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The Accidental Archmage: Book One - Ragnarok Rising (MOBI EDITION)

Page 36

by Edmund A. M. Batara

  “That’s fine, Rumpr. For all you know, you may get to keep it.”

  “Oh, don’t talk like that. To me, it’s just a trinket. What’s inside that brain of yours is more important.”

  Hrun made a series of grating sounds, raised his hand in salute, and then left.

  “As so it begins.” Tyler heard Rumpr whisper softly.

  While the four waited, Tyler thought about what Rumpr disclosed. He couldn’t determine if Rumpr did it wittingly or unwittingly.

  What’s inside my brain? What does that mean? How about “It begins”? The battle? Somehow, I don’t think Rumpr was referring to the coming battle. And then this armor. The armor given to those two I can understand. But mine? “Changes to suit your body”. Were they expecting somebody like me? Every powerful being in this world talks in riddles. Even when they’re talking in plain sentences. Makes me feel I’m running around with blinders. Like a horse.

  Finally, Rumpr stood up. Torc in his arm, like a bracelet, he changed into a copy of Habrok. The man’s eyes widened.

  “Well, Habrok, with this, I can go visit all your girlfriends,” he laughed and then turned to the two, “time to go, death-wish lads!”

  A stone door appeared. The three entered at a fast jog. It took them just a few minutes to reach its exit. Rumpr stopped.

  “Close your eyes. We will be on the mound when you open them. But if you don’t close your eyes, you will be blinded by the transfer from this hallway to the rise.’

  The two closed their eyes.

  “We’re here.”

  Tyler opened his eyes. Rumpr was already busy creating the ditch. But the enemy was already about a hundred feet away. The column must have moved forward or was reduced by the commitment of forces to the attack. Jorund took a position on his left, bow at the ready. No other enemies could be seen, everybody was focused on the attack. On the positive side, nobody had noticed their arrival yet. Gripping his staff, he activated its shield and cast a frontal barrier with an overhead cover. They could wait until the ditch is finished and Habrok comes back.

  The ditch was indeed child’s play for Rumpr. The channel formed itself. With Rumpr standing there and guiding its creation without any ostentatious gestures. Tyler observed that the trench quietly formed where Rumpr looked. It was an amazing display of magical will. The ditch was wide enough, around eight feet wide and six to eight feet in depth.

  As Rumpr finished the back part of the trench, somebody from the enemy horde finally noticed them. Tyler could see the commotion their presence created. A wall of warriors, dokkalfr and ice elves by the looks of it, was forming while one dokkalfr was running to the front of the enemy column. He didn’t notice Rumpr had disappeared. Habrok arrived, laden with quivers, just as the warriors started to quick march in their direction. The ranger gave some quivers to Jorund and took the position on his right.

  “Not too far from me. Keep a distance of eight feet. Otherwise, the shield won’t cover you.”

  Tyler observed the formation. He could also see mounted ice elves on vargar coming up. Nice of them to march in a such a packed formation. I don’t see mages. They must be in the van of the town assault. He created three large fireball blades, infused it with as much energy he thought he could safely release, and launched it against the incoming mass. One in the middle and one on each side.

  The ensuing detonations were ear-splitting. A kaleidoscope of colors attended the explosions. He didn’t need to combine the fiery masses, the blasts and resultant fires were enough to bloodily and messily shred the enemy. Roughly two companies’ worth, he thought, around two hundred. They didn’t even get to fire their bows.

  With a detached eye, he looked at the result of his attack. The formation was indeed destroyed, a lot of enemies were on the ground, dead and dying. As he expected, the shrapnel effect of the explosions also accounted for a lot of wounded. Many of the wounded appeared to be missing appendages. He didn’t waste time on them. What was important is that they're out of the fight or will die soon. In the distance, he could see more formations assembling. But the mounted ice elves were fast closing. They were spread out, making it difficult to target them with a single area of effect spell. Arrows were now starting to hit the barrier.

  The vargar were already past the assembling formations and had adopted a dispersed arrowhead configuration. Tyler scattered numerous small orbs in front of them and when they entered the area, exploded the shapes simultaneously. The smaller but deadly blasts broke the vargar charge. Few were killed outright by the explosions but large numbers of terrified or limping vargar leaving the area attested to their efficacy. Their riders were not so fortunate. Many either crashed to the ground when their mounts were hit by the small fireballs or were thrown off when their mounts suddenly stopped upon seeing the exploding field ahead of them. It was like laying down a field of grenades and igniting them at the same time.

  Tyler looked up and could see the rain of incoming arrows. He knew the barrier would stop them. But then again, the enemy was quickly organizing themselves. Whoever is commanding the rear forces is good, as Jorund had observed. Yet he still could not see where the commander was. Usually, there would be a command group somewhere. But he knew he had to take care of those archers. Each hit on the barrier degraded its defense. He estimated the distance and lobbed a number of large fire balls into the air, arranged in a row, aiming at the enemy frontal ranks. He was guessing that the bowmen were hidden behind the forming wall of shields.

  After the explosions in the distance, he could see that most of the spheres landed in front of the shield wall. Some hit the shield bearers themselves. Most were thrown back while those hit directly were consumed by the magical fire. Blood and gore again spattered the battlefield. He adjusted his aim and let loose another volley. This time, when the fireballs exploded, he tried to merge their fiery gifts and then loosed a strong AWAY! spell directed at the fiery confusion.

  He counted on the sticky nature of the magical fire to produce more wounded and induce panic. As the spell hit the dam of fire, it blossomed out in a bigger blaze directed towards the rear of the enemy. Tents and shelters burned. He could see many figures on fire running around and the assembling groups were reduced to clumps of warriors who escaped the initial blasts. From his position on the mound, he could hear the bedlam.

  To make matters interesting, he let loose two more barrages directed further and deeper into the enemy host. Even from where he was, he could see the explosions and the resulting confusion. He knew he had to take advantage of the current mayhem. The error of the enemy in treating them as ordinary enemies, with mass formation and shield tactics, will not last. It will be corrected by whoever is leading them. He fired off two more volleys. Now, he could feel body fatigue starting. The use of the spells was beginning to affect him physically. He looked at his companions. They were also letting loose with their bows. At the range, he doubted if they would miss.

  “Concentrate your arrows on those still capable of fighting. Leave the crawling wounded!” he ordered.

  But there was still a lot of them. Once the fires die down, the enemy leader will definitely adopt a new approach. If ever he gets the idea to order a rush at the mound, in scattered formation, then Tyler knew they would be done for. Hitting so many targets before they arrive within attacking range is an impossible task. He remembered the difficulty of hitting the attacking jotnar during the initial assault on the town. And reinforcements from the front ranks will surely now be nearing the rear. He knew he had to do something drastic to keep the enemy off-balance.

  He shaped a huge arrowhead form and infused it with as much energy he could muster. He felt significantly weakened by the effort. He launched it a mile and a half deep into the column. He saw the flash of the explosion before hearing its thunderous detonation. It echoed around the mountain peaks. Some rocks started crashing into the Gap, loosened by the strength of the explosion. From the surrounding areas, flocks of birds immediately fled. Serves you right. Voye

  He saw that his latest effort resulted in more chaos and damage. He looked at Jorund.

  “I think I may have to rest a bit. Try to keep them off for a while, won’t you?”

  “Yes, Sire. You need to rest. I see magical exhaustion beginning to taking its toll on you.”

  With that, he slumped into the ground. He could hear his heart beating faster and his pained head getting heavy. Rest. If only for a few minutes. I hope I don’t get a heart attack now. That would be... awkward.

  As he squatted on the ground, he gripped his staff with both hands, laying it on his legs. Surprisingly, as he held the staff, his exhaustion slowly vanished. Huh? What did that old digger do to my staff? He felt invigorated and a sense of potency swathed him in an azure embrace. He stood up.

  “Sire, they’re moving towards us again.”

  He looked where Habrok was pointing. The ranger was right. A large collection of various kinds of foes were rushing them. And this time, in a scattered motley throng, each attacking at his own speed. His prediction was right. He immediately let loose volleys of small fireballs, peppering the field with small fiery bursts. Dust swirled around the battlefield.

  Then a sudden detonation shook the mound. A large and powerful fireball had hit their shield and destroyed it. Quickly recovering from the explosion, the two bowmen were already concentrating their arrows on the enemies in the lead. With nothing in front, they fired directly at the onrushing host, unlike before when they unleashed their arrows from the side of the barrier.

  Tyler tried to find the mage or mages responsible for the destructive spell but the sheer number of enemies in front obstructed his vision. Then he saw the telltale sign of another fireball being launched. He immediately cast SHIELD! in front of the incoming deadly projectile and in turn, fired off a large sizzling blade directed at the area where it came from. The enemy spell again disintegrated the barrier though he could see the detonation where his own projectile hit. Yet the blade exploded not on the ground but only in the air. Its fire was deflected to the sides. Must have hit a shield. A powerful one at that to survive such a large fire blade. Unfortunately, the enemy was already very near.


  The spell was just in time. Several ice spells in the form of large spears smashed into it. Right in front of Jorund. The barrier collapsed. The enemy started throwing javelins at the trio. He could feel the impact of the missiles against his personal shield, he knew it was fast degrading. The sheer volume of projectiles was making sure of it. Instinctively, he willed a powerful chain lightning spell directed at the middle of the closest group in front. His skill in the spell was elementary but he hoped it would finish before it could jump to his companions. Then he let loose a bombardment of fire orbs to the group of enemies at Jorund’s front.

  From the corner of his eye, he could see Jorund had his battleaxe out and was exchanging blows with a mounted ice elf. The foe was armed with a wicked looking weapon which looked like a short spear but with a sword blade. A solitary vargyr was dead and bloody on the ground near him. Though warriors on foot may have been deterred by the ditch, vargar could jump it. Habrok had moved to the back slope of the mound, releasing arrow after arrow. Yet Tyler could see that the momentum of the enemy was already flowing to surround them. He cast an area of effect lightning spell.

  His chain lightning was proving to be deadly and devastating. He spotted the flashes quickly jumping from one to another, leaving charred bodies in their wake. But he could also see where the lightning met magical barriers. On hitting the barriers, the bolts fizzled out with a large flash. Mages! They’re mixed with the warriors. He had to give credit to the commander’s guile. Launching an attack in dispersed arrays, with warriors in front and then mixing his mages with those following them. While at the same time instructing vargar to launch their own attacks and others to flank them. The enemy leader appeared to disdain the losses they were receiving against three individuals.

  Another chain lightning attack to Habrok’s front and scattered ground level minor fireballs to his front. He was sweating. Too many details were demanding his attention. He knew they were being overwhelmed. Jorund had dispatched the vargyr but was fighting its ice elf rider. He saw two more mounted ice elves jump the ditch. Habrok was now facing the side, trying to evade javelins and return fire with his bow.

  In front, he could see that giants have already arrived and were running towards them. They must have been diverted from the town assault. He didn’t see any of the massive hunks when their skirmish started. One, a two-headed brute was clearly directing the pack. Swinging his enormous but crude war hammer with one hand, the other hand was pointing out deployments to the others. He got the thug with two sharp spearhead-sized blades. The giant was messily cut in half.

  Raising a barrier again, this time an angled one on top of them, he moved back a bit to the mound’s rear and willed three successive chain lightning spells. One in front and the other two on Jorund’s and Habrok’s sides. The number of enemies on the flanks was increasing. Immediately after the three spells, a sharp pain erupted above the nape of his neck. His muscles felt rubbery. Fatigue returned with a vengeance.

  Then he saw Habrok hit by a javelin on his side. The man was thrown back a few feet and was on his back, unmoving. Jorund had dispensed with the elf on foot but was cornered by three mounted ice elves. He could see the desperate body movements of the man as he tried to avoid the lunges of the spear-like weapons. Jorund’s helm was already gone. Must have been knocked off. He let fly several small blades at the elves. One elf and its vargyr dropped, pierced by the arrow-sided blades, the blood of elf and giant wolf mixing on the ground. But he could see that the rest of the blades shattering on the armor of the remaining two though their mounts died. The two jumped from their dying mounts and continued their assault on the huskarl.

  Looking at his front, he could now see that the wave of enemies had parted. An armored ice elf was walking towards them, with elf guards on both sides. Their black full armor was more ornate, with lots of sharp angles. He knew he was facing the leader of the rear contingent and judging from the staff the being carried, the mage who had broken several of his attacks.

  Gathering his strength, he let loose a fusillade of fiery blades in two waves of three spear blades each. The first three smashed into the barriers, exploding in expanding bursts of flame. The next three were deflected to the far sides of the mage. WHAT THE FREAK? The mage then returned the favor with a large fireball which hit Tyler directly. He was engulfed by a huge ball of flame.

  He found himself some distance from his original position. A few feet more and he would have fallen into the ditch. His personal shield was gone. His skin felt burnt. He could actually see wisps of smoke on his body, not to mention the smell of singed hair. Wearily, he stood up, balancing himself on his staff. He activated its shield again. It came into being but he could feel it was a weaker version. On his left, he saw Jorund had won but had dropped his axe. He was now carrying the elf spear-like weapon, using it to prop himself up.

  More enemies were coming. Surprisingly, nobody was taking action against them. They were all concentrating on surrounding the mound. Looking at his front, he could see the mage still walking towards them. Then he realized that the leader wanted to dispose of them by himself.

  They were going to die. Habrok may already be dead. He was totally pissed off. Or as pissed off a very tired man could be. His vision was blurry, his body in pain, and his mind starting to be confused. He could still sense the magical energy around him. But his capability to make use of it appeared to have weakened. He didn’t know if it’s magical exhaustion or not. Or maybe it’s that, together with his currently overwhelmed physical and mental condition.

  That asshole must be smirking by now. He could barely see the enemy, his vision was getting worse. But he could sense that the encirclement was complete. Their foes have started chanting, one which was steadily increasing in volume. He didn't understand the lang
uage. Despite his staff, his legs gave out and he dropped to his knees. That was greeted by a great shout from the throats of the thousands surrounding them. Then the chanting resumed.


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