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The Accidental Archmage: Book One - Ragnarok Rising (MOBI EDITION)

Page 11

by Edmund A. M. Batara

  “Speaking of hygiene, are baths common here? I still have to see the equivalent of a modern bathroom.”

  “Oh, I am sorry. We do have bathrooms and toilets here. Ask any of the servants for directions and anything you may need.”

  “Thank God! I was worried there for a while. No outhouses for town houses then?”

  “No,” laughed the Gothi, “runic magic makes things easier to set up in large settlements as the materials and skill to build them are usually available.”

  “I guess it would with the proper designs. So how was the mercenary guild?”

  “Well, I managed to settle matters with them. The loss of several men and the presence of the bandits were a shock. I wouldn’t want to be their spies now. Not to mention a livid town guard commander. Though I was able to convince them it was an attempt on me, either by simple bandits or a rival pantheon. The less attention on you, the better. But the ice drake attack complicated matters. The jotnar have not been near Maljen for hundreds of years. People are starting to fear that an outbreak of war between us and the jotnar is in the offing.”

  “Just what are the jotnar?

  “Plural of jotunn. Meaning giant. But they’re not all giants. These are the age-old foes and rivals of the Vanir and Aesir. You know, Ymir as the primordial ice giant and Surtr for fire. Unlike the Vanir and the Aesir who have human forms, jotnar are generally of a different mold. They take on many forms, ice drakes like the ones you saw, giants, huge wolves the size of horses, and many other horrible shapes. Of course, there are jotnar who have human forms. But the jotnar have rudimentary organization, sometimes based on elemental affinity, sometimes on raw strength and in some instances, on a clan basis. Others are solitary or at a mere pack level. These are what people here call the wild jotnar. But without a doubt, they are all very dangerous beings. Thankfully, they spend as much time fighting among themselves as against the Nordic pantheon.”

  “Another thing, your humorless huskarl, Jorund, mentioned something about being with you for a semester?

  “You know, I have not been able to get that fellow to even smile. I hope you have better luck. Years here have two semesters, or seasons, namely summer and winter. Each semester is roughly six months in duration. Anyway, we’ll get into time measurements later. I have to show you the devices used by people to deal with such matters. Luckily, the adoption of the day rune calendar is already widespread. Before it was a bit difficult, you hear descriptions like six winters before the battle of this and that. Made things very confusing.”

  “How about relations between cultures? Trade for example.”

  “Trade between cultures is several degrees more difficult. Each civilization usually had their own units of measure. That took up most of my time today as the trade guilds deliberated on the Greek proposal to adopt the Grecian units of measure. Personally, I have no objections. It may even prove to be beneficial for Nordic society in the long run by contributing more precise measurements. Even the coinage should be revised. Right now, it is large and small gold coins, large and small silver coins, then large and small copper coins. One large gold would be equal to five small gold coins. A small gold coin equals five large silver coins, and a large silver coin equals ten small silver coins. A small silver coin is equal to ten large copper and a large copper means ten small copper coins. And they don’t even name the damn things! Not a really a convenient system. Hah! I think I will start changes on coinage as soon as I can! Shopping here can be a headache.”

  At Ivar’s comment, Tyler realized the important role visitors play in Adar even on a non-magical level. New concepts, innovative trains of thought, and more importantly, knowledge on how to implement such plans. All within the limits imposed by the divine players, of course.

  “Hear anything from your benefactor?”

  “Except for the fact that the All-Father seems to be royally pissed at Ymir, nothing yet,” answered the priest with a wry smile, “but I was instructed to let you stay with me as long as you want.”

  “I have to give my thanks then,” replied Tyler.

  “Anyway, I guess you would want to take that bath already and rest?”

  “Yes, thank you. But before that, may I ask a favor?”

  “Of course, my friend. What is it?”

  “This medallion also allows me to read Nordic languages, right?”

  “That’s correct.”

  “Would you have any light reading available? You know, books for entertainment. Books you read before going to sleep.”

  “Would you be interested in the Sagas? No, bad idea. Even those are a burden for me. I am afraid I don’t have anything on hand which would meet your needs. Nordic entertainment tradition is skalds, skalds and more skalds. ”

  “Shit. There go my reading habits. Would it be possible to read on runic magic? Even basic reading would do. I know that I can’t do runic magic. I don’t even know why I have done what we have seen, but it seems to be an interesting subject. And also, it's MAGIC! The stuff of fantasy! There’s nothing on Earth like it.”

  “I’ll have one sent to your room. I admit it is an exciting topic. More so when, in this world, it is real. But you do remember the saying back home about magic being undiscovered science, right?”

  “Yep. Though from you have said, it is the science of this world. It also has rules and limitations. And watchful umpires. And stern enforcers.”

  The priest guffawed. “You’re so right. So very right.”

  Tyler took his leave after that conversation while the priest informed him that he won’t be around again that afternoon up to late evening. Apparently, trade guild matters have not yet been concluded. He got hold of a servant, took his first bath in Adar, and had a short nap. The statue he brought up to his room. It was dark when he woke up from his nap. He was very appreciative of the quiet and restful period for a change.

  No painful wounds as his injuries have healed. No cut-throats or strange creatures trying to kill him. No gods acting like used car salesmen. No fireballs being thrown around. The pace of near-lethal incidents was wearing him down and affecting his ability to think.

  He looked around his room and saw it was illuminated by two orbs of light on opposite ends of the room. MAGE-LIGHTS! He immediately got up and inspected one. It looked like an Earth lamp, designed as a globe with a copper base and attached to the wall. He curious why it had turned on. He thought it may be magically made to be photosensitive as he couldn’t see any switches or something similar to turn it off. He touched the orb and it turned off. Touching it again made it flare its brightness across the room. Then he did the same thing again. And a third time. He had an absolutely silly grin on his face. Neat!

  The house was illuminated the same way. Mage-lights lined the hallway and the stairs. There was a big one in the main hall. He found his dinner waiting for him, with a book beside his plate. It seemed the Gothi adopted Earth utensils as he found a spoon, fork and a dinner knife arranged in a proper manner alongside the plate. The plate was a bit heavy and upon examination, he found it was stoneware. He guessed porcelain or ceramic based amenities are still not that common in Skaney.

  The book was the one he requested. Examining it, it was of bound parchments and written or more likely, copied by hand. He surmised that the Gutenberg press still has to make its debut. He went back to his room and changed into sleeping clothes. He looked forward to a good night’s sleep and an interesting read beforehand. He barely finished the book’s preface when he fell asleep.

  Suddenly, he could feel the wind upon his face. Upon opening his eyes, he found himself back at the lake. Standing in the place where he camped.

  This is a dream, Tyler thought. The familiar rocky cliffs on the other shore looked hazy, only his immediate surroundings were distinct and vivid.

  Now, where’s Miss Psychotic? Probably at my back, He mused.

  “Hello, Tyler.”

  Touché. Though a bit cliché.

  He turned. There she was. This time, in ful
l and complete view. In color. Breathtakingly beautiful in person. Long black hair, flawless skin tone, displaying a combination of the best of Nordic and Mediterranean features. She was tall, though not as tall as Tyler. If he didn’t know any better, he would have guessed her age at around eighteen to twenty years old. She was barefoot and wore a simple white sleeveless summer dress of some sort, decorated with small yellow flowers in a dotted pattern. With the absence of any jewelry, she looked incredibly sexy and pure at the same time. Her emerald eyes were startlingly gorgeous.

  Shit, I would be totally in love if I didn’t know any better, reflected Tyler.

  “Uhhh…. Hi?”

  “I guess this must be unsettling, my kerasti,” she said, “for that, I apologize.”

  That voice, Tyler thought, that ethereal and musical voice. Then something broke through his musings and poured cold water on Tyler’s rising libido. Did she call me beloved? She slapped me last time and now I’m her boyfriend? When did that happen?

  The incongruity of the situation helped bring Tyler back from his foggy infatuation. Even then he could smell flowers in the air. A hint of lilac, with lavender, with a bit of citrus. Reminded him of a perfect summer morning.

  “I am sorry I slapped you the last time we met. I’m also sorry I had to do what I had to do to get you to bring back the statue with you. But with all the protections of the priest’s house, I had to have a connection near you to manifest. Even only in a dream.”

  “That’s a lot of apologies. You still haven’t given me your name.”

  “Oh, I am…… sorry again. Sigyn.”

  She looks more beautiful when she has that apologetic face, observed Tyler. Oh freak, what am I thinking?

  “I would have waited for a more propitious time but matters appeared to be getting out of hand. Some seem to have taken a dangerous interest in you. Odin, I can understand, but the others puzzle me.”

  She doesn’t know about Loki, he realized.

  “Ymir is simple enough. Anything which Odin may be interested in or will appear to desire also interests him. Be thankful Sutr has not acted yet, even if the passage through a portal is immediately felt by those with the power to notice it. The two other groups are unknown players. I couldn’t get through their magical shielding which means a god’s hand is involved.”

  “So I guess you’re not with the Nordic divinities?”

  “NO! To them I am but a lesser spirit, barely above mortal. Let them think that! All these millennia and no one among them ever thought about the source of Odin’s power, or becoming his equal! Or more than his equal! Why? Because they can’t think beyond themselves! Or they’re too busy with all their scheming, their petty grievances, their arrogance! I have been here even before the Great Migration. Even before the rise of your mortal towns and cities! And for millennia, I have remained a lesser spirit. But despite grievous losses of the pantheons during the Divine Wars, nobody, not Odin, not Zeus, thought of elevating any of us to the pantheons! And I had enough!”

  I just found one of her buttons, thought Tyler, I wonder what else could I push?

  “But you ARE a lesser spirit, of nature, grant you, but I guess you're still not a major deity?"

  Sigyn stood still, her hands clenched, and looked at Tyler. He noticed her emerald eyes have turned into red. Oh, she’s mad, noticed Tyler, but she still looks awesome!

  “I WILL BECOME A POWER AMONG THE PANTHEONS! What do you think I have been doing all these millennia! Just because I have been quiet and unseen all this time, mortals think of me now as an old legend. Forgotten. Powerless. I have been BUSY!

  Ranting, much? “Can I ask busy with what?”

  “I know what you are trying to do, mortal! But remember, you are still mine! And your geas extends to this meeting.”

  Not too childish, considered Tyler, who thought she won’t notice the gambit through her anger. Not a spoiled eight-year old, probably a ten-year old, but still juvenile in her emotions. Though I have been demoted to mortal again. Where did the “beloved” go?

  “You know, that “mine” stuff is really uncomfortable, to say the least. Why do you think you own me? I haven’t sworn anything to you, that much I know.”

  “I saved you! I gave you the power to be beyond the gods! You owe me!”

  Oh, she’s on a rage roll, Tyler realized. He’s got to get what information he can get and leave.

  “You saved me, I guess. But for your own reasons. And whatever you did, you did it without my consent. I don’t think kindly of my body and mind being tampered by you or anybody else! Power you say, I can’t even use runic magic! So far, I have been wounded, chased by bandits and attacked by goddamn ice drakes! Even when I was in your forest, where were you when I nearly became dinner for that pack of wolves? I couldn’t even do anything to protect myself! Gave me power? Excuse my language, but that’s bullshit!”

  Well, Tyler knew he had melted that ice spear but she didn’t know that.

  He saw that Sigyn had calmed down a bit though her fists were still clenched. At least her eyes had gone back to an alluring green.

  “You survived, didn’t you? Even after being struck by a hunter’s arrow. I had to know whether you are capable of surviving by yourself. Have you any idea of the chances of me getting hold of an unbound visitor strong enough to help me ascend? Those wolves are nothing. They’re mere ordinary wolves, it’s not like they’re jotnar or summoned creatures.”

  “You think? This is going nowhere. I gotta go. I’m sorry Sigyn, but I am not your bitch, your lapdog nor your slave. And please, don’t call me. I’ll call you. Like that’s going to happen.”

  “Stop where you are, Tyler Albert West!”

  He was taken aback. Freak me, she knows my full name, thought Tyler, that’s a big surprise.

  “You don’t think I would let you out that easily, don’t you?”

  “How did you know my middle name?” he asked. Then he remembered his lost wallet. Freak me twice.

  “Wait, you stole my wallet! Of all the petty…. Don’t you know that wallet was the reason I was running from robbers back on Earth? That wallet is the reason why I fell through that stupid hole? It’s mine! And now you’re using it against me?”

  Tyler was starting to get angry.

  “I didn’t steal it! I found it at the bottom of my lake!”

  “Talk to the hand, girl. And now, you’re thinking of using my name against me. Sorry girl, but as you said, there are some powerful whatever interested in me, for better or for worse. You make me your thrall, don’t you think that’s going to be noticed? And guess who they’re going to try to find? I don’t think you are ready to play with the big boys, magnificently beautiful and incredibly sexy you may be. And when they find out about you and whatever schemes you have simmering over your cauldron, what do you think they would do?

  “YOU! You…. You ingrate!”

  Tyler didn’t know exactly if Sigyn’s reply was because she was shocked at his temerity or she was furiously mad at him. But he did notice her eyes starting to change color again to a deep red. A lovely raging red.

  “This is my dream, Sigyn. And I think it’s time for me to leave. I won’t be your tool.”

  Tyler had long discovered that nightmares and such dreams can be controlled by a person’s thoughts to a great extent. When he was young, he used to be plagued by nightmares especially after a hard day. Until his father sat down with him and explained that dreams came from his mind. As long as he accepts and realizes that while in a dream state, he can control where his dreams will go and how they will progress. It took him some time to internalize that. When he did, he had great fun blowing away vampires, ghosts, zombies, and other dream creatures. He was actually a bit put out when they stopped appearing in his adolescent dreams.


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