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An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3

Page 25

by Wolfe, Samantha

  "No talking," I snapped out at Jen when she began to speak. "When we get home you will strip and kneel on the floor in our room. You will wait in silence until I decide your punishment and come to you." My face was hard and angry, and out of context, it looked like I was terrorizing her. She was slumped in her seat with her head down in apparent defeat.

  "You're mine, and you will never do anything like that again. Understood?" I continued fiercely as I stared her down for a long moment.

  "Y...yes, sir," Jen finally answered as she willingly submitted to me, but it could easily be construed as her giving in to an abusive man. The video continued as I ushered a cowed appearing Jenny out of the restaurant, my body language tense and angry. Holy fucking hell, it looked bad, really really bad. It ended and I furiously typed out a reply.

  Who is this? I demanded. How the fuck did someone find us there? With a shiver of sickening realization, I remembered that strange car that I saw drive past the house yesterday, and the distinct feeling that I was being watched. Holy fuck, they must have followed Jen back here from town, and then tailed us to the restaurant. I never saw anyone following us at all, but obviously someone did, or they wouldn't have this video. Instead of an answer to my question, another text with a video appeared.

  Watch this too.

  A dark foreboding shudder quaked through me. What the fuck did this one show? I didn't want to know, but I had to see what it was. I hit play.

  My mouth fell open in horror as the video began. This one was from last night too, and it was a view into our bedroom through the window. I instantly felt sick as the camera showed Jen walk in. She stripped out of her clothes, and knelt on the hardwood floor. She wiped at her eyes a few times before settling into stillness. She'd been crying because she felt guilty, not because she was scared that I was going to hurt her, but anyone watching this wouldn't know that.

  A moment later, I walked in, my body language stern and commanding. It had a detached quality I didn't even know I'd been projecting. That was probably because I was on the edge of being overwhelmed by my fear for Jen, and my anger over her foolish risk. I watched the whole scene unfold from the hard spanking I gave her to when I bound and fucked her. It was recorded from an angle that made sure the kisses I gave her while I was inside her weren't visible, and it ended before I untied her and cuddled her close. It left the watcher no idea that what we were doing was consensual and mutually pleasurable since there was no audio to put any of it in context either.

  Fuck. It made me look like a domineering bully who'd terrorized her and then forced myself on her. We'd both been violated in an extremely intimate moment that wasn't meant for anyone else to see. It was sickening, and I thought I might throw up as I thought about who'd probably watched it. Carter Bennett.

  Another text popped up. Have you seen enough? Or do you want more?

  Fuck you, Bennett, I sent back, but the reply was another video. I couldn't help myself and played this one too.

  The video began with a blank wall. "Please," a female voice whimpered. "Please let me go. Please don't hurt me." Holy fuck, I knew that voice. It was Sarina.

  A second later, the screen showed her face and then moved down her naked body. Her arms and upper body were artlessly bound in ropes by someone who obviously hadn't a clue about proper technique or safety. The ropes dug deeply into her body in a way that had to hurt, and wasn't safe in any way. She was blindfolded and crying. Her legs were bound too, and she was leaning back against a blank white wall. Stark bruises colored her body. This was a sick fucked-up perversion that I didn't want any part of. I fought an actual dry heave down as the video ended.

  Is Sarina okay? I jabbed out quickly on the screen.

  Mostly. Came back the vague infuriating reply.

  What did you do to her?

  The same thing that will happen to your precious Jenny if you don't do what you're told.

  Icy terror surged to life inside me, followed closely by white-hot rage.

  Fuck off. I won't do anything you say.

  The response was immediate. You will confess to the rapes and take the deal you were offered by the police. You will tell no one about these videos or anything we discussed. If you refuse or tell anyone, then those first two videos will be leaked to the police and the press, and Jenny will be treated to some new bondage that she won't enjoy whatsoever. It'll be a wonder if she survives.

  Bullshit. You can't touch her, you sick fucker. I replied frantically.

  An image popped up again. It was Jenny's bedroom in her apartment. It was a closeup of her sleeping alone in her bed. Her hair was fanned out across her pillow, and her face softened in sleep. Holy motherfucking hell, someone had been in her apartment while she slept. They could have done anything to her. Anything. I dropped my phone onto the table as if it had stung me. My stomach heaved violently. I turned my head and threw up onto the flagstones next to my chair. I looked back at my phone when I recovered.

  Have you seen enough? Take the deal and the shorter prison sentence with Jenny safe and sound, or the police see those videos, and you'll spend the rest of your life in prison knowing you could have kept Jenny safe, but didn't? It's your choice.

  My choice? What choice? I started panting as panic hit me like a blow. The thought of anyone hurting her filled me with terror and sickened me. I'd do anything to keep that from happening. For the first time, I truly understood why Jenny had been willing to give herself to Bennett for me. This was no choice, no matter how badly I didn't want to go to prison. I couldn't live with myself if someone hurt my Jenny. There was only one choice that I could live with, and the decision instantly sucked the life right out of me.

  Numb and dead inside, I rose and went back into the house. I crept upstairs to find Jen still sleeping, sprawled across the bed with the sheets tangled around her legs. I admired her perfect gorgeous body through a curtain of tears as my heart and soul shattered apart. I didn't dare to go any closer or touch her, or it would break my will to see this through. I couldn't even manage to write a note right now since my hands were shaking so violently.

  "I love you," I whispered. I hated to leave her vulnerable and alone here, but I had to trust that she'd be safe since I was doing what they wanted. I hastily grabbed my boots and socks before I stumbled away, determined to do the unthinkable to keep her safe. It was the only choice I could make to protect her. I just prayed she'd understand and eventually let me go.

  Chapter 11


  I had the distinct impression that something was very wrong as I woke up. I rolled over to find the other side of the bed empty, and the feeling intensified when I reached out to find the sheets cold. Ford hadn't slept again, and I frowned with worry. I sat up, flung the sheets aside, and stood, intent on finding him immediately. It was still early, the sun having just barely risen for the day, and he was probably sitting outside again.

  I pulled a T-shirt and shorts out of my duffel bag and hastily dressed, then shoved my feet into my sandals. I hurried downstairs through the silent house to find the kitchen and living room empty. I went to the door to the patio and didn't see him either, so I went to look out the massive window facing the lake. He wasn't down by the beach either, and the boat was still moored to the dock. Where the hell was he? Maybe he went for a walk.

  I ran to the front door and flung it open. I took three steps out onto the sidewalk and froze. Ford's truck wasn't in the driveway. Why the hell would he leave and not wake me up to tell me where he was going?

  I ran back inside and rushed upstairs to get my phone. I called him and stood there freaking out as it rang and rang before going to voice mail. I called him again as I went back downstairs. Nothing. I was starting to feel panicky now. He'd never just disappeared like this before. I shook my head in confusion. I started calling him again as I went out onto the patio to get some air. I stopped when I heard Ford's phone ringing. It was coming from the nearby table where he'd left it. What the hell? None of this made sense.
/>   I snatched his phone up, hoping to find a clue as to where he'd gone. I found an outgoing call to his dad on the call log. Maybe his dad was in trouble. I opened his messenger app and pulled up the last texts he'd made.

  What the fuck was this? It was a video. I hit play and gasped in horror. It was of us in the restaurant last night, and taken out of context it made it seem as if Ford was bullying me.

  "Oh, fuck," I whispered. This was bad, and it got even worse when I watched the next one. Nausea hit me hard as I watched Ford and me in our room together last night, with our naked bodies on display and our intimate moments caught on camera. The damn thing made Ford look like he was abusing me. I'd never felt so violated in my life.

  The next one was horrifying as I watched Sarina's bound and abused body appeared on the screen, but it was the last one that filled me with icy terror. It was an image of me sleeping in my bed, vulnerable and alone while some stranger took my picture. It made me feel sick. I looked away to pull myself together, and noticed that there was vomit on the flagstones near my feet. Oh Ford. Oh baby. It must have upset him a hell of a lot more than it bothered me.

  I looked at the phone again to read through the rest of it, and almost threw up myself when I realized where Ford had gone. Fuck. He was being blackmailed and had gone to sacrifice himself and his future for me. Hell no, I wasn't letting that happen. He wouldn't let me do that, and I certainly wouldn't let him. I looked at the time on the last message. It wasn't that long ago. He wouldn't have made it to the police station yet. I turned and ran back into the house, calling Gareth's number as I hurried through the house.

  "Caxton," Gareth answered in his usual abrupt manner. He sounded out of breath.

  "Ford's being blackmailed into confessing and taking the deal," I blurted out, not having time to explain it better as I grabbed my purse off the couch.


  "He already left to do it," I said almost hysterically. I had my keys gripped in my hand as I flew out the front door to my Mini Cooper. "We have to stop him. We can't let him do it."

  "Fuck!" Gareth snarled, and I could hear several loud slams in the background as he swore vehemently. I suspected he was punching something. "Where are you?" he demanded.

  "I'm getting in my car to go after him." I started my car and backed out of the driveway. "He didn't leave that long ago."

  "You won't catch him in time," he snarled out. "But I will. I'm on my way right now." I could hear more noise. "Tell me what's going on."

  I gave him a quick rundown of the texts and videos Ford received this morning as I pulled out onto the narrow road in front of the lake house.

  "Alright," he said firmly. "There's only one route he can take, and I'm going to head him off."

  "He can't do this. He just can't," I sobbed out hysterically.

  "I'm not letting him do it, Jenny," Gareth growled out firmly. "I'm not."

  "O...okay," I whimpered out.

  "I'm letting you go so I can drive," he said bluntly. I heard the sound of a car starting with a throaty growl. "I'll call you when I catch him." And then he was gone. I flung my phone down on the passenger seat and gripped the wheel in both hands. I may not be able to catch Ford, but I was still going after him. Someone needed to talk some sense into the man, no matter how stubborn about this he was going to be.

  I drove like a madwoman, speeding and passing recklessly down the two-lane highway. If Ford knew how I was driving he'd be pissed, but I didn't care. Our future together was in jeopardy, and I wasn't going to give up on us, and neither would he if I had anything to say about it.

  Finally, I saw Ford's truck pulled off onto the shoulder up ahead. I could see an incredible white sports car stopped at an angle in front of the truck. My eyes widened as I drove closer. It was an Audi R8 supercar. It was gorgeous and vicious looking, low to the ground with its clean lines speaking of power and excess. Holy shit, no wonder Gareth said he'd catch him. The damn thing was a V10 beast built for speed.

  I parked and jumped out of my car, hurrying past the truck to the far side of the R8 to find Ford and Gareth squared off and arguing heatedly as they faced each other next to the road.

  "You're not fucking doing this!" Gareth snarled as he glared at Ford, his entire body a coiled spring ready for a fight. The athletic shorts and T-shirt he wore, in addition to the boxer's tape still wrapped around his hands, only heightened the threat. He'd obviously been training when I called him. I suddenly feared for Ford.

  "Move your fucking car, Gareth!" Ford rumbled out fiercely as he stepped forward. Ford was larger than life, menace bleeding off of him in waves. It was terrifying, but Gareth wasn't deterred at all.

  "I won't allow you to throw your life away like this," Gareth replied in a low growl. "We'll figure out another way."

  "There is no other way!" Ford snarled. "I won't let anyone hurt her, so move your fucking car or I'll beat the shit out of you, and push your precious R8 off the goddamn road!"

  "No!" Gareth replied harshly, his posture determined and unafraid.

  Ford growled deeply and lunged forward to push his way past Gareth. Gareth grabbed his arm, and Ford roared and turned on his friend. I stopped and gasped in fear for Gareth's well-being as Ford pulled back his massive fist to hit him. My fear was short-lived though, as Gareth immediately pressed forward under the powerful blow, and gripped the back of Ford's head with both hands. He wrenched Ford's head down to his own chest and held him there effortlessly in a tight viselike grip. Ford started throwing punches, but Gareth was in control now, the multiple blows pointlessly hitting his torso and having little to no effect.

  "Goddamn it, Ford!" Gareth snapped out irritably. "Stop fighting me. You won't win."

  "Fuck you!" Ford bellowed as he fought to break free, the two men circling perilously close to the edge of the highway as they struggled next to the cars flying by. Finally, Ford's leg flew up to knee his opponent, but Gareth instantly shot out a foot and swept Ford's leg out from under him, taking him down in a graceful fluid maneuver that was astounding. The next thing I knew, Gareth had Ford pinned face down to the ground with an arm pulled up behind him, and a knee pressed into the middle of his back.

  "Fucking stop!" Gareth shouted. "I don't want to hurt you!" Ford wasn't listening. He continued struggling, even though he had no chance of winning now, and I feared he'd hurt himself if I didn't do something.

  "Ford, stop it!" I shouted frantically as I stepped closer.

  Ford froze instantly, and his eyes flashed up to look at me in surprise. "Jen?" he blurted out in a fragile voice.

  "I know what you're doing, and I'm not letting it happen," I said desperately. "You wouldn't let me sacrifice myself for you, and I won't let you do it for me either." A deep painful sob tore up out of me. "This is giving up and letting Carter win. You promised you wouldn't give up. You promised, Ford."

  He looked at me pleadingly. "But they threatened to hurt you." Tears swam in his beautiful eyes as he shook his head. "I can't live with that."

  "And I can't live without you," I shot back. "We'll figure out another way." He stared back at me with a helpless expression.

  "Listen to her, Ford," Gareth added firmly. "You don't have to do this."

  "But-" Ford began.

  "No!" I cut him off sharply. I was getting angry now. "You won't do this. I won't let you." I stared him down until he looked away and the fight just bled out of him.

  "Okay," he mumbled in defeat. Gareth released his hold and stepped back once it was apparent that Ford wasn't going to fight him anymore. He reached down and gave Ford a hand up. I rushed forward and wrapped my arms around Ford's waist and pressed myself against him. He rolled his left shoulder and grimaced in pain.

  "Jesus, Gareth," he grumbled. "That fucking hurt."

  "Be happy I went easy on you," Gareth replied with a smirk.

  "Fuck, remind not to piss you off again," Ford mumbled as he pulled me closer with his good arm.

  "What do we do now?" I asked worried

  "Well, for one we need to get you two somewhere safe," Gareth replied as he glanced up and down the road suspiciously. "Then we can work out a plan."

  "Where?" Ford asked.

  "My place," he replied. "The security measures there are tight. You'll be safe there."

  I nodded in agreement. I'd seen it for myself. No one could touch us there.

  "Let's go then." Ford nodded once.

  "Just follow me," Gareth said before walking toward his car.

  "Jen," Ford said softly with pleading worried eyes. "If we can't figure out another way, then-"

  "No," I cut him off again viciously. "It's not an option, and it's not fucking happening, so shut up about it." His mouth snapped shut. "You're going to get in your goddamn truck, and follow Gareth to his place. I'll be right behind you, so don't even think about driving off to do this idiotic thing. We're not letting Carter get what he wants, and we're not letting him win. We're not." I glared up at him fiercely until he nodded in agreement.

  "Yes, ma'am." His face warmed with affection, and he pressed a quick kiss to my lips.

  "Good," I bit out. "Now let's go." I marched Ford to his truck and opened the door. "Get in." I pointed into the vehicle. He immediately complied with a sheepish expression on his face. I slammed the door shut, and stalked over to my car and climbed in.

  I gripped the wheel in my hands and let out the breath I didn't even realize I'd been holding. It shuddered out of me in wave of relief as the adrenaline that had flooded my body began to fade away, leaving me shaking. It took most of the trip to Gareth's penthouse for my trembling to ebb finally. In its wake, came a renewed determination to fight for the man I loved, and the future together that we deserved.

  And as for Carter Bennett? Well, he could just fuck the hell off.


  "Knock it off, Reggie," Gareth snapped out irritably as he stalked into his apartment ahead of us. The big black German Shepherd immediately stopped the furious barking that he was directing at Ford, who was eying the dog warily in the doorway. Ford seemed to still be keyed up and on edge about the threats against me, and the dog must have picked up on it. The dog growled next and Ford stiffened, so I peeked around him and addressed Reggie.


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