiding her face in her hands. When she looks up, her eyes find Olivia, sending her a silent plea for help.

  Ethan is engaged in conversation with Nate and not paying attention to the girls at the moment. Olivia watches him carefully, trying to have a quiet conversation with Madison.

  “Is that Nate Ross?”

  Madison blushes, nodding her head.

  Noticing her reaction Olivia whispers, “Is something going on between you two?”

  Twisting her fingers nervously in her lap, Madison barely lifts her eyes when she answers,

  “Kind of. After Ethan introduced us at the last concert, we sort of kept in touch.”

  Glancing over at Ethan, Olivia makes sure he’s not listening. “In touch how? Like friends… or more than friends?” She waits, but already knows the answer. It’s written all over Madison’s face.

  “More than friends,” she admits, apprehensively.

  “How do you manage a relationship when he’s travelling all over the world on tour?” Olivia asks curiously.

  Madison shrugs. “Skype, mostly.”

  Olivia blushes at the thought of her last Skype call with Ethan. She tries to keep her mind from wandering any further.

  “Oh, Olivia. Nate is so incredible and sweet and romantic.” Maddie swoons. Leaning across the table, she confides in her. “He’s flown me out to a couple of concerts so we could spend time together. Please don’t tell Ethan,” she begs, anxiously.

  Olivia makes a cross over her heart with her finger. “Promise.” She takes a moment to assess Ethan’s conversation, trying to determine if it’s coming to an end.

  “No, Nate. There isn’t a good time for you to call Madison back. In fact… don’t ever call her again,” he says loudly.

  Tears well up in Madison’s eyes as she comes to the realization, that for the second time, her brother is going to single handedly chase away a man that she loves. Olivia frowns at Ethan’s last statement. She quickly tries to think of what she can do to intervene, without sending him over the edge. As if things couldn’t get any worse, the doors swing open, and in walks Griff with his friends. Great.

  Griff stops when he sees O’Connell pacing the floor in the middle of an aggravated conversation. Searching the room for Olivia, he finds her. With careful consideration, he chooses seats at the bar, close enough so he can hear what’s going on. Ethan looks up and acknowledges him with a nod. Olivia does her best to ignore him.

  Enough is enough! Standing, Olivia adjusts her bra, making sure her cleavage is making a noticeable appearance. Opening her purse, she gives herself a quick spritz of Ethan’s favorite perfume and applies a layer of lip-gloss.

  “What are you doing?” Madison asks. Not having seen the power that Olivia wields over her brother, she’s nervous. “Olivia? Don’t! He’ll get mad at you if you interfere.”
  Smiling, Olivia winks at her. “You leave your brother to me.”

  Walking over to where Ethan is now pacing an angry path, she stands in front of him forcing him to stop. He’s only a few moments away from one of his trademark hissy fits. She knows that she has to act quickly. His anxiety makes him jumpy and twitchy. His eyes continually survey the room. Putting her hands on his stomach, she tries to get him to make eye contact. “Ethan.” Sliding her hands under the edge of his shirt, she runs her palms across his bare skin.

  He looks down and then looks away, still spouting angry sentiments at Nate. She moves her hands to his hips, threading her index fingers through his belt loops. Twisting, she uses them to pull him as close to her as her body will allow. His face grows redder; he’s starting to stutter now. His accent has become so thick that she’s certain Nate probably doesn’t understand a word he’s saying, anyway.

  “Ethan. LOOK at me,” she says pressing herself fully against him. From the bar, Griff watches curiously.

  Inhaling her perfume, Ethan’s nostrils flare mid sentence. She finally has his attention. Looking down, he meets her beguiling eyes and lips that look like they desperately need to be kissed. He instantly drops his gaze to her chest. Without even thinking about where they are, he rubs his thumb along the curvy swell of her breast.

  Effectively distracted, Ethan stops yelling. There’s a moment of silence, as he contemplates his mouth on her breasts, sucking her tender nipples into his mouth. Olivia looks over at Maddie who’s sitting a few feet away with her mouth wide open in awe. Leaning in she slides her lips against his and engages him in a very sensual kiss.

  She can hear Nate on the other end of the phone wondering if he’s been disconnected, “Hello? Ethan? Maddie?


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