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An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3

Page 15

by Wolfe, Samantha

  "Okay," Natalie replied softly with sympathy in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

  Silence stretched out between the siblings for a few moments, and I watched Ford continue to stare despondently at his hands as they lie slack in his lap. Natalie looked like she wanted to say more, but was at a loss since she didn't want to upset her brother any further.

  Finally, I had to do something. "Have you and David set a date for your wedding yet?" I asked Natalie curiously. I figured it was a safe topic change.

  Natalie turned to me with a grateful expression. "Well, we haven't really done much planning since we've been focusing on Daniel and adjusting to being new parents, but we're thinking about a February wedding." She sighed deeply. "Mom is trying to push for a Christmas wedding, again." She rolled her eyes at Ford, who finally managed a smile as they shared some inside joke I wasn't privy to. "I'm glad that Dad doesn't care when I get married," she grumbled out in a disgruntled tone. "He just wants whatever makes me happy." Ford stilled, and his face went blank at the mention of their father. He clenched his hands into tight fists. I stiffened. I didn't want to talk about that man either. He may be their father, but to me, he was just a close-minded asshole who treated his son like shit.

  Natalie noticed both our reactions and narrowed her eyes worriedly. "Have...have you heard from Dad since...since all this happened?" she asked uncertainly.

  "Yeah," Ford snarled out caustically. "I heard from him. He stopped by to question if I was innocent or not."

  "So I told him to get the hell out of here," I added in an angry tone, unable to stay quiet.

  "And I won't be talking to him again anytime soon," Ford said with sobering finality. I watched his jaw clench and unclench as anger and hurt flashed across his eyes. Even if it was the right thing for him to let his father go, it was still painful, and I could only imagine how much it hurt him.

  Natalie's eyes widened in surprise for a second and then narrowed. Anger ignited in her eyes, and her nostrils flared. "Well, I'll be talking to him very very soon," she said in a low dangerous voice that sounded scary. It made me almost pity John Spencer, but he'd made his bed, and now he could suffer in it.

  "Natie," Ford said worriedly. "This is between Dad and me. I don't want you damaging your relationship with Dad over my issues with him. Besides, you promised you wouldn't say anything about it to him."

  "That promise expired when he questioned your innocence, Ford," Natalie replied fiercely. "I'm going to give him a piece of my mind."

  "Natie," Ford said warningly as he frowned. "You don't need to-"

  "Ford," she insisted firmly. "This is my decision. Dad was some serious explaining to do, and I intend to tell him exactly what I think about his behavior. If my relationship with him suffers from it, that's on him, not you. I'm not letting it go this time. I can't." Her eyes were hard and uncompromising as she held her brother's gaze. Ford stared back at her, and the standoff stretched into a long uncomfortable moment.

  As if sensing the tension in the room, Daniel started fussing. I looked down at him to see his little face scrunching up in discontent. "It's okay, baby," I murmured to him softly as I patted his bottom gently, but it was too late. A second later, he was wailing unhappily, and Natalie was reaching over to take her son into her arms.

  "Come here, baby boy," she cooed sweetly to him as she cuddled him close to her chest. She kissed his forehead and nuzzled her nose against his. He immediately began to calm down. There was nothing like a mother's touch.

  Ford watched them in tense silence, his lips pressed together pensively. Natalie glanced up from her son to look at her brother again. Her face softened. "I love you, Ford. You've always had my back. For once, let me have yours," she said sincerely.

  He held her gaze for a few more seconds before he finally sighed in resignation. "Okay," he said quietly. "I love you, too." He smiled wearily at his sister.

  "Of course you do, big brother" she replied with a wry smile. "What's not to love? I'm the best sister ever."

  "Whatever, shrimp," he said in a dismissive tone as his smile widened.

  I relaxed as the tension in the room finally faded away. After that, Natalie and I began a long detailed discussion about her ideas for her wedding as Ford looked on in bewildered amusement. It continued until David came in to announce that lunch was ready. Ford was happy and content for the rest of their visit. It was the first time in days I'd seen him that way, and I wished it could last forever. However, I knew all too soon his family would leave to go home and that lost look of powerless despair would be back on his face, and I'd feel lost and helpless myself all over again.


  "Princess?" Dad said from the open doorway into my office in a worried voice.

  I looked up from where I was stowing my purse in my desk drawer to see my dad and my brother standing there. They both looked upset, and that was not what I wanted to see upon arriving to work on a Monday morning.

  They walked in slowly with concerned and apprehensive expressions. I glanced down to see that Andy was clutching a newspaper in his hands. Fear burst to life inside me as I stared at it like it was some dangerous venomous thing that I wanted to fling away from myself.

  "Have you...have you seen the paper today?" Andy asked slowly as his eyes filled with sympathy.

  I took an unconscious step backwards as he came closer. I shook my head jerkily, not in answer to his question, but because I didn't want to know what was in that paper. I feared that I already knew.

  "There's an article about Ford in it by that Hopkins woman," Dad said, his voice heating with anger. I suddenly felt like my world was falling away underneath me. How much more did Ford have to deal with? How much more did he have to take before it broke him and then us? How much more before he resented me, then ended up hating me for all of this?

  "And it's all a bunch of fucking bullshit," Andy chimed in, sounding angry himself himself as he flung the newspaper on my desk in front of me.

  I backed away another step as I stared at the vile thing for several long moments, the need to read it warring with my first inclination to throw it far away and never look at it at all.

  "Jenny?" Andy asked, and I glanced up to see him eying me worriedly. I realized he'd been talking to me, and I didn't have a clue what he was saying.

  "I'm going home," I blurted out without any idea that's what I was going to say. I pulled my purse back out of my drawer, snatched the newspaper up off the desk, and started toward the door. If I read it at all, it wasn't going to be here, and I needed Ford right now. And even more importantly, I knew he'd need me after he saw the article.

  Dad grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop. "Jenny?" he asked gently as he frowned worriedly at me.

  "I can't be here right now, Dad," I whimpered out as I fought not to cry. "And I can't let Ford see this without me being there for him."

  "Okay, Princess." He nodded slightly, then pulled me into a hug. "We'll take care of everything here for you. Take as long as you need."

  I let him go and turned to find Andy in front of me. He pulled me in for a hug too. "If you need anything, call me," he said softly. "Okay?"

  I nodded, unable to speak for fear I'd start sobbing. I hurried away before I lost it and ended up crying at work again. I somehow managed to make it to my car with my dignity still intact. I threw my purse and the newspaper onto the passenger seat and took off for Ford's apartment, wondering how badly Ford would react when he read that horrid woman's article. I worried and fretted about it while I drove, until I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to read it to see how bad it was, just so I knew what to expect when Ford saw it.

  I was driving through downtown and happened to see an open parking space along the street. I pulled my Mini Cooper into it and put the car in park, then immediately snagged the newspaper off the seat.

  It didn't take long to find the article since it was on the front page, and that bitch's face was next to it. The headline made me want to puke.

of Prominent Local Business Owner Accused of Rape.

  "Oh no," I whispered breathlessly. I was afraid that his mother's business, the Ford Equity Group, would be dragged into this. Ford would be riddled with guilt over it. I started reading the article itself. Nothing in it was a blatant lie, but the language and the way it was worded, made Ford sound like a predator targeting unsuspecting women for his sick games. His mother was painted as a poor clueless woman who was blind to her own son's abhorrent behavior.

  It went on to make Ford out to be some violent man with a history of assault and a blasé attitude about the charges against him, mentioning that he was out riding his motorcycle and getting a tattoo at Solid Stone Ink. I felt ill when the article then mentioned his friendship with Nick. If this hurt Nick's business, Ford would never forgive himself. It talked about how he had the gall to keep his own shop, Apex Ink, open for business as if nothing was wrong with his employees being just as clueless to the truth as his mother.

  Then the article mentioned me by name. I was made out to be a pathetic naive fool who had no idea she was dating a monster as I went about my life without a clue. I felt like I'd taken a blow to the stomach now. Nothing would make Ford feel more guilt than my name being in this article. My God, I couldn't read anymore, and I flung the paper away from me onto the floor of the passenger side of my car. I wanted to hunt down every copy and burn them all to ashes. I didn't want Ford to see it, or to have to see his reaction to it. He was going to be devastated.

  Despair fell over me in a crushing wave as nausea roiled inside me. I feared I might actually vomit. I sucked in breath after breath, trying to fight it down as I held on to the steering wheel in a white-knuckled death grip. I was close to the edge of losing it, unable to stop this nightmare from continuing. We were both helpless victims, and I was so sick of it. I longed to do something, anything really, to help Ford.

  I finally glanced up and froze when I focused on the tall building directly in my line of sight several blocks away. Emblazoned boldly in red across the top of the tallest building downtown were the words, Bennett Corporation. Sudden rage ignited inside me, burning through the despair and fear in an instant. Without thinking, I grabbed my purse and got out of my car, the anger filling me with a singular unwavering purpose. I slammed my car door shut, then stalked down the sidewalk toward the building, oblivious to the people around me as I rudely pushed my way through them.

  Within minutes, I was storming into the Bennett Corporation's lobby, my blood boiling and searing through my body. The vast lobby was floored with a huge expanse of black-veined white marble. The decor was masculine and modern, all steel, dark leather, and clean lines. It spoke of power and wealth, and the desire to flaunt it. It suited Carter Bennett perfectly, and fed my anger.

  The short line at the massive reception desk halted my momentum, and I stood there clenching my hands into fists and grinding my teeth together. I seethed as I thought about what I was going to say to that bastard when I finally saw him. I growled under my breath, and the woman in front of me turned her head to eye me warily for a second before looking away.

  That was when I felt eyes on me. I glanced to my right to see a security guy several yards away watching me closely. He pulled his radio from his belt and spoke into it. I couldn't hear him, but he kept staring at me, and it was unnerving. He probably wasn't talking about me or even paying me any mind, but it was enough to bring me back to reality. My rage began to ebb, and in its wake came sudden clarity. What the fuck am I doing here? Did I honestly think this was a good idea? Like I'd even get anywhere near Carter, let alone talk to him. I was trying to do the same thing I'd stopped Ford from doing the other day, minus the physical assault. Holy shit, I was an idiot. The woman in front of me suddenly stepped aside, and it was my turn.

  "What can I assist you with ma'am?" the friendly young woman behind the reception desk asked with a warm smile.

  "Sorry," I mumbled, then turned and fled. I hurried across the marble floor toward the exit, my heels clacking much louder than I would have liked. Fear skittered across my skin like cold fire, and I swear I could still feel eyes on my back. It was all I could do not to run. I made it all the way to the doors, and was reaching out to push my way out of the building, when a male voice called behind me.

  "Miss Purcell?"

  I turned back to see the security guard approaching me as icy terror flooded my body. How the fuck did this guy know my name?

  "Y...yes?" I asked automatically as he stopped in front of me. He was tall and broad shouldered in his crisp uniform, and it intimidated the hell out of me even though he was smiling. I suddenly wished Ford was here.

  "Miss Purcell, I'm to escort you up to Mr. Bennett," he said in a polite professional tone. "He's been expecting you."

  I stared up at the guy, slack jawed and stunned for a moment. "Expecting me?" I asked incredulously. What the hell? The evil fucker must have shown the security officers a picture of me, so they could keep an eye out for me.

  "Yes, ma'am." He nodded firmly. "If you came in we were instructed to escort you up to his office immediately." He motioned toward the elevators across the lobby. "If you'll follow me, I'll take you there now." His voice was firm and commanding, and it made me wonder what he'd do if I refused. I considered it for a moment, but thought better of it. This was an opportunity to learn something useful. I had my phone. Maybe I could record our conversation without Carter knowing, and catch him incriminating himself. It was worth the risk, if I could save Ford.

  "Okay," I agreed as I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest.

  "Right this way," he said.

  I followed him, and he escorted me to some security scanners. I handed him my purse at his prompting and stepped through the metal detector. He then handed me back my bag after glancing through its contents, before leading me to the elevators.

  The silence in the elevator was oppressive as I frantically tried to figure out a way to get to my phone and turn on the audio recorder without being noticed before I got to Carter. Maybe if I asked to use the restroom beforehand. I decided that was my only option.

  The elevator finally stopped, and we stepped out into a small lobby that was even more opulent and ostentatious than the foyer downstairs with warm expensive furnishings and walls. The security guy led me over to a long reception desk manned by a gorgeous brunette woman wearing Prada and staring down her nose at me. The security guard told her who I was, and she nodded knowingly. I was just about to inquire about the nearest restroom when she looked at me and spoke in a calm authoritative tone.

  "Cell phones and recording devices are not permitted beyond this point, Miss Purcell. Mr. Bennett takes the security of his proprietary information very seriously." She held her hand out across the desk to me. "I'll keep your phone safely here, and you may retrieve it on your way out."

  "," I answered as my stomach dropped. I took my phone out of my bag and handed it to the woman, feeling ill. So much for my plan. I should have known better. Carter was no fool, but I suspected I was one myself now. I should never have entered this damn building. Gareth was going to kill me over this. I just hoped I didn't make things worse for Ford with my stupidity.

  She tucked my phone into a drawer, then locked it. She came around the desk and motioned down the nearby hall. "Right this way, Miss Purcell."

  I followed her, practically quaking in fear. I had hoped never to see Carter Bennett again. His presence always seemed to strip my strength from me, leaving me feeling like that pathetic teenage girl he used and tossed away so many years ago. It made me feel weak and unsure of myself. I didn't like it. I didn't want to be that girl anymore. Particularly now that I had Ford in my life, and he made feel strong and confident in myself. Carter reminded me that there were still chinks in my armor, and he knew how to exploit them, and every time he did, I feared that he'd destroy me completely in the process.

  The woman led me to a set of massive dark teak wood doors at the end of the hall. She pulle
d one of them open without knocking and motioned toward the room. I helplessly walked in, not knowing what else to do since I couldn't run away screaming. The door closed behind me, and I instantly felt like a trapped animal.

  The large modern and clearly masculine room was decorated similarly to the reception area out front, but it was even more opulent and luxurious. Carter was flaunting his wealth and power to anyone who entered, and it was intimidating as hell, which I'm sure was the point.

  Elliott Carter Bennett II stood behind a massive wooden desk with his back to me in a midnight blue Armani suit, looking out the window that spanned the entire wall. He was holding his cell phone to his ear and was standing there in a confident authoritative posture that spoke of power and determination.

  "I don't care about your excuses, Edward," he spoke in a harsh commanding voice that lilted with his English accent. "All I care about are the results. Don't bother me again until you have what I want. Good day, Mr. Holt." He pulled his phone away from his ear and turned to face me, a repulsive smirk playing across his full lips. I had to fight the urge to shiver in distaste. I didn't want him to know the effect he had on me.

  "Jenny Purcell," he said in an oily sickening voice. "To be honest, I was expecting you to show up a lot sooner." His eyes slid down my body lasciviously, making me feel dirty and violated. "I've been waiting for you to come and accuse me of being the mastermind of those heinous allegations against your boyfriend." He came around his desk and approached me, his smile widening when I took an unconscious step backwards. "It's very unfortunate that you got yourself involved with a man like that. I guess you can never tell what kind of man someone is until you uncover their dirty secrets." He stopped a few feet from me, and his eyes drifted down my body yet again, and I felt sickened. "If I had known you liked being tied up, then I'd have done it myself all those years ago." He leaned closer. "I bet you would have loved that," he whispered.


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