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An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3

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by Wolfe, Samantha


  Title Page


  Books by Samantha Wolfe


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Coming soon...

  Dark Dominion Exerpt

  About the Author

  An Act of Redemption

  Order & Chaos Book 3


  Samantha Wolfe

  Copyright © 2016 Samantha Wolfe

  All rights reserved.

  Books by Samantha Wolfe

  Beautifully Broken Trilogy

  Let Me Love You:Beautifully Broken Book 1

  Let Me Save You:Beautifully Broken Book 2

  Let Me Heal You:Beautifully Broken Book 3

  Breathless Trilogy

  You Are My Air: Breathless Book 1

  You Are My Love: Breathless Book 2

  You Are My Life: Breathless Book 3

  Order & Chaos Trilogy

  An Act of Restraint: Order & Chaos Book 1

  An Act of Release: Order & Chaos Book 2

  An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3

  Dangerous Desire Duet

  Dark Dominion: Dangerous Desire Book 1 (SPRING 2017)

  "Only the united beat of sex and the heart can create ecstasy."

  -Anais Nin

  Chapter 1


  "We have a warrant for your arrest," I heard a male voice announce. I jerked to a stop at the top of the steps leading to the front door, dressed in only Ford's T-shirt that fell clear to my knees. I stared down the stairwell in shock to see four police officers outside just past where Ford was standing in the doorway of his apartment.

  " what?" Ford blurted out as he jerked back in surprise. "For what?" his voice sounded harsh and angry, and I noticed one of the cop's hands move closer to their service weapon. It made my heart jump to my throat, and I was terrified for him, but thankfully, Ford's body relaxed before the situation escalated into violence.

  "Criminal confinement and rape, sir," one of the officers answered sternly. "We need you to come with us." I could clearly see Ford's body still in reaction as icy fear clamped tightly around my heart in a squeezing sensation. I just knew as soon as the doorbell rang a few minutes ago, that this was something bad. Now I knew it was even worse than I thought, and I feared that I knew exactly who was responsible for this.

  "Please step outside, sir."

  Ford just continued standing there, probably in shock. "Ford?!" I called down to him. He turned and met my eyes, fear and desperation all over his face.

  "I...I didn't do it, Jen," he blurted out in a pleading voice. "Whatever they say, I didn't do it."

  "I know," I answered immediately with a vigorous nod, my heart breaking that he felt he had to say that. I knew he'd never do anything like that to anyone. I started to go down the steps, needing to go to him, to touch him and comfort him.

  "Jen, no," he said firmly. "Stay upstairs."

  I stopped even though I didn't want to, and wrung my hands in distress and frustration since I didn't know what else to do.

  "Mr. Spencer we need you to come outside now," one of the officers called out. Ford turned back to face them. His body suddenly stiffened. He whirled back around and met my eyes again, and this time, I saw horrified realization and understanding in his eyes. I knew exactly what he was thinking because so was I.

  "Carter," I whispered in despair as the tears I'd been holding back began streaming down my face.

  He nodded. "Call Natalie." His voice sounded so lost, and all I could do was nod since I couldn't go to him like I wanted to.

  I turned and hurried to the bedroom to get Ford's phone, so I could call his sister. I halted by the bed and looked down at Ford's shoes next to the bed. Fuck, Ford didn't have any shoes or a shirt, and they were going to take him away like that. I sobbed loudly. It was bad enough he was being arrested for something he didn't do, now he'd have the further humiliation of being only partly clothed and barefoot. I wouldn't let that happen if I could do something about it.

  I hurriedly took off Ford's shirt then picked up my clothes and pulled them on. I grabbed a clean T-shirt, and his shoes with a pair of socks that I shoved into them. I scurried across the apartment and down the steps, afraid I'd be too late, and they'd be gone already. I hit the bottom of the steps and walked outside just in time to hear the sound of handcuffs being put on Ford. The sharp metallic sound was harsh and terrifying. The four officers were surrounding him like he was some sort of hardened criminal, and I felt sick with helpless fear. I moved toward them.

  "Ma'am," one of the officers saw me and blocked my path to Ford with an outstretched hand. "Please stay inside."

  "Please, sir," I pleaded meeting the officer's dark serious eyes and hoping he'd listen to me. "He doesn't have any shoes or a shirt." More tears started pouring out of me as I held the pile of clothes up to him. He didn't look much older than me, and he had a kind face despite his stern demeanor. "Please," I begged desperately.

  His eyes softened sympathetically, and he took the pile of clothes from me without another word. The officer walked back toward the others. I watched helplessly as they led Ford to a nearby squad car, and I realized the full weight and seriousness of what was happening. It hit my like a blow. The man I loved was being taken away, and I didn't know when I'd see him again, or get to touch him and have him hold me again. Deep sobs tore out of me as I began trembling all over. When they turned Ford to lower him into the car, he met my eyes. His face was haunted and stricken.

  "I'll be okay, Jen," he called out to me in a broken voice that didn't match his reassuring words. "Don't worry, honey. I love you, and everything will be fine."

  "I love you too," I forced out as the squad car's door swung closed. The thump it made sounded so final.

  Ford kept his eyes locked on mine through the window as an officer climbed into the car. The other three went to their own vehicles, and all I could do was watch Ford being taken away from me as they all drove off. The weight of it all finally became too much to bear. As Ford left my sight, I fell to my knees and surrendered to it, sobbing hysterically next to the wide-open door to Ford's apartment.

  I should have known it had been too easy yesterday. I should have known there wouldn't be any fallout after tricking Carter, and now Ford was paying the price for my weakness and stupidity. Once again, Carter had taken something precious from me, and I feared I would never get him back again.


  "Hey, big brother," Natalie greeted me when I called her on Ford's cell phone. "Why the hell are you awake right now?"

  "N...Natalie," I stuttered out on the edge of hysteria again. "The...the police. They...they came and...and t...took Ford."

  "What?!" she practically shrieked through the phone line. I could clearly hear Daniel start to cry in the background. "Why?!" she snapped out, sounding like she was on the verge of losing it herself.

  "They...they said for cr...criminal confinement and r...rape." I could barely get the vile and offensive words out. Like Ford could ever do something like that, but with Carter involved who knew what evidence he'd fabricated. I'd never been so afraid in my life.

  "Oh my God." She sounded a little hysterical, and it wasn't helping me hold it together at all. "What the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me?"

  "No," I said, then lost it completely again as I began s
obbing uncontrollably. I didn't realize for several moments that Natalie was still talking to me.

  "Jenny!" she barked out, finally getting my attention. "Jenny! Listen to me, goddamn it!"

  I somehow managed to rein in my sobbing enough to listen to her.

  "Are you at his apartment?" she asked.


  "Alright. I'm hanging up and calling David," she told me in a wavering voice. She was crying now too, and Daniel was wailing even louder. "He...he's on his way to work right now. He'll come get you and bring you to our house. Okay?"

  "Okay," I whimpered softly then started sobbing pathetically again.

  "Just...just hold on, Jenny," Natalie said with a sob of her own. "He'll be there soon."

  Okay," I whispered and nodded even though she couldn't see me. Then she was gone, and I was left sitting in the middle of Ford's bed all alone. I didn't even remember coming back up to his room after the police took him away. Everything since then was a nightmarish blur of terror and despair. What if he was convicted and went to prison? What if I never got to have him hold me again while we slept? What if we never got to have the family that we wanted together?

  I laid down and curled up into a tight little ball, and lost control again. I sobbed and wept for what felt like hours, mindless with fear and sorrow. The next thing I knew there was a gentle hand on my shoulder.

  "Jenny," David's calm voice murmured softly with sympathy. I opened my eyes to see him hovering over me with concern.

  "They...they took him away," I whimpered out.

  "I know," he replied. He took my hand and pulled me up to a sitting position. "Come on. Let's get you out of here." He coaxed me into standing up and put an arm around my shoulders. He walked me across Ford's apartment, down the steps, and out through the wide-open door. I guess I didn't even remember to close Ford's door when I went upstairs to call Natalie. David led me to his car and settled me into the passenger seat, strapping me in as I sat there despondently, too lost to manage tears again.

  We drove to his house in silence as I stared off through the windshield. I knew David kept looking at me periodically with a worried expression, but I didn't even have it in me to care or react in any way. All I could think about was Ford, and what he was going through alone right now. It had to be horrible and humiliating, and I couldn't do a damn thing to help him. Guilt slammed into me. If I had just kept what Carter was doing to myself. If I had just had the strength to walk away like Carter told me to, then Ford would be free right now. I hung my head in shame and stared at my tightly clasped hands. Silent tears dripped down my face.

  "This is not your fault, Jenny," David announced suddenly. My God, he was perceptive. It was like he read my mind. No wonder he was a psych nurse. "Ford knows that, and he wouldn't want you to regret telling him about Carter. He wouldn't want you to sacrifice yourself to that monster. You're both victims here, but we'll figure a way out of this. He's innocent, and we'll prove it."

  I didn't argue with him as I turned away to stare blindly out the passenger window. I don't know how he was being so positive about this. Carter was a powerful and ruthless man, and I didn't see how we could fight him. Who knew what damning evidence he had fabricated to look legitimate? I feared this was a pointless battle that would end with Ford's life being ruined and mine too, since I couldn't imagine it without him anymore. David was silent the rest of the way to his house, sensing that I didn't have it in me to talk about it.

  When we finally pulled into his driveway, I was surprised to see my brother's car there. Natalie must have called him too. A wave of relief hit me. Maybe Andy could figure out a way out of this. I practically leaped out of the car when David put it in park. I hurried up the sidewalk with him close behind.

  I flung the door open without even knocking, spotting my brother where he was pacing back and forth across the living room. He turned on his heel and made a beeline straight for me, his face an amalgam of anger, fear, and worry. I flew into his arms with a sob, and he pulled me in close and held me tight.

  "We'll figure this out, Jenny," Andy murmured comfortingly. "Ford's innocent, and that fucking bastard won't get away with this. No way in fucking hell." He added that last part vehemently.

  I became aware of the sound of little Daniel wailing. I glanced over to see Natalie holding him with a frantic look on her face as she bounced her son gently, trying to calm him. She was so upset herself that I doubted it was even possible. David went straight to her and took the baby from her with a soft look of understanding. He cradled his son close and started murmuring soothingly to him and rocking him in his arms. Daniel immediately began to settle down. Wow, David must be the baby whisperer.

  "It had to be that Bennett motherfucker," Natalie bit out harshly. "Why couldn't he just leave us alone? Why go after Ford?" Her voice began to break again, her eyes brimming with tears.

  "And why the fuck would anyone think that Ford was going around tying people up and raping them?" Andy asked in bewilderment.

  I looked across the room and met Natalie's eyes, and her eyes widened in realization. I nodded in understanding. Somehow Carter had found out that Ford was a dominant and practiced Japanese rope bondage, or shibari. I had no idea how the fuck he did, but he must have.

  "Shit," Natalie whispered under her breath. David looked at her questioningly, then his eyes flashed open in comprehension. Apparently, she'd told David too.

  "Oh, fuck," David murmured, which drew Andy's attention as he released me from his arms. David rarely swore unless he had good reason to.

  "Am I missing something here?" Andy asked with a perplexed expression as he glanced between the three of us.

  Shit, I suddenly had a deeper understanding of how hard it was for Ford to tell his sister about his sex life. The sudden fear of my brother's judgment clammed me right up. I was very aware of everyone looking at me expectantly now. He was my brother after all, but I didn't even know where to start. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I looked at Natalie again, but she looked just as flummoxed as I felt.

  "Jenny?" Andy asked with concern.

  "Um...uh..." I looked helplessly at David, who gave me a sympathetic expression.

  "What the fuck, guys?" Andy asked softly. "You're freaking me out here." Several long moments passed in silence as Natalie and I just stood there at a loss.

  "Oh, for fuck's sake." David finally blurted out in exasperation. "Ford's a dominant and into rope bondage, Andrew."

  "Oh," Andy said as his eyes widened and his head jerked back in surprise. "Oh," he added, drawing the word out in understanding. "Holy fuck." His eyes widened further. "That bastard found out about it." I stared at my brother in shock. I thought this information would get an entirely different reaction from him. He wasn't fazed by it at all. I stared at him incredulously.

  "It appears that way," David said gravely.

  Andy noticed me looking at him. He gave me an understanding smile. "Hey," he said comfortingly as he put a hand on my shoulder. "I'd never judge you, Ford, or anybody for something like that. Everybody's entitled to a little kink. It's a hell of a lot of fun." His eyes glittered mischievously, but he didn't elaborate like he normally would have to make me uncomfortable. That just proved how serious this situation was. "What the fuck do we do now?"

  "Well, for one," David said calmly. "Ford needs a criminal defense lawyer, and a damn good one if he's fighting a psychopath like Elliott Bennett." He shook his head. "Psychopaths hate to lose, and they can be very punitive when they feel wronged in any way." He sighed. "Obviously, he's trying to get even by lashing out at you and Ford this way. God only knows what he's done to get these accusations thrown at Ford."

  "The only lawyers I know are Mr. Caxton and Mr. Tierney," I said. "Maybe they can help us find one."

  "I could call their office," Natalie added, "but I'd like to keep this to ourselves for now. I know Ford won't want this out there for the whole world to know. I'm sure Mom has Tom's personal phone number." She suddenly
gasped with a panic-stricken expression. "Shit, Mom's going to lose it when she finds out Ford got arrested. She'll be a basket case. I can't tell her this over the phone."

  "Why don't we just go to her place then," David suggested. "I can help keep her calm when we tell her, and Daniel will help keep her occupied while we figure out a plan."

  "Let me get dressed," Natalie said.

  "I'll grab the diaper bag," David added with a nod. The two of them hurried out of the room and disappeared down the hallway toward the bedrooms.

  I looked at my brother helplessly. "I'm so scared, Andy," I whispered in a wavering voice as tears threatened again. "What if Carter gets away with this?"

  "Shush." He pulled me onto his arms again with a sympathetic expression. "Don't think like that. Ford's innocent, and he'll be fine. You'll see."

  I nodded, but didn't say anything because I wasn't so sure. Carter was determined, resourceful, and completely remorseless. How did you fight a monster like that? I shivered with terror because I feared that this battle was already a lost cause before it even began. I hugged Andy tighter and snuggled in close, needing all the comfort I could get and hoping my heart survived the coming fray.


  I was surprised when Victoria herself answered the door after Natalie rang the doorbell of her mother's townhouse. I was even more surprised by her disheveled hair and the green silk robe she was wearing. I'd never seen her anything short of completely put together.

  She looked nervous and glanced back into her house. "Natalie, honey?" She glanced around our little group as her unease became concern. " everything okay?"

  "Can we come in Mom?" Natalie said in a neutral tone, obviously trying not to upset her mother yet.

  "Um..." she glanced back anxiously into the house again. "Uh...Alright, honey."

  We all paraded past Victoria and headed up the steps to the second floor as Natalie and David led us in. I noticed that there were two plates of half eaten food on the dining room table and a newspaper spread haphazardly across it. That was odd. She usually read the morning news on her tablet.


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