Souls ReAligned

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Souls ReAligned Page 31

by Tricia Daniels

  “Baby, you need to give Madison back her phone.” With her lips still pressed against his mouth, she reaches up to his ear and takes the phone out of his hand. He reluctantly releases it to her. Wrapping his hands around her middle, he moves his mouth to her neck while she puts the phone to her ear. “Hey, Nate, It’s Olivia. Hang on… here’s Maddie.”

  Madison is on her feet and beside her in a nanosecond. As she passes her the phone, Olivia whispers, “Go outside and talk to your man, while I deal with mine.”

  Glancing over at Griff, Olivia shudders. She wishes he would just go away. There is something creepy and wrong with that guy. Turning her attention back to Ethan, she distracts him long enough for Madison to make her way out the front door for some privacy.

  After Ethan has kissed Olivia, from neck to shoulder, he remembers why he was angry. He gently pushes himself away from her, realizing what’s just happened. “Gah! You’re trying to distract me and it’s not going to work. I don’t want him to call my sister.” He turns, intending to retrieve Madison from outside. Olivia grabs at his shirt, pulling him back toward her. She continues to back up until she’s against a table and can’t go any further. Holding on to her hips, he lifts her slightly, sitting her on the edge. Pushing between her legs, he forces them apart, bringing both hands up to rest on the side of her ribs. Caressing the side of her breasts again, he looks at them with desiring eyes.

  “Guess what, Baby?” Olivia begins, “This is another one of those times you don’t get to have your way.” Glancing around she confirms that Griff is still watching them. He’s getting very hard to ignore. Yet, in his current blind rage, Ethan barely seems to have noticed him.

  She teases Ethan with her tongue when she kisses him again. He takes a deep breath and redirects his attention, leaning forward and crushing her breasts against his chest. She thinks she finally has him settled when Madison walks back into the restaurant, but he pulls away and storms toward his sister.

  “No way, Maddie,” he starts “No fucking way that’s happening. I want you to stay away from Nate Ross.”

  Madison averts her eyes around him, looking for support. Sitting on the edge of the table, Olivia frowns. With a big sigh, she wiggles to the edge, carefully slides down to the floor and heads over to them.

  Olivia stands in front of Maddie, moving her back out of the way. ‘Okay,’ She thinks, ‘sex didn’t distract you… let’s try this and see how you like it’. Facing Ethan, she crosses her arms in front of her and taps her foot on the floor, anxiously. “Feel free to tell your brother to mind his own business, Maddie,” she says with an intended snarkiness.

  Griff and his buddies at the bar begin to chuckle, all eyes now watching curiously.

  Ethan raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “Olivia,” he warns. “I’m not in the mood. This hasn’t been a good day.”

  “Ethan!” she warns back, giving him the look. “I agree! This day sucked! But this is not your battle, Baby. It’s none of your business.”

  “It’s NATE ROSS! You don’t know him like I do. He’ll crush her, leave her broken hearted. That guy has girls all over the world. I don’t want him anywhere near my sister, Olivia. It’s not up for discussion.” His words are absolute. Ethan tries to ignore the fact that Madison is crying, focusing instead on being angry with Olivia for challenging him. “I think you should go wait in the car.”

  Olivia gasps, her mouth dropping open. “Oh! Would you like to rethink that last comment? You know how much I LOVE being told what to do. Go ahead!” she dares him.

  Snickering can be heard from behind the bar. Ethan struggles to maintain control.

  Knowing her brother, all too well, Maddie knows the conversation is done. It doesn’t matter if she loves Nate or not. Ethan won’t allow it. Appreciating Olivia’s efforts she decides she needs to smooth things over. She wipes the tears from her eyes. “It’s okay, Olivia.”

  Frustrated, Olivia looks over at the group of men, shamelessly listening. Griff lifts his beer to his mouth, locking his eyes to hers. Lowering his mug to the table, he gives her a sinister grin.

  “No… it’s NOT okay, Madison,” Olivia insists, switching her weight from one foot to the other, trying to alleviate an ache that’s starting in her back.

  No longer intimidated by Ethan O’Connell, she crosses her arms in front of her, raising her eyebrows. “Really, O’Connell? She’s a big girl and capable of deciding what kind of relationship she wants, and who she wants it with.” She holds her hands up halting his interruption. “And If I had an older brother… don’t you think he would have felt the exact same way about you? Where would we be right now if I let everyone else decide whether you were good for me or not?”

  “Our situation was different!” he says annoyed.

  “How?” she asks, continuing to engage him in a standoff.

  “The only person who didn’t want me to date you… WAS YOU!” he snaps.

  As she stands there looking at him, she realizes that, other than Noah (for obvious reasons) he’s right. Even Scott eventually championed his cause. Olivia bites her lip trying not to laugh. “Good point,” she says, her grin turning into a full-blown smile.

  Ethan’s brow creases and pulls down as he watches the sides of her mouth start to curl. When she starts to laugh, he can’t help but chuckle, as well. He runs his hands through his hair trying to let go of the rest of his anxiety. He grins, giving her that head to toe, slow perusal of her body. She clenches, knowing exactly what dirty thoughts he has when he does that.

  “You’re so sexy, right now,” he says reaching for her, lowering his lips to hers. “I need to get you home and into bed!”

  Olivia nods her head in agreement and turns quickly to Madison. “Let’s go, we’ll drop you off.” Ethan has his keys in his hands and briefly stops to shake Griff’s extended hand as he passes. He makes it to the car before the girls even reach the restaurant door. Olivia laughs out loud at his eagerness.

  Madison heads out the door, with Olivia close behind. Realizing that she’s left behind her sweater, Olivia stops, and heads back to the table. Grinning, James Griffin watches and waits. Making sure his timing is spot on.

  Olivia heads back through the bar with her sweater, when she over hears him.

  “O’Connell’s new girl sure is feisty,” he says loudly to his buddy. Olivia stops, listening attentively.

  “Quite the firecracker,” his inebriated friend agrees.

  “I don’t know, how he puts up with that,” Griff says, pretending that he doesn’t know that she’s there. “You know what happened the last time a woman talked back to him.”

  “Yup, Yup. I heard all about that. A man needs to keep his woman under control.”

  Griff grins. This couldn’t be working out any more perfectly. “I agree. Maybe O’Connell should smack her around like he did the last one. Show her who the boss is and teach her some respect.”

  Olivia’s hand clasps over her mouth. Shock pulses through her, making her feel sick to her stomach. What in God’s name, did she just overhear?

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Ethan is standing at the passenger side door waiting to open it for her when she catches up. Feeling a little off-kilter about what she just overheard, Olivia opts to sit in the backseat so she can continue her chat with Madison.

  “Are you okay?” Ethan asks, concerned about her sudden change in moods. She looks almost haunted.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she assures him.

  Once they hit the highway, Ethan turns up the radio and starts to sing. Madison leans closer to Olivia, whispering in her ear, “I have never seen anybody handle my brother like that. You’re now my hero!”

  Olivia grins. “Never underestimate the power of cleavage!” she advises.


  “Men are easy to figure out, Madison. Your brother…” she nods in his direction in the front seat, “is a boob man.” She laughs out loud. “I can usually sway him around to seeing things my way by drawing his attention
to my boobs. He’s such a caveman,” she professes, while shaking her head.

  “Really? Who knew?”

  “Pay close attention, young Skywalker. Teach you… I will,” Olivia teases. “You probably don’t even know who that is,” she laughs. “I’m such a geek sometimes.”

  “I love that side of you, Babe,” Ethan says from the front seat.

  Olivia looks at Madison and rolls her eyes. “I said GEEK, Ethan, not FREAK.”

  “Oh,” he says shrugging. “How different could they be?”

  The girls look at each other and try not to laugh. “He’s your brother,” Olivia teases.

  “Yes, he’s family. You stick around by choice,” Madison reminds her.

  “Ugh. Good point,” Remembering the conversation about relationships, Olivia is still dumbfounded that Maddie has never had a long-term relationship with a man. Knowing her brother, she might have assumed it’s because she’s a high maintenance difficult woman, but that’s not the case at all.

  Madison is a gentle soul, much like Kaylie. They follow the soft understated personality of their mother.

  She’s convinced, after what she just witnessed at the restaurant, that Madison’s lack of relationship experience is due to the fact that there is a shortage of men who are willing to take on the challenge of her brother. In Ethan’s eyes, no man will ever be worthy of her. Nate Ross, however, just might be the one to step up and take him on; so she’ll do everything she can to make sure he gets a chance. These days, she has a renewed interest in being a champion of love.

  Ethan peeks at them, nervously, in the rear view mirror, concerned about what conversation is taking place. He shakes his head, when she blows him a little kiss.

  Olivia leans in close to Madison, so that she doesn’t have to raise her voice any louder than a whisper. “The most important thing to remember when dealing with stubborn men....” she pauses, correcting herself, “hmmm… all men really… if all else fails; nothing trumps the power given to us by the blowjob.” She winks, smiling at Madison’s confused look.

  Ethan turns up the radio to distract himself from the two girls in the back seat. He’s certain that he doesn’t want to know what they’re discussing.

  “Or, should I say, our ability to deny them,” Olivia says, snickering.

  “No kidding?” Madison asks, feeling a little shy about her lack of knowledge on the subject.

  “Trust me! Every man starts to think twice about his attitude, once he realizes that being an asshole runs him the risk of never, EVER, getting another blowjob! It makes them more…” she pauses, considering the right word and then smiles as she says it, “agreeable.” Both girls burst into laughter.

  Turning off the radio, Ethan grits his teeth. Not knowing what they’re talking about is eating away at him. “Okay, what are you two up to?” he asks, with his usual authority.

  Madison stiffens at his tone, making Olivia wonder why she’s so afraid of her brother.

  “Nothing, Ethan. I was just telling your sister how much I love you.” There’s a wondrous freedom in finally saying those words out loud, even though she is teasing him right now.

  He looks at her suspiciously in the rear view mirror. “I love you, too, but I somehow doubt that’s what you were talking about.”

  Both girls try hard to compose themselves, but when Madison can no longer hold back a snicker, they both burst out laughing.

  Ethan shakes his head and sighs, “Women! Now I know that you’re talking about me!”

  Madison’s attention is drawn away by a notification on her cell phone. “McKenna and Ian are at Mom and Dad’s. Can we go by for a visit?”

  “I’ve got other plans,” Ethan says, looking in the mirror grinning at Olivia.

  Madison looks disappointed and starts to type a reply. Olivia’s hand covers hers, preventing her from finishing her message. “Let’s go for a short visit, Ethan,” she suggests. “You should probably let everyone know about the results, before they hear it from someone else.”

  Madison nods her agreement.

  “Is Dad there?” he asks, looking conflicted.

  Madison quickly types a message. “Yes, he’s home,” she confirms.

  Ethan hesitates, “Forget it.”

  Madison looks disappointed and slouches in her seat.

  Undoing her seat belt, Olivia leans forward. “Ethan. I know you don’t want to, but it’s better to talk to him about it tonight. It won’t get any easier if you put it off.” Reaching over the seat, she squeezes his shoulder, giving him reassurance. “When we get home I’ll make you forget all about this ugly day. I promise.”

  Reaching up, he places his hand on top of hers, rubbing it gently. She’s right. She’s always right. “Okay. A short visit.”

  Madison grins from ear to ear. When Olivia sits back in her seat, she looks at her adoringly. “You’re amazing.”

  When they reach the huge country home of his parents, Ethan parks his car in the large circular driveway. Madison heads for the door, eager to see her sisters. She’s busting to talk to them.

  Olivia takes Ethan’s hand as she swings her legs out of the car. Gently, he helps her to her feet, yanking her forward, into his chest.

  “Well, hello there,” she says with a smile. “Were you lonely up there by yourself?” Grinning, she rubs her hand along the front of his trousers until she feels him start to harden under her hand. “It looks like you missed me.”

  Kissing her, he picks her up playfully. She squeals with laughter, as she wraps her legs around him, so she won’t fall. “Put me down! I’m too heavy.”

  “Nonsense.” Holding her tightly, he carries her to the front steps, brushing the hair off her face as he sets her down.

  “Today was not an ugly day, Olivia.” Always feeling the need to be touching her, he smoothes his hands over her shoulders.

  “It wasn’t?” she furrows her brow trying to figure out where his mind is.

  “On the contrary, today is the day that you finally admitted that you loved me. I feel it when we’re together. Hearing you say those words today…” he pauses, trying to get a grip on his emotions. “God! I love you so much. I can’t believe I almost fucked it up, several times,”

  Smiling, she puts him at ease, “After you spent all that time convincing me that we were soul mates, did you really think I was going to let you get on a plane and leave me?”

  He kisses her repeatedly, holding her face, not wanting to stop.

  “Ethan,” she says, gently prying him away. “They’re waiting for us inside. Let’s get it over with.” As she says it, the door swings open and McKenna stands there with her arms crossed.

  “Am I interrupting something?” she says, with an amused smile on her face.

  “Yes!” Ethan snaps at her, annoyed.

  “Good!” she says, impatiently. “Get your arse in here.”

  Now McKenna, she’s another story all together. She has that overwhelming O’Connell confidence. Both McKenna and Ethan, like their father, are ruthless and extremely successful in any venture they engage in. That’s the reason Aiden O’Connell has included them both in the family business. They will never disappoint him in that endeavor.

  Olivia wonders about Ian, and just who wears the pants in that relationship. She can’t see McKenna conceding control to any man. Then again, she never thought she’d see the day that Ethan would give up control in their relationship. Look where they are now.

  Ethan pushes past McKenna in the doorway, brushing a hello kiss on her cheek before he bends down to take off his shoes. When he looks up, he’s shocked to see that she has enveloped Olivia in a welcoming embrace.

  Holding out his hand, he escorts Olivia into the parlor. Looking around the room, he quickly notices the absence of his father. “Dad?” he queries, glancing over at his mother.

  “He’s in the library, son. I’ve asked him to join us for a visit.” She gives him an apologetic smile, “You know your father. He’s always working.”

sp; Ethan nods his head, accepting that he won’t likely change his mind and join them.

  Olivia feels anger start to trickle into her bloodstream. What is that man’s problem? She’s had enough.

  “Would you excuse me for a moment?” she asks his mother, politely. “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Of course, dear,” Anna turns and points the way, “through those doors, down the hallway. It’s on the right.”

  “Do you want me to show you the way?” Ethan asks.

  “NO!” she answers quickly, startling him. “I’m sure I can find it on my own. You stay here and chat with Ian.”

  Nodding his head, Ethan narrows his eyes. Suspecting that she’s up to something.

  Making her way down the intimidating hallway, Olivia is in awe of the century-old mansion. Its unfaltering structure and strength, weathering everything the years have thrown at it. Yet, its charm and character hides the cracks and flaws in its foundation; imperfections, that seemingly make it stronger. It’s a home that represents its owners, in every way, a perfect reflection of the O’Connell family.

  She peeks in every doorway along the way. How hard can it be to find the library? It’s the one with the books in it. Finally! Standing at the doorway, she watches Aiden as he turns the pages of a book. Completely engrossed in what he’s reading, he doesn’t notice her presence right away.

  “Hi,” she finally says, “I apologize for interrupting.”

  Looking up, Aiden sighs, “How can I help you, Olivia?”

  “We’re here to talk to everyone about the test results.”

  “I already know the results. Everyone in the office heard the tests results,” he says, shaking his head.

  Olivia starts to feel agitated. “Sir, I mean you no disrespect, but I fail to understand why you punish him for this. He says that he took every precaution. I believe him, so should you.”

  Getting to his feet, he walks toward her with heavy steps. “You think the cause of our animosity is over the pregnancy?”

  “Well, yes. If that’s not the reason, then what?” she asks nervously. What is it about the O’Connell men that they feel the need to dominate and intimidate women? Even more bothersome; why does she allow herself to react to it?


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