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Romp Page 9

by Shelley Munro

  “Make sense.” Fletch grabbed the clipboard off Liam and tossed it out of the way. “My turn now. Let’s have some fun.”

  Chapter Eight

  “How is work?” her father asked.

  “Great. We’re working on designs for the Christmas market,” Gaby said with a quick glance at her mother.

  “Do we have to talk about S E X at the dinner table?” Elsa, her sister asked. “There are children present.”

  “Are you making toys for Christmas?” Olivia her niece piped up.

  “Yes, she is,” Gaby’s grandmother said. For once she’d left her knitting in its bag. No doubt the knitting needles would start flashing once they settled down to open the presents. Gaby couldn’t remember a time during her childhood when her grandmother didn’t have her knitting to hand, the click of needles a constant background song.

  “Grownup toys,” Jason Montgomery said, winking at Gaby.

  “That’s right,” Gaby said, smiling back at her father. “How is kindy, William? Do you like going?”

  “Yes.” Her nephew beamed at her, his face glowing with excitement. In under an hour his friends would start to arrive to help him celebrate his birthday. “Mama packs my lunch every day and we learn to write our names and numbers. Lots of things,” he said, scarcely pausing to take breath.

  Both her niece and nephew adored kindy. While she and Elsa might disagree about a lot of things, Elsa was a brilliant mother and wife.

  Gaby nodded. “Where’s Allan? Is he working?”

  “He’s wiring a house for Liam and Fletch,” Elsa said. “Evidently it’s a rush job and the customer is paying extra for them to finish quickly. He said he’d come by later, in time to help with the pony rides.”

  “I’ll make a start on the dishes,” Gaby said, standing. “The meal was delicious.”

  Gran stood and they both started to clear the dishes. Her grandmother waited until they were both alone in the kitchen before she started talking. “How is the testing going? Do you have the reports back yet?”

  “Only about half so far.” Gaby tossed her grandmother a saucy grin. “Have you tested them yet?”

  “Mother!” Gaby’s mother overheard as she stepped into the kitchen. “This is your fault. I don’t know why you can’t confine your activities to normal ones.” She rolled her eyes upward as if seeking heavenly aid. “Most people have normal parents who like to babysit their grandchildren and attend the Women’s Division meetings. I’m stuck with one who discusses condoms and sex.”

  “Pooh.” Gaby’s grandmother flapped her right hand. “Where’s the fun in normal?”

  “Fancy Free is disgusting,” Elsa said, entering the kitchen. “You have no idea of the embarrassment you cause me in the Sloan Gazette offices. People are always asking nosy questions about you both.”

  “Fancy Free brings lots of business to town and helps the local job situation,” Gran said, narrowing her eyes and clearly ready to do battle.

  Gaby hurriedly changed the subject because her grandmother was winding up an impressive head of steam. “What would you like me to do to help? Once we’ve done with the dishes, I mean.”

  “I haven’t had a chance to ice the cupcakes,” Elsa said, her tone grudging.

  “I’m on it,” Gaby said as the doorbell rang. “Why don’t you go and relax with your guests and watch the kids. Gran and I will sort out the cupcakes. Do you want the sausage rolls heated too?”

  Elsa’s shoulders relaxed, some of the tension seeping out of her. “Thanks. Could you put the sausage rolls on in half an hour?”

  “Sure thing. If there’s anything else you’d like us to do, shout out.” Gaby glanced at the table of food with several large covered platters ready to serve to the guests. “You’ve been busy and deserve a break.”

  Gaby turned back to the sink and rinsed off several of the dinner plates ready to stack in the dishwasher. Her mother and Elsa both left the kitchen, leaving her with Gran.

  “Don’t let Elsa wind you up, Gran. She and Mum will never agree with our point of view.”

  “They’re old fuddy-duddies,” Gran snapped. “I’m sure they swapped my baby at birth,” she added in a peeved tone.

  “I don’t think so, Gran. I’ve seen the photos of you when you were younger. You and Mum look like sisters.”


  Gaby grinned and continued to clear the dishes.

  “Are you still doing your testing with Marc?”

  Gaby paused to glance at her grandmother. Her stomach bucked yet she wouldn’t lie since Gran had asked her a direct question. “No.”

  “Oh?” Gran’s brows rose. “But you are testing the products with a man?”

  “Yes.” Gaby grabbed a handful of the cutlery and poked the knives and forks into the holder in the dishwasher.

  “I haven’t seen you with anyone except Liam and Fletch…” Gran trailed off and Gaby could feel the speculative gaze on her back. “Which one are you sleeping with? They’re both nice boys. Very sexy butts.”

  “Gran!” Gaby turned to face her unrepentant grandmother.

  “I’m in the sex industry,” Gran said, a twinkle in her eyes. “I’m not a nun, you know. Which one are you sleeping with? Liam or Fletch?”

  “Um…” Something in her face must have given her away.

  Gran’s brows drew together. “Both of them?”

  Heat stole into Gaby’s face. “Yes.”

  “Hmm, how does that work? Do you have alternative nights?”

  “Not exactly. Ah, I guess I’ll need to make some icing. Where does Elsa keep the confectioner’s sugar?”

  “Don’t change the subject, my girl. What do you mean not exactly? Do you mean the three of you?” Gran cast a swift glance at the door and lowered her voice. “One of those ménage a trois?”


  “Well, isn’t that interesting? I’m betting your mother doesn’t realize.”

  “Of course not. She was mortified when I moved in with Fletch and Liam. It was only when she saw we had separate rooms that she could look her friends in the face.”

  “I almost wish I could tell her,” Gran said with real regret in her voice. “Still.” She perked up noticeably. “I have a secret and she doesn’t. That’s enough for now. Is this a casual thing or something more serious?”

  Gaby stopped to consider the question. “I don’t know.”

  “Is it fun?”

  “Fletch and Liam are great. They’re my best friends.”

  “Jack is my best friend,” Gran said. “Not for one day have I regretted marrying him. He’s brilliant about helping me test products too. He—”

  “Gran, I don’t need those sorts of details. That’s why I make sure you guys leave your names off the questionnaires.”

  “How is the sex?”

  Gran was trying to embarrass her and enjoying every moment. It wouldn’t work. “The sex is incredible, especially with both men focusing on me.”

  The rustle of clothing grabbed their attention and seconds later, Elsa rushed into the kitchen. “How are the sausage rolls going? I don’t believe it. You haven’t even put them in the oven yet.”

  “For some reason the oven is taking a while to heat up.” The temperature light clicked off. “There. We’ll pop them in now,” Gaby said, striving for reassurance. She didn’t want her sister to lose her temper.

  “We have everything under control,” Gran said, shooing Elsa from the kitchen.

  Gaby popped the tray of sausage rolls into the oven and set the timer. “Do you think she heard me?”

  “Nah.” Gran dismissed Gaby’s concerns. “She would’ve shrieked like a banshee if she’d overheard that juicy tidbit. I can’t wait to tell Katarina.”

  “Gran, this info is personal. Private. No one needs to know except Fletch, Liam and me.”

  “Oh pooh,” Gran said. “Spoilsport.”

  * * * * *

  The house was quiet when Gaby let herself in the front door and disappointment struck
hard. Still, it was only seven. The boys had probably gone out for a run or a drink at the Cricket. She could always head to the pub and seek them out. Even if they weren’t there, she was bound to find one of her friends to spend time with and chill.

  A yawn took her by surprise. Maybe not.

  Boy, she was tired. Most of it was stress from biting her tongue during the birthday party and prior family dinner. In the lounge, she kicked off her shoes and ambled barefooted down the passage to her bedroom. The door to Fletch’s bedroom was open and she glanced in, coming to an abrupt halt.

  Fletch and Liam were lying on the bed, both naked, their arms wrapped around each other as they slept. A pang struck her. Loneliness maybe. She continued on to her bedroom, intending to pull on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and kick back in front of the telly. Maybe she’d watch a movie. It wouldn’t matter if she fell asleep.

  “Gaby, sweetheart. Is that you?” Fletch called.

  “Yeah, I just got back from the party.”

  “Why are you hiding out there?”

  Because uncertainty had struck, along with a complicated emotion that came surprisingly close to jealousy. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  There was silence then masculine murmurs. Fletch appeared in the doorway of her bedroom, naked with his dark hair sticking up in all directions. Despite his tiredness, he appeared happy and relaxed, as if he’d experienced good sex. Her mind skittered away from the subject, but the buck in her gut told the truth. She was envious of their closeness and feeling left out. “You wouldn’t be disturbing us. You look tired and stressed. Come to bed with us.” He stretched out his hand and waited.

  She shifted her weight, hesitating. This thing between them wasn’t about comfort or sex for pure pleasure. They were helping her to test her inventions and choose the right one to market for Christmas. It wasn’t about cementing a bond.

  Gaby stared at his hand before scanning his expression. He smiled and waited patiently.

  “I’ll join you once I get undressed.”

  Fletch dropped his hand and stepped into her room. “Let me.”

  “Don’t be silly. I can do it.” Giving him permission to undress her was a step too far into intimacy. It felt like a betrayal of her feelings for Marc, hopeless as they were.

  “Are you frightened of me?”

  “Of course not.”

  Fletch turned on the charm, the dimples at the corner of his mouth deepening. “Let me fulfil a fantasy. Let me undress you.”

  “I’m your roomie, your friend.”

  “You’re also our lover,” Fletch said, unperturbed by her objections.

  The trepidation inside her dispersed a fraction. It was difficult to forget the pleasure of being with both of them. It had seemed easy and natural. Better than she’d ever imagined. “All right.” She held her ground when he moved closer. He smelled of male musk and sex all wrapped up with a tinge of his citrus shower gel. Perfect. Just one whiff let the residual tension seep from her muscles.

  “You look pretty in this dress, Gaby.” He smoothed one forefinger along the neckline, the faint drag of his finger sending her pulse leaping. She should throw her hands up in horror and shove him away. Heck, she should pack her bags and move out since their home had become an actual house of sin rather than the make-believe one of her mother’s fertile imagination.


  “Turn around and let me get the zip for you.”

  Like a puppet, she turned at his bidding. The zipper glided downward with a whisper and the silky fabric of her dress slid down her arms. Under his guidance, the fabric whooshed over her hips, puddling at her feet like a colorful sunset.

  “Hold on to my arm and step out of your dress,” he said.

  Gaby followed his instructions without hesitation, but inside her mind and body rioted. Her mind veered toward the sensible while her body cried out for Fletch’s touch. Her breasts swelled against the lace of her bra and distinct moisture gathered between her legs.

  “Can I loosen your hair?”

  “Yes.” Her acknowledgment was scarcely more than a whisper. It was seduction plain and simple, and she faltered, helpless against his determined charm.

  Competent fingers tugged the combs and clips from her hair until it fell around her shoulders in a perfumed curtain. Fletch lifted a lock to his nose and inhaled. “Beautiful. I like the way you smell. It’s classy yet sexy. Subtle. I like subtle.” He glanced down at her panties and smirked. “I bet your mother didn’t realize what you were wearing beneath your dress.”

  “What’s wrong with my lingerie?” Fletch was too perceptive for his own good. She’d dressed with Liam and Fletch in mind, a small act of disobedience when she knew her mother and sister would needle her about her chosen occupation yet again. She sighed. She should be used to their verbal zingers, but each time her mother and sister put her down, they hurt her. “Tell me.”

  “Not a thing is wrong. It’s perfect to showcase your gorgeous body.”

  The heat in his eyes made her feel beautiful. Special.

  He cupped one breast and her breath caught—the warmth from his hand like a brand. Her head rolled back and her eyelids slid to half-mast to better concentrate on the sensations he was evoking in her. His fingers tightened on her nipple, focusing her thoughts on the sliver of pain. A shiver rolled over her. How did he know exactly what she liked?

  “As pretty as these are, I want to take them off.” His hands slipped behind her back and twisted, releasing her bra before she could blink.

  “You’ve done that before.”

  “A time or two,” he admitted.

  She’d seen him with women, some her friends and some not. Fletch never talked about his sexual exploits. Liam didn’t either. They didn’t bring women back to the house and, not for the first time, she wondered why. “How come you never bring women home with you? Liam doesn’t either.”

  “Bringing a woman into our home gives them ideas. I can’t speak for Liam, but I haven’t met anyone I wanted to encourage in that way.”

  “Oh.” Which begged all sorts of questions about her role in their home. Once she’d fit the friend box and it had seemed natural. Now the rules had changed and she wasn’t sure how to act.

  He slipped her bra down her arms and tossed it on the bed beside the dress. Then he turned to her, his gaze doing a sweep of her upper torso and ending at her breasts. They prickled as if he were touching her, running his callused fingers over her curves. Her nipples stiffened, and she fought the shyness that jumped out of nowhere.

  This…thing with Fletch and Liam…it was taking her places she hadn’t expected to travel, making her reexamine everything she’d thought about herself.

  Fletch’s expression softened and he drew her into his arms. Before she summoned her wits to ask him what he was doing, he was kissing her. She froze for an instant before his persuasive lips drove away every thought of protest. He cradled her head gently, alternating passionate kisses with quick sips that slowly drove her to the point of madness. With a sigh of surrender, she wound her arms around his neck and hung on to enjoy the ride. He slipped a hand between them to thumb one nipple, and a tingle sprang to life in her pussy.

  One touch and he made her wetter, yearning for his possession.

  She almost cried when he lifted his head and stepped away.

  “Let’s go to bed,” he said, capturing her hand and tugging Gaby from her bedroom.

  In his bedroom, he scooped her off her feet and placed her beside Liam before following her down. He had an erection, yet it didn’t appear to bother him, flaunting his dick with carefree ease.

  “Can I take your panties off for you now?”

  Gaby bit back a giggle. “You have a panty fetish?”

  “Only for yours.”

  She relaxed as he moved down the bed, lifting her hips at his silent urging. He slid the filmy garment down her legs and tossed it aside.

  “Can I taste you?”

  “Yes.” This wasn�
��t testing her toys, a small voice reminded her. She was about to take back her agreement when his tongue slid the length of her slit. An explosion of hunger hit her and she melted into the mattress, letting him do his worst. A startled hiss escaped her. The man had skills. With leisurely laps, he moved up and down until fire streaked through her. He fluttered his tongue over her clit, sending pleasure sailing free. She let out a soft cry and he immediately intensified his attention to her clit. He surrounded the engorged bud with his lips, lapping and teasing until she finally exploded into a toe-curling climax.

  When her quivers finally subsided, he rose up the bed and kissed her. A gentle caress of lips. She tasted her tart juices on his mouth and sighed. The perfect way to relieve stress.

  “Can I fuck you, sweetheart?”

  How could she say no? “Yes.” She longed for a hard cock to fill her and drive away the emptiness left by the visit to her family. If it weren’t for her father and her grandparents, she wouldn’t visit the family home as often.

  Fletch reached for a bedside drawer and pulled out a box. He shook it and frowned. “Damn, we’ve used all the test condoms. Do you have some in your bedroom?”

  “Probably. Wait.” She grabbed his arm before he could jump from the bed. “Remember, I’m on the Pill. You don’t need to use a condom.”

  Fletch froze, his eyes darkening with emotion. “You sure?”

  “Yes.” She trusted him implicitly. Liam too. She smiled encouragement. “You can be my first. I’ve never had sex without using a condom.”

  “Me neither.”

  “Well then.” She swallowed, aware that, once again, she was annihilating her list of unofficial rules, yet this felt right. Gaby reached for him in silent encouragement, elated when he returned to her side.

  “If you’re positive.”

  “I am,” she whispered.

  He kissed her before he rose over her. She held her breath as he slowly pushed into her. Moist tissues parted as he slid home and her breath eased out. Perfect. So perfect. She could feel his heat, and as he withdrew and thrust into her again, a shimmer of delight slid across her nerve endings. Their lips met and she melted into his embrace. The coil of energy in her lower body grew with each unhurried thrust. When his lips fastened on her neck and he sucked, a bungee of pleasure slammed her. Then he braced his weight on his shoulders and increased his pace. Hard and fast thrusts that rattled the bed and pushed her over into orgasm in seconds flat. With satisfaction still pulsing through her, she reached up to apply her mouth to his nipple. She licked, sucked and bit him lightly.


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