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Romp Page 8

by Shelley Munro

  “Your scruples didn’t stop you kissing me, taking liberties.” Liam came to a stop in front of him. “I can’t believe you’re having doubts now. You never second-guess yourself.”

  “Always a first time,” Fletch muttered, unable to meet Liam’s gaze for an instant longer. His gaze shot to the cock-shaped plug he held in one hand. Shit, not helping. His mind careered out of control, sending blood pooling to his groin.

  “Yeah, well here’s the thing,” Liam said. “Since we started having sex with Gaby, I haven’t been able to think of much else. I’m having trouble concentrating at work. Your fault, Fletch. It’s not just Gaby but you too. I find myself wanting to touch you at the most inappropriate moments. When I kiss Gaby goodbye, I want to do the same to you.” Liam glared at him as if he were to blame.

  Fletch opened his mouth and closed it again without uttering a word. Hell, maybe the sexual tension between them was his fault. He’d started them on this journey.

  “Now Gaby is in on the act, producing butt plugs for us to test.”

  “We could do our testing alone,” Fletch protested, feeling as if the conversation was rolling away without him, like one of those runaway trains in the movies. Liam didn’t normally say this much unless he felt strongly on a subject.

  Liam cocked his head, a sexy grin breaking past the pissed attitude. “Now where would be the fun in that?”

  Fletch stared at his friend, still speechless. Liam’s childhood had left him shy and he still tended to keep to the background unless the situation was work related or if he knew the person well. He certainly never lacked for feminine company, which was why Fletch had hesitated to approach him.

  “Nothing to say?” Liam taunted.

  “Fuck no. I’ve got plenty to say. I’m trying to decide if I should.”

  Liam’s brows shot upward toward his hairline. “You’ve never hesitated before.”

  “I’ve never had this much at stake before,” Fletch shot back before his brain censored him.

  Liam fell silent and actually took half a step back.

  Fletch’s hand clenched around the plug. Hellshitfuckdamn. Now he’d done it. If he hadn’t scared Liam off before, he would now with his declaration of intent. He wasn’t chasing Liam for fun and giggles.

  Liam’s chest rose and fell, attracting Fletch’s attention. A couple of droplets of water glinted on his skin, and the urge to stand and lick them away shot through Fletch. He gripped the plug even harder and forced himself to look away.

  “Good to hear. I wouldn’t want to think you were messing with me.”

  The weird note in Liam’s voice dragged his gaze right back, and when Fletch met his gaze, Liam dropped the towel from around his waist.

  He had an erection.

  As Fletch stared, Liam’s erection grew.

  Liam coughed, diverting his attention. “Yeah. I have a thing for you too. Why don’t you go and have a shower?”

  Fletch swallowed to dislodge the lump in his throat. Not in a million years had he seen their conversation going this way. “What are you going to do?”

  Liam sent him a crooked grin, his hand going down to stroke his cock. Fletch followed the motion with his gaze and felt an answering surge in his own dick.

  “I’m going to be a good soldier and test one of the plugs for Gaby. Don’t take long in the shower because I might need some help.”

  Elation surged through Fletch at Liam’s words. Part of him was shit-scared at the rapid shift in their friendship, but he couldn’t say he didn’t want this. It was the stuff of dreams. His dreams. “Are you sure?”

  “No, but I don’t like confusion. I’d rather know.”

  Yeah, made sense. Fletch gave a curt nod and hurried from the bedroom before he did something stupid like grabbing his best friend and laying a hard kiss on his sexy lips.

  Liam stared after Fletch, aware of a blip of excitement in his gut despite his misgivings. He stepped over the fallen towel. Fletch had left the plugs sitting on the bed. He picked the closest one up and tested the weight. It looked like the one he’d tried—a classic cone shape. Made of a glasslike material, the plug was red and white. When he pressed a small button at the end of the flared base, the plug flashed like a candy cane. A snigger broke out. The candy-cane effect would be lost while the plug was in use. He picked up the other one. Vibrating. He pushed another button on the base and the tinny sound of a familiar Christmas carol filled the room. A smirk formed this time and he didn’t think he’d ever listen to the lyrics about snow and dashing without imagining sex.

  His investigation of the bag produced two smaller probe plugs, perfect for use for beginners, along with more lube.

  Fletch arrived in the bedroom and didn’t halt his approach until he reached the bed.

  “Quick shower.”

  “I didn’t want you to change your mind.”

  Fletch’s honesty reassured Liam. While part of his mind shouted he was making a mistake, the rest of him settled in edgy anticipation. If he didn’t pursue this between them, he’d regret the lost opportunity. He refused to turn and walk away now. He’d always wonder if he followed that path.

  “How do you want to do this?” Now they came to the realities, his bravado started to falter. Scared didn’t begin to cover his feelings right this minute.

  “I haven’t thought much beyond the wanting,” Fletch admitted.

  Liam’s throat worked, the weight of Fletch’s attention sending his nerves swirling through his gut. The beer he’d drunk earlier churned. Hell, maybe they were both guilty of over-thinking this situation.

  “Join me on the bed,” he said finally. “What do you do when you’re with a new woman?”

  “Simple,” Fletch said. “Some light petting and lots of kissing until she relaxes. The more foreplay the better the lay.”

  “You don’t say.” Liam couldn’t help his dry tone. Fletch’s casual approach to women cracked him up. Another thought occurred and jealousy ratcheted upward in him. “You better not be pulling your spread-’em-around shit with me.”

  “I want Gaby, and as far as I’m concerned, you’re part of the package. I want you too.” Fletch crawled onto the bed and smoothly rolled against him. He never hesitated as he leaned over Liam and started kissing.

  A rush of pleasure settled on Liam when their lips met. There was none of the tentativeness of their earlier kisses. They angled their heads, mouths moving together naturally. Their tongues touched as they explored each other. He tasted beer and Fletch. His arms wrapped around his friend and he tried to get closer. Their chests rubbed together. The faint tickle of chest hair threw him for a moment—Fletch had chest hair while he didn’t have much. Firm muscles met his and the differences didn’t scare him.

  He parted their mouths to stare at Fletch. “I’m a breast man.”

  Fletch spluttered a laugh. “You won’t find any here.”

  “That’s not what I meant. I like kissing you and it surprised me.”

  “But would you like to kiss another guy?”

  “No! No, of course not.” His answer came quickly, so readily he knew it was the truth. While a part of him might have feared an outbreak of gayness, that didn’t appear the case. Fletch did it for him. Fletch and Gaby. Together or separately.

  “So you’re not frightened of my erection?” Fletch gestured at his cock with a sly grin.

  “Are you trying to scare me off?”

  “No, I’m trying to settle my nerves with humor.”

  Silence fell. They stared at each other and burst into laughter, falling against each other until their hilarity faded.

  “We’re really gonna do this?” Liam asked.

  “Yeah. At least, I want to.”

  “Good.” And he dived in to kiss Fletch again, using his hands this time, feeling free to explore the muscles and body he’d recently started fantasizing about. When their groins touched, their cocks brushing, he didn’t freeze up. He closed his eyes and went with the physical sensations racing throug
h him. A little naughtiness. Definitely desire, the urge to do more.

  “Can I touch you?”

  Liam didn’t even open his eyes. “Please.”

  One word taking them even farther onto the path of what most people considered wrong. Funny how it felt so right.

  Fletch slid his body closer and reached down to grasp his cock. Liam gasped. With his sight screened, he could almost imagine it was his own hand curled around his shaft. But it was Fletch’s musky scent and the faint citrus from the body wash he’d used that grounded Liam. Fletch’s big hand added his own cock to the mix and started moving slowly. A jolt went through Liam. He swallowed, let a moan loose.

  “Feels damn good, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” An understatement.

  Fletch’s hand went up and down, gradually increasing in speed. His touch wasn’t tentative or gentle. Instinctively he did exactly what Liam liked to do whenever he wanted to get himself off. Needing more, Liam turned his head and blindly sought Fletch’s mouth. He inhaled and kissed his friend, using his tongue like a cock. Invading, pushing them both into quick arousal, hot pleasure. Liam’s balls started to draw up and he couldn’t summon a single bit of shame, not when he felt so good.

  He wanted this, wanted more.

  The uneven thumping of his heart turned even more erratic, and suddenly he couldn’t hold back the pleasure. He toppled over into a furious climax, shooting cum in hard bursts. Fletch came a few seconds later and eased off on the hand action. Their mouths parted and they stared at each other, uncomfortable in the aftermath of such unrestrained pleasure.

  “Are you gonna freak now?” Fletch asked, his voice toneless.


  “What? That’s it?”

  “We could discuss this to death or we could move on and take each day as it happens.” Hell, he’d already thought things to death. They didn’t need to talk as well. “I’ll grab a cloth to clean us up.” He rolled away from Fletch and prowled down the passage to the bathroom. On automatic pilot, he grabbed a cloth and waited for the water to run hot. He cleaned himself off, refreshed the cloth and returned to Fletch’s bedroom.

  He found Fletch staring at the butt plugs, a perplexed expression on his face. In his other hand, he held Gaby’s list of instructions. “Tell me you can work this stuff. I know the mechanics but…” He trailed off, grimacing at Liam.

  “You still haven’t worked up the courage to try it, huh?”


  “Do you trust me?”

  Fletch lost some of the color from his face but nodded.

  Liam couldn’t believe he intended to do this, although they’d gone way past friendship already. He grabbed the instruction sheet from Fletch, scanned them and picked up one of the thinner probe plugs plus a bottle of lube. “Lie on your back, spread your legs. I’ll add lube first and stretch you a little first to get you used to my touch. Once you’re comfortable, I’ll put in the plug. Okay?”

  Big, super-confident Fletch swallowed, appearing distinctly nervous. “All right.”


  “Easy for you to say.”

  “How about I put one in me first?”

  “Good idea,” Fletch said, relief shading his voice.

  Liam grabbed one of the thinner butt plugs plus the lube. Green in color, it was flexible and had a flared base like the others. It had a button on the base, and when he pushed it, the entire thing flashed green and vibrated.

  “Whoa,” Fletch said.

  Chuckling, Liam squirted lube onto his hand and relaxed on the mattress beside Fletch. Spreading his legs, he stroked his cock a couple of times, enough to get an erection going. Gradually, he moved lower, smoothing the lube across his pucker. Blood filled his cock rapidly, Fletch’s close attention propelling his arousal as much as anything. His finger slipped past the ring of muscles, the glide of his digit moving down until it skimmed his prostate. He sighed at the rush of pleasure. Gradually he stretched his hole. Part of him wanted to close his eyes and shut out the fact he was with Fletch. Yet something in Fletch’s expression, the avid way he watched made Liam so hot he wanted to burst. And the excitement wasn’t just about his cock. That was the scary thing.

  When his breathing turned ragged, he withdrew his fingers, lubed up the plug and inserted it carefully. Finally with the plug in place, he turned to Fletch. “You ready?”

  “Let’s do this.”

  Liam shifted, rolling up to a sitting position. He felt every shift and flex of the plug in his arse when he moved. His breath caught when the plug pressed against his prostate, acute sparks of pressure firing through his cock. He hissed and stilled.


  Liam laughed, the rough and husky merriment suggestive in the almost silent room. “The plug rolled against my prostate. Feels good. When I turn on the vibrator attachment, things should get interesting.” He grabbed the other plug and the lube, moving between Fletch’s legs. With a trembling hand, he reached for Fletch’s cock. A faint edginess shimmered between them, but he batted the trepidation away. Fletch would tell him if he went too far. Besides, he’d asked for this.

  Fletch focused on Liam’s face. He wasn’t sure about the plug, but he wanted Liam’s touch so bad he’d do almost anything to get his friend’s hands running over his body.

  The first firm grip of his dick made his entire body hum. Liam’s rough palm against his cock fueled the erotic promise in the air. The muscles of his abdomen rippled and his breath caught as he attempted to relax. The sensation of lube against his hole did nothing to cool his ardor.

  Liam took things slowly, stroking his cock then probing his hole to give him maximum pleasure. The care and consideration relaxed him even more than the sharp bursts of excitement striking his cock and balls.

  “Holy crap,” he whispered. “I never realized this would feel so good.”

  “It can get even better.” Liam’s sly smile held promise and naughtiness. He removed his finger, leaving Fletch empty, definitely needy.

  Liam lubed up the plug and pushed it against his hole. His channel rippled, almost embracing the intrusion, and Fletch arched his hips, silently asking for more. There was a slight discomfort but nothing near the pain he’d envisaged.

  “All done.” Liam tapped the base of the plug and he felt his channel flex around it. At the same time an electrical zap to his groin almost short-circuited his brain.

  “Fuck,” Fletch muttered when he could breathe again.

  “You ready for a bit more?”

  Fletch had no idea what Liam had in mind, but he trusted him. Just one glance at his friend sent a decadent wash of warmth through him. He stared at Liam, allowing himself to appreciate the stark, masculine beauty for the first time. “Do it.” He gestured with his hands and let a grin stretch across his face. Oh yeah. He was ready for the next step.

  “Okay,” Liam said, and he lowered his head and took Fletch’s cock into his mouth, tongue swirling while his hands massaged Fletch’s balls. He tapped the base of the plug and it started to vibrate, almost sending Fletch over the edge.

  “Holy hell.” Breathless, he attempted to list the sensations for Gaby’s form. The plug vibrated in his channel, catching his gland now and then while heat surrounded his cock along with hard suction and unrelenting stimulation.

  This was the blowjob he’d always wanted from his girlfriends. Some of them had been skilled, but not one of them anticipated his needs like Liam. Fletch focused on the pull of Liam’s mouth, the stroke of his fingers and the brush of the plug against his channel. Liam’s tongue fluttered over his sweet spot, and he shuddered. Unbidden, his hips lifted, driving his cock deeper into Liam’s mouth. The rasp of tongue, the twist of balls brought a moan.

  Somehow, Liam was keeping him on edge. Whenever he thought he’d soar into climax, Liam twisted his balls, keeping the pleasure at a low simmer.

  Liam paused to lift his head. “Okay?”

  “You’re good at this. Anyone would think you hav
e experience.” Shit, he hadn’t meant to insert the attitude, the edge of accusation.

  Liam’s open expression clouded over. “I haven’t. I figured if I like something, you would too.”


  Liam gave a curt nod and Fletch released his concerns. He should’ve known his friend wouldn’t take his words the wrong way. Considering his shitty upbringing, Liam was the most even-tempered man, make that person, he’d ever met.

  “Hey, enough of the talk. Get me off. Please?” Yeah, he wasn’t above begging.

  With another grin, Liam lowered his head again and applied suction. At the same time, he carefully twisted the plug, and it was all over Rover. Fletch couldn’t have held back if he’d wanted to. The tight wire gripping his cock snapped and pleasure roared from his balls and up his cock. If he’d been thinking more clearly, he would’ve checked with Liam about coming inside his mouth. Too late now.

  Liam continued to stroke him but eased the attention down a notch or two, swallowing around his length like a champ. Gradually Fletch returned to his body, his hoarse breathing leveling out to something approaching normal.

  Liam eased back and impassive settled on his sexy face. Did he think Fletch intended to punch him? Not. Gonna. Happen.

  The sex he’d experienced with both Gaby and Liam during the last week was the best of his life and he wasn’t about to do anything to mess it up. Perhaps it was time to spell this out to Liam again so he didn’t look like a cautious dog, expecting a whipping from its master.

  “That was fuckin’ awesome.” He levered up and reached for Liam, planting a quick, hard kiss on his lips. “Let me catch my breath and I’ll do you. I have some tricks that will make your eyes cross. How do I stop this thing vibrating?”

  “There’s a button in the base.” Liam reached over to grab the clipboard and scribbled several notes about the plugs. “I’m writing Easy to insert. Comfortable. Fletch loved the vibrations. Anything else to add?”

  “No, I don’t think so. How long can we leave these in?”

  Liam consulted Gaby’s notes. “According to Gaby, they can be comfortably worn for several hours. She mentions lube for ease of use.”


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