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by Brandi Evans

  Seducing Jason

  Brandi Evans

  This eBook is not transferable. It cannot be resold, shared or given away because that will be considered an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of Brandi’s imagination and should not be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons (living or dead), actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2011 by Brandi Evans

  Cover by Brandi Evans

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author, except for brief quotations for review purposes.

  Seducing Jason

  What was the worst that could happen?

  Maggie stared through the windshield of her tiny hybrid and followed Jason’s silhouette as he moved through his apartment. He was still awake. That was good—maybe. It’d be good if she actually managed to muster up the courage to knock on his door.

  Would tonight be the night, the night she finally told Jason how she felt? Or would she chicken out like always?

  She buried her face in her hands. “I don’t think I can do this, Val,” she said into her hands-free earpiece.

  “Of course you can, Mags!” her best friend said. “Just march on up those stairs, and as soon as he lets you in, drop your coat and give him an up-close-and-personal view of the sexy lingerie number you’ve been dying to show him. You did wear it right?”

  “Well…” Maggie looked down at the long trench coat wrapped around her. “Not exactly.”

  “Why not? You’ve been waiting to show it to him for six months now.”

  Six months? Had she really been trying to work up the nerve to seduce Jason that long?

  Geez. She was an emotional wimp.

  This time, however, her hesitation was with good cause. Jason had been her brother Charlie’s best friend since grade school. If she and Jason became involved and their relationship went south, would Jason and Charlie’s relationship also go down the drain?

  Maggie faced a terrible dilemma. Deny her brother. Or deny her heart.

  “No, no,” Maggie said. “I can’t do that to Charlie. He’s my big brother.” He’d practically raised her since she was sixteen, when their parents had been killed by a drunk driver. She loved him too much to hurt him.

  So why did she keep making the drive to Jason’s every weekend?

  She’d made this trip countless times, but tonight was the first time she’d made it this far.

  Close enough to actually see Jason moving about his apartment. She blamed her sudden change of heart on the stupid Anti-Valentine’s Day party Val had dragged her to earlier. Well, not the party itself, but the dance she and Jason had shared.

  She closed her eyes and let the moment take her over. The sensation of Jason’s’ hands on her body as he’d pulled her close on the dance floor. They’d danced before, but something had felt different tonight. The air between them had practically sizzled, and they’d held each other’s gazes a little too long. And the kicker? After the song had faded away, he’d continued to hold her, sway with her. He didn’t release her until the pumping base of the next song had shattered the moment.

  It had been a perfect moment in time, and damn it, she wanted more.

  Inspiration struck. “Maybe if I talked to Charlie,” she said. “Maybe he wouldn’t have a problem with me dating his best—”

  A knock sounded against the driver’s side door.

  Fear kicked her heart into overdrive. On instinct, she reached for the can of mace she kept wedged between her seat and the center console then froze. She clutched a hand over her heart as she tried to rein in the sudden burst of adrenaline. The face staring through the glass wasn’t a Ted Bundy reincarnation but, in its own way, was almost as bad.

  “Mags?” Vals concerned voice sounded a thousand miles away, and Maggie realized she’d knocked the earpiece loose.

  “I’m fine,” she said, but “I have to go. I’ve just been busted.”

  “Busted? What are you talking—”

  “Jason’s here.”

  Before Val got another word in, Maggie cut the call then clicked the button that rolled down the window.

  “Sorry, Mags. I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jason said, his trademark grin—and accompanying dimples—dialed up high enough to light up the entire parking lot.

  Just seeing his smile, calmed her, made her crazy too. But most of all, it reassured her. “Hey, Jason.” She smoothed her hands over her hair, then suddenly stopped. No primping. “What are you doing here?”

  “Shouldn’t that be my question?”

  “Uh. Yeah.” Shit. Idiot.

  He leaned closer, his elbows resting on the window frame. “What are you doing here, Mags?

  And at this hour to boot?”

  “I, uh, uh…” Her grandfather’s old mantra sounded in her head. Go big or go home, Magpie. “I, uh, came to see you.”

  “Me?” He looked puzzled and flattered all at the same time—then concerned. “Is something wrong?”

  “In a manner of speaking. Do you mind if I come up? I was hoping we could talk. In private.”

  “No, no. Not at all.” He pushed back so she could open the door. “Come on up.”

  Jason helped Maggie from her car then motioned her toward the stairs. Nervousness crept into his veins with every step. I was hoping we could talk. In private…

  Yeah, most conversations beginning with those words never ended well. At least for him.

  He’d been on the receiving ends of many of those conversations, and they’d all ended badly.

  Well, badly being a relative term. Was the end of a string of relationships with women he didn’t love really a bad thing?

  He let Maggie go up the stairs first. He told himself it wasn’t because he wanted to watch her ass as she walked or anything, but even he knew he was lying to himself. His gaze stayed glued to the soft sway of her hips. Despite her long baggy jacket, every one of her curves still managed to tease his senses. With each step, her hips rocked back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. It was god damned erotic.

  Er, hypnotic. Hypnotic. He looked skyward. Shit, he was doing it again, picturing his best friend’s kid sister as an object of lust. But da-yam. How could he not?

  Maggie had grown into one fine-looking woman. Not beautiful, but striking. Long blonde hair framed a heart-shaped face accented with the biggest, brownest eyes he’d ever seen. Eyes that had completely entranced him just hours ago. Of course, the dark blue dress she’d worn hadn’t been lost on him either.

  Was she still wearing the strappy number? God he hoped so. The short hem made her amazing legs look two miles long. Yet despite how amazing it had looked on her, he’d still spent most of the night picturing all the ways he could rip it off her.

  Tonight wasn’t the first time he’d lusted after Maggie. Truth was, he’d wanted her for months, but he’d promised himself he would never act on his desires. He loved Charlie like a brother, but then he’d see Maggie and his world flipped upside down.

  Like when they’d danced earlier.

  He never should have asked her to dance. That much was clear now. One minute they’d been dancing to a slow song about falling in love with one’s best friend, and the next thing he knew, he was lost in her eyes. The rest of the world slipped away. He’d always thought the saying was bullshit, that being lost in someone else was impossible. But not anymore.

  When they reached the door, he ushered her inside and out of the cold. Wow, she looked nervous. Was she in some sort of trouble? “
What’s going on, Mags?” he asked as she shut then locked the door.

  She glanced at the ground. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while, Jason. I just didn’t know how to say it.”

  Oh, that didn’t sound good. He took a step toward her. “Is something wrong?”

  “Yes and no.” She closed her eyes. “Would you mind turning around for a minute?”

  He looked a question at her.

  “Please, Jason. It’s important.” She kept her eyes shut.

  Yep, this would be very bad. Giving her the space she asked for, he turned back to the door and waited. And waited. After close to a minute, fabric crinkled behind him. Maggie must be taking off her jacket. His heart kicked it up a few notches. Looked as if he was about to see her in that spectacular dress again.

  Which is bad, he reminded himself. Him and Maggie alone in his apartment was bad too. It was probably up there on his Top Ten Mistakes list. Too bad he hadn’t thought of that two minutes earlier.

  “Okay, you can turn around now,” she said, her voice darker, deeper than it had been before.

  Sexier. Or was that just his dick talking?

  He spun toward her. “Okay, Mags, what’s—holy mother of God.”

  She stood before him in only a pair of black stilettos. Her jacket lay in a pool around her feet. Desire rushed to his cock, filling it, lengthening it until his erection pushed painfully against the zipper of his jeans. Still, he couldn’t stop himself from devouring her with his eyes.

  Maggie Jenkins wasn’t a skinny woman by any stretch of the imagination. Even better, she was full-bodied in every sense of the word. Breasts that would fill any man’s hand and curves a lover could hang onto during sex. In other words, she took his breath away.

  An erotic smile played at the corners of her lips as her gaze slid to his waist. Yeppers, no way to hide a hard-on of this size. She sauntered toward him, her tits swaying with every step.

  His stare zeroed in her pink nipples and locked on.

  “I want you, Jason,” she murmured. “I have for a long time now.”


  “Yes.” She ambled so close her breasts teased his chest, played with his t-shirt. “I’m tired of pretending I don’t.”

  “Pretending…” Shit, he wished he could form a complete sentence, then he might be able to remember the reason he shouldn’t take this hot, sexy, naked woman to his bed.

  Maggie’s palms pressed against his chest and she pushed onto her tiptoes. “Do you want me too, Jason? And don’t lie,” she whispered, “because I can feel you do…literally.”

  Her hands slid south, and with a smile, she tugged on the button of his jeans, wrenched down the zipper. And then she reached inside and wrapped a delicate little hand around his cock.

  And Jason forgot why he’d ever considered this a bad idea.

  Jason’s lips slammed against hers, and in the span of about half a second, Maggie lost control of this seduction. He kissed her so fiercely she almost fell on her ass, but his strong arms closed around her with all the finesse of a hawk snapping up its prey. And she kind of felt like his prey.

  His tongue dueled with hers, and his hands explored her naked skin with the same frantic need. She couldn’t believe how easily he’d succumbed to her advances. She’d had an entire seduction planned, an entire arsenal of reasons why they should become lovers.

  A black thought crept into her mind. Maybe he didn’t care about Charlie’s feeling, about how much this one night might cost them both. Did he see her as just a horny chic who happened upon his door in the middle of the night and he thought, Hey, might as well fuck her since she’s here?

  She immediately shook the notion away. She may not be sure of much, but she was sure Jason Briggs was not that kind of man.

  “What do you say we move this to the bedroom?” she murmured. “The better for me to explore every inch of your body.”

  On a tortured groan, he lifted her into his arms, crushed her against his hard body, and she wrapped her legs around his waist and held on. His shirt rode up at his waist and her spread pussy pressed against his hard abdomen, and she couldn’t stop herself from rubbing against him.

  “Fuck, Maggie, you’re killing me here.”

  She smiled and captured his lips again.

  They stumbled through the small living room, tongues dueling, breaths mingling, and when they reached the bedroom, he dumped her onto the middle of the bed. In one ferocious move, he ripped his shirt over his head. He lost his jeans in much the same possessed fashion.

  “Impatient much?” She sat up slightly, elbows on the mattress, knees bent, legs spread wide.

  God, she loved the urgency in his moves, the way his gaze fixated on her sex.

  “Oh, you have no idea, Maggie. No fucking idea.” He practically jumped on top of her. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all night.”

  “Really?” Despite her best effort, the word squeaked out, and just like that, confidence was replaced by uncertainty.

  He brushed some flyaway hairs from her face. “Really.”

  Tears pushed against the back of her eyes, but she’d be damned if she’d let them fall. If this was the only night he’d give her, she planned to make the most of it.

  Hooking an arm around his neck, she drew him down for another kiss, wrapped her entire body around him, opened herself completely to him. His shaft rubbed against her pussy, sending shocks of pleasure zipping to every inch of her body. Her channel flooded in anticipation of his cock sliding in, stretching her filling her. Fucking her.

  “Jason,” she moaned into his mouth, reaching between their bodies to wrap her fingers around his length. She slid his glans through her wet folds like he was a flesh-and-blood dildo.

  “Not so fast, Mags.” He shifted his hips back, not much, just enough to take his sex out of contact with hers. “There’s no need to rush.”

  “Speak for yourself.”

  His lips curved against her skin as he kissed a blazing path down her belly. His stubble heightened every lick, every caress of his tongue. Neck, shoulder blades, collarbone, he slowly worked his way down, and when he finally reached her breasts, she held her breath. His tongue ran around her nipple, soft licks that tormented more than pleased.

  More contact. She needed more. Arching her back, she pushed deeper into his mouth—

  But he pulled back. “Now who’s the impatient one, Mags?” He switched to her other nipple using the same pseudo-touch as before.

  “Damn it, Jason, I’m dying here.” She wound her fingers in his messy hair. “I’ve wanted this too damn long to slow down now. Fuck me, Jason. Please.”

  “Which is exactly why I need to draw this out as long as I can because, the minute I’m inside you…” He took a breath, chuckled. “I’ll consider it a miracle if I last longer than thirty seconds.”

  Maggie smiled. “So I’m not the only one who’s been harboring inappropriate feelings?”

  He didn’t answer in words. His mouth set out again on exploration. He drew wet, moist designs on her belly. Methodically, he worked lower and lower.

  Her breath shallowed. Spots danced at the edges of her vision. Never before had she felt as if she’d literally keel over from anticipation. An eternity seemed to pass before his mouth made first contact with her pussy, and like a cautious explorer, he didn’t just delve into her moist jungle.

  Damn it.

  He traced her labia with his lips, just his lips. She fisted the bedspread in her hands, dug her heels into the mattress and pushed up. Her hooded clit bumped against his mostly closed mouth.

  A jolt of lust shot through her body. She repeated the move, but this time, Jason was ready for her.

  He hooked his arms around her hips until his hands fisted against her low belly and “locked”

  her against the mattress. She bucked again—well tried to anyway.

  “Bastard,” she muttered.

  Laughter rumbled in his chest. “I’ve been
called worse, Mags. You’ll have to do better than that.”

  “Jackass. Dickhead. Ass—oh yes.”

  His tongue snaked into her folds and lapped at her clit. “You were saying…?”

  “Nothing. Just please…” She pinched her nipples, heightening her pleasure. “Do that again.

  And don’t stop.”

  Jason inhaled sharply. Maggie opened her eyes to see what had happened. His gaze was engrossed on her tits as she pinched herself, so she played up the move tenfold. She twisted her nipples between her thumb and index finger until her areola was so hard it stung. He might have her pinned down, but she could torture him in other ways.

  “Kiss me,” she said, “or I’ll stop.”

  “Bitch,” he said with a feral chuckle.

  She laughed too, but just for a split second because Jason wasn’t teasing anymore. Hands that had been so adamant on keeping her against the bed loosened, and his fingers slid forward, pried her open and left her throbbing clit defenseless for the onslaught.

  He sucked the bud into his mouth, slashed at the nub with his tongue. Liquid ecstasy pooled in her belly, crested. “Oh god,” she groaned. “God, Jason, I’m so—”

  He suctioned harder against her clit, and the sensations sent her rocketing over the edge.

  Fuck me.

  Jason lapped at Maggie’s pussy as she creamed for him. She thrashed on the bed, clawed at his sheets. Her back arched hard and stiff through the orgasm. Every squirm spurred him on, and he ate her deeper, drove his tongue into her channel, drew out her pleasure until she screamed for mercy.

  “Easy.” Her legs closed around his head and she tried to push away but he wouldn’t have any of that. He bit down on her clit—not too hard, just enough to keep her motionless.

  Totally under his control.

  “Jason,” she whimpered. “Jason…”

  His cock throbbed against the mattress, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer—even if he didn’t penetrate her. She turned him on that much.

  Would she squirm like that when he fucked her? One way to find out. He gave her cunt one last lick, from perineum to clit, then pushed up to dig a condom from his nightstand. He sheathed himself in record time.

  Maggie didn’t move. She lay on the mattress, panting, writhing, breasts rising and fall in rapid secession as breath rushed in and out of her lungs. Damn, she looked spectacular. His chest filled with erotic pride knowing every pant was because of him. He almost hated to move her.


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