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To Con A Cowboy (Hunks and Horses Book 3)

Page 6

by Maggie Carpenter

  "Damn. I know that, but I still need remindin'."

  "You're better now, but there's more to come."


  "She carries conflict. There's a secret behind her eyes, but this will reveal itself," Steve said, rising to his feet and moving away. "Be patient."

  "A secret?" Brett murmured. "I can't fault her for that. We all have secrets, and hers can't be bigger than mine, that's for sure."

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Amber's tears had dried up, but resting on her side and hugging her pillow she searched for answers. She'd talked about David to a virtual stranger, yet Brett didn't feel like a stranger. Her connection with him was strong. Almost frighteningly strong.

  "How can I be so drawn to him?" she murmured, reaching out to stroke Benny's fur. "And that kiss. It felt like the kisses I used to know. It must have been the wine and all that talk about David. I guess I just lost my head for a minute."

  Closing her eyes, she prayed for sleep, but as the minutes ticked by she found no rest.

  "Warm milk. That's what I need," she muttered, sitting up. "Ugh. I feel like crap."

  She'd pulled off her jeans before climbing between the sheets, and slipping from the bed, she half-walked-half-staggered to the bathroom to fetch her robe, but switching on the light she caught her reflection.

  "Good grief. I look like I feel. Yeah. Milk and something in my stomach."

  Dampening a cloth, she wiped her face, then donning the robe, she entered the unlit passage. Grateful for the foyer light she made her way through the semi-darkness, but just as she reached the end of the hall, the front door opened.

  "Brett!" she exclaimed, shocked to see him and embarrassed by her disheveled state.

  "What are you doin' up?"

  "I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd have some warm milk and maybe a piece of bread. What about you?"

  "I always turn in late," he replied, then stepping towards her, he dropped his voice, adding, "About before—"

  "Please, you don't need to say anything. It was the wine—my emotions—stuff happens. Why don't you join me? We can end the night again without the drama."

  "Sounds good, and I'm sure these fellas would like a late night treat," he said, glancing down at his two happy dogs.

  Moving into the kitchen, he gave Johnny and Cash a biscuit, then rummaged through the pantry, while Amber placed a glass of milk in the microwave.

  "They look delicious. Suddenly I'm hungry," she declared, retrieving her drink as the microwave dinged. "Brett, why are you staring at me? Am I that much of a mess?"

  "No, not at all," he replied, cursing himself for not dropping his gaze in time. "I was thinkin' how odd it is I came in the house right when you were there."

  "It is strange," she agreed, slipping into the booth. "A minute sooner and I would've missed you."

  "I found these blueberry muffins," he declared, placing a plastic tub on the table. "Help yourself."

  "They look great, thanks. You know, the more I think about it, what are the odds?"

  "Maybe crossin' paths was meant to be," he remarked, thinking, stay out of thought, and live the moment.

  Breaking off chunks, she hungrily devoured a muffin, washing it down with her milk, but staring out at the night, Brett did as Steve had taught him. He sank into nothingness, and listened to his inner self.


  "Excuse me?" he said, snapping his head around.

  "You were a million miles away."

  "Yeah. I was. Amber, when you finish your snack there's something I need to show you—if you're not too tired."

  "I'm surprisingly wide awake," she replied, taking her last swallow of milk, "but I'm not sure how long that will last. This isn't like me."

  "Eight hours or you're a bear," he said with a grin. "I remember."

  "Exactly, but show me," she declared, taking her glass to the sink and rinsing it out. "Where's the dishwasher?"

  "Leave it on the counter."

  "You seem anxious."

  "I am. This can't wait. Not for a second."

  "Wow. Okay. Where are we going?" she asked, following him as he moved quickly into the hall.

  "My den."

  "I don't remember seeing a den."

  "That's because the door was locked," he replied as they climbed the stairs. "I don't let anyone go in there."

  "But you're taking me?"

  "Yeah, I'm takin' you, but, uh—"

  "What's this about?"

  They'd reached the landing, and he paused to stare down the hall.

  "We need to talk. We'll go in my bedroom."

  "Not the den?"

  "There's a door that leads there from my room, but I can't take you in there until I explain," he said, leading her down the hall and into the master suite. "We can sit over there."

  The large bedroom offered a grouping of furniture near a fireplace and overlooking the back of the property. As they approached the sacred garden came into view. Subdued lights lit the rocks and native plants, and two shone up from the base of the totem pole.

  "That is beautiful," she murmured. "No, beautiful's the wrong word. Magical. That's what I'm looking at. Something magical."

  "Yeah. You might think I'm crazy when I say this, but even up here I can feel the energy."

  "I don't think you're crazy at all. I do as well. Anyway," she said, settling into one of the chairs. "I'm dying of curiosity. What's so important you couldn't wait until morning?"

  "Amber, about your old boyfriend…"


  "David," he repeated. "Dammit. I don't know how to tell you this."

  "Wait. Do you know him from those days back in Houston? Shit. That didn't occur to me. Did you and Heath both know him? Oh, my gosh! Do you know where he is? Do know what happened to him?"

  "Yeah, I do. I know all there is to know about David Cameron."

  "Cameron! You know his last name? Did I mention it? No, I didn't. How did you guess I was talking about David Cameron? Where is he? Is he okay? Why didn't you say anything?"

  The rapid-fire questions had left her lips in a torrent, her wide eyes filled with expectation.

  "I'm gonna tell you something you'll find hard to believe," he said solemnly, then dropping his voice, he muttered, "and I'm feelin' like the asshole of all time."


  "David Cameron was in a real bad car accident, and—"

  "Oh, no! Please tell me he's okay."

  "He's fine, sorry, I should have started with, he's fine, but—!"

  "Jeez, yeah, you should have, but that's okay. Keep going. He was in an accident and...?"

  "By rights he shouldn't have survived. He was in one of those multi-car crashes in heavy fog, sandwiched between a truck and an SUV. Multiple injuries, major surgeries. He was pronounced dead at one point."

  "What? Oh, my God! When did this happen? I wish I'd been there. Why didn't anyone contact me? His parents, anyone?"

  "He didn't want them to."

  "He must have hated me, and I don't blame him, but I would have been there for him. I would have. I would."

  "He didn't hate you. He's never hated you."

  "You're talking about him as if you know him really well."

  "I'm gonna keep goin'," Brett said firmly. "You need to hear the whole story, and it would be better if you didn't interrupt."

  "Sorry. This is just such a shock."

  "Yeah," he muttered. "Buckle up, darlin', 'cos I'm only half-way done. Ready for the rest?"

  "Yes, yes, please go on."

  "He lost a great deal of weight and underwent a long stretch of physical therapy, but he held you in his heart every second of every painful day, and every second of every day after that."

  "I can't believe what I'm hearing. How do you know all this? Why didn't he contact me?"

  "I'll tell, but please, you have to let me."

  "Sorry, sorry. I'll try to keep my mouth shut."

  "You're just anxious to know everything, I get that. Anyway,
the experience completely changed him. He had to have his face almost completely reconstructed, he had to build his strength back from nothing. When he came out the other side, he didn't just look like a different person, he had a completely different perspective and attitude about life. He had a bad time growin' up, which you know, and he decided to shed the past and create a whole new persona. He left Houston, and everything and everyone he'd known, except his family of course, and you, Amber. He couldn't let you go. He didn't want to."

  A chill moved through her body, but her face flamed hot.

  "I asked you before, how do you know all this?" she whispered. "What are you saying? What exactly are you trying to tell me?"

  "Don't you know me, Amber?" he managed, leaning forward as his eyes filled with tears. "Didn't you feel me when we kissed?"


  Amber heard his words, but her brain refused to process them. The handsome, muscular cowboy with the chiseled jaw and devilish dimples couldn't possibly be her chubby first love.

  "I-I felt it—I felt you," she murmured, knowing it to be true as she fought her disbelief.

  "You're in shock. I'm sorry. There was no easy way to tell you. You need to see this. Come with me."

  Taking her hand, he led her through to his den and guided her to a grouping of photographs mounted on the wall. Placing his arm tightly around her shoulders, he stayed silent and let her soak in the images, knowing one in particular would take her breath away.

  It did.

  A cry followed her gasp.

  Two young adolescents leaned against an old truck holding hands.

  The overweight, tall boy beamed with pride as he stared at the camera, while the pretty, slender girl at his side gazed up at him adoringly.


  She'd whispered his name, and turning her head she stared up at him. "Your eyes. You still have his eyes. I mean—"

  "I know what you mean."

  "Oh, my God. You're a whole different person—but you're not."

  "I am and I'm not. Yeah, exactly."

  "We were so happy. At least, for a while. I miss how we were. I miss what we had. I missed you since that day…"

  Fresh tears springing to life, she sank her head into his shoulder.

  "I miss it too," he said softly. "But you're here now. We're here."

  "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

  "Hey, we both suffered from the bullyin', but it was different for me. Not fittin' in never bothered me 'cos I never expected to, but you were a cheerleader, you lived in a big house, you were one of the cool kids. I never knew why we clicked, but we did, and it was great. Did I understand why you left me? No, that was a shock and it hurt like hell, but after the accident, all I had was time to think. You're only human, Amber, and those kids were merciless."

  "I should have stood up to them."

  "Stop bein' so hard on yourself," he said, tightening his hold. "What's done is done and can't be undone. What matters is this moment, and the moments to come."

  "What do we do?" she sniffled, pulling back and staring up at him.

  "Take things a day at a time, I guess. Learn about each other, who we are now, but I can tell you this much. My feelin's, they haven't changed. I'm still crazy about you, and that's the truth."

  "I feel the same, I do, but my head is spinning. I have so many questions."

  "I'll answer every one," he promised, his forehead crinkling with a sweeping mix of emotions.

  "This is why you left me earlier. Why you said you were walking away for both of us."

  "I couldn't stay without you knowin' who I am."

  "And now?" she whispered. "Tonight. The few hours we have left before dawn."

  "What do you want, Amber?"

  "If you send me back to my room, I won't be there when you come down in the morning. Does that answer your question?"

  "You haven't changed a bit," he said with a grin. "You've still got that side to you."

  "My difficult, determined side?"

  "Uh. I think I called it bratty and stubborn."

  "You said they were my best qualities."

  "Nope. I said they were two of my favorite things about you, and you know why."

  "Because it gave you an excuse to put me over your knee."

  "That's right, and I think," he declared, suddenly lifting her up, "I'm gonna take this conversation to a more comfortable place."

  Carrying her swiftly into his room, he laid her on his bed and untied the sash around her robe.

  "You're gorgeous."

  "I bet you say that to all the girls."

  "Only the gorgeous ones."

  "Beast," she retorted, punching his arm.

  He caught her wrist, paused, then leaning down, he drifted his lips over hers. Closing her eyes, she sank into his kiss, and when he broke away, she gazed into his handsome face.

  "I can't believe all this, but I can. Now I know why I've been so drawn to you."

  "Why don't you get under the covers? I'll be right back."

  Straightening up, he grabbed a remote control from his bedside table and dimmed the lights.

  "That's a nifty gadget."

  "Comes in handy," he quipped, smiling down at her. "Won't be a minute."

  He disappeared through a door she assumed was the bathroom, and wriggling out of her bathrobe and panties, she tossed them on the floor and quickly slid between the sheets. She was glad he'd left. She needed a minute to digest the startling information. And she was feeling strangely self-conscious. Much more than a few hours before when she'd thought he was Brett Preston, a virtual stranger. A second yawn swallowed her up, and this time she let her eyes close.

  Watching through a crack in the door, Brett waited a few more minutes, then stripped off and padded back to the bed, dropping a condom on the nightstand. Gently climbing between the sheets, he stretched out next to her and raised his arm so she could curl into the crook of his shoulder.

  "You took so long."

  Her voice had been barely a murmur.

  "Rest, sweet girl. You need to rest."

  "I love you, David."

  "I love you too, Amber."

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Never had Amber slept so deeply. When she groggily opened her eyes to find their limbs entwined, she let out a long, happy sigh, then squeezed him tightly and kissed his chest.

  "What a wonderful way to wake up," she purred. "I'm so glad last night wasn't a dream. I'm sorry I fell asleep."

  "Don't be, I wanted you to."

  "You did?"

  "Yeah. You were so wiped out, and I got the feelin' you weren't quite ready."

  "You always could read me like a book. Uh, do I call you Brett?"

  "That's up to you. I didn't completely give up David. I'm Brett David Preston, but we can figure that out later," he crooned, moving his body over hers.

  His lips began to devour her neck, and moaning softly as the hot need rippled through her body, she turned her head to the side begging for more.

  "I love that," she whispered. "Ooh, I love that so much."

  "Mmm, I know. You always made me wish I was a vampire," he whispered, sucking in her skin. "You still do."

  Lightly tweaking her nipples as he licked his way down to her chest, he grinned as she raised her torso, begging him to pinch them harder. Gripping her breasts, he hungrily dropped his lips over her cherry tips, and with his cock craving her pussy, he pushed her legs apart with his.

  "I want you so much," she whimpered. "Please?"

  He didn't answer, but reached across to the bedside table and picked up the condom packet.

  "I wish you didn't have to use that."

  "Needs must," he muttered, rising up and ripping it open.

  "I'm totally clean, and I'm on the pill. What about you?"

  "No, I'm not on the pill."

  "So we don't have to worry about you getting pregnant either," she quipped, keeping a poker face. "That's a relief."

  Throwing back his head he l
aughed out loud, then abruptly shifting to her side, he grabbed her by the waist and flipped her over.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Exactly what you want me to," he replied with a devilish grin. "Don't try to deny it!"

  "But I—"

  "You what?" he asked, cutting her off as he grabbed her hips and pulled them up.

  "I don't know what you mean."

  "You always were a terrible liar," he exclaimed, slapping her backside with a volley of hot smacks.

  "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

  "How long since this beautiful butt has been spanked?"

  "Properly? Not since you disappeared."

  "You can explain that later," he muttered, landing several more. "Sassy Lassy, that's what I used to call you, and I reckon the shoe still fits."

  Abruptly stopping, he whispered his fingertips across her pussy. She instantly bucked back, chasing his touch, and he obliged, plunging his finger into her depths. Her hungry moans urged him on, and spreading her lips apart, he placed his cock at her entrance and thrust forward.

  Amber's sexual exploits had been minimal. She'd found sex almost boring, and on the couple of occasions when she'd made her dark desires known, the half-hearted slaps had left her frustrated, bordering on angry. She'd found none of the joy she'd experienced with David. The covert fumbling in the truck, the long, deep kissing, the fervid, fumbling exploration, had been exciting, and his spanking hand would leave her breathless. Suddenly, he was back, and for the first time she was surrendering her body to him, all of her body, and every moment was glorious.

  "You make me feel so much," she bleated, closing her eyes and sinking into the feel of his measured, strong strokes. "Oh, more, give me more."

  He'd long imagined their reunion, and with his fondest fantasy being realized he wanted to take his time. The moment was precious, one they would always treasure. Determined to build their orgasms slowly, he paused, and staying buried in her depths he leaned over her body.

  "How are you feelin', hon?" he purred, kissing her neck, eliciting the delightful sound of her soft groans.

  "Incredible. So incredible."

  "Your butt isn't quite red enough."

  Her gasp he knew from years before told him she agreed, and raising up, he pumped as he spanked, pausing frequently to rub her clit.


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