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Darcy's Downfall

Page 13

by Erin Osborne

“Baby, I’ll be back, and we’ll have all the time in the world to do this as much as you want,” I tell her, grabbing on to her hips to encourage her to move.

  “Promise me?” she asks, starting to raise herself off me.

  Nodding my head is all I can manage right now. The feeling of her wrapped around me is almost my undoing. It’s never been like this with anyone. Maybe it feels this way with her because I love her and she’s the one I was always meant to be with. Trojan and I are meant to be with her for whatever time we have left on this earth.

  Darcy riding my cock is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. She’s letting loose and not caring about what we think she looks like. So, I reach up and pull one of her nipples into my mouth. Sucking on the swollen tip, her movements become just a little bit faster and harder. She’s chasing her release and bringing me closer to finding mine at the same time.

  “I’m so close,” she murmurs, letting herself go and adding a twist to her hips every time she slides down me.

  “Get it baby,” I tell her, feeling that all familiar tingle in the base of my spine starting.

  Grabbing her hips, I help her movements go harder. Darcy puts her hands on my chest to hold herself up away from my body as she throws her head back. I can feel the strands of her hair brush against my thighs with her movements. Reaching between us, I rub circles around her clit, making sure to add a little bit more pressure each time she bottoms out.

  “Brent!” she yells out, clamping down on me as waves of her release wash over her and tighten her body up.

  Within three more thrusts into her body, I feel my release begin and call out her name. I pull her hair and bring her head down so that I can kiss her through my release. Stilling within her body, I let it flow from me and begin to rub my hands up and down her back. Darcy collapses on me and tries to get her breathing back under control.

  “Let’s go take a shower,” I tell her, once she’s calmed down and can breathe normally again.

  I groan as she slowly slides off me. she climbs off the bed and I watch her ass sway from side to side as she makes her way into the bathroom. Following her into the next room, she gets the water how hot she wants it and lets is warm up before stepping in and under the spray. It cascades down her body and I can’t help but want to follow the path of every drop down her delectable body.

  Instead of standing here and watching her, I climb in the shower and take the bottle of shampoo from her hands. I massage it into her hair and then grab the shower head, so I can rinse it out of her hair. Repeating the same process with the conditioner, I grab the body wash, so I can run my hands all over her body. As soon as I’m done, I go to grab my shampoo and she takes the bottle from me.

  “I want to take care of you,” she tells me and motions me to sit on the bench seat, so she can easily reach my head.

  I relish the feeling of her hands massaging my head and making sure my hair is washed. Standing up, I stand under the shower head to rinse the soap from my hair. As I’m doing that, she grabs the body wash I use and begins to wash my body. Darcy’s hands on my body feels better than almost anything I’ve ever felt before. The only thing better is when I’m deep in her tight pussy.

  Once we’re done washing up, I stand behind her under the hot spray for a few minutes, just holding her body to mine. There’s nothing sexual in the way that I’m holding her right now. With me leaving, I need to hold her close and get all the time with her that I can until she falls asleep in my arms. This is what I love most about our time together. Especially when Trojan is with us and we have her body between ours.

  “Let’s go to bed,” I tell her, shutting the water off and grabbing a towel to dry her off.

  Darcy lets me take care of her and then gives me the same treatment. I lead her into the bed and we fix the blankets before I help her climb in. Once I know she’s settled in, I walk through the house naked to lock the place up tight. Trojan is sitting in the living room watching some show until I walk in. He shuts the television off and helps me check everything before we make our way into our girl.

  She’s in the middle of the bed and her eyelids are fluttering shut. I know that she’s trying to stay awake as long as she can, but she’s not winning the battle. We climb in beside her and wrap her in our arms. Just as she closes her eyes and lets out a sigh of contentment, I whisper to her.

  “I love you. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I tell her, knowing that I have to be up in a few hours to pack my bags and head out. There’s no way that I’ll be able to leave if she wakes up.

  Settling down next to her, I wrap my body around her and feel Trojan do the same on his side. I look over her body at him and communicate that he needs to be on his game and take care of our girl while I’m not around. He nods at me and his gaze assures me that he’ll do what he needs to do to protect her. I’ve already talked to Gage about adding someone on her with my brother.

  My eyes soon close and I dream of the life that I want to come back to. I want to move things along faster with our girl. We need to do something special for her and make sure that everyone knows that she’s ours. I’ll place the call as soon as I land to get her rag made. I want it here when I get back, so we can give it to her.

  Chapter Nine


  CRASH HAS BEEN GONE FOR A FEW days now. Darcy isn’t taking it well, and I’m starting to lose my mind as to how to get her out of the funk that she seems to have fallen into. She goes to work, comes home, and tries to put up a good front for me. We talk and laugh, but her heart isn’t in it. She’s missing him and worried that something is going to happen to him. Plus, she’s been even more tired than usual and goes to bed almost as soon as we walk through the door. Tonight, I’m going to make it all about us though.

  I’m cooking her dinner and setting a romantic table, complete with candles. Riley helped me find some candle holders that will work outside and are beautiful, her words, not mine. Then I’m going to spend the night ravishing her body. Crash got his one-on-one time with her, and tonight is mine. I’m going to make the most of it.

  Don’t get me wrong, Darcy doesn’t care about one of us more than the other. I’m just the one here while he’s on a mission. It’s not wrong for her to miss him, I’d be worried if she didn’t care anything about him not being around here on a daily basis. She’s proving to me just how much she does love us, even if she can’t say the words yet. We’ve both told her as she was falling asleep on a few different occasions. The only reason we’re not ready to tell her when she’s coherent is because we don’t want to scare her away from us.

  “You ready to head out?” I ask Darcy as she walks from the bathroom while I’ve been sitting on the bed playing around on my phone.

  “Yeah. Wilma will be at the salon a little after nine. Riley is going to be a little late today, so I need to be there for her color and cut,” she answers, picking up her bag and moving to walk past me.

  I grab her around the waste and pull her into me. Right now, I need to feel her in my arms and let her know that I’m here for her. If she wants to yell, scream, cry, or just talk about missing Crash, she needs to know she’s not alone. Burying my face in her neck, I breathe in her scent. It’s like a calming balm to my soul. She makes us want to be better men for her, for our future, and for anyone that comes along to join our family. That doesn’t mean we’re going to quit the club and what we have to do as part of that. What it means is that we want to belong to her, not worry about loose pussy throwing themselves at us. They don’t mean shit to us and we don’t even look at them. Haven’t for a long time since we first met her.

  “He’s goin’ to be fine baby. Crash will be back before you know it. He’ll be fine, he always is. If there’s one thing he knows, it how to do his job and this time will be no different.” I tell her, meaning every word of it. “Besides, he has somethin’ worth comin’ home for now. Let’s use this time to spend together and not worry about anythin’ else.”

  “How do you know that he’s
going to be okay? This isn’t some game he’s playing!” she snaps at me, her carefully controlled composure finally slipping and letting her get all of her fears out. “I wasted so much time denying what we all wanted, and we’ll never get that time back.”

  Darcy is now crying on my shoulder and I can’t help but wrap my arms even tighter around her. She needs to get this shit out and I’m more than happy to take all the pain from her. I’m here to make sure that she doesn’t go in her own head with anything and that she talks to me, us when Crash is home, about whatever is going through her pretty head. She doesn’t need anything else to weigh her down. Tears don’t need to leave her beautiful eyes unless they’re tears of happiness.

  My hope is that as soon as we figure out who is after her that she doesn’t ever have another care in the world to darken her days. She needs to be filled with light and true happiness. If we can make sure that happens every single day, we’ll both die happy men. It’s been said before by other brothers that their girl is the light to their darkness, they brighten their world and make them whole. I never truly understood it until we met Darcy. Now, I see what they mean, and I know that we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure she stays that way.

  Heading out to my bike that’s parked in the garage, I climb on before Darcy throws her bag over her shoulder and climbs on behind me. Once I know that she’s got her helmet on and her arms are wrapped around me, I start my other girl up and we make our way into town. The drive is short, too short for my liking. I’d ride all day long with her body wrapped around mine. In fact, Crash and I were talking about taking her away on a trip. It will be just the three of us and we’ll find somewhere secluded. I think I know the perfect spot and I’m going to make sure we make this trip a reality when my brother gets home.

  Pulling up to the salon, nothing looks out of place. Well, other than the vase filled with flowers sitting in front of the door. Darcy’s body tightens, and I know that she’s thinking the same thing I am; that they’re from her stalker. Tech is doing everything in his power to find out who this is and how they’re getting all the information they are about her phone number and where she is on a daily basis. Yeah, the hours of the salon are posted by the door, but I’m sure that he knows wherever she is when she’s not here too.

  “Stay by the bike. Shadow, make sure you stay with her and don’t let anyone else near her,” I ground out, letting my unhappiness and uneasiness with this situation run rampant.

  Walking up to the door, I take my time in case there’s anything else going on that I don’t see right this second. We honestly have no clue what this sick fuck is going to do. Before I touch anything around the flowers, I take a look all around the area. Slowly bending down, I see that there’s a card on the flowers and I carefully pluck it from the holder before taking my knife from my pocket.

  Opening the small envelope, I peel the card out of it and read what it says. My blood is boiling, and I want to shred everything around me. I won’t though because it’s her salon and I won’t destroy what she’s worked so hard to build. So, I reign that shit in and bite my tongue. Turning around, I see Darcy with concern written all over her face and I want to reassure her, but the words on the card are making it hard for me to do that. I have to get this over to Tech and have him hack into the florist’s computer system to see if we can find anything out about who ordered the flowers.

  “What’s it say?” Darcy asks, striding over to me with more bravado then she truly feels. There’s a slight tremble to her lips and I can see her hands shaking, letting me know that she’s freaked the fuck out right now.

  “You don’t want to know baby,” I tell her, trying to slide the card in the back pocket of my jeans. I don’t need to read the card again, the words are already burned into my brain. “I’m goin’ to get this over to Tech later on to see what he can find out.”

  Darcy stands there with one hand on her hip and the other hand stretched out towards me. There’s no way in hell that she’s going to give up until she knows what the card says. So, without truly wanting to, I pull it out of my pocket and hand it to her. While she’s pulling it out of the envelope, I wrap my arms around her and make sure that I’m there for her. As soon as the words reach her, I know. Her skin instantly pales and the shaking and trembling from moments before becomes a million times worse. I’m truly terrified that she’s going to pass out from the look of her alone, not to mention all the other signs she’s giving off right this second.

  The card reads:

  I told you that you were mine. You don’t want to listen, but you’ll have no choice in the matter soon. It’s only a matter of time before you’re where you belong. Not being the slut that you seem to have become.

  Taking the card back from her, I hand everything to Shadow. My main focus has to be on Darcy right now.

  “Get this to Gage. Now!” I growl out, needing him to know that he needs to get on this now. “Tell him to call me as soon as he has it in his hands.”

  Shadow scurries to his bike after grabbing everything from me. Peeling out, he makes his way to the clubhouse as fast as he can. This is why he makes a great prospect and he’ll be a great brother when he gets patched in. I’m sure that will be soon, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t happen very soon.

  “Baby, I need you to look at me,” I tell Darcy, pulling back as much as she’ll let me. “Nothin’ is goin’ to happen to you. Now, before Wilma gets here and flips her shit, let’s get inside and get done what you need to. I’ll help you any way I can.”

  Darcy nods her head, takes a minute to compose herself, and hands me the keys to unlock the door. As soon as we get in, she turns the lights on, sets her bag behind the counter, and sets about making sure everything is ready to go. I turn on the music then begin to do a quick sweep of the salon, and get rid of the flowers so there’s not a reminder of them around her while she keeps herself busy and not thinking about what just happened. Eventually she’s going to want to talk about it, and I’ll be there for her. Until then, I’m going to let her stay occupied and keep a close eye on her.

  As I’m making my way back to the front of the salon, I see Wilma make her way to Darcy’s station. She’s setting her stuff down as my girl makes her way out and tells her to take a seat at the sink. Wilma does as she’s asked, and it doesn’t seem like she’s her usual self today either. I hope everything is okay with her. It’s not like she would tell us if something were wrong. Much like all the other women in my life, Wilma wants to handle things alone and not ask for help. I’ll keep an eye on her and make sure that nothing’s going on with her that she needs help with.

  I listen to the two women banter back and forth, amazed at how calm Darcy is right now. She’s putting on an amazing front for one of her favorite people. The last thing she wants to do is make the woman sitting in her chair worry about her. My attention is pulled from the women as someone else enters the salon. It’s a delivery guy and I stand up to take the package from his hands. Signing the clipboard, I nod my thanks and watch him head back out the door.

  “You expectin’ anythin’ babe?” I ask, walking closer to Darcy holding the package in my hand.

  “Nope. Unless Riley ordered something. You can open it if you want to,” she tells me, barely looking in my direction. I’m sure it has more to do with the flowers that were left outside.

  Going around the corner so that Darcy can’t see what’s inside the box if it’s anything menacing, I grab the scissors from the desk and carefully open the box in front of me. once I have the sides open, I don’t rip the paper out of the way, I peel it back one layer at a time until I see the contents. This has my stomach turning more than the flowers or anything else does. Inside the box, I see more pictures of Darcy, mainly at our home, a piece of lingerie I’d love to see her in if the circumstances were different, and something that looks like blood throughout the entire box. There’s a note on top and I’m sure that I don’t want to know what it says, but I’m going to have to regar

  I walk over to the first station and grab a pair of gloves before returning to the counter. After putting them on, I pick the note up by the corner of it and open it, so I can read what’s written this time. It has my blood boiling once again and I can see nothing but red. This motherfucker’s time is limited and grows that way with every package, picture, note, and other bullshit he sends to our girl.

  I told you I’m coming for you. You have taken things to a whole new level by continuously throwing away what I give you. Now, I’m coming for you and your men won’t be able to stop me. They won’t see me coming at all. Bitch, you’re mine!

  What the fuck does this scumbag think she was going to do? Keep everything he has sent her on a pedestal or something like that. I don’t fucking think so. I’m going to have to call this shit in and make sure that there’s extra guys here. There’s also going to need to be extra guys at the house. Darcy won’t ever be alone enough for this maniac to get his hands on her. I don’t care if I have to go to the bathroom with her to make sure that he never gets his hands on her. Ever.

  Looking over at Darcy and Wilma, I see them laughing and being carefree. Maybe Wilma was just tired or something when she came in. I’m not really sure, but I’m going to keep an eye on her. This is something I’m willing to do for Darcy because I know that Wilma is close to her heart and she wouldn’t want anything to happen to her at all. Maybe I can get one of the other prospects on her to make sure nothing is going on. Shadow is definitely going to be on Darcy.

  I take the package before my girl can see it and dispose of it. She’s already had her nerves set on edge with the flowers, and I know this will send her right over that edge. Honestly, I’m glad that Crash isn’t here right now because he wouldn’t be able to contain his raw fury and aggression at not knowing how to get this person. He’s probably hiding right in plain sight with none of us the wiser. That’s usually what happens. It would just help if we had some sort of idea as to what direction to look in.


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