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An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3

Page 8

by Wolfe, Samantha

  "Well, I've had about enough of you even questioning whether your son is innocent." She stepped closer to him, her righteous anger making her seem larger than life. "Ford has been through hell for the last two days, and he doesn't need you here ripping him apart. He needs people who love him and believe in him, not people like you, you ignorant asshole." She pointed at him sternly. "Ford is a good man. He's not a rapist, and you should know that."

  "I don't know who you think you are or what gives you the right to speak to me this way, you little-"

  "Stop!" I snarled out fiercely. Dad visibly startled, and his eyes flashed up to mine with his mouth gaping in surprise. "You will not insult the woman I love, even if you are my father. I won't stand for it, so pick your next words wisely, John. If you fuck with her, you fuck with me," I growled out with menace as I purposefully used his first name, knowing he'd take it as the disrespect I'd intended. His mouth snapped shut. "Go home." My voice was a deep rumble as anger boiled inside me. "You've made it crystal clear what you think of me, and you're not welcome here."

  His head jerked back in surprise, and he actually looked shocked by my outburst. I'd finally defended myself. It was something that I should have done a long time ago, instead of biting my tongue because I still hoped to salvage our relationship. "But son, I-" he began in a soft tone.

  "Just go," I snarled out vehemently, and I swear he looked hurt for half a second. I brushed it off. He'd hurt me so many times now, that I think that's what I wanted to see. I was done hoping anymore. It was time to move on from this, no matter what happened to me next.

  I didn't wait for him to try to say anything else or even walk away. I closed the door, took Jen's hand in mine, and led her back upstairs with me. I wasn't happy about what just transpired, but oddly it didn't hurt as much as it could have. Maybe that was a sign that I was getting over losing my relationship with my father. Holy hell, I hoped so, because I certainly didn't need anymore stress in my life right now.


  I was still picking at my fried rice when Jen finished her food. I just didn't have much of an appetite. I'd been forcing it down as best as I could so Jen wouldn't worry about me anymore than she already was. I don't think it worked though, since she kept eying me with a frown.

  Finally, she sighed softly, then rose from my couch and disappeared into my bedroom. I pursed my lips and sighed myself. I knew I'd been despondent and not myself since I got arrested, and I'd barely spoken since my dad showed up earlier. I didn't blame her for not wanting to be around me right now. I wanted to break myself out of this melancholy hole I was in, but I just didn't know how.

  I glanced around my home, and despair hit me as I wondered how much longer I'd be able to call it that. It felt like the fight in me was fading. I couldn't work, I couldn't go anywhere, and I couldn't do anything but wait for Gareth to get me out of this. I'd never felt so powerless in my life, and the only way I knew to get it back, reminded me of the crime I'd been accused of.

  Yesterday, when I tried to dominate Jen like she needed me to, I'd failed miserably. I'd been in the moment at first, had started to get into the head space of a Dom, but as soon as she crossed her wrists wanting me to bind her, I just couldn't do it. All I could think about were the disgusted looks on the officer's faces, and the mumbled insult under one of the officer's breath when he called me a sick fucked-up freak. I'd never thought of myself that way before, but being around that negative energy and being accused of something so horrible, yet so similar to what I did in the bedroom, was really fucking with my head.

  I'd never doubted myself like this before, and I felt like I was letting Jenny down. She needed our play time just as much as I did. It helped us feel connected and whole, cementing our bond and bringing us closer together through trust and true intimacy. Our play was also our release valve for stress, and right now there was more of it than ever in our lives. Without it, I feared for my sanity and our future, if we even had one anymore. What little appetite I had just died, and I slapped my container of food down on the coffee table with a disgusted noise. I leaned forward to rest my elbows on my knees and covered my face with my hands, rubbing at my eyes and feeling lost.

  "Sir?" Jen asked in a deferential tone.

  I opened my eyes to find Jen kneeling on the floor in front of me. She was gloriously nude, and holding several coiled lengths of her blue rope up to me in her outstretched hands like an offering.

  "Please, sir," she said softly. Her sapphire eyes were pleading and desperate.

  "Jen," I murmured as I reached out to cradle her cheek in my left hand. "I...I don't think I can." Shame fell over me like a heavy weight. "I'm sorry."

  She immediately set the rope aside and scooted forward until she was kneeling between my feet. She laid her hands on my cheeks. Her eyes were sympathetic. "Ford. Why not? You need this. I need this. We need this." Her thumb rubbed across my lower lip gently. "What's wrong?"

  "Being arrested and being treated like a goddamn criminal for something I didn't even do have really fucked with my head, honey." I felt like I was failing her completely, and confessing intensified my shame. "When you wanted me to bind your wrists yesterday, all I could see were their judgmental and disgusted faces. I could hear the snide comments and the things they called me under their breath. I wanted to tie you up, but I couldn't get all that shit out of my head. I'm sorry for letting you down, Jenny." I hung my head in humiliation, but she immediately lifted my face back up to meet her compassionate eyes.

  "I can't even imagine what it was like, Ford." Her eyes turned fierce. "But I can tell you one thing. Those assholes don't have a fucking clue. When you bind me, I feel free. It makes me feel connected to you so profoundly, and I feel so close to you. I've never had that kind of intimacy with another man, ever. What we share is so special, so deep. Nothing about it is wrong, or sick, or disgusting in any way. It's beautiful and perfect, and so very right. You know that."

  "Jen," I breathed out with feeling. "I do, but yesterday..." I trailed off as I worked up the will to say what I needed to say. "The humiliation, the fear, and the indignity of it all got to me, made me start doubting myself. I guess part of me is starting to think that they're right, and I really must be a sick fucked-up freak, since my sexual needs led to me being falsely accused of raping someone."

  "If that's true, then I'm a sick fucked-up freak too," she said confidently as a warm sexy smile spread wide across her luscious lips. "And we can be sick fucked-up freaks together, baby." She leaned in closer, her lips almost touching mine. "We have nothing to be ashamed of, and we're not going to let those assholes win. So you're going to tie me up, and have your way with me, unapologetic, unashamed, and uninhibited. You're going to take back the power, and we're both going to fly free."

  Holy hell, I loved this woman, and I wanted to be a sick fucked-up freak with her for the rest of my goddamn life. "Yes, ma-am," I answered with fierce determination, reaching up to grab a fistful of the hair at the back of her head.

  I pulled her head back, enjoying her immediate submission as her body relaxed into me. Then I kissed her with bruising force. She let out a long sexy moan and grabbed my shirt in her fists as I plundered her mouth with slow deep thrusts of my tongue. I was in control of this kiss, of her. I took the power back. I demanded it. It was mine. She was mine. Jen gave herself to me willingly and enthusiastically. Her submission was a gift, an honor, and I wasn't going to squander it. She gave me all of herself, and I owed her the same.

  I ripped my mouth off hers with a growl. "Kneel in the middle of the rug," I demanded gruffly as I motioned to the open space on the other side of the coffee table.

  "Yes, sir." She smiled as she rose and obeyed me eagerly, and I couldn't help grinning right back at her for a second. Our eyes locked, and she nodded slowly at me before her eyes fell to the floor in front of her. She laid her hands in her lap and bowed her head as she waited for my next command.

  Calmness fell over me in a wave as the Dom in me
unfurled and infused me with power and determination. Holy hell, I needed this, needed her, and not just her submission, but her strength too. She'd just pulled me up out of the darkness I was lost in, and built me up with her love and her faith in me, in us. I loved her so much, and now I'd show her by giving us both what we needed right now. Here alone together like this, nothing else mattered, and nothing else could touch us. We were invulnerable.

  I quickly stripped out of all my clothes, not wanting anything between us right now. I straightened after pulling my jeans and boxers off, and noticed that her gaze was locked on my growing erection with hot desperate need glittering in her eyes. It filled me with wicked male satisfaction that I could affect her that way.

  I picked up the ropes and went to kneel behind her. "Arms above your head," I growled out in a voice deepened by my arousal. She complied and I swiftly wrapped a chest harness around her upper body, framing her perfect luscious tits just the way I liked. "Bend your elbows." I wound the rope around her upper arms and her wrists, then tied it off to the back of her chest harness.

  Her forearms were now crossed behind her head with her wrists bound together and her elbows in the air. The position lifted her breasts up high, and they were glorious. I paused in my work to cup them and squeeze them firmly. Holy hell, I loved her body, every goddamn inch. I tweaked her nipples between my fingers, making her gasp in surprised pleasure.

  "Ford," she whimpered as she fell back against me.

  "Good girl," I whispered close to her ear as I eased her down onto her back. Her eyes were dark and languid with desire. "Bend your knees up," I commanded in a voice that was husky with lust.

  "Yes, sir."

  I bound the thigh and calf of each of her legs together, admiring the way the rope sank into her flesh and how the position she was in left her exposed and vulnerable to me. I could smell her arousal, and it made me groan and shudder with need.

  I crawled forward to hover over her, my dick bumping against the rope on one of her thighs. I lowered myself down and kissed her again, this time slowly and lingeringly until she mewled wantonly and wriggled in her restraints. I slid my lips down her body, kissing and nibbling at her creamy skin as I went. She tasted and felt so good, like fucking heaven.

  I pulled her nipple into my mouth when I reached her right breast, and sucked hard on it. She moaned and arched her back trying to push herself closer to my mouth. I flicked my tongue across the tight little nub, making her gasp and writhe in her ropes some more.

  "Oh God, Ford," she whispered. "Feels so good."

  I moved to the other breast, eliciting the same reaction as I primed her body for what was to come. By the time I finished teasing and taunting her, and kissing my way down her belly, she was a quivering ball of desperate lust and desire.

  "Please, Ford," she begged, but I wasn't even close to being done with her yet. My only reply was a dark evil chuckle. She let out a long frustrated moan that abruptly died when my kisses reached her pubic bone. She wiggled her hips what little she could to get me where she wanted me.

  "Hold still, or you don't come," I growled out as I lifted my lips from her flesh and gave her a hard stare.

  She responded with a long needy whine, but finally managed to hold still even though her eyes were wild with lust. Time for a reward. "Good girl," I murmured. I leaned down until my lips were mere inches from her warm wet pussy. It smelled so fucking good and looked so gorgeous. I couldn't resist her. I abruptly delved my tongue into her wetness with a deep groan of desperation.

  "Ford," she gasped in surprise.

  She was soaking wet, and I let out a deep rumbling growl as her juices hit my tongue. Holy fucking hell, she always tasted so damn good. It was like a revelation every time I went down on her. No woman ever tasted and felt like my Jenny.

  I attacked her clit with a vengeance, my tongue and teeth owning her body. Within moments, she was wailing out her pleasure as I sent her soaring. From the crazed look in her eyes, it seemed like she was enjoying herself. She'd better, because it was going to be a while before she got another. I was in the mood to taunt and torture her on the razor edge of bliss before I fucked her into oblivion when she couldn't take it anymore.

  Edging was a skill that took control and concentration. You needed to stave off her orgasm long enough to heighten the release when you finally allowed it. Let it go on far too long, and it could actually lessen the pleasure when she finally did. Fail in reading a woman's subtle cues, and she'd tumble over too soon and all control would be lost. I loved balancing on the knife's edge, loved owning Jen's body and controlling her pleasure. I rarely commanded a submissive not to come. I preferred playing a woman's body like an instrument, plucking and stroking the strings until I allowed the crescendo to hit its climax when I willed it.

  I set to work, playing Jen with consummate skill, licking and sucking and biting. I knew her body well, could feel and sense every time she was close, by the way she breathed, and the tension thrumming through her body. It had always been this way, even from the very beginning of our relationship. Her body was made for me.

  I worked her to the edge over and over again, her whines and whimpers becoming laced with more and more frustration. Her ropes creaked as she fought them unconsciously, like she could do anything else but take what I gave her. This kind of control was a heady drug, the best kind, and I was completely addicted.

  "Ford!" she blurted out demandingly with the beginning of anger finally coloring her tone.

  "Jen," I replied mockingly as I paused and grinned up at her.

  She glared at me and opened her mouth to lay into me.

  "Choose your next words wisely, Jen," I said with dark menace before she could utter a sound. "Or I'll be the only one coming."

  Her eyes widened in surprise as she snapped her mouth shut, though anger still simmered in them. I lowered my head and pressed my tongue into her clit, taking her right to the edge one more time. She keened out in frustrated anger and desperation, and I held her there until she started swearing and begging for her orgasm.

  "Fuck, please!" she wailed. "Oh fuck! Goddamn it, Ford! Please, please, please!"

  I surged up toward her head, just as she took in a breath to beg again, and I plunged balls deep into her slick channel with a hard snap of my hips. She screamed as she blew apart under me, her back arching and her eyes squeezing shut in ecstasy.

  I snarled again and again, setting a punishing pace as I drilled her into the goddamn floor. It felt so fucking good, my own orgasm already threatening to unman me as I watched her come undone under me. Her entire chest was flushed pink, her breathing wild and erratic between her incoherent screams. It was so fucking beautiful.

  "Fuck, yes!" I bellowed, trying desperately to stave off the inevitable and make this last. Finally, the pulsing and contracting of her pussy around my cock were too much for me to bear any longer.

  "Oh fuck, Jen!" I yelled. "I'm coming!"

  My words sent her up once more as she let out a long guttural scream, and we both flew free. The sweet glorious bliss emptied my head of all my fear and worry. All that existed was the two of us, connected and bound together in every way. And just like she said, it was beautiful and perfect, and so very right.

  Chapter 5


  I let out a deliciously satisfied moan as I started to wake. It turned into a long whine as I realized that Ford wasn't holding me. I'd gotten used to waking up in his arms, and it didn't feel right without them around me.

  "I'm right here, honey," Ford rumbled out from nearby.

  I opened my eyes to see him in his recliner facing me as I lie on his couch. He was sitting with an ankle crossing the opposite knee. I didn't even remember Ford unbinding me, or how I ended up lying here with a blanket over me. I think I'd basically passed out after our shibari scene. I might despise Ford while he was edging me, but the mind-blowing payoff at the end was always worth it. He was dressed only in his jeans, and I admired his glorious upper body for a

  Finally, I managed to rouse out of my stupor enough to focus on what Ford was actually doing. His sketch pad was open and balanced on his knee as he slid a pencil softly across the paper.

  I smiled at him warmly. "You're drawing me again?"

  "Eh, I didn't have anything better to do," he replied casually with a shrug as he glanced up and gave me a lop-sided grin. It was so damn sexy that it practically gave me palpitations. I hadn't seen it since he was arrested, and I'd missed it. It was good to see him feeling more like himself again.

  I glared at him and made an indignant huff. "You're an asshole," I told him sternly then grinned broadly, happy that he was joking around with me.

  One of his brows rose, and he gave me a hard stare as his pencil froze in place. "Asshole, huh?" he growled out.

  "Yup," I answered nonchalantly.

  "You weren't calling me that forty-five minutes ago." A corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk.

  "I wanted to," I replied impishly.

  He chuckled darkly. "I know." His smirk turned into a panty melting smile as he leaned toward me. "But you knew better."

  "Yes, sir," I purred wantonly.

  He growled deep in his chest and narrowed his eyes at me with lust dancing in them. "You are an evil temptress." He shook his head. "Maybe I should add some devil horns to this sketch."

  "I don't know what you're talking about," I said innocently. "I'm a perfect angel."

  "I think you're a little of both, honey," he said as affection lit up his indigo eyes. "That's why I love you so much."

  "I love you too." My smile softened as I sat up and reached out my hand toward him. "Now hand it over," I added demandingly.

  "You're awfully bossy today," he grumbled out as he handed me his sketch pad. "Am I rubbing off on you?"

  "Hopefully, you will later." I waggled my eyebrows at him suggestively. He snorted and shook his head with another heart-stopping grin.


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