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Souls ReAligned

Page 37

by Tricia Daniels

  A sudden fluttering pain makes her run her hand across her abdomen, trying to ease away the discomfort. Tears begin to stream down her cheeks as John ensures she’s in safely and closes the door. Ian reaches into the storage pocket and pulls out a tissue. Giving her a sympathetic smile, he passes it to her.

  “Oh, Ian. How did things get so messed up?” She wipes at the moisture in her eyes.

  “Welcome to the O’Connell family, love. Everything they do is BIG; especially the drama.”

  The next few hours drag on, painfully. John clears the rest of Ethan’s meetings for the day. He wouldn’t be able to focus, anyway. The only thing on his mind is his failure. He should have trusted her, not hidden it from her. In a way, it was a misguided attempt to protect her. Did he make a mistake? Their love is strong, but would she have believed him? Trusted him?

  Anxious to put it behind them, he pushes the Zagato to move quickly through traffic. When he arrives home, he finds the flat in darkness. Loosening his tie, he wanders from room to room, turning on lights and looking for her. Each empty room adds to his unease. With his phone to his ear, he paces. It rings several times before she answers. “I was worried. Where are you?”

  “I’m at work. Don’t get angry with John or Ian. I had an idea; so I took a taxi in. There are a few things I want to finish.”

  “Okay, I’ll make late reservations for dinner.”

  “Ummm. No, I don’t know how long this will take.”

  “I’ll pick up something and bring it over to you, then. You can take a break and we’ll talk.”

  “No. I really just want to concentrate and get it done.” Her tone sets off warning bells making him tense.

  “Okay. We’ll just order something when you get home.”

  “Ethan…” The long pregnant pause that follows his name confirms his suspicious.

  “You’re not coming home, are you?”

  Olivia’s breath stutters, proof that she’s been crying. “No, Ethan. I’m not coming home tonight. I’m going to spend a couple of days with Shannon.”

  “I see.” Ethan paces the flat, trying to release the tension from his muscles. It takes great effort to remain calm right now. “You don’t believe me.”

  “I don’t know what’s true and what’s not. You’ve kept it a secret. Why? Why keep it a secret, if it’s not true?”

  “I was afraid. Afraid that the accusation alone would be enough to send you running. I suppose I was hoping that Shannon could prove my innocence before I had to tell you. I want to have this conversation in person. Please come home.”

  “The time to have this conversation was several months ago, Ethan. I’m sorry… I’m not comfortable being there with you tonight.” She sniffs, trying to maintain her composure.

  Ethan pauses, clenching his jaws. “You’re afraid of me now.” Closing his eyes, he lowers his head, defeated.

  “Why would Griffin suggest that you should smack me around, like you did Jessica? He said you needed to show me who’s boss and teach me some respect.”

  Absolute horror rushes through his blood stream at those words. “I never hit Jessica in anger. NEVER.”

  “But you did hit her?”

  “No, not hit her; consensual spankings, occasionally. However, what she’s saying I did to her… those pictures… I didn’t do that. Come home, please. Let me prove to you that it’s not true.”

  “I can’t. Not right now.” Unable to hold back her emotions any longer, tears begin to flow.

  Ethan stops pacing, listening to her trying to hide it. It’s tearing him up inside. “Okay, Olivia. Spend a few days with Shannon. We’ll talk when you’re ready.” There’s no hiding the distress in his voice. “I love you,” he confesses in desperation.

  “I have to go.” Leaving the conversation, she slowly slides to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably in the dark, empty research room.

  Listening to the dial tone, Ethan’s rage is unleashed. His hand forms a tight fist, and he bangs it forcefully on the table in front of him. Cursing, he grabs the edge and flips it forcefully, sending everything crashing to the ground. Trying to catch his breath, he presses a number on the phone and holds it to his ear.

  “Mac. Is Griffin with you?” His anger is not easily disguised.

  “Hey, Ethan. No, I’m at home tonight, spending quality time with the Missus.”

  “Do you know where the bastard is?”

  “I think he’s at McGuire’s with Shooter. What’s going on?” The long silence strengthens his concern. “Ethan?”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Shannon reads and signs the release papers in front of her. As the heavy automatic doors slide open, Ethan emerges, accompanied by two officers of An Garda Síochána. He looks away in shame as she watches him approach. She’s surprised that he doesn’t seem to have a mark on him.

  A few steps behind them is John McCabe. As he comes in to view, she can’t hide her reaction to his appearance. His cheek is bruised, his brow is swollen, and his shirt is covered in blood.

  Shaking her head, she hands them each a manila envelope that holds their belongings. Emptying the contents into his hand, Ethan looks up as the door slides open again.

  Shannon becomes nervous as the two men lock eyes. Griff, from his appearance, has gotten the worst of the brawl. The blood on John’s shirt is clearly from the gash on Griff’s forehead and his split lip. His eye is almost completely swollen shut, but he makes his way toward them.

  Shannon reaches up and grabs hold of Ethan’s arm as his body tenses. Stopping in front of them, Griff extends his hand. Ethan looks down at it with disgust and laughs once. “You’re fucking kidding me, right?”

  “We go way back, Ethan. Let’s not end our friendship over a woman.”

  “I think I’ll pass.” His chest expands with anger.

  John slides between them, preventing any possible contact. Dropping his hand to his side, Griff shrugs and walks away.

  As Ethan continues to stuff his belongings back into his pockets, John watches Shannon nervously. “Shannon?”

  “Don’t even talk to me, John McCabe! You could have been seriously hurt! Not to mention that you’re both lucky that he didn’t press charges.”

  John looks over at Ethan, his nostrils flaring.

  “Shannon, I’m sorry,” Ethan offers as he follows her toward the door.

  “Sorry about what, Ethan?” Turning around, she confronts him angrily. John looks as if he’s about to speak, but she stops him with an icy glare. He holds his hand up in surrender and lets her continue.

  “SORRY… that you could have completely ruined your other case? SORRY… that you took advantage of John’s loyalty and friendship when you let him fight this battle for you?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry for all those things,” he blurts out.

  “Humph,” she growls, turning to push through the door. Ethan and John follow obediently in silence. Griff stands outside, off to the side of the walkway. Glancing up, he hides a small grin while lighting a cigarette.

  Glaring at him, Shannon proceeds to walk past, and then pivots, heading toward him. John takes after her, but Ethan grabs his arm, holding him back.

  Toe to toe, she stands in front of him. “James Griffin!” she begins, “If you so much as get close enough to breathe on Olivia, let alone talk to her; I will slap you with a restraining order so quickly, your head will be spinning.”

  Without breaking eye contact, Griff takes a long drag on his cigarette and exhales. That same snide grin slides across his lips.

  “And then…” she continues, “I will have a chat with that lovely wife of yours.”

  Griff cocks his head to the side and raises a brow. The look on Shannon’s face is a clear indication that she intends to do so. He nods, signaling that he understands.

  A great debate takes place in the car regarding their destination. As always, Ethan gets his way.

  “She was standing beside me when I got the call, so you know she’s going to ask me all kinds
of questions,” Shannon says concerned “How do you want me to handle it?”

  “Tell her.”

  “And about Jessica? You know she’s going to ask me about that.”

  “Everything, Shannon. Tell her everything and tell her the truth. I want to talk to her; tell her everything myself, but she won’t let me anywhere near her.”

  Shannon stops in front of her home to find Olivia sitting on the steps. Waiting.

  “That’s a good sign.” Ethan swings open the door and makes his way toward her. As he approaches, she gets to her feet, brushing the dust off her pants.

  “Are you okay?” Concern creases her brow.

  “I’m fine.”

  She surveys him from head to toe, and then glances at a rather ragged looking John McCabe as he passes.

  “Is John okay?”

  “He’s a tough old dog.” Ethan grins. Olivia manages a small smile. It’s been a few days since he’s seen that smile. He had forgotten just how beautiful it is. “Come home with me.”

  Olivia glances up into his eyes and frowns. “Just give me a day or two. I need to sort things out. I’ll come home soon. I promise.”

  Ethan raises his hand and brushes her hair away from her face. Tucking it behind her ear, he sighs. “I can’t bear knowing how much I’ve hurt you. I know it was wrong to keep it from you. Can I pick you up and drive you to work in the morning?”

  Her hesitation makes him anxious. “Please.” He fights the Dom inside himself who wants to take away her choice. He would tell her when to be ready, and where to be waiting. Clenching his jaw, he inhales deeply. His heart stops beating until she nods her agreement. “Thank you. I’ll pick you up at 8 a.m.” He touches her arm, wanting desperately for her to throw her arms around him. When she doesn’t respond he purses his lips and walks away. Deflated.

  When Olivia opens the door, the conversation between John and Shannon stops dead. She feels awkward when they turn to look at her. “I’m sorry. I’m interrupting.”

  “John was just leaving.” Shannon angrily passes him his jacket. Taking it out of her hands, he heads to the door, slamming it behind him.

  “Is everything okay?” The sympathetic tone in her voice doesn’t improve Shannon’s mood.

  “No! I’ve had it with those two. Honestly… I don’t know why either of us puts up with them. I’m going to bed.”

  Morning arrives and Shannon stands at the stove making breakfast. Olivia sits quietly at the table seemingly struggling with something.

  “For the record,” Shannon begins, “Ethan didn’t touch Griff.”

  “He didn’t?”

  “Nope. He didn’t take one single swing at him.”

  “Well, maybe not, but he went there to confront him.”

  “Yes,” Shannon confirms, “But according to everybody there, it was Griff who took the first swing. And that sent John into action.”

  “I’m sorry that we’ve dragged you and John into our drama, Shannon.”

  Shannon pours a cup of tea and takes a small sip. “It’s not your fault.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do you think he did it? Is there any evidence that he did?”

  “Hit Jessica? You accused me once of not knowing him well. Your exact words were that he was not capable of that kind of violence. Yes, he was wrong to keep it a secret from you, but do you think you’ve misjudged his character to that extreme?”

  “You’re asking me that about a man who has done nothing but set off red flags, and my trouble radar, since the day I met him. So I’m asking for your honesty, Shannon. Did he do it?”

  “No, Olivia. I don’t believe he did.” Leaning over her shoulder, she slides two fried eggs out of the pan and on to a plate on the table.

  Picking up her fork, Olivia looks down at the runny yellow yolks. High-tailing it to the washroom, she knocks her chair to the floor

  As always, Ethan is early. When Olivia is not waiting for him outside, he parks, and knocks on the door.

  “Is she ready?” he asks, as Shannon answer the door.

  “Not quite.” She cringes at the sound of Olivia retching down the hallway.

  “She’s sick again?” Uninvited, Ethan shoulders past Shannon and heads down the hall. Pushing the door open, he searches for her in the room. “Liv?”

  Olivia sits, on the floor against the wall, her hands over her face. Ethan reaches for a cloth and runs it under the cool water. Crouching down, he wipes her brow until she reaches up and takes it out of his hand.

  “You’re ill again?”

  “No, it was just something that I ate, I think.”

  “Riiight,” unconvinced, he helps her to her feet. “Why don’t you stay home?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Her heart aches with the lie. “I have some things to do today.” Walking to the door, perspiration begins to dot her forehead.

  “Okay, you know there’s not a chance that I’m letting you work today.” Gently swiping his fingers across her brow, he wipes away the beads of sweat.

  His touch is so sweet, so nurturing. Looking up into those meadow green eyes this morning she sees the truth; the love. Is what she about to do a mistake? She’s thought about it for days, painfully coming to what she thought was the right decision, until now.


  “Okay, I’ll stay home.”

  She walks him to the steps, where he hesitates before giving her a kiss. It’s a tender brush of his lips, a reminder of their first kiss. Her heart begins to pound quicker in her chest.

  “Get some rest. I have an important meeting this morning, but I’ll check in with you later.”

  Walking to the car, he turns back when he hears her phone ring. Answering it quickly, she gives short yes and no answers and then hangs up. Something just doesn’t feel right. He becomes concerned. When he gets into the car, he looks up at her, and his thoughts are confirmed. Standing with her phone in her hand, staring at the screen she appears to be upset. Lifting her gaze, she locks eyes with him.

  Hesitantly shifting into reverse, he prepares to leave, until she screams out his name. Startled, he hits the brake. Tucking her phone in her pocket, she hurriedly descends the steps, making her way toward him.

  “Wait! Ethan!”

  Turning the car off, he becomes nervous. She swings open the passenger side door, gets in, and slams it closed. “What’s wrong?” What the ever-loving fuck is going on? She looks frazzled, panicked.

  Olivia hesitates, trying to compose herself. “Nothing, I…”

  She stops… words seemingly escaping her. Her eyes send him a silent plea. How can he put her mind at ease, if he has no idea what’s about to happen? This is a mistake; she should have let him back out of the driveway and stuck with the plan. She can’t stop herself. “I love you!”

  Ethan’s heart begins to beat for the first time in days. “I love you, too!” A smile forms on his lips as hope pulses through his veins again. She still loves him. He can fix this. Reaching over he takes her fidgeting hands in his, stilling them as he squeezes them tightly, and lifts them to his mouth. “Give me another chance, I won’t disappoint you again.”

  Olivia swallows hard, pain gripping her heart. She forces herself to nod, hating every moment of deceiving him.

  She’s startled by a loud voice over the Bluetooth. “Where the fuck are you? Everyone is starting to arrive.”

  Ethan frowns as he traces his thumb across her cheek. “I’m on my way, McCabe. Relax” Reaching up he disconnects the call.

  “I’ll let you go.” She reaches for the door handle, preparing to leave. Stopping, she turns to him one last time, throwing her arms around his neck. Ethan holds on tight, glad to have her back in his arms. Her lips search for his. When she finds them, she kisses him with passion; a deep, moving kiss that echoes her love for him. When she pulls away, her eyes fill up with tears.

  “That was one hell of a goodbye kiss.” He holds her close, not letting her escape, ju
st yet. “Don’t cry. Everything is going to be okay.” He strokes her hair, enjoying the intimacy.

  Pulling away from him, she sits upright, her hands nervously fidgeting again. After a long pause, she glances back at him, wanting to say something, but hesitating several times.

  “What is it, Princess? Tell me.” Something is wrong; he can sense it.

  “Ethan.” She lets out a tortured breath and inhales slowly. “Please, just remember that I love you... I always have… and I always will. No matter where our journeys take us.”

  “Journey,” he corrects her firmly, “One journey, together.” When she tries to look away, he lifts her chin with his finger. “Forever, right?”

  That fluttering inside her distracts her thoughts. She subconsciously slides her hand across her stomach, trying to soothe the discomfort. The words are right on the tip of her tongue; it’s torturous not to speak them. She knows what she has to do… for his own good.

  “Yes, Baby. Forever.”

  Before she finishes speaking the words, he pulls her into another embrace. Holding her against his chest, he whispers, “I love you.”

  Today those three little words don’t bring her joy: in fact, just the opposite. She grasps the handle of the door, needing to escape. One last time she turns to him, using that opportunity to commit to memory every detail of his face, every curve of his lips. Every single highlight in his gorgeous green eyes, memorized to its exact color.

  Ethan basks in her look of adoration before sending her on her way. If only he had a clue of what’s about to transpire.

  Ethan heads toward the office, ignoring John’s continual requests for his ETA. The only thing on his mind right now is Olivia. Finding her sitting on the floor in the bathroom this morning reminded him of the very first time that he cared for her. That may well have been the tipping point in their relationship. Until then, their stars just didn’t seem to line up, despite the dreams that drew him to her. It was the event that bound them together. If not for that, they would certainly have gone their separate ways, never discovering their destiny. That thought scares him. He’s not sure if it was fate or free will that brought them together in the end, and he doesn’t care. He’s not going to let her go, not even for one moment.


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