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Darcy's Downfall

Page 11

by Erin Osborne

  “You ready baby?” I ask, when we finally get into our room at the clubhouse.

  “I guess so,” she responds nervously, shifting from one foot to the other and wringing her hands together.

  Taking her hands in mine, I pull her to the bed and sit with her before anything else happens. She’s had too much time to think about tonight and she’s gone in her own head now. We need to get her out of it and relaxed again before anything else happens. Trojan and I have gotten pretty good at learning the signs of her overthinking and letting her nerves get the best of her. If she doesn’t want to do what we have planned tonight, then we won’t do it. I’m not going to let the reason be her fear though.

  “You know by now that we’re not goin’ to force you to do anythin’ that you don’t want to do. We want to pleasure you this way and show how much we care about you as one. If you don’t like it, then we stop and do somethin’ else. Don’t let your fear and nerves get the best of you. Please, baby, what’s goin’ on in that beautiful head of yours right now?” I ask, wanting, no needing, to hear the words from her.

  “I know I talked about this with Skylar, and you guys. It’s just different when it comes down to actually following through with the act itself. I’m not going to back out of doing this with you two. I want this to happen,” she tells us, looking between the two of us so that we can see the truth written all over her face.

  Looking at Trojan, I silently let him know that we’re going to have to help her get relaxed again. We know just how to get her back in the mood and her mind off of everything going on right now. Once we’re relaxing afterwards, we’ll talk to her about what Gage needs to have happen tomorrow.

  I lay Darcy back and we stretch out beside her. This can take all night long, we have nowhere to go. Hell, there’s nowhere I’d rather be than right her in this bed with my best friend and our girl. Tonight, Darcy takes the initiative and turns to me leaning in for a kiss. I’m not going to say that she’s never initiated contact with us the last few weeks, but it’s rare for her. She’s still trying to find herself when it comes to sex, so she’s unsure of what she can and can’t do with us. No matter how many times we’ve told her that she can touch us and do whatever she wants to us whenever she wants. Even when we’ve had sex, she’s still so unsure of herself and what she should be doing.

  For the next few minutes, we run our hands up and down Darcy’s body. At the same time, we slowly remove the clothes from her body. She doesn’t even realize that we’re stripping her body from everything that’s blocking our view of her gorgeous body. Before she comes back down from the bliss we have surrounding her from our kisses alone, she’s completely naked and we’re half naked.

  “Baby, you ready for us both to take you?” Trojan asks her, sliding down her body and burying his face between her soft and creamy thighs.

  Darcy nods her head as I begin to pay attention to her lush tits. I pull one nipple in my mouth and begin to suck and bite down on it. To take the sting away, I lick it before moving back over to the other one. The entire time Trojan is finally tasting her, I switch from her tits to her neck, finally making my way back to her mouth to kiss her senseless.

  I’m swallowing her moans as her body shakes and writhes under our touch. She’s close to reaching her release and I can’t wait until she breaks apart so that we can switch up what we’re doing. Her hand starts running down my chest and I can feel my muscles rippling under her silken hands, her nails just brushing over my skin causing me to tremor and feel like no one else has ever made me before.

  Trojan taps my leg to let me know to roll to my back. I see him slipping from between her legs, so I roll to my back, pulling Darcy with me. Once she’s laying fully on my body, I kiss her as I feel my brother running his hands down her back. From his movements I can tell that he’s kissing his way down her body. Reaching my hand between our bodies, I line my hard cock with Darcy’s entrance before slowly sinking inside her. He leaves the bed for a second to get what he needs for our girl.

  Before long I hear the familiar crinkle of a condom wrapper as he crawls back up the bed. Knowing that he’s about to enter our girl’s ass for the first time, I stop her from moving up and down on my aching cock and hold her still. To keep her mind off of what’s going on, I kiss her while moving my hands up from her hips to start playing with her amazing tits.

  I know exactly when Trojan starts playing with her ass. Based on the noises I hear and his movements, I can tell that he’s playing with her ass and making sure that she’s lubed up really good for him. Darcy’s entire body tenses up as I look over her shoulder to see him lining himself up with her forbidden zone. Quietly talking to her while Trojan uses one hand to smooth up and down her back, we get our girl to relax while he breeches her ass. We both hold still and let her adjust to us both filling her for a few minutes. We’ll take all the time she needs.

  “C-can y-y-you move now?” she almost pleads, looking directly in my eyes.

  Nodding to Trojan, he pulls out while I remain still. Taking a few minutes to find our rhythm, we move slowly in and out of Darcy. She remains still between us as we move back and forth. The only thing I’m hearing from our girl is the little moans and mewls coming from her. She’s now writhing and moving the faster that Trojan and I move. Especially once he starts adding a twist to his hips.

  I reach down with one hand and I start to play with her clit. With the two of us in our girl, I know it’s not going to take long for her to find her release. While I’m playing with her clit, and we’re moving in and out of her, I reach my mouth up to take a nipple in my mouth. Sucking and biting it, playing her body to get the most pleasure from her.

  “I can feel that you’re close,” Trojan grunts out, slamming into her. “Give it to us.”

  Darcy throws her head back when I pinch her clit again. Between Trojan’s words and me, she’s not going to last much longer at all. I start twisting my hips at I move my hips up and it sends our girl over the edge. She screams out our names as her release crashes over her in waves. My brother follows her over the edge and after a few more thrusts, I follow him.

  The three of us are panting and sweating as we lay together in a heap of arms and legs. Trojan is the first one to move and I feel Darcy’s body relax once he’s fully out of her. Knowing that he’s going to get her a washcloth to clean up, I run my hands up and down her body to get her breathing back under control and slide out of her. He returns after a few minutes and starts cleaning her up.

  Once again, I didn’t wear a condom. Unless we’re taking her ass, we haven’t used any protection. Darcy hasn’t brought it up, but I think we need to. I honestly don’t care if she gets pregnant, and I know Trojan feels the same way. She may have other ideas about it, but until we talk, then I don’t know how she feels about it. Trojan and I will have to sit her down later today and talk about it with her.

  “I’m going to take a shower and then head to bed,” Darcy tells us, standing up and heading for the bathroom after stretching.

  “We need to talk,” I say, looking at Trojan. “Neither one of us use anythin’ when we’re with her. I don’t know if she’s on anythin’ or how she feels about the possibility of gettin’ pregnant.”

  “I know we don’t care if she gets pregnant, you know that. We should check with her about it though,” he replies, sitting down on the bed after pulling on a pair of boxers.

  While we wait for her to get out of the bathroom, the two of us come up with how we’re going to bring the topic up to her. Tonight, is definitely not the night for that discussion, but tomorrow when we get back home, we’ll sit her down and talk to her about it.

  Chapter Eight


  ONCE I WOKE UP THE MORNING AFTER my first party at the clubhouse, I had minimum time to get ready before I had to meet with Gage and the rest of the men of the Wild Kings. Including the guys from Clifton Falls and the Phantom Bastards. Now, everyone knows what’s been going on with me. Crash and Trojan know and they

’re the last two I wanted to know.

  Walking into the game room, Crash and Trojan lead me to the three chairs sitting in front of everyone else. They each take a seat on either side of me while everyone else sits down and gets ready to have their impromptu meeting. The entire time, I sat there wringing my hands and looking at my feet. Until the men grabbed my hands and held them until I was allowed to leave the room and go spend time with my girls.

  “Darcy, you know why you’re here. Right?” Gage asks me, sitting directly in front of me with Grim and Slim, letting his authority shine through with the tone of his voice.

  Nodding my head, I look up at the three men sitting front and center. There’s no way that I can calm my racing heart or my nerves, so I have to fake being confident about what I’m about to tell them. Hell, I’m exposing myself in front of all these men and letting them know things about me that no one else knows. Including my aunt. But, the faster I can get this out, the faster I can get out of this room. Away from the men that have come to mean so much to me in the few months that I’ve been in close contact with them, that I’ve been there’s.

  “I’m going to start at the very beginning, so it’s going to take some time. Please, don’t interrupt me while I get this all out,” I say, picking a point in the back of the room to stare at while I go back in time and let them in on my life. “Growing up, the only person in my life that gave a damn about me was my dad. He used to take me for long rides on his bike to get me away from my mom. She was a drug addict and there were times she was down, and we would just spend the day riding. In hindsight, I think that he was trying to make sure she didn’t do anything to me. There were a few times that she did beat me when he wasn’t home. Anyway, he got killed one night when he went chasing after her. She was drunk and left the house. It was the worst day in my life.

  “Anyway, with my dad not around to protect me, my mom went off the rails. She was even worse than before drinking and ingesting anything she could get her hands on. One day, a ‘friend’ of hers was at the house and she offered me to him. Just so she could get a fix. I ran out of the house as fast as I could and didn’t look back. For days I slept on the street until one of my teachers stepped in and realized what was happening. The authorities came in and placed me with my aunt, Carol. She was my dad’s sister and I loved her almost as much as my dad. Carol became my reason for living, doing good in school, and opening my salon.”

  “Everything was fine until I met a man named Glen. At first, he was everything I thought I wanted in a man. He was a gentleman, complimented me, and we had fun. He made it seem easy to fall in love with someone and I thought I was finally getting the fairytale. Instead, things changed about a year into our relationship. He became demanding, controlling, made sure I lost all my friends, and started beating on me. I left as soon as I could and didn’t look back. This is what brought me to Dander Falls. No one knew me here and I thought I would be safe.”

  Taking a break, I sit there and get lost in the memories of my past. Trojan leans into me and places a soft kiss on my cheek. Crash squeezes my hand and wraps his arm around my shoulders. They’re both showing me their silent support while I struggle to get through my past and what’s been going on the past year. Nodding to my men, I begin to go on.

  “About a year ago, I started receiving little notes and packages. They came on my car, at the salon, and then to my house. In the beginning, they seemed harmless and I figured someone was admiring me from afar. After a few months or so, everything started getting worse. The notes became more detailed about what this person wanted to do to me, I started getting lingerie, and then everything at my house,” I tell them, finally finishing without going into too much detail.

  “Well, Gage has been pretty cryptic about what happened at your house, Darcy. I think Slim and I would like to know what happened,” Grim tells me, speaking with anger and pain filling his voice.

  “I came home from work one day and someone had trashed my entire house. They took all of my panties and most of my toiletries. Then, there were the pictures plastered to the windows of my salon. Finally, my house was blown up,” I tell them, looking between Grim and Slim.

  “Nothin’ else has happened?” Slim asks, rubbing his chin in thought. “I’m surprised he, or she, stopped after somethin’ so big.”

  “There have been a few notes, but I don’t know what they say,” I let him know. “And it’s been a few days since they sent anything.”

  “Alright, you go on out with your girls, Darcy,” Crash tells me, leaning in to kiss me on the mouth before turning me to Trojan. “We’ll be out in a little bit.”

  I nod and head out the door, wondering what they’re going to be saying about me and the situation I find myself in. All the old ladies and Riley are sitting at a table in the corner. Based on the looks I’m getting from them, I know the inquisition out here is about to start now. So, I’ll tell them everything that I just told the guys. I’m not going to leave my girls in the dark when I just spewed my guts to their men. If I wait until another day, there’s no way I’ll be able to tell them everything I just revealed in that room.

  Bailey is the first to speak after I finish telling them all what’s been going on. “I can’t believe that you hid this from everyone! We could’ve done something to help you. Told one of our guys to help you out. Hell, we would’ve taken you in with us for a while.”

  “That’s the thing, I didn’t want help. At first it wasn’t anything to bad. Now, I can’t say the same thing. That’s why I called Gage and asked for his help. Crash and Trojan just came along for the ride,” I tell them, wanting and needing them to understand what’s been going on and why I made the decisions I made.

  “I get it,” Skylar tells me, patience and understanding filling her voice. “You wanted to handle things on your own and not let anyone else in. We’ve all been there a time or two. At least you knew when you needed to make the necessary call and you didn’t hold back.”

  The girls all nod their heads in agreement. I’m glad that everyone in my life now knows my secret and what’s been happening to me. Now, we can all move on and hopefully find this fucker soon. Then, we can all rest and the guys and I can fall into a routine that works for us without having to look over our shoulders constantly.

  The last few weeks have been absolutely crazy. Between Crash and Trojan, the salon, and hanging out with Riley, I have been going nonstop. On top of everything else, whoever is sending me packages has stepped up their game. More and more packages arrive daily to the salon along with notes. I really don’t see anything that comes because my men seem to be intercepting them before they get to me. While I’m thankful that I don’t have to see anything, I kind of want to know what the notes say. Shouldn’t I know if I’m being threatened?

  On top of all of that, the guys got me a burner phone for emergencies. Somehow, this person has gotten the number and I now get calls on a regular basis from a blocked number. Whenever I answer, no one answers. All I hear is heavy breathing and a silent background, so I can’t even tell where this person is calling me from. There’s no signs of anything I can let the guys know about. Well, if they knew I was getting the calls to begin with. I haven’t mentioned it at all. Thankfully, I’m the one that answers the phone whenever they call the salon too.

  “What’s goin’ on with you, firecracker?” Crash asks me, pulling me out of my head as we sit out back enjoying the sun and peace.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, trying to fake innocence.

  “What’s up with the calls goin’ to the burner? Tech has been watchin’ the phone and mentioned that you’ve been gettin’ a bunch of calls from a blocked number. Who is it?” he asks, trying not to get pissed off.

  “I don’t know who it is. No one is ever there when I answer,” I begin. “They’ve been callin’ the salon too.”

  “Why the fuck haven’t you mentioned it before now?” Trojan asks, coming out the sliding door and handing us drinks before sitting down on the other side
of me. “You didn’t think we’d want to know this shit?”

  “I know you wanted to know. I didn’t really want to say anythin’ until I had more information about it,” I answer, throwing a little sass in my tone.

  “What were you hopin’ to gain as far as information goes?” Crash asks, giving me his full attention.

  “I was trying to see if there was any noise in the background or anything so that I could gain an idea of where this person is when they call me,” I answer, smugly while trying not to gloat at the same time.

  “Let me guess, you didn’t hear a fuckin’ thing,” Crash growls out, finally letting his anger snap. “I’m tryin’ real hard not to yell at you right now, but I know that you’re puttin’ yourself in danger right now. You don’t even realize it, do you?”

  “How do you figure that I’m putting myself in danger. It’s the burner phone you guys gave me. I thought you couldn’t track it?” I question, taking a minute to think about my actions regarding the phone calls.

  “If this person can get your number, you don’t think they can figure out where you’re goin’? Where you’re at durin’ the day?” Trojan roars, practically scaring the shit out of me with the tone and loudness of his voice.

  “I wasn’t thinking about that. I just wanted to prove that I can help you guys. And that this person isn’t going to scare me away from anyone or anything that I have in my life,” I tell my amazingly overprotective men. “I’m sorry I didn’t think about the danger I was putting myself in.” I continue, tears starting to slowly roll down my face.


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