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Alien Mine (Zerconian Warriors Book 7)

Page 16

by Sadie Carter

  Her vision blurred, the pain too much to bear as she gasped painfully for breath. “Ribs,” she croaked out before slipping into darkness.


  Koran crept his way through the passages, hunting his prey. He had two warriors with him. Two more had been left at the top of the tunnel. The others should be nearly out, and he could wait no longer.

  He would kill the man who dared to lay a hand on his mate.

  The sounds of fighting drew him forward. Slinking from shadow to shadow, he made his way silently forward. This place reeked of death and despair. It seeped into his skin.

  He made his way up the stairs to the upper level. As he rounded the corner, the sounds of a fight grew louder and he spied an open door. Signalling to his warriors to watch his back, he moved towards the open doorway.

  Malif let out a roar as he swung out, knocking his brother against the wall. It was obvious who the greater fighter was. Malif did not procrastinate. Husan was already bleeding heavily and he moved slowly as he stood.

  Koran’s attention was stolen as he saw movement towards the back of the room. The Kian bodyguard stepped into the room then let out a roar as he pounded forward towards the fighting brothers. The Kian smiled, as if he thought he now had the upper hand.

  Koran moved swiftly forward to intercept Kian male. This is who he had come for. This was the male who dared to touch the most precious thing in Koran’s world.

  And he was going to die.


  Lucy opened her eyes, blinking to bring them into focus. Where the hell was she?

  “Lucy? Are you awake?”

  She turned her head, rubbing at her eyes until Mila was more in focus. The other woman smiled at her, but it was only a tenth of her usual smile and it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “You look terrible,” Lucy told her.

  Mila wrinkled her nose. “Isn’t that my line? You’re the one lying in a bed in medical.”

  Crap. She hadn’t meant to blurt that out. “Sorry, didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

  “No? Don’t worry. I feel pretty crap too. I’ll get Thor.” Mila stood but Lucy quickly reached out and grasped her hand.

  “Wait. Let me just take a moment to figure out what’s going on. Last thing I remember I was…” she thought back. “Thor appeared in the compound. The tunnel. He pulled me out then everything went black.”

  She pressed down on her side. No pain.

  “You had two broken ribs,” Mila explained. “Thor brought you straight back here and put you in a regen chamber. Those things are amazing at healing physical ailments. Too bad they can’t help you up here.” She tapped her head with a derisive laugh. “No quick fix for the crazy, right?”

  “Oh, Mila. I’m so sorry. It’s my fault Husan took you. He wanted to trade me for you guys.”

  How would she ever make it up to the other woman?

  Mila glared at her ferociously. “It was not your fault and I won’t hear you say it was. There are many people to blame here, but you’re not one of them. The Coizils for attacking us. The Nerifs for holding us prisoner and selling us to Husan. Then there is Husan himself. Bastard.”

  “Please tell me he’s dead.”

  Mila nodded with satisfaction. “And his gorilla henchman. Koran killed him. Apparently Malif killed Husan. That’s his brother. Koran saw it happen.”

  “Good. Good.” She could breathe now. “Elika, Beau and the others? Are they safe?”

  “They’re all on board. Thor’s checking them all over now which is why he’s not here with you. I’m meant to tell him when you awaken.”

  “I’m okay. The others need him. I promised Elika a home. Do you think that’s okay?” Would the Emperor allow more strangers on Zerconia?

  Mila shrugged. “I’m pretty sure there will be more than one refugee come home with us. But we’re going to try and reunite as many as we can with their families. Some of them have already been in contact with their families and they’re coming to collect them.”

  “Everyone is safe? Rye? Willa?”

  Mila grinned. “Oh, Willa is well. Well and truly pissed. Did you know that Darac tied her to a tree?”

  “He is dead meat.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thor slid into the private room off the medical area where he had placed Lucy. He had spent the last few hours examining the people they’d rescued. Malif and his men were securing those people who followed Husan willingly. He didn’t know what they were going to do with them and he did not care.

  They were now overflowing with extra people and Darac had called for back-up.

  All he really cared about was his mate. He had to tear himself away from her side to attend to the others. She had terrified him when she’d fainted dead away. He thought he’d aged fifty years before he’d gotten her into the regen chamber.

  Mila nodded at him as she slipped out. Thor moved to Lucy’s side, taking her small hand in his. She felt so delicate, so slight. As though a stiff wind could topple her.

  “I was supposed to be told as soon as you awakened,” he scolded gently.

  She smiled at him. “Mila just gave me the highlights. I figured you were busy.”

  “Not too busy for you. You always come first.”

  Reaching up, she cupped his cheek. Tears dripped down her face and alarm filled him. He would rather face an army of Coizils than have his mate in tears.

  “Mate? What is it? Are you in pain?” Had the regen chamber missed something?

  She shook her head and attempted to sit. He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Lie down. You are still recovering.”

  “I feel fine. Just tired.” She would be tired for a while, he feared. It appeared as though she had lost even more weight. The regen chamber had taken care of her bruises, but the memory of her swollen face would be with him for a long time.

  “Let me sit up.”

  With reluctance, he helped her sit, placing a pillow behind her back to support her. She patted the masic. “Sit with me. Please.”

  “Whatever you need.” He wiped a tear off her cheek. “What is it? Are you certain you are not in pain?”

  “No. I just…I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time. I wish I hadn’t been so afraid to let myself care for you. If something had happened…”

  “But it did not. We are both safe. And we have years together. Years to be together.”

  She nodded. “I’m so glad. I was scared it wasn’t going to work. That I wasn’t going to see you again.”

  He pulled her gently against him. “I am here. I am going nowhere.”

  “You would have made an amazing Dad. I’m sorry I can’t give you that. I would have liked to have your baby.” The ache had been increasing inside her since he had first claimed to be her mate.

  “I told you that if we never have children, I will still consider myself the luckiest male in the universe.”

  “I know.” She blinked away a few tears.

  Thor took her hands in his. “But there is something I must tell you.”

  She frowned as she studied him. “What is it?”

  “When I placed you in the regen chamber, I had it do a thorough examination first so I could see the extent of the injuries. Lucy, it could find no reason why you cannot have children.”

  “But the doctor, he told me… but he worked for Husan, didn’t he? Husan told him to lie to me. Why?”

  Thor watched her sympathetically.

  “To break me,” she answered herself. “He wanted to break me. I can’t believe I believed him.” What an idiot!

  Then it really hit her. She could have children. “I can have children.”

  She moved her hand down over her stomach. Thor covered her hand with his. “We can have children.”

  A small sob escaped her and he stared at her in alarm. “This does not make you happy?”

  “It makes me very happy. These are happy tears. I’m just so happy.” She threw her arms around him. “Just think, if Lor hadn’t beat me we migh
t not have discovered that I can have a baby.”

  “I intended to do a full examination of you once we returned to Zerconia. And do not mention that male to me.” He clasped her close. “I do not intend to let you out of my sight for the next fifty years.”

  She snorted as she pulled back. “Right now, that actually appeals. But I’m pretty sure I’m going to want to pee soon and you are so not joining me for that.”

  “Do not be so certain. You will find me very protective. I cannot take another scare like the one you just gave me. When you fainted, I aged at least fifty years.”

  She peered at his hair. “Hmm, I think you might be right. There might be a few grays in there.”

  “Grays? I have no grays. I am only one hundred three.”

  She snuggled against him. “A hundred and three? My God, you’re positively a baby.”


  “Thor, I’ll be fine.”

  “I will go with you,” he replied stubbornly.

  She let out her breath. She wanted him with her. Her insides screamed for her to say yes. And that was exactly why she needed to say no. Because the urge to cling to him, to hide behind him was so strong.

  He had pampered her for the last three weeks, treated her like a china doll and she’d let him. Hell, she’d enjoyed every moment. But it would be all too easy to simply let him take care of her. At one time that’s exactly what she thought she wanted. Except she was stronger than she’d thought. She wanted to take part in her life instead of just sitting on the side lines and watching.

  That started now.

  “You’re not ready.”

  “To go shopping? Honey, I’m a woman. I was born to shop. I will be with Willa, Mila and Elika. We’re taking a guard. This is one of the safest planets to visit, you said so yourself. We’ll be in a busy marketplace.”

  “I do not like it. I think I will forbid it.”

  She grinned, used to him by now. He talked a good talk but underneath it all he was really just concerned about her.

  “You won’t forbid it.” She grabbed her hand and dragged him down to sit beside her. “Thor, we have to do this.”

  “No. We do not.”

  “Yes, we do. I know I scared you. I was scared as well. But I’m well. I’m safe and healthy. Am I going to still have nightmares? Yes, probably for months. I’ve still got nightmares from my time before in Husan’s hands. But I can’t live in fear. I can’t be afraid forever. I want to be normal. And I really want you to have sex with me again.”

  His eyes widened, turning amber. “I do not wish to hurt you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Unless you’ve turned into a sadist all of a sudden, you are not going to hurt me. I’m fine, Thor. Really. I love that you want to take care of me, but I’m not a child. I’m your mate.”

  “I know you are my mate.”

  “Then how come you won’t fuck me? ‘Cause I’m starting to think you don’t want me.”

  “You believe I do not want you?” He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. Heat filled her, rushing through her. He had kissed her in the last three weeks, but not like this. Her insides trembled, her nipples hardening to tight nubs.

  “Touch me. Please.”

  Starved for his touch, her hands trembled as she pulled her top off. She didn’t have a bra on and his breath caught as she bared her breasts.

  He cupped her breasts, moving his thumbs over her nipples, flicking them gently.

  “Are you certain?”

  “Completely. Utterly. Totally. I’m completely, utterly and totally certain that if you don’t make love to me I will explode.”

  “As your mate, I must see to your every need.” He picked her up, carrying her into the bedroom.

  “Yes, you must.”

  She arched her neck as he kissed his way down to her shoulder. Gently, he placed her on the bed then stood, staring down at her with glowing amber eyes.

  “What does my mate need?” he asked as he pulled his vest off.

  “You. I just need you. Touching me. Inside me.”

  He drew his pants down and she sat, reaching for his cock. His eyes closed, his jaw tightening as she moved her hands up and down his cock, running them back and forth. With one hand, she reached between his legs to cup his balls, squeezing lightly.

  “Stars, you cannot know how much I want you.”

  “If it’s even half as much as I want you then you want me desperately.”

  “Strip then place your bottom at the edge of the bed.”

  Hands trembling with excitement, she stripped and obeyed his command.

  He knelt between her legs and ran his hands up her thighs. Then he pulled her legs over his shoulders and dipped his mouth between her legs to take a long, deep lick.


  “I love the taste of you. Sweet and syrupy. Addictive. Mine.”

  He licked at her like a man starved. Up and down her lips, exploring, teasing, tasting. Around her clit. Up and down. Over and over until she writhed on the bed, her hands clenched into fists.

  She grew close to the edge, so close she could taste it. He pulled back, staring up at her.

  “Thor! No!”

  He grinned. “Is something wrong?”

  “I was so close! Please!”

  “Hmm. No. I think you should wait to come until I say you can.”

  “Are you kidding me? I have waited weeks for you and you want me to hold back?”

  “Yes.” He returned to her pussy, playing with her until she swore she was close to passing out from pleasure, pulling back each time she grew close to orgasm. It was torture, pure and simple.

  Just wait until it was her turn. Then he would pay.

  Thor stood then barked out a command in Zerconian and the masic rose until her pussy was aligned with his cock. He guided the head of his cock inside her slick lips, filling her slowly. Her pussy stretched, engulfing him.

  “Too slow.” She wanted fast. Hard.

  Thor leaned over her, his breath coming fast, face flush with desire. “I am close to coming.”

  “I’ve been close for the last half an hour,” she wailed.

  He grinned. Evil bastard.

  Then he moved and all thoughts of what a sadist he was fled from her head as he drove himself in and out of her. He stood straight, holding her hips with his hands to guide her. With one thumb, he rubbed her clit.

  “I need to come!”

  “Find your release, my mate. Let go!”

  She screamed, her back arching as she exploded. Her pussy pulsed, clit throbbing as wave after wave of pleasure slammed through her.

  Thor threw his head back with a yell as he followed her over.


  “Everyone set?” Willa asked, glancing around at the other three women.

  Lucy nodded. Elika, looking nervous but determined gave a short nod as well. Mila glanced back at the ship they had just left then towards the bustling markets in the distance. There were more than nerves on her face, there was a hint of fear.

  “If you’re not ready, Mila. It’s okay,” Lucy told her, taking her hand in hers. They’d landed on Ika two hours ago.

  Mila straightened her shoulders. “I’m good. Just kind of surprised Koran was okay about me going today.”

  Yeah, Lucy was kind of surprised as well. Koran made Thor seem positively chilled out and relaxed. He was not taking what happened to Mila at all well.

  “I thought for sure he’d try to talk me out of this or at least insist on coming.”

  Willa eyed Rye suspiciously. He, along with Tae and Lucan were accompanying them today. Darac had laid that down as non-negotiable and Lucy was kind of pleased. If she couldn’t have Thor with her then Rye was the next best thing.

  “Is Koran planning on following us?” Willa asked Rye.

  Rye shrugged. “If he is then he hasn’t told me.”

  Willa placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot impatiently. “This was supposed to be a fun girls shopping trip. Now it seems l
ike half the ship is coming along.”

  “You can’t blame them,” Rye told her. “The four of you have gotten into more trouble than everyone else on this ship combined.”

  “That’s not fair. I didn’t get into any trouble,” Willa told him.

  “Got yourself tied to a tree, though, didn’t you?” Rye teased.

  “And I bet you’ll never let me hear the end of it.”

  Lucy bit back a yawn as they wandered through rows of stalls. She’d never thought Willa would be a shopper, but the woman was on a mission and she wasn’t stopping until she found what she was looking for. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t tell anyone what she was looking for so they could help.

  So, instead, Lucy moved along and looked at all the pretty clothes and trinkets. She didn’t have many credits of her own and she certainly wasn’t going to ask Thor for any, but she was happy just to look.

  “I forgot what it was like to be outside in the sun. To be in a crowd.”

  Lucy turned to Elika who was looking a bit pale and harried. Lucy drew back beside her. “Are you okay? We can go back if necessary.”

  “No. It’s okay. I wanted to come. Not like I have any credits or anything, but I thought this was a good idea. I have to get back into things. I can’t hide away for ever.”

  “It’s only been a few weeks since you were rescued. Don’t push yourself so hard.”

  “I just hate being so reliant on others, you know? I don’t have anything. Even the clothes I’m wearing were bought by someone else.”

  “It was the same for me when I escaped. Still is, really. It’s hard to rely on others when you’ve been betrayed before. When you feel like you can only really trust yourself. But I’ve learned that people want to help and you’ve got to let them. It took me a long time to figure that out and to trust again. Let me help you, Elika. Please.”

  “Fine. But only until I’ve got my feet back under me. First on my list is finding a job.”

  Lucy wondered whether she should tell her how few jobs there were on Zerconia for women. “Umm, about that—”

  “What are you two doing?” Rye snapped, striding towards them.

  “Rye? What—”

  “We’re talking,” Elika said. “And you’re interrupting.”


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