The Alpha Premonition: Book 1: A Gathering Storm

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The Alpha Premonition: Book 1: A Gathering Storm Page 13

by Steve Catalano

About fifteen miles out, Paul reversed course and lined up for final approach at Edwards. As he continued to decelerate, both the Thunderbirds and the Blue Angels pulled up, as they were unable to fly as slow as the Alpha.

  Paul then switched from Joshua Approach Control to Edwards Tower, as requested.

  “November 1 Alpha - you are cleared to land. Welcome back.”

  “Cleared to land; thank you, Sir. It’s good to be back.”

  The Alpha crossed the runway threshold at less than one hundred knots. About 1,000 feet down the runway, the Alpha had slowed to almost a hover. Paul saw the landing area and slowly moved toward it.

  “Ten feet, five, four, three, two, one touchdown.”

  “Thank you, AIMI. Welcome home.”

  “Thrusters offline, Quantum drive to static, life support to manual, power cells to recharge, Quantum core to regenerate.”

  While AIMI followed Paul’s checklist commands, he manually positioned the control switches to the command positions, as an exercise in redundancy.

  “Alpha - Edwards. We have a NASA team coming out to deploy the biological isolation canopy, and they will be on the discreet frequency that was data linked to you earlier. Well done, sir, and welcome home.”

  “Thank you, sir.”


  The technicians had completely sealed Alpha in the bio-canopy. Paul was still sending telemetry to them. Shortly he would completely de-pressurize the Alpha.

  “Alpha, this is Dr. Livingston, we are ready when you are.”

  “I am de-pressurizing now, and will meet you at the airlock door.”

  As life support was already in manual, Paul manually de-pressurized the Alpha and opened the airlock inner door. Just outside of the outer door were the doctor and his team, all in bio suits. With his thumbs up, he opened the outer door. In walked two technicians, led by one who was obviously running the show.

  “Dr. Livingston, I presume?”

  They all laughed, and the doctor held out his hand in introduction, followed by the other two technicians.

  For the next thirty minutes, Paul was given a quick physical - blood test, saliva swab, and, even a urine sample. They all conversed, sent samples electronically, and checked the Alpha for unknown organisms as well. Thirty minutes later, Dr. Livingston de-pressurized his bio suit and took the helmet off, as did his associates.

  “You and your ship are cleaner than any of us. I’m certain you are quite aware of the unusual nature of your blood chemistry, among other things, but it does match the baseline numbers we have on file for you.”

  “Thanks for the clean bill of health, doctors.”

  “You are not only clean, you are the definition of perfect health. Best guess would be genetic enhancement or nano technology - probably both. And about a hundred years ahead of any of our leading-edge concepts.”

  “Well, you’re the Doctor, Doctor.”

  “Captain Christian, you have some of the best minds in the scientific world ready to meet you outside. There are a few politicians, as well, and, last but not least, your family. I am having them remove the isolation canopy now, so we are ready to leave when you are.”

  “Why don’t you guys go ahead? I’ll be out in five minutes. I need to finish putting the Alpha to bed.”

  “Of course, captain. We will see you outside in a few minutes. Pleasure meeting you, sir.”

  “For me as well, gentlemen.”

  Outside, scientists, politicians, and the media waited along with members and the principal of the Covert Operations Group. Most were there for benevolent reasons; unfortunately, the latter was not.

  “AIMI, transfer all command and control functions to my com/data link. Please lockout all systems and their functions. Emergency Lock Down protocol - ‘Paul Christian biometric profile’ via data link primary. Voice signature: ‘Twinkle, twinkle, little star‘.”

  “AIMI, thirty second test, and reset to default, please.”

  “Standing by, Paul.”

  “Twinkle, twinkle, little star.”

  Every screen, system, and switch went inoperative, except the time display, which only displayed a thirty second countdown. At thirty seconds, everything powered up, except command and control functions.

  “Thank you, AIMI. Just perfect.”

  “Paul, when can I expect you back, and what will be our destination?”

  “That remains to be seen, AIMI; most likely tomorrow, destination Oregon Meadows Air Park.

  Paul Christian realized it was time to go outside and face the world. All he wanted to see was his family, to give them hugs, and tell them how much he loved them.

  He stepped outside, and closed the entry door to the Alpha. There was a huge band playing just next to the receiving line leading up to the podium. The isolation canopy was gone, and there were several bleachers set up. It looked like several hundred people were seated. The receiving line leading to the podium was surrounded by what appeared to be individuals from all branches of the military. He recognized the two men at the podium who were clapping - one was the Governor of California, the other the President, and the others were most likely Secret Service agents.

  There, in the bleachers marked VIP, were his children Michelle and Steve and his mother Louise, with his brother Tony. Sitting next to them, were John and Bert. All were clapping and smiling. It was good to see them all. Seeing them made him feel at home.

  He looked back at the Alpha. The ship still had a slight bluish glow; it was still absorbing the last of the dynamic energy from reentry.

  As he approached the podium, he shook the Governor’s hand, followed by the President’s.

  “It is an honor to meet you, Captain Christian. Your journey and accomplishments have captivated the entire world. You have indeed brought this planet and all its inhabitants to a new age - an age of excitement and optimism.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President. Please call me Paul. Let me say I could not have made this journey without the support of my family and friends, including Jim Andrews and Armstrong Gagarin. In the past few days I have walked on Mars, and have seen it as well as Jupiter and Saturn from the black void of space. While most impressive and awe-inspiring, nothing can compare to the unique beauty of our own planet Earth. It is truly the jewel of our solar system. It must be treasured, preserved, and protected in all its beauty and splendor.”

  “Paul, after some introductions and refreshments, you, your family and your friends are invited to a banquet in your honor in Los Angeles this evening hosted by the governor.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President. I would be honored.”

  “Excellent. You and your friends and family can join me on Marine One over the hill to Los Angeles.”

  Paul Christian then took the podium. He was brief, and he thanked everyone for coming, and for the most part downplayed the most significant journey of exploration since the dawn of the human race. The handshaking and introductions seemed endless. Were it not for the fact that the President, the Speaker of the House, and several Senators and Congressmen asked to tour the Alpha, it probably would have been.

  “I would prefer just this small group for now, I know the Military and Press want inside. Perhaps we could do that at a later date?”

  The President smiled, “Paul, that is your call. Whatever you’re comfortable with is the way it’s going to be. You have my word on that.”

  Paul gave them a tour of the exterior of the Alpha. By now the bluish glow had ceased, but they had all seen it.

  “Total energy absorption, and efficiency?”

  “That’s correct, Senator, and on a molecular level - more accurately, on a sub-molecular level. But I won’t bore you with the details. Suffice it to say, when the Alpha is glowing blue, it the ultimate green vehicle.”

  The group all nodded and laughed.

  Paul finished the exterior tour with the Port
Emitter and thrusters, and then opened the Alpha’s entry door.

  “I can take about four at a time inside. The ship is mostly powered down, but the Artificial Intelligence Matrix Interface, or AIMI, is still on-line and active.”

  “Welcome aboard, Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Governor Basset, and Senator See.”

  “How does AIMI know who we are?

  ”Gentlemen, AIMI has voice, visual, and biometric scanning capability. If your voice, picture, or any biometric data is available, AIMI will be able to identify you. She can also do a scan and see how healthy you are, but she will respect your privacy unless it is specifically tasked to her.”

  After about fifteen minutes, Paul brought another group through, then another, then another. After almost an hour, they all returned to the podium. The crowd was beginning to dissipate.

  Paul embraced his mother, Louise. “I’m so proud of you, Son, I just can’t say!”

  “Me, too, Bro. You are the man!”

  Paul had his arm around his daughter and kissed her cheek gently. She had always been, and always would be, his little girl. A little girl of over two and a half decades, who was soon to be published and working towards her PhD.

  Into the mix came his son Steve - athlete, mathematics whiz, and soon to be entrepreneur and businessman.

  “Well done, Pops. What’s next?

  That same young man, whom he had taught to swim, surf, ride a bike, and fly, had come into his own and had been a tremendous asset over the past few days. Paul was as proud of his family as any father could be.

  “How ‘bout we go home tomorrow, rent a movie, and bake a pizza?”

  “No way, Dad. I want some BBQ!”

  “Burgers, chicken, or steak?”

  “All of the above, and some corn on the cob, too.”

  “Well, Son, that sounds like a plan. In a few minutes, we are taking a helicopter ride on Marine One for dinner and probably another press conference.”

  At that point, the Secret Service ushered the President and his entourage, along with Paul Christian’s friends and family, to Marine One for the short journey over the San Bernardino mountains to Los Angeles.

  “Paul, I would like you to meet Roger Bannon. He is with the Secret Service. He and his team will be providing security for you and your family for the time being.”

  Paul offered his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Roger explained how he and his men would be there for his family, and would do their best not to disrupt their lives.

  “I guess I’m going to need a bigger house.”

  “Nothing to worry about, sir. We will make due.”

  Paul looked at his son Steve. “I guess we are going to need a lot more food for the BBQ tomorrow!”

  The Secret Service detachment laughed and nodded. Roger added, “Sounds good to us.”

  The LA banquet was lavish. Paul had never seen so many different types food in one place. The President of Universal Airlines and the Los Angeles Chief Pilot were among the guests. They managed to maneuver though the crowd and greeted Paul.

  Paul shook their hands and greeted them warmly. “How’re things going at Universal?”

  Universal stock had taken off just like a rocket; in fact it had increased several hundred-fold. Since Paul Christian was not listed on the stock exchange, the market did the next best thing; they poured money into his employer, as if the Airline had some corner on space travel. So much money, in fact, that Universal was now the most highly capitalized corporation on the exchange.

  Numerous stockholders were made wealthy over the events of the past few days. Everyone wanted a piece of the action.

  “Paul, the airline was worth a few billion three days ago; it is now well in excess of two trillion dollars net worth, and then some. The White House and NASA have requested that we put you on a loan to them. We would like to honor you locally here in LA, as well as in Dallas at the training center. Well done.”

  “Thanks, guys. I’m still a bit overwhelmed, and that’s most gracious of you. I’m truly honored by all this.”

  With that, Paul took the podium, said a few words, and narrated a visual presentation. The pictures covered everything from docking with Freedom, the landing and departure on Mars, the swing around Jupiter, and finally their transition to quantum slipstream, followed by their return to Freedom and later Edwards.

  A press conference followed, while there were numerous questions, many of them were repetitive in nature.

  “How do you feel about what you have done?”

  “Pretty good, how do you feel about it?”

  “Do you think what you have done will change the balance of world power?”

  “I’m a pilot, not a politician. That question is probably best answered by one.”

  “How you explain your development of these break-through technologies?”

  “I seek not to explain them, but to apply them, for the betterment of all of us on this beautiful planet.”

  “No, this is not a military project.”

  “No, the Alpha is not a weapon. It does not even carry armaments.”

  Paul Christian was still playing it very close to the vest; his answers were very general, if not witty. There were also some ringers in the audience, asking very technical questions, far more complex than even a scientific journalist or even editor would ask. Just as Jim and AG had cautioned, many people were hungry for information, and not all of them were benevolent.

  It had been a long day, Paul and his family retired to the huge suite that had been provided for them, along with their Secret Service shadows.

  The next day, Marine One took the Presidential entourage and Paul Christian’s family and friends back to Edwards Air Force Base.

  Everyone said their farewells, and the President added, “Paul, I’m expecting you and your family and friends for a State dinner in three days. We would also like you to address a joint session of Congress the following day. Air Force Two is at your disposal.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President. I will be there, and I will take you up on your most generous offer as well.”

  With that the President shook his hand and departed. He glanced over at the Alpha and smiled. “Incredible, just incredible!”

  The Secret Service had convinced Paul that landing the Alpha at Portland International Airport would be a better course of action than back at Oregon Meadows Air Park. The Alpha would be parked on the south side of Runway 28 Left at the Oregon National Guard facility with round the clock security, as it had at Edwards.

  Since the Alpha had four normal seats and one auxiliary, the Secret Service had to go in a government transport. They were not happy with the situation, but the President had reminded Roger Bannon that it was Paul Christian’s call.

  Paul readied the Alpha for its departure, not even a sub-orbital flight - only up to 40,000 feet and subsonic. That would be the best time/altitude for the fighters that would be flying in formation with him back to Portland. Since the Secret Service was not on board, he agreed to a fighter escort - two F-15s from the Portland National Guard. Ironically, a neighbor, friend, and fellow airline pilot flew one of the F-15s.

  It was amusing that the trip would be just over an hour and twenty minutes - more time than the return to Earth from Jupiter in Quantum slipstream, more time even than his de-orbit and return from Freedom. Paul smiled and thought it’s true that time is relative.

  Seated next to Paul was his son Steve; behind him were John Lohman and Burt Roberts. At the secondary AIMI Station in the auxiliary seat was Michelle.

  It was a great day to fly - the second day in a row that Paul was able to fly formation with US fighters. Everyone enjoyed the view.

  As Paul was handed over to Portland Approach Control, it was obvious this was not a normal day at PDX, either.

  “Good afternoon, Portland Approach - Nov
ember 1 Alpha. 10,000 feet, 250 knots, with information Bravo.”

  “November 1 Alpha - Portland Approach. Welcome home, sir.”

  “Thanks, guys; and we have the airport in sight.”

  “November 1 Alpha. You are cleared visual approach Runway 28 Left.”

  “Cleared visual approach, 28 Left. Thank you, sir.”

  “Thank you, sir! We are honored; you are our first space ship!”

  Paul looked at Steve and smiled, then transmitted, “It’s my first space ship, too!”

  “November 1 Alpha. In case you haven’t noticed, there’re about a million people around the airport here to see your arrival.”

  It was true. The police had to divert traffic and put temporary revisions in place to control the volume of traffic.

  “Good afternoon, Portland Tower. November 1 Alpha is with you on a visual 28 left.”

  “N 1 Alpha - Portland Tower. Welcome home, and cleared to land 28 left.”

  “Portland Tower - November 1 Alpha. Let’s thank these kind people who came out to see us. Requesting a fly-by and return to land.”

  “N 1 Alpha. You are cleared for a low pass, and cleared to land 28 left.”

  The two F-16s radio call was Alpha Guard Flight. Paul communicated his plan, and they agreed.

  Paul then briefed his passengers on what was next. They all smiled and gave him thumbs up, except Michelle.

  “Dad, you’re not going to pull any Gs, are you?!”

  “Yes, Sweet Pea, probably about six or seven, but with the inertial dampers, you won’t feel anything other than one G or normal gravity. You will just see a large pitch change.”

  “Ok, Dad. I trust you.”

  The Alpha flanked by two F-15s, over-flew Portland Runway 28 Left at 100 feet and 200 knots. The crowd cheered. At the end of the runway, Paul pulled the Alpha into a nearly vertical climb, and in less than five seconds was accelerating through 500 knots. Just short of supersonic velocity and at 15,000 feet, he leveled off and reduced power. He had pulled away from the F-16s, but as he reduced speed and descended, they were back in formation on both sides.

  “November 1 Alpha - Portland Tower. That was most impressive, sir! You are cleared to land Runway 28 Right. Welcome home.”


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