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Sinfully Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 1)

Page 22

by Lawson, Cassandra

  “You don’t need a quickie on my bathroom counter,” I said, lifting her in my arms and carrying her back to the bedroom, where I laid her gently on the bed.

  “How do you know what I need?” she challenged, but I saw the teasing sparkle in her eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief, knowing she really was going to be okay.

  “It’s my job to know what you need,” I said as I climbed onto the bed and began kissing up the inside of her leg, starting at her ankle. When I reached her pussy, I could see she was ready for me, just like always, and I loved that. My tongue swirled lightly around her clit as I savored her sexy little whimpers and the way her hips rolled against my mouth. Pulling back, I looked at her until she met my eyes. “I’m going to make you come now,” I said, eliciting a little moan from her. “Is that what you want?”

  “Please, make me come, Dylan,” came her ragged reply.

  My tongue moved along her clit in long strokes before settling into the circular motion I knew she liked best. I could taste the increase in her arousal as she came closer to climaxing, and I slid two fingers inside of her, curling them until I hit just the right spot to send her over the edge. As her tight pussy spasmed around my fingers, I wanted nothing more than to slide up her body and feel her pulsing around my dick, but I stayed there, watching her, savoring the beauty of her release and the knowledge that I could bring her to orgasm in less than a minute. She was my witch, whether she was ready to admit it or not, and I was hers in every way imaginable.

  Moving up her body, I kissed her lips softly and reached over to the bedside table for a condom. “Ready for more?” I asked, watching her sexy, sleepy eyes blink at me. “Or are you already worn out?”

  I was surprised when Allie pushed me onto my back and straddled me as she snatched the condom from my hand. “It seems I’m always ready for more of you,” she said as she took the condom from its package and slid it down my hard cock. The woman’s hands on me were nearly enough to make me come.

  “Careful or I won’t last very long,” I warned.

  “Then I guess you’ll just have to finish me with your mouth again after we’re done,” she said with a sweet smile as she slid down my shaft.

  “Fuck, woman!” I groaned. “How is it that I’m dying to have you ride me and dying to pull you up so you’re straddling my face at the same time?”

  “Because you’re insatiable,” she said.

  “Only with you,” I murmured as I watched her slide up and down my dick—a sight so fucking hot I couldn’t tear my eyes away from our joined bodies.

  Each time Allie lifted up, she tightened her inner muscles, making me struggle to avoid coming. It was torture—the kind of torture that could make me beg for more. I licked my fingers and reached forward to stroke her clit gently, knowing it would still be overly sensitive from her recent orgasm, but she pulled my hands away.

  “Not this time,” she admonished with a playful smile. “I like the idea of you taking care of me after I’m done driving you insane.”

  “Allie,” I groaned as she clamped down even tighter on my cock, which was now twitching inside of her. This was her show, and I let her take charge, giving myself to her completely.

  Her body moved against mine, making it hard to focus on anything other than the pleasure she was giving me. Still, I needed her to come with me. “Let me bring you over the edge with me,” I pleaded, lifting my hips off the bed to meet her as she slid down my cock.

  “Behave or I’ll stop,” she warned with a determined smile. Her cheeks were flushed, and her breathing was rapid. There was no doubt in my mind she was getting off on this. She was loving being in control of my orgasm as I so often was hers, and that’s when I completely gave myself over to her, letting her set the pace and bring me to the edge, and then slowing down until my orgasm was further away.

  “Should I let you come?” she asked in a husky voice, which proved how hot this was getting her.

  “I can’t take much more of your teasing, woman,” I gritted out, fighting the urge to grip her hips and slam into her.

  Placing her hands on my chest, she slid up and down my dick fast until I came so hard I was sure I’d die from pleasure overload. After my brain finally started working again, I found Allie watching me.

  “I love seeing you come,” she purred.

  “The feeling’s mutual,” I rasped out. “Now, get your ass up here. I’ve only given you one orgasm tonight, and I don’t want you to start thinking I’m neglecting your needs.”

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  After dealing with the police and telling my parents what had happened, I was more than a little bitchy. That seemed like the perfect time to call Marcos. I still hadn’t changed my mind about quitting. Even though I had no idea how I was going to handle my need for sexual energy or pay my bills, I couldn’t continue working at SpellBinders.

  “SpellBinders,” Marcos answered, sounding irritable, which made sense since he’d likely been stuck dealing with the police last night.

  “Hey, Marcos. It’s Allie,” I said by way of greeting.

  “How’s it going, Al?” he asked. “You gonna be ready to come in to work tomorrow?”

  “That’s why I’m calling.” I began.

  “Listen, Al,” he interrupted. “I get that this has been a shitty week, but I’m short-staffed right now, and I just can’t cover your shift tomorrow.”

  “I’m actually calling to quit,” I said.

  “Quit? What do you mean, quit?” he asked, as if I’d just spoken some strange foreign language.

  “I can’t work at SpellBinders anymore,” I told him simply, wondering how much clearer I could be.

  “Is this about that warlock?” Marcos demanded angrily. “Does he have an issue with you working here?”

  Leave it to Marcos to ignore the fact that someone—probably a serial killer—tried to abduct me after work, and then a customer attacked me in SpellBinders.

  “No. While Dylan does have an issue with me working at SpellBinders, that’s not why I’m quitting.”

  “I get that you haven’t been happy here,” Marcos returned with a resigned sigh. “It’s just not a good fit for you, but give me some time to find a replacement before you leave me high and dry.”

  While I wanted to quit now and never set foot in SpellBinders again, it was unfair to do that to Marcos, even if he was a jerk most days. “Fine, I’ll give you two weeks.”

  “A month,” Marcos countered. “Please, Al. You know it will take that long to interview, test, and train a replacement.”

  “Three weeks,” I relented. “That’s my final offer.”

  “Thanks, babe,” Marcos said. “So, things are going well with the warlock?”

  “They’re going fine, but that’s not why I’m quitting. You said it yourself, the job’s not a good fit, and you must have noticed how much I hate working there.”

  “True,” Marcos said. “I asked about the warlock because I heard rumors you were going to marry him.”

  “Where did you hear that?” I demanded.

  “I have my sources,” was all he said. “Just be careful, Al. Don’t let the witches push you into this. If you ever need a place to hide, call me.” Marcos hung up after making that strange offer. That was twice in two days Marcos had tried to be nice. Maybe he was possessed by a demon nicer than him, because that was the only explanation I could come up with for his strange behavior.

  Chapter Fifty


  It had been a little over two weeks since Allie was almost abducted after work, and the police didn’t seem to be any closer to finding the killer. The last murder had happened the same night Allie was attacked by that bastard demon at the club, and I thought that made the demon a good suspect. The police didn’t agree, and refused to share their reasons for believing the demon wasn’t the killer, which is why I’d called Julian Talbot to find out what they knew. According to him, the demon was still under suspicion, but his mother insisted
he was at her home at the time of the most recent murder. They hadn’t been able to interview him because he’d disappeared after spending the night at his mother’s house.

  We hadn’t really talked about Allie staying when the danger to her was over, but it was my hope she’d want to. Hell, I was seriously losing it over this woman.

  Allie was still sleeping when I was ready to leave for work that morning. She’d worked late the night before, which also meant I was exhausted. I was hoping to catch a nap at the office between afternoon meetings. This schedule was getting to be too much for me, but I wasn’t about to leave Allie alone at SpellBinders.

  Leaning down, I kissed Allie’s cheek. “I need to get into the office, but Melina will be here in about an hour to spend the day with you.”

  “I don’t need a sitter,” she grumbled, which made me smile because she said the same thing every day.

  Most likely, I was being paranoid about leaving Allie at my house while I was at work. With my security spell, it was unlikely anyone would get in unless Allie let them in. It was also unlikely the killer knew Allie was here, but that didn’t make me worry any less.

  “I’ll feel better if you’re not alone,” I said, much like I did every morning.

  “Fine,” she grumbled and rolled away from me to go back to sleep.

  “Don’t forget we have the affinity test tonight,” I reminded her and then nearly laughed at her groan of frustration. Allie hadn’t warmed up to the idea of the affinity test in the two weeks since the council meeting, even with everyone telling her it was a good idea. I was actually surprised by how much her mom supported it, considering her lowly opinion of warlocks.

  Before leaving the bedroom, I stopped in the bathroom to pull some hair from Allie’s brush, wondering what she’d think about what I was doing.

  I was distracted with thoughts of tonight’s council meeting the entire drive to the office. This was something I’d never expected to be excited about, but that was probably because I’d never met a witch I could picture having a future with. I was also nervous about the affinity test, mostly because I was worried about Allie’s reaction if it went the way I suspected it would. Okay, I was also worried I might be wrong. What if we failed the affinity test? What if Trevor’s dad told us we weren’t compatible and advised against any relationship? That would mean I wasn’t supposed to be with Allie and should let her go, but I wasn’t entirely sure I could do that.

  The lobby of my office was empty, with the exception of our assistant, Sage, who looked to be in a piss poor mood. Of course, that was no surprise since it was almost a full moon, and Sage was a werewolf. Our agreement with her pack said she was to be given the week of the full moon off, but they’d made an exception this time when our other assistant was called out of town for a family emergency.

  If Sage’s mood didn’t improve, however, we might need to call in a temp for the rest of the week so she didn’t bite someone’s head off—literally.

  “Your first appointment is already in your office,” Sage grumbled. “She seemed pretty mad that you’re late, and then she had the nerve to act like it was my fault you don’t know how to get your lazy ass out of bed in the morning.”

  I looked at the clock on the wall. “I’m barely a minute late,” I foolishly argued with my cranky assistant.

  “Yet, I still got bitched at,” Sage shot back.

  I decided to avoid angering the werewolf any further and made my way into my office.

  Sitting in my chair, regarding me with both annoyance and amusement, was my first appointment of the day.

  “Dylan,” she said with a regal tilt of her head.

  I greeted her with a sigh. “Were you really harassing my assistant this close to the full moon, Mom?”

  “Are you really making that poor girl work this close to the full moon?” my mom asked in an accusatory tone.

  “Not intentionally,” I grumbled. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “I’m fine,” my mom assured me. “Could you get one of the treats you keep for Percy? He’s been excited about coming here just to have one.”

  It was then that I noticed Percy lounging on my sofa, looking annoyed. Not that I blamed him. My mother must have taken him to get his hair done recently because he still had several pale blue bows in his fluffy black hair.

  “Hey, bud,” I said with a grin, glad to see him, but he dropped his head back down. “Yeah, I can see why you’re mad about the new hairdo.”

  Reaching up to the top shelf, I pulled down one of the treats I kept for Percy in my office.

  “He’s supposed to be at the sitter, but he insisted on coming here for a treat first.”

  “Well, I’m glad you brought him,” I said honestly.

  “Can you please explain why you needed to speak to me this early in the day? I had to reschedule my hair appointment, which means I’ll be cutting things close for the council meeting,” my mother complained.

  “I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it there on time,” I said with a chuckle, knowing my mom would do anything in her power to watch my affinity test with Allie.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she confirmed with a warm smile. “Now, what exactly do you need?”

  “I need your help getting a familiar for Allie,” I explained.

  Her brow creased with obvious concern. “Doesn’t she already have one?”

  I shook my head. “Obviously, her mother couldn’t get one for her. I’m not sure why one of her witch relatives never tried, but it’s probably because that responsibility usually falls to the mother’s side of the family.”

  My mother looked shocked by my request, and it took her a moment to respond. “You really care for this witch, don’t you? It’s more than just your magic being complementary and more than you being attracted to her.”

  I opened my mouth to deny it, mostly out of habit, but I figured there was no point in lying to my mother. “Yes,” I admitted. “Allie makes me crazy, but I can’t get enough of her, and I really want to make her happy.”

  “I’ll need blood, hair, or saliva,” she said and smiled when I placed the bag with Allie’s hair on the desk. “Do you think she has an animal preference?”

  “Not that I’m aware of,” I said. “Just don’t get anything exotic since she may refuse to move in with me and need to keep it at her apartment.”

  “Why would she refuse to move in with you?” my mother asked, clearly confused.

  “Allie’s not sure she wants to be with me,” I admitted.

  My mother actually laughed at my distress, which annoyed me.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be on my side?”

  “I am on your side,” she insisted. “Hearing you complain about a quality you found desirable in women a month ago is just amusing to me. Now that you’re looking for something permanent, the girl you want is making you work for it.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “She’s coming around, but I really wish she’d agree that we belong together.”

  “I think this is good for you,” my traitorous mom said. “You’ve gotten far too used to getting what you want without much effort.”

  “I worked hard to get where I am,” I argued.

  My mom raised a skeptical brow. “Really?” she asked. “In school, you had an easy time with spells, and the witches threw themselves at you. Since then, you’ve avoided relationships but known you could have one any time you wanted. Now, you’ve met a woman who doesn’t fall all over herself to please you, which is wonderful because you’ll appreciate her more.”

  “At first, I wondered if I was drawn to her because she was playing hard to get,” I admitted.

  “And what did you decide,” my mother asked.

  “I decided that I want Allie because I feel complete when she’s with me,” I explained. “I could spend hours trying to understand it and come up with dozens of complex reasons, but Allie is simply the right witch for me.”

  My mother grinned. “
I’ll cancel my hair appointment so I can make arrangements for Alana’s familiar,” she said as she grabbed the bag of hair and rounded my desk to kiss me on the cheek. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’ve found your witch. You may think I was pushing you to find a witch for grandchildren, but the truth is, I want you to have what I have with your father. What you just described is what I feel for him. Don’t be late,” she warned before leaving my office.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  “Are you ready for tonight’s council meeting?” Mel asked as she finished off the last of the ice cream.

  We’d pretty much been eating all day because of my nerves. Not only was I stressed about the test, but Delilah had sent me a quick text earlier to let me know she was no longer in any hurry to return from the demon realm. Apparently, the demon her mom had fixed her up with was enough to keep Delilah there. That meant I would also need to find a new roommate.

  “Not even close,” I almost groaned. “When I got an email saying the meeting on Sunday had been canceled, I was beyond relieved.” If I were being honest, I had also been oddly disappointed. “The COWs must love torturing people, because the email rescheduling it for today came hours later. I really don’t want to go.” I pouted childishly.

  “I don’t blame you,” Mel said. “I always hate it when the council makes me do something in front of everyone, like I’m on display. They are way too into these stupid rituals. Why can’t you have an affinity test without a huge audience?”

  “The last meeting was awful, and I’m sure the affinity test will be even worse. I’m just lucky I don’t have to attend regular meetings.”

  “I don’t attend many, and I’m thankful for that,” Mel agreed. “Unfortunately, I still get talked into it when my mom is busy. Why she can’t send one of my sisters, I have no idea.”

  “Have you witnessed an affinity test before?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve seen a few,” Mel said. “It’s different for each pair, so it’s hard to say what they’ll have you do. Honestly, it’s over before you know it. The part that should worry you is what happens after the test.”


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