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Unexpected Delivery (Paradise Place Book 8)

Page 9

by Natalie Ann

  Oh yeah, that movement was perfect, sliding them in and out, her legs spreading wider to give him more room to work.

  Something was building fast and it was ready to explode and all she could do was hang on tight as he assaulted her on more than one level.

  He curved his fingers just right, hit a spot she didn’t even know existed causing her to tense and then relax as every part of her started to throb. He wasn’t even moving his fingers in and out, but flicking at them inside of her.

  She let out a little sigh that had him laughing. “Now you’re nice and relaxed, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah,” she said softly. “But don’t think we are done.”

  “That’s only the start of what I could show you. Just give me the sign.”

  “I think being spread out on your counter is sign enough. Why don’t you go get a condom? Or we can go back to your room.”

  “No reason to go anywhere,” he said. “I’ve got one in my wallet.”


  Sentimental Over Sex

  Evan hadn’t thought this would happen when he went to Parker’s this morning, but he wasn’t disappointed it had.

  There was something about her that made him believe she was always so tense and uptight even when she tried not to be.

  They’d bickered a bit this morning and he had a feeling she’d fight him on everything. Now he wanted to see how she’d be loosened up.

  Having her make the first move again had been perfect in his mind and wouldn’t leave him guessing.

  “If you’ve got one, then get it out,” she said.

  Her hands were going to the button on his shorts and undoing them, lowering his zipper and then taking ahold of his cock. “Jesus,” he said. “Slow down.”

  “Or speed up,” she said, stroking him. “Damn. Your size carries through your whole body, doesn’t it?”

  “You want to push my limits, don’t you?” She laughed. The sound sending more blood to his cock that she was still stroking. “I’m going to push you to yours,” he said, getting a condom out and opening it.

  She inched forward on the counter, slid her shorts and panties off. “Are you too neat of a person to do this here?”

  “No man in their right mind worries about that when they are about to plunge into a woman.”

  “Good answer,” she said.

  He was covered and moved closer to her opening on the edge of the counter, lined her up and slid right in. His eyes almost crossed at how tight she was.

  Sure, he’d felt it with his fingers, but he’d thought it wouldn’t be as much now. He was wrong because it was almost like she was still pulsing from the last orgasm.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, his hands on her hips, as he started to push in and out of her in jerky motions. “Too much?” he asked.

  “Not nearly enough,” she said.

  “Lean back on your palms.”

  She did, his hands going to her shirt and pulling it off and dropping it to the floor. He pushed her bra up over her breasts, his mouth going right for a puckered nipple and pulling it in.

  She groaned again and it was fuel to the fire inside of him that he wanted to spread.

  “Oh God,” she said. “Don’t stop.”

  He couldn’t even if he wanted to. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to be able to hold off on top of it but was determined to get her there again.

  When he moved his head to her other nipple she let out a little screech and he wasn’t sure if she wanted him to back off or to keep going. But one hand went to his head and held him there so he continued on, all the while sliding in and out of her. Not long strokes like he’d prefer but short hurried ones. He had better control this way.

  But the minute she was over the top, he was doing what he loved so much.

  She moved closer to him, almost grinding now and he knew she was right there. His teeth grazed a nipple and her hand dropped away, supporting herself on the counter again. “Go faster.”

  That was cue enough for him. He inched back, put his hands on her thighs, and spread her wide, then started to take long steady strokes inside of her as fast as he could.

  Her head fell back, his name escaped from her mouth while he felt her muscles squeezing him as if he were an egg in a vise ready to explode. He couldn’t take another minute of it and had to let go, following right along with her.

  The two of them were still in the same position, panting, over a minute later. He wasn’t sure he had the energy to move but had to when he realized she was shifting.

  “Sorry,” he said, moving back. “I should go clean up.”

  “Both of us. Geez, sorry about that. I’m not normally that messy but, hell, it’s been so long I guess there was a buildup.”

  He started to laugh. Not many women would talk about this or even be smiling. They might be embarrassed, but not Parker.

  “That long, huh?” he asked, stepping back and then helping her down off the counter. She kicked her shorts and underwear aside and he moved to the counter to get a paper towel. “I’ll let you have the bathroom down here.”

  “Thanks,” she said, strutting past him. The only thing she’d done was adjust her pink lace bra over her breasts, but the rest of her was exposed.

  He took care of the condom, then went up to his room to clean up some more. By the time he came back down, she was dressed and cleaning his island. “You didn’t need to do that,” he said.

  “Yeah, I did. Not that I’m complaining we did that because it was great, but it still needed to be done.”

  He pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss. “So, what do we have here?” he asked.

  “Wow. I didn’t picture you the type of guy that gets all sentimental over sex.”

  He didn’t want to be offended but found he was. He never was that guy and didn’t think he was now either. “It’s a reasonable question. I don’t even have your number.”

  She laughed. “But you know where I live and can come knocking at my door any time you want.”

  “Is that so?” he asked.

  “It is. But I will give you my number too. Now that you’ve shown me more than your house, we can go back to mine and relax on the deck with a beer. We might both need it. Then I’ll cook you dinner and even the score before the night is over.”

  “No need to even the score.”

  “Ah, but there is,” she said, her hand going to his crotch and cupping him. “And as for what we have. Do we have to put a label on it? Know that if I’m sleeping with you I’m not with anyone else. I expect the same respect.”

  “Completely,” he said.

  But later that night he was in his bed alone and wondering what the hell was going on.

  They’d exchanged numbers. They talked all afternoon about nothing personal for either of them. No family, no friends. Some about their jobs and places they’d visited. Shows they watched or sports they enjoyed playing.

  When dinner was done and cleaned up they were in her kitchen when she’d slipped her hands into his shorts and told him it was time to make it two to two.

  He’d told her she didn’t need to, but she didn’t listen. She did that wicked laugh of hers and dropped his shorts and put that lovely mouth of hers over the length of him.

  She stroked him. She sucked him. She licked and she nibbled. But she didn’t swallow. He was fine with it. He got it. It wasn’t something everyone could do and he never asked.

  He’d made a mess in her kitchen like they’d done in his and she pointed that out as part of her getting even.

  He’d thought it was hilarious and pulled her close and held her tight.

  If he wanted to spend the night in her bed, it wasn’t given as a choice. And he wouldn’t ask that either.

  Instead, he made his exit around seven and found himself watching TV, then going to bed at ten and here he was staring at the ceiling.

  He’d glanced across the street when he’d climbed the stairs but didn’t see any lights on there.

; He’d kissed her goodbye. He held her again. But they made no plans going forward.

  He wasn’t good with not having plans in life.

  Maybe it was a control thing. Or maybe it was Parker.

  Either way, he had to be content with taking things day by day because he really didn’t have much of a choice.

  He’d never beg a woman for anything. Not even time. He’d already done more things with Parker in a short period of time than he’d done with another woman.

  Doing any more was too scary to consider for someone he’d just met.


  Bigger Person

  Sunday morning, Parker woke up and stretched. It was probably the best night of sleep she’d had in years and she knew darn well it had to do with her day with Evan.

  But she couldn’t have another one like that. It wasn’t who she was or the woman she wanted to be.

  She wouldn’t spend every moment with a guy, especially this new into a relationship. Full days with a guy? Never before.

  Then she had to remind herself she wasn’t sure what they had. Just saying if they were sleeping with each other they weren’t with someone else didn’t mean it was a relationship.

  But they’d exchanged numbers and kind of left it open and she was fine with that.

  She had a new house she was getting used to and things that had to be done in the little free time she had.

  Not to mention she’d bet he worked a heck of a lot more than her at times. He’d spent his whole day with her yesterday when she was sure he had things he needed to do too.

  Neither of them was complaining about it though, but she wasn’t counting on too many days like that any time soon.

  She put her feet on the side of the bed and got up. It was only seven, but that was late for her. She had a ton to do today and had to be on the road early tomorrow.

  Once she was showered and dressed, she ran to the store and picked up some food for the week. Being on the road so much, she could eat out. It’d be easier to do, but she didn’t do it often.

  First, it wasn’t healthy, and she’d always been a bit of a health nut. And second, it cost money. Money she had but felt was wasteful. Besides, she had a home and bigger expenses now.

  Once she had everything checked off, she grabbed some ice cream and hot fudge with some whipped cream for a nice summer treat.

  She put her groceries away when she got home, started a load of laundry, began to unpack a few more boxes, made a list of decor she’d like to get, and then cleaned the bathrooms.

  By ten, she decided to go for a run before it got any hotter out and she’d shower again after since she was already sweating from cleaning. A thirty-minute run would be enough. She could get on the treadmill, but she’d rather be outside while she could.

  And when she was turning the corner and walking back to her house, she’d heard a lawnmower going. She’d heard a lot, but there was Evan pushing his at a rather fast clip.

  She waved to him with a big grin on her face and then sighed, knowing she’d have to do hers too. What the heck, might as well since she was soaking wet from her run. She’d be begging like a month on Survivor for a shower pretty soon.

  When she was done with her backyard, thankful it was small and flat, she came around front and caught sight of Evan walking across the yard nodding at her lawnmower and pointing.

  Oh hell no, he wasn’t mowing her lawn and he could get it right out of his head.

  She pointed her finger firmly at him, shook her head no, and waved at him to go back home.

  It’s like he knew exactly what was going through her mind from standing across the street. He laughed at her, shrugged and then went into his house. Most likely to shower since he looked sweaty too.

  She finished up fast, moving quicker from annoyance that he thought he had to come do it for her.

  What about her screamed she needed a man to do anything for her? Just because he helped her with her treadmill—which she didn’t need—and put her TV on the wall—even though she said she could do it—didn’t mean he had to mow her damn lawn.

  Once the lawnmower was put away, she shut her garage door and went in the house to stand under the cold spray for an hour.

  It wasn’t quite an hour, but she’d bet she was in the shower for twenty minutes easily. When she got in the kitchen it was noon and she was starving.

  Her phone rang and part of her wanted it to be Evan, but the other part of her knew she’d be annoyed if it was.

  But when she saw it was her mother, she kind of wished it was Evan, because her annoyance popped out anyway.

  “Hi, Mom,” she said. If she didn’t answer it, her mother would leave a message and then continue to blow her phone up with texts. She supposed she should be thankful that her mother didn’t call often.

  “Parker, how are you doing in your house? Are you all settled?”

  It’d been a few weeks since they talked. Since her mother told her she thought it was a mistake for her to even be buying a house on her own. That she should wait until she was in a relationship.

  She wasn’t waiting on anything in life if she could do it herself. Nor was she letting any man dictate that.

  “I am. I finished up the last few boxes this morning when I got back from the store and I mowed the lawn.”

  “You shouldn’t be out there doing that. Can’t you hire someone or ask your brothers?”

  “No,” she said louder than she meant to. “I don’t need anyone to do anything for me. I don’t get you. For years you preached we had to be successful and on top of our games so that we could have the pick of what we wanted in life. Why would you think I need someone to do those things for me now?”

  “I’ve never thought you should do those things. A woman shouldn’t. A man should or you should pay someone. Your father doesn’t even mow the lawn. We pay a service.”

  “You don’t do much all day long and could if you wanted to.”

  “Don’t be silly, Parker,” her mother said.

  No, her mother would never do anything that pedestrian. “Well, it’s silly for you to think I would ask either of the boys to do it when they work more than me. If I can’t get it done on my own, then I’ll hire someone, but I’m not going to when I’m capable of it.”

  “I hope you don’t plan on shoveling and clearing your driveway this winter too,” her mother said.

  “No,” she said. “Not because I can’t but because it’s a time thing. I’d like it done before I’m ready to leave in the morning. Whether or not I mow the lawn doesn’t prevent me from leaving my house if I have to work.”

  “Your brothers said your house is nice. It’s a lot of space but not too much.”

  She knew her brothers were on her side. “It’s perfect for me. More than I need, I agree, but it’s the smallest house on the street. The one across from me is easily the biggest I’ve seen in a few blocks worth of my end of the development.”

  “Have you met any of your neighbors?”

  This was where things got tricky. She didn’t want to lie, but she wasn’t volunteering much either. “I wave to people all the time when I’m running or driving by. It’s a very friendly area.”

  “That is good to hear at least. I’d like to come see the place when we can find time.”

  “Weekends are normally best,” she said.

  “I know. During the week is too hard for you. I was calling to see if you’d like to come for a little July Fourth party on Saturday.”

  “You’re having a party?” she asked.

  “I’d like you and the boys here early and then later on we’ve got some friends coming.”

  Typical of her mother. She liked to do everything at once, or in one day. Too much work to separate it. “I don’t have any plans,” she said. It’s not like she and Evan talked about anything.

  And why was he still jumping in her head?

  “I’ll reach out to Marcus and Jeremy and then let you know when to arrive. Don’t worry about bringing anythin
g, but dress nicely.”

  She sighed. “Who are you trying to introduce us to?”

  “It’s just some friends,” her mother said. “I’m not saying to wear a dress, though if you wanted to put on a cute little sundress that would be lovely. Just don’t show up in jean shorts and flip flops.”

  Because heaven forbid anyone dress casually on a hot day. “Fine,” she said. She’d long since given up arguing with her mother like she did when she was younger.

  Just another thing that had changed in the past two years.

  You couldn’t pick your family. Nor could you know how much time you’ve got with them, but the least she could be was the bigger person for a few hours.


  Ray Of Sunshine

  “What’s your problem?”

  “What?” Evan said, looking at his brother Christian.

  “I’ve been standing here talking to you for over a minute and asked you the same question twice and you didn’t answer.”

  “Oh. What was it again?”

  Christian laughed. “What is going on with you?”

  “Nothing. Just a lot of my mind. Today has been one hiccup after another and I’m trying to schedule things. What is it you asked me?”

  “I wanted to know what you were wearing to Ryan’s wedding on Saturday.”

  “What, are we in high school again and you can’t figure out what to wear to a dance?”

  Christian laughed. “Whatever. I didn’t think we needed to wear a suit and it’s going to be warm out on top of it.”

  “They said casual. It’s at Grandma and Grandpa’s in the backyard under tents. I don’t think anyone but Ryan will have a suit on and even then he will be taking the tie and jacket off fast,” he said.

  His cousin Ryan didn’t like dressing up any more than Evan. None of the men in the family did. They were jeans and boot type of guys through and through.


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