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Darcy's Downfall

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by Erin Osborne

  Darcy’s Downfall

  By: Erin Osborne

  Copyright 2018© Erin Osborne

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Photographer: Reggie Deanching at R + M Photography

  Cover Model: BT Urruela, Victoria Stone, and Zachary Michael

  Cover Design: Graphics by Shelly

  Editor: Jenni Copeland Belanger


  I want to dedicate this book to my mom. You have taught me how to be a strong woman, to follow my dreams, and to love with my entire heart. I watched you work multiple jobs in order to make sure we had food in the house and a roof over our heads. Since my writing career began, you have been nothing but supportive and encouraging. When it comes to your kids and grandkids, you are our biggest cheerleader. I love you to the moon and back!!

  Note to Readers

  Hey everyone!!

  I want to thank you all for reading my first series, the Wild Kings MC. This is the first book in the Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls. I will tell you all now, this series will not have as many books in it as the Clifton Falls one did. However, you will still see characters from the first series and the Phantom Bastards in these books. I hope that you enjoy this series! Thank you for all the support that you have shown me so far in this amazing journey!!



  Character List

  Full Patch Members

  Brock ‘Gage’ Wilson: President

  Brent ‘Crash’ Evans: V. President

  Dominic ‘Trojan’ Martin: SAA

  Ethan ‘Steel’ Stone: Treasurer

  Chris ‘Tech’ Stevens: Secretary/IT

  Old Ladies

  Darcy Quinn: Crash and Trojan


  James ‘Shadow’ Patrick

  Wayne Anderson

  Mike Evans

  Kitty Kat Lounge Dancers

  Addison: Manager




  Club Girls





  Club Businesses

  Kitty Kat Lounge – Strip Club

  King’s Bar – Bar and Grill

  King’s Ink – Tattoo Parlor

  Country Corner – Diner

  Table of Contents

  Darcy’s Downfall


  Note to Readers

  Character List

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Darcy’s Downfall Playlist


  About the Author

  Other Books

  Coming Soon



  FOR THE LAST FEW MONTHS I’ve been receiving packages at my house, my salon, and on my car. There have been notes and pictures of me doing random things too. Including pictures from inside my home. I honestly have no clue who is doing this or why, it’s starting to freak me out though. Especially since it’s been going on so long and now the pictures, packages, and notes are becoming more personal and sexy.

  Crash and Trojan know that something is going on and they are trying to figure out what it is, but I’m not giving anything away. I don’t want, or need, their help. Not with this or anything else. If I know them at all though, they’re going to keep digging until they figure out why I get scared and jumpy so easily. At one point, I pulled a gun on them when they came knocking on my door. If that doesn’t tell them that something is wrong, then they are two of the most clueless men I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. The only reason I say displeasure is because I don’t want them to be in my life the same way that they want to be in my life.

  I met the two men a while ago when a few of the old ladies came in to get their hair done. They started showing me attention and I can’t figure out how to get them to go away. The more that I push them away, the more that they seem to insert themselves into my life. It’s annoying because I feel that I’m better off alone than with anyone else. I’ve learned that nothing good can come from being in any type of relationship with a man. Let alone two men.

  After a few failed attempts at trying to be with someone, there was one man that made me believe in the happily ever after. That all changed about a year into the relationship though. He got demanding, possessive, controlling, and the final straw of laying his hands on me. One night going as far as almost killing me. It was like all of a sudden, a switch flipped and the man I was falling in love with became someone else entirely. I can’t give anyone else a chance. I’m too scared to even attempt being with someone again.

  Now, my only concern is making sure my salon is successful, I have good friends surrounding me, and getting rid of this stalker. I know that Crash and Trojan would have no problem getting rid of this person for me, but that means letting them in. Hell, it means I would have to figure out who was doing this shit. I have racked my brain for days trying to figure out who it could possibly be, and I can’t figure it out.

  I’m already getting feelings for the two men and I don’t need to get any more. They don’t need to know that they star in all my nightly fantasies. No one will ever know that part. So, I try to stay as far away from them as I possibly can. That doesn’t work out when I go to Clifton Falls for get togethers or when they just decide to stop by and pay me a visit though. I’m beginning to lose all the barriers that I’ve been carefully erecting since meeting Crash and Trojan. They’re one or two small gestures away from blowing any resistance I have to pieces.

  For now, I have to focus on my salon and trying to figure out who is coming for me. This isn’t something I typically have to deal with and I don’t know who it could be. I mainly cater to women at the salon and the few guys that come in are old enough to be my grandfather. So, in my mind, that rules them out. Maybe this person is losing interest in me though. At least I hope they are. I mean, a girl can dream, can’t she?

  Chapter One


  I’VE MANAGED TO GO THE LAST few days without getting anything from my stalker. Honestly, I don’t know if the person can be classified as a stalker because they’re only leaving things at this point. At the same time, I don’t want to relax my guard too much, not when I don’t know if they’re going to strike again. This has been going on for so long that I know it’s only a matter of time before I get something else from whoever is doing this. When it first started, there was once when I went a week without getting anything. I relished the break and thought naively that it was the end of it, that the person got tired of stalking me. That didn’t last too long though and they started up again.

  Pulling up to my house, I park in the garage and make sure the door closes behind me. I grab everything I need from the front seat before I make my way inside. The only thing I want to do right now is change my clothes and
wait for my Chinese food to get here. Today was a long one and I can’t wait for Riley to get here so I can have some help. A few more days.

  Walking into my living room the first thing I notice is my lamps on the floor. I immediately stop and look around. The room is completely trashed. My pictures are on the floor, the couch is tipped over, knick-knacks are smashed all over, and my house phone is ripped from the wall. That’s what I see just from my first glance around. The way that I’m starting to panic, I’m surprised I realized all of that was done. I guess part of me knows that I’m going to have to give as much detail as possible to Gage, or the police. Not that I want to bring them in since they haven’t done anything to help me yet.

  I know I want to walk through the rest of the house, but I don’t know if anyone is still in here. So, I quickly make my way back to the garage and get in my car. Pulling out my phone, I call Gage and wait for him to answer. Silently pleading that the person is gone, and I’ll be safe in my car until Gage tells me what to do.

  “’Lo?” he answers.

  “It’s Darcy. I need help. Please, Gage, I’m scared,” I tell him, letting the panic fill my voice so he knows that I’m serious.

  “What’s goin’ on Darcy?” he asks, placing his hand over the phone as he talks to someone.

  “Someone’s been in my house. I don’t know who or when. I don’t even know if anything other than the living room has been damaged,” I say in a hushed tone.

  “How long has this been goin’ on?” he asks, his tone telling me that he’s pissed off I haven’t said anything to him before now. “I’m guessin’ this isn’t the first thing that’s happened.”

  “No. Can we please talk about this when you get here?” I ask, tears streaming down my face.

  “Yeah. We’re on our way now.”

  “Don’t tell them please?” I plead.

  “Too late babe. They’re already gone.”

  Gage hangs up and I just hang my head. This isn’t what I wanted to happen. If I wanted them to know, I would’ve called them myself. I wanted Gage to come help me. After that, I would have worried about the two Neanderthals that insist on inserting themselves in my life. Now, I have no choice but to deal with whatever they’re going to say tonight. Fuck my life!

  I’m trying to stay calm and not let my imagination run wild when someone bangs on my window. I scream and hit my head on the ceiling of my car when I jump from the shock that I was so far in my head I didn’t realize anyone came into the garage. Looking out the window, I see Trojan standing there looking equal parts pissed the fuck off and concerned. Slowly, he opens the door and pulls me out. Before I can say a word, his strong arms are wrapped around me and I lose what little control over my emotions I had.

  “Baby, why didn’t you come to us for help? You need somethin’, you come to us,” he tells me, leaving no room for me to argue with him.

  “I don’t want your help, Trojan,” I tell him. “I wanted to take care of this on my own.”

  “You can’t take care of everythin’ on your own babe. Crash and I are more than willin’ to handle the things that you need help with. All you have to do is open your mouth.”

  “I can’t do this Trojan. Nothin’ can happen between us. I’m not the girl you need me to be,” I tell him honestly. “There’s things you don’t know that I won’t share. I can’t be with you, or anyone else.”

  “You can. We’ll find out what’s holdin’ you back. Then we’ll get you past it, so we can move on together.”

  I don’t even bother responding. Crash and Trojan think that they can get whatever they want. Well, I hate to burst their little bubble, but that doesn’t include anything to do with me. Yeah, they’re hot as hell and I’d love to explore things with them. Unfortunately, I don’t want a man in my life. I’m good hanging out with the men from the clubs, but that’s as far as it’s ever going to go.

  Gage comes out and I hear some whispered communication going on between the two men. On one hand I want to know what’s going on, but on the other I don’t want to know. However, I know that I need to get everything cleaned up and my house put back together. Eventually, I’m going to have to see the mess that was left inside.

  “Was it just my living room, or are other rooms trashed too?” I ask, needing to know before I get surprised.

  “Your bedroom was the worst Darcy,” Gage tells me. “Crash is in there startin’ to clean the mess up. I think he’s in the livin’ room right now.”

  I nod my head and pull myself from Trojan’s arms. There’s no point in delaying the inevitable. Walking to the door leading inside, I bypass Crash cleaning up the mess and make my way into the bedroom. Before I can hit the floor, Crash is catching me and holding me to his chest. He’s whispering to me to get me to calm down. I can’t even understand what he’s saying over the pounding in my ears.

  My bed is ripped to shreds. Not just the sheets and blankets, the mattress and box spring are shredded as well. The clothes in my dresser are flung haphazardly all over the room, clothes from my closet are torn and cut to pieces, pictures are smashed in the carpet, and my television is overturned. What had me dropping to my knees though is the picture of me on the wall behind my bed. I’m standing outside of my salon between Crash and Trojan. They’re trying to tell me something and I’m arguing back. I can tell just from the look on my face. There’s a knife holding the picture to the wall and writing surrounding it. Your time is coming bitch. You’re mine!

  “We’ve got you babe. Nothin’ is goin’ to happen to you on our watch,” Crash tells me, finally breaking through the fog.

  “No!” I shout, needing to get out of the warmth and safety of his arms. “Please, just leave me alone.”

  About the only thing I don’t see in my room is any of my panties. So, I walk over to the dresser and open my top drawer. It’s empty. Looking around the room, I try to find any pair of my panties that I can. There’s none here though.

  “What the fuck?” I ask aloud.

  “What’s the matter?” Gage asks, coming up to stand next to Crash and Trojan.

  “Whoever did this, took every single pair of panties I own,” I tell them, not turning to look at them.

  “What?” Trojan bellows.

  The two men start looking around my room deeper. They’re not going to find anything at all in here that’s not already in plain sight. I don’t have a lot of cubby holes to stash things away in. Crash flips my mattress up on to my box spring to see if anything is under it. Nothing’s there.

  Walking in to my bathroom, I see that it’s just as bad as my bedroom is. Not only is everything trashed, but half of my bathroom necessities are missing. All of my favorite lotions, body wash, even my shampoo and conditioner are gone. What have I done to make someone do this to me? How am I going to get them to stop? Where do I go from here? These are the questions running rampant through my head right now.


  When Gage told us that Darcy was on the phone and she was scared to death about something, I didn’t wait to find out what was going on. My only thought was getting to her and protecting her from whatever is scaring her. Crash and I knew something was going on with her. No matter what we did, we couldn’t find anything out though. We can’t protect her if we don’t know what’s going on.

  Crash is hot on my heels as we hop on our bikes and get ready to get our girl. She needs us right now no matter what she says. Since she called Gage and not us, I know that she doesn’t want us to know. Too bad everyone around here knows that Darcy is ours. She just needs to get used to it and accept that fact. When it comes to her, no matter who she called, we would have been notified about something happening to her.

  Walking into my woman’s house, I’m floored. Her normally neat and orderly house is turned upside down. Whoever did this is going to regret ever looking in Darcy’s direction! Crash and I will make sure of that. We’ll make sure this stupid cocksucker pays for what he’s done; he’s destroyed her sanctuary and her sense of being saf
e. That’s not something that we’re going to take lightly or accept.

  I look over at Darcy and see the torment and how scared she truly is tarnishing her beautiful face. Our woman is curvy with long blond hair shot through with streaks of red. Her usually clear sky-blue eyes are filled with unshed tears and her face is flushed with anger. Someone has destroyed her sanctuary and invaded her privacy. Anger and rage like I’ve never known before fills me.

  I walk over to my girl and know that she’s not going to let me get close to her right now. She didn’t call Crash and I for a reason. Darcy still isn’t ready to let us in and I don’t know what’s going to help make that possible. All I know is eventually, Crash and I will get tired of waiting. We’ll make her see that we’re going to be perfect together.

  Following her into her bedroom, I hear her tell Gage that whoever was in her house stole all her panties. What the fuck? This is some sick fuck if they’re taking all her panties. Not to mention that now, he’s really going to pay for going after our girl. In my experience, there’s only one reason a man would steal a woman’s underwear. He doesn’t have good intentions when it comes to Darcy. We’ll have to catch him before he does something worse than destroying her house.

  “Firecracker, why don’t you come with us tonight?” I ask, knowing one way or another she’ll be coming to the house with us. “Get your mind off what happened here, and we can do surveillance to make sure no one comes back while they think you’re sleepin’ here.”

  “And where do you think you’re going to take me?” she asks, the fire inside coming out to show how strong she truly is.

  “We’ll take you to our house,” Crash answers. “There’s an extra room and you can sleep in there.”

  “I don’t know,” she says slowly, weighing her options.

  “We’re not goin’ to try anythin’ firecracker,” Crash tells her. “When you come to our bed, you’ll be ready and willin’. Not scared because of somethin’ happenin’ at your house or thinkin’ that’s what we’re expectin’ you to do.”


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