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The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Page 11

by Dorje, Gyurme

  May the three sages of the higher realms draw us forward,

  Leading us on the path of radiant light,

  Which is the four pristine cognitions combined.

  May the three sages of the lower realms support us from behind,

  And thus [encircled] may we be rescued

  From the light paths of the six impure states [of existence],

  And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


  The forty-two deities of the peaceful assembly blaze with rays of light:

  Radiant, vibrant, resplendent, and naturally beautiful.

  Their bodies are supple, slender, handsome, upright, and youthful,

  Exquisitely ornamented and [splendidly] endowed with the major and minor marks.

  To you, the assembled peaceful deities of the indestructible expanse,

  I bow down, make offerings, take refuge, and pray:

  As soon as we die and begin to transmigrate,

  At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn,

  And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by the five deep-seated poisons,

  May all the peaceful male deities draw us forward,

  Leading us on the path of radiant light,

  Which is the five pristine cognitions combined.

  May the supreme female consorts, Queens of the Expanse, support us from behind,

  And may the male and female gatekeepers support us from the perimeter,

  And thus [encircled] may we be rescued

  From the fearsome passageway of the intermediate state,

  And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


  At this time when we dwell within the intermediate state of living,

  The forty-two assembled peaceful deities,

  Are radiantly present within the celestial palace of our own hearts,

  Embodied in the form of a cluster of five-coloured lights.

  Yet, as soon as we die and begin to transmigrate,

  This assembly of peaceful deities will emerge from our hearts,

  And fill the space before us.

  Each of the innumerable central and peripheral forms

  Will be [fully endowed with] the ornaments and attire [of the peaceful deities],15

  Each composed of the five-coloured lights [indicative of the union] of radiance and emptiness,

  And [encircled] by an expanse of rainbow light.

  Vibrant beaming shafts of light, indicative of the five pristine cognitions,

  Emanating five[-coloured] seminal points, sounds, lights and rays,

  Radiant, vibrant, resplendent, clear, and naturally resonant,

  Will beam out, as if piercing our hearts.

  Concomitant with these lights of the five pristine cognitions,

  The six light paths indicative of the six classes of deluded impure beings will also dawn before us.

  At this moment, O compassionate assembly of peaceful deities,

  Blessed Transcendent Ones, Beings of Compassion,

  Do not withhold your compassion,

  But draw us forward on the path [of radiant light],

  Which is the four pristine cognitions combined,

  And draw us back from the paths [of the dull lights],

  Which are [the doors to] the six states of impure [existence]!


  In the celestial palace of perfect resource, within one’s own throat,

  Amidst an expanse permeated with rainbows and lights,

  In the central channel branch of the energy centre of perfect resource,

  Is Padmanaṭeśvara, the great Awareness Holder of Maturation,

  Red and radiant, glowing in [an array of] five[-coloured] lights,

  And embraced by the Ḍākinῑ of Pristine Cognition,

  [Their union symbolising the coalescence of] bliss and emptiness.

  [She holds] a blood-filled skull and a curved knife,

  Raised in the gesture of pointing to the sky.

  May the awareness holders of buddha-body protect all living beings!


  In the eastern channel branch of the energy centre of perfect resource, within one’s throat,

  Is the great Awareness Holder who Abides on the Levels,

  White, radiant, smiling, and embraced by the White Ḍākinῑ.

  [She holds] a blood-filled skull and a curved knife,

  Raised in the gesture of pointing to the sky.

  May the awareness holders of buddha-mind protect all living beings!


  In the southern channel branch of the energy centre of perfect resource, within one’s throat,

  Is the great Awareness Holder with Power over the Lifespan,

  Yellow, radiant, smiling, and embraced by the Yellow Ḍākinῑ.

  [She holds] a blood-filled skull and a curved knife,

  Raised in the gesture of pointing to the sky.

  May the awareness holders of buddha-attributes protect all living beings!


  In the western channel branch of the energy centre of perfect resource, within one’s throat,

  Is the great Awareness Holder of the Great Seal,

  Red, radiant, smiling, and embraced by the Red Ḍākinῑ.

  [She holds] a blood-filled skull and a curved knife,

  Raised in the gesture of pointing to the sky.

  May the awareness holders of buddha-speech protect all living beings!


  In the northern channel branch of the energy centre of perfect resource, within one’s throat,

  Is the great Awareness Holder of Spontaneous Presence,

  Green, radiant, wrathful, smiling, and embraced by the Green Ḍākinῑ.

  [She holds] a blood-filled skull and a curved knife,

  Raised in the gesture of pointing to the sky.

  May the awareness holders of buddha-activity protect all living beings!


  To you, the assembly of awareness holders, the heroes and ḍākinῑs,

  I bow down, make offerings, take refuge and pray:

  As soon as we die and begin to transmigrate,

  At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn,

  And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by deep-seated habitual tendencies,

  May the heroic awareness holders draw us forward,

  Leading us on the path of radiant light,

  Which is the [luminance of] spontaneously arising pristine cognition.16

  May the supreme female consorts, the assembly of ḍākinῑs, support us from behind,

  And thus [encircled] may we be rescued

  From the fearsome passageway of the intermediate state,

  And be escorted to the pure fields of the sky-farers.


  At this time when we dwell within the intermediate state of living,

  The assemblies of awareness holders, both heroes and ḍākinῑs,

  Are radiantly present within the celestial palace of the energy centre of perfect resource within our own throats,

  Embodied in the form of a cluster of five-coloured lights.

  Yet, as soon as we die and begin to transmigrate,

  This divine assembly of the awareness holders will emerge from the throat [centre],

  And fill the space before us.

  Amidst a plethora of musical sounds they will manifest in myriad dancing postures,

  Pounding and vibrating throughout all world-systems,

  [And generating] a vibrant beaming path of light,

  Indicative of spontaneously arising pristine cognition.

  Simultaneously, the [light] path of the animal realms, indicative of delusion,

  Will [also] dawn before us.

  O divine assem
bly of awareness holders, at that moment,

  Do not withhold your compassion,

  But draw us back from the [dull-light] path,

  Which is the gateway to the deluded animal-realms,

  And draw all beings along the path [of light],

  Which is [the luminance of] spontaneously arising pristine cognition!

  Seize us with your compassion,

  [Ensuring] that we recognise [the characteristics of] the intermediate state!

  Empower us so that we may become awareness holders, children of the Conquerors.


  At the crown-centre of onself, [visualised] as Vajrasattva,

  In the celestial palace of the blazing skull, within one’s brain,

  Amidst an expanse of light composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light,

  Is the assembly of blood-drinking deities,17 standing in clusters.


  In the central channel branch of the skull, within one’s brain,

  Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light,

  [Stands] Samantabhadra in the form of Mahottara Heruka.

  He has three faces: brown, white and red; and six arms:

  The three right arms brandish a vajra, a khaṭvāṅga, and a small drum,

  And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a noose of entrails.

  Mahottara Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Krodheśvarῑ.

  May these two, the central male and female consorts, guide all beings [to liberation]!


  On a throne in the central channel branch of one’s skull,

  Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light,

  [Stands] Vairocana in the form of Buddha Heruka.

  He has three faces: reddish brown, white and red; and six arms:

  The three right arms brandish a wheel, an axe, and a sword,

  And the left hold a bell, a ploughshare, and a blood-filled skull.

  Buddha Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Buddhakrodheśvarῑ.

  May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Sugata Family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


  On [a throne in] the eastern channel branch of the skull, within one’s brain,

  Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light,

  [Stands] Vajrasattva in the form of Vajra Heruka.

  He has three faces: dark blue, white and red; and six arms:

  The three right arms brandish a vajra, a skull, and an axe,

  And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a ploughshare.

  Vajra Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Vajrakrodheśvarῑ.

  May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Vajra Family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


  On [a throne in] the southern channel branch of the skull, within one’s brain,

  Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light,

  [Stands] Ratnasambhava in the form of Ratna Heruka.

  He has three faces: dark yellow, white and red; and six arms:

  The three right arms brandish a jewel, a khaṭvāṅga, and a club,

  And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a trident.

  Ratna Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Ratnakrodheśvarῑ.

  May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Ratna Family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


  On [a throne in] the western channel branch of the skull, within one’s brain,

  Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light,

  [Stands] Amitābha in the form of Padma Heruka.

  He has three faces: dark red, white and blue; and six arms:

  The three right arms brandish a lotus, a khaṭvāṅga, and a mace,

  And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a small drum.

  Padma Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Padmakrodheśvarῑ.

  May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Padma family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


  On [a throne in] the northern channel branch of the skull, within one’s brain,

  Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light,

  [Stands] Amoghasiddhi in the form of Karma Heruka.

  He has three faces: dark green, white and red; and six arms:

  The three right arms brandish a sword, a khaṭvāṅga, and a mace,

  And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a ploughshare.

  Karma Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Karmakrodheśvarῑ.

  May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Karma Family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


  To you, the twelve central, male and female, blood-drinking deities,

  I bow down, make offerings, take refuge, and pray:

  As soon as we die and begin to transmigrate,

  At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn,

  And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by deep-seated confused perceptions,

  May the conquerors, the male wrathful blood-drinking deities, draw us forward,

  Leading us on the path of radiant light,

  Which is the five fully perfect pristine cognitions.

  May the assembly of wrathful female deities, Queens of the Expanse, support us from behind,

  And thus [encircled] may we be rescued

  From the fearsome passageway of the intermediate state,

  And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


  Amidst an expanse of light in the eastern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] Gaurῑ, white in colour, holding a human-corpse cudgel and a skull;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the southern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] Caurῑ, yellow in colour, shooting an arrow from a bow;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the western channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] Pramohā, red in colour, holding a crocodile victory-banner;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the northern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] Vetālῑ, black in colour, holding a vajra and a blood-filled skull;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the south-eastern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] Pukkasῑ, red-yellow in colour, clutching and devouring entrails;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the south-western channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] Ghasmarῑ, green-black in colour, stirring a blood-filled skull with a vajra;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the north-western channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] Caṇḍālῑ, pale-yellow in colour, [clutching] a human corpse and eating its heart;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the north-eastern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] Smaśānῑ, Hblue-black in colour, tearing apart the head and body of a bloated corpse.


  To you, the Eight Mātaraḥ, beginning with Gaurῑ,

  [Who are embodiments] of the [eight] classes [of consciousness],18

  I bow down, make offerings, take refuge, and pray:

  As soon as we die and begin to transmigrate,

  At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn,

  And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by deep-seated confused perceptions,

  May the four Mātaraḥ, beginning with Gaurῑ, draw us forward,

  Leading us on the path of light,

  Which is [the vibrance of] the sounds, lights and rays [of th
e eight classes of consciousness].

  May the four Mātaraḥ, beginning with Pukkasῑ, support us from behind,

  And thus [encircled] may we be rescued

  From the fearsome passageway of the intermediate state,

  And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


  Amidst an expanse of light in the outer eastern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] lion-headed Siṃhamukhῑ, brown-black in colour, carrying a corpse in her mouth;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the outer southern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] tiger-headed Vyāghrῑmukhῑ, red in colour, with her two arms crossed;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the outer western channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] fox-headed Sṛgālamukhῑ, black in colour, eating entrails;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the outer northern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] wolf-headed Svānamukhῑ, blue-black in colour, tearing apart a bloated corpse;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the outer south-eastern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] vulture-headed Gṛdhramukhῑ, white-yellow in colour, carrying a human corpse draped over her shoulder;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the outer south-western channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] kite-headed Kaṅkamukhῑ, red-black in colour, carrying a large human corpse;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the outer north-western channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] crow-headed Kākamukhῑ, black in colour, brandishing a skull and a sword;

  Amidst an expanse of light in the outer north-eastern channel branch of one’s skull,

  [Stands] owl-headed Ulūkamukhῑ, dark blue in colour,19 holding a vajra.


  To you, the Eight Piśācῑ, beginning with Siṃhamukhῑ,

  [Who are embodiments] of the [eight] sensory objects,20


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