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Darcy's Downfall

Page 22

by Erin Osborne

  Pops brought the idea to us that he would ask if she wanted him to walk her down the aisle. He’s done this before and I know that it would mean the world to our girl. So, we gave him our blessing and he disappeared before anything else could be said about it. It looks like he went to talk to her and she fell in love with the idea like we knew she would. But, there’s just a hint of sadness in her eyes and I’m sure that she’s missing her dad right about now. This is supposed to be him holding her arm and leading her toward us.

  As soon as they get to us, I grab our girl’s small, delicate hand and hold it in mine. She stares into my eyes and the rest of the world surrounding us disappears in an instant. Other than the first few words, I don’t hear anything that the preacher we found says. In fact, Crash has to nudge me when it comes time for us to say our vows.

  “Darcy, when we first saw you, we knew that you would be the perfect woman for us. You are strong, feisty, full of fire, and you love with your whole heart. You know when to give us hell for somethin’ we’ve done to piss you off and when to hold that shit in for a little while. We’re full of darkness and you’re the light that we want to run toward. Crash and I aren’t the most vocal, but we know that we want every single piece of you and we’ll do anythin’ in our power to make sure that the light never fades away. I love you with everythin’ I am and will do so for the rest of my life and beyond,” I tell her, letting every emotion shine through with no care in the world of who’s watching me right now.

  “Darcy, you may say what you want to the two men standing before you. Then I will let Crash say his,” the preacher tells her before stepping back a little bit.

  “Crash and Trojan, I pushed and pushed until you made sure that you filled every single part of me. When I needed someone the most, you were there. Even when I didn’t want it to be you two coming to my rescue. As soon as I see you, I feel like I am coming home. Every single time. You have made me feel complete and have given me the best thing, besides the two of you, in the little boy that will be here in a few short months. Every day is a battle, but I wouldn’t want to wage war with anyone other than either one of you. I love you forever and beyond,” she tells us, letting a few tears slip from her eyes while glancing back and forth between my brother and me.

  Crash steps forward and replaces my hand with his. He does nothing but look at our girl for a minute. “Darcy, firecracker, I’m definitely a man of few words. You have shown me that no matter what, there are good and innocent people in this world. We have found the best part of ourselves when we found you. I would have chased you until the end of time if it meant that you would agree to be ours. I love you more than anythin’ in this world. And I will always, only placin’ our son before you. Thank you for everythin’ you have given us and continue to give us. But most of all, thank you for givin’ us your love.”

  The preacher finishes the ceremony and I don’t hear another word. Darcy consumes Crash and I to the point of distraction. Within a few minutes, the preacher is pronouncing us husband and wife after we slip our rings on one another’s finger. Crash and I have the same rings while Darcy has a wedding band that goes along with her engagement ring perfectly. I can’t wait any longer to get a taste of our girl. Holding her face gently between my hands, I stare into her eyes before I place the sweetest and softest kiss against her lips. For a minute, nothing exists except her lips on mine. Breaking apart, Crash takes his turn and gives her the same treatment as I did. This is the sweetest moment in our lives.

  We’ve been at the reception for a few hours and I know that Darcy is getting ready to crash. She’s been sitting in the same spot for a little while now, her eyes getting heavy. Before she can go upstairs to our room, we need to do two more things; have our first dance and have cake. Those are things that she would regret missing out on and I’m not going to let it happen. Looking at Crash over top of her head, I nod to let him know we need to move forward with these two events now.

  I stand up and hold out my hand to her as Crash goes and tells the DJ what song we want to play. Once we’re on the makeshift dancefloor, You Make It Easy by Jason Aldean begins to play. Holding her in my arms, I slowly move so she doesn’t trip up or anything. Moving her slow and steady is what I want as I hold her close to me. About half way through the song, Crash steps in and takes my spot. He slowly spins her on the floor as I stand and watch them. There’s no jealousy or bad feelings. I feel nothing but love watching my brother and our girl dancing.

  Skylar gets the cake ready as the song comes to an end so that we can cut it once the song is done. Darcy is dead on her feet and the only thing I’m worried about right now is getting her into bed. Not for sex or anything else, I want her in bed so that she can go to sleep and not do any harm to herself or the baby.

  “You ready for cake baby?” I ask, as they make their way toward me. “I know you’re ready for bed and we’re goin’ to get there in just a few minutes. Let’s get the cake done and we’ll head inside.”

  “No, you guys can party with your brothers and everyone else her,” she tries to tell us, knowing that she’s not going to win this one. “You shouldn’t have to go to bed just because I’m tired.”

  “Not happenin’ baby. We’re not goin’ to be anywhere other than right next to you,” Crash tells her, taking the words out of my mouth. “This is our night and we’re goin’ to be sleepin’ with you so that we can begin the rest of our lives together when we open our eyes.”

  Darcy nods her head and we make our way over to Skylar and the table holding the exact cake that she fell in love with. Together, the three of us cut through the cake and place four small pieces on a plate. We’re not planning on smashing the cake in her face, but that all depends on what she does to us. Crash and her go first. They gently feed one another the cake and smile at one another. Darcy then turns to me and I see the devilish glint in her eyes a second too late. Before I can blink, cake is smashed in my face and she spreads it around, covering half of my face with the cake and frosting. Laughing, I take the piece in my hand and go to give her the same treatment. She manages to duck out of the way, so that only a little frosting swipes up the side of her face.

  “I want to thank everyone for comin’ to help us celebrate our marriage to this amazin’ girl that stole our hearts with one look,” I tell everyone. “It’s time for us to disappear for the night while the rest of you party.”

  Amongst hoots and hollers, Crash, Darcy, and I enter the clubhouse and make our way to our room. Once the door is shut, we help get her out of the dress and hang it on the back of the door. Underneath she had on a strapless white corset with a green lacy overlay at the top. There’s a matching pair of white and green panties covering her pussy while garters hold up thigh high white stockings. If we knew she was wearing this the whole day, we would’ve made our way up here a hell of a lot sooner.

  “Climb in bed baby,” Crash tells her as he begins to strip down to nothing. I copy him and we both climb into bed on either side of our girl.

  She’s already passed out cold and doesn’t realize we’re even in bed with her. “Best day ever!” I whisper to Crash. He agrees and we both lay our heads down to let sleep claim us for now. As soon as we wake up, we won’t be leaving this room for a very long time.

  Chapter Fifteen


  EVERY DAY FOR THE LAST THREE MONTHS I have put in a few hours at the salon, mainly doing paperwork. Riley and Crystal, the new stylist, won’t let me do much else. I’m actually grateful since it means I can sit on my ever-expanding ass. I thought I was tired before, but it’s nothing like it is now. Any day now our little guy could come into this world and it won’t come soon enough for me.

  I’m already almost a week overdue and I’m getting picked up in a minute to head to Doctor Sanchez’s office. We’ve already discussed being induced and today is the day that it’s going to happen. I don’t care what anyone else says about it, I can’t go one more day carrying this baby. I’m miserable and biting everyone�
�s head off. Crash and Trojan are being amazing considering how much shit I give them. Most days, I’m surprised they don’t hide out at the clubhouse to get away from me.

  “You ready to go baby?” Trojan asks, walking in the salon.

  Nodding my head, I close the computer out, make sure the girls don’t need anything else, and let my man help me out of the chair I’ve been sitting in for the past hour. As we make our way out of the door, I can’t help but feel elated that today is the day our son makes his first appearance into the world. Part of me wants to keep him safe and sound in my belly, but another part of me will be happy when he’s born.

  “Are you nervous?” Crash asks me, as I get helped up into the front of the truck.

  “No. I’m ready for this to be over with. Besides, I know the two of you are nervous enough for all of us,” I respond with a smile on my face at the conversations we’ve been having lately regarding the baby and what’s going to happen when he’s finally in our arms.

  My guys laugh along with me and we begin the short drive to the doctor’s office. Within minutes, I’m in an exam room and lying on a table waiting for Doctor Sanchez to come in. We don’t have to wait very long as she appears and does her exam before really uttering a word to us.

  “I think that today, we need to induce you. You’re already over four centimeters dilated and having contractions. I fear that you’re too tired and in too much pain to feel the contractions that you’ve been having. I’ll meet you at the hospital in an hour to check your progress and see what our next step is. Sound good?” she asks, helping me sit up before getting the paperwork I need to take over with me.

  “You have made my day, Doc,” I tell her, gingerly getting off the table and standing between my guys. “We’ll see you soon.”

  True to her word, Doctor Sanchez arrived at the hospital shortly after I got a room and the nurse finished hooking me up to everything. I’m laying in bed as she comes through the door. After checking me, she tells me that she’s going to break my water and see if that speeds anything up. I turn my attention to the TV as she does what she has to. Well, until I feel the gush of liquid pouring from my body. Fuck! I never thought it would be like this.

  A nurse is already standing by with a clean gown, new bedding, and an extra pillow. I gladly get up and remove the soiled gown before replacing it with a fresh one. The only thing I have to say is that I’m glad I wasn’t out in public or home when my water broke. Crash and Trojan probably would’ve flipped the fuck out while I made the situation worse by laughing or crying my ass off.

  Within an hour, the contractions are coming fast and hard. “I hate both of you so much! You’ll never get within a hundred yards of my body ever again!” I scream at them in pain.

  “You don’t mean that firecracker,” Trojan tells me, taking the washcloth and wiping my sweat drenched forehead yet again while Crash goes to get me more ice chips.

  “I do mean that with every fiber of my being. You go through this fucking pain and tell me you’d let me touch you again motherfucker!” I yell out as another contraction takes hold.

  Trojan and Crash are taking turns letting me know where I am with my contractions, which helps a little bit. They’ve been patient and kind as I do nothing more than cuss them out and tell them how much I hate them both. In reality, I could never hate them, but it helps me take away from thinking of all the pain racking my body as our son makes his way in the world.

  Finally, a little after nine at night, our son entered the world crying and screaming his anger out. I’m exhausted and completely hooked around his little finger already. Crash and Trojan will kill me if I tell anyone, but they both had tears rolling down their faces and a look of pure awe as they got their first glimpse of him.

  “Are you ready to let people in?” Crash asks me, once he sees my eyes open again.

  “Yes. I know they’ve been waiting to see him and we can’t hold them much longer,” I tell them, holding my arms out for my son.

  Within ten minutes, my room is filled to capacity. They’re all crowding around the baby cradled in my arms. I know they’re waiting to hear what his name is, so I look at the guys and give them a nod. Crash addresses the room while Trojan sits on the bed next to me, wrapping his arm around our son and me.

  “We’d like for you to meet Axle Blake Evans-Martin,” he announces, beaming down at us with a proud smile on his face.

  Everyone tells us how much they love his name and spend the next hour taking turns coddling him while I relax. Trojan and Crash are watching everyone with eagle eyes considering they are holding their entire world in their arms. If I thought they were bad and overprotective with me, that’s nothing compared to how they’re already being with Axle. This is not going to go good for anyone if they don’t relax a little bit. I can already see the fights going down in the coming months and years.


  We’re finally home with Axle and I am glad that we’re getting into a routine that’s manageable for all of us. Darcy has gotten on our asses more than once in the last few days about keeping such a close eye on him. No one can get around him without one of us hovering. This includes Darcy. It’s crazy and I don’t know why we’re even begin like this, but it has to do with not wanting anything to happen to our son. If he cries, we want to be there in that second to help him.

  Right now, he’s sleeping peacefully in his room and we’ve got the monitors on to hear any little noise that comes from him. Darcy is taking a nap while the baby does so she’s ready to feed and change him when he wakes up again. Trojan is laying down with her while I am watching TV. Well, I’m pretending to watch TV. Nothing can hold my interest for more than a few minutes. Maybe I need to go out for a ride to clear my head.

  Leaving a note on the stand beside the bed, I tell them that I’ve gone for a ride to clear my head and check on things at the clubhouse for a little bit. I’ll be back soon, knowing that I can’t stay away from the house for very long. My entire world is under one roof and that’s where I always want to be. I’ll never go far from them, and I’ll always return to them. My life, my love, and my son mean more to me than anything else ever has. Well, anything other than the Wild Kings. The club will forever be my family.


  The last month has truly opened my eyes to how strong and amazing Darcy is. She’s been taking care of a newborn, put up with our crazy as fuck asses, and been doing things around the house. I know she’s been thinking about going back to the salon even though she doesn’t want to leave the baby. If anything, I see her going back part time in the beginning and then deciding from there.

  Axle is growing like a weed and getting stronger every day. I’m in awe of the things that he learns daily. Already he has a look reserved for his mama. All he has to do is hear her voice and a little look comes over his adorable face. It’s the same when Crash and I start talking to him. I swear that he turns his little head toward us and waits for us to pick him up. I’m probably being biased and none of this really happens, but it’s what I tell myself and what I’ll continue to tell myself.

  Our routine is simple. We get up early in the morning when Axle wants to eat. As soon as he’s taken care of, Darcy takes a nap while Crash and I get ready for the day. He goes to work for a few hours and comes home to let me go to work for a few hours. We go to the clubhouse regularly and whenever we’re needed. The three of us cook dinner together before Darcy feeds Axle again. Once he’s done eating, Crash and I take turns bathing him and getting him ready for bed. Then, the three of us spend a few minutes putting him down before heading to bed ourselves.

  I hate that we still have at least two more weeks until we can properly touch our girl again, but she’s been pushing already. So, we give in enough to get her off and let her give us a hand job or blow job. You can bet your ass that as soon as we get the green light, Darcy won’t be moving from the bed other than when our son needs her. We will keep her busy as fuck.

  Never once did I think that I’d
want to be tied down to one woman for the rest of my life. I was wrong. Darcy is our true love and has blessed us with the most incredible little boy we could ever ask for. The only thing that would make it better would be a daughter. But, that’s not going to happen right now. As soon as possible we will have her pregnant again.



  AFTER BAILEY AND THE LOSS OF MY BABY, I never thought I’d give anyone a chance at getting close to me again. Bailey broke my heart when I realized that she would never truly be over Grim. It shattered into a million pieces when I found out that my baby never had his chance to live. Ryan, as Bailey decided we would name him, should’ve been given the chance to live his life and it was taken from him for some unknown reason.

  All of that shit flew out the window the second I laid eyes on Riley for the first time. I could see the pain, regret, and torture marring her face. Only then did I take in her beauty and realize that there was more to her than met the eye. I got her phone number before leaving Clifton Falls and we’ve talked ever since. Not too many know her backstory, but she has entrusted me with it. I am taking it on and doing everything in my power to make sure the wrong that was done to her is righted.

  “Crash, I need your help,” I tell him, as he enters my office and takes a seat opposite me.

  “What’s up Prez?” he asks, leaning forward to pay close attention to what I’m about to tell him.

  “This goes no farther than right here. Trojan and Darcy cannot know what I’m about to tell you. This is not my story to tell and the only reason you’re hearin’ it is for the help you can give me,” I tell him, letting this information sink in.


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